ScoJo's Running Down a Dream Journal (comments welcome)

Good Luck, Scott! I'm thinking about you and praying that tomorrow will be an INCREDIBLE experience and success!
How awesome that you will be wearing that :mickeyjum medal very soon!!! I know you can't read this now since you're out on the course, but I'm sending lots of prayers and pixiedust: your way. What an amazing journey this has been for you. I'm so glad to have shared it with you each step of the way. :cheer2: :cheer2:
Hey Scott...can't wait to hear how the race went!!
Pictures please!!!
(not-so-patiently) waiting for details!!! :upsidedow
Glad to see that you're alive. Man, I can't wait to read your race report. It's gonna be a goooooood one!!!

Off topic warning: I've been resisting getting sucked into LOST but I finally gave in and am watching it on dvds with DH. Tonight we got to the episode that said "don't mistake coincidence for fate" and I recognized it from your signature and yelled "That's where he got it from!" DH looked at me like I was crazy. :rotfl:
Glad to see that you're alive. Man, I can't wait to read your race report. It's gonna be a goooooood one!!!

Off topic warning: I've been resisting getting sucked into LOST but I finally gave in and am watching it on dvds with DH. Tonight we got to the episode that said "don't mistake coincidence for fate" and I recognized it from your signature and yelled "That's where he got it from!" DH looked at me like I was crazy. :rotfl:

:rotfl2: Too funny!!! And YES, that's where I got the quote from. It actually is said in two different episodes. I LOVE that show and can't wait until the second half of this season gets underway. So nice to see someone else out there getting into it!!

I'm working on the report right now. It's taking me some time to get together. And I believe it's NOT what you all are expecting ;)
Woohoo!:yay: Scott is back!:cool1:

I am sooo looking forward to your trip report..... Is this the one from way back in September or is this your race report that you're working on? :rotfl: (Just kidding!)

Congratulations Scott!:thumbsup2
Yea, Scott's back!!! Can't wait to read all about it. The good, the bad, and the ugly - fact remains, medal = marathon man! :woohoo:
Thursday January 11th, 2007

10 months ago, I made a decision that would change my life forever.

Originally it was a decision to train and complete a half marathon…losing weight, getting in shape and challenging myself along the way. I knew a marathon might be in my future if I could successfully complete half of it. I have never been a runner, never ran more than a mile in my life, the task seemed nearly impossible. But I started. And I stuck to it. I frequently posted my progress on these boards and was met with an overwhelming amount of support and encouragement. So much so that I was convinced that a full marathon was in the cards way before I ever thought possible.

Signing up for that marathon was a moment I’ll never forget. My heart was racing as I submitted my info and received the confirmation. I envisioned a long road full of difficult running, intense cross training and so many unknown factors associated with such an event. In the end it was the unknown factors that will stay with me forever.

In the end, the experience that is a marathon is not about how fast you ran, how many gels you consumed or what food you ate the night before. It’s about heart. It’s about what you have inside of you. Getting thru the training is the physical reward, cause believe me, if you can run 18 you can run 26.2. The race itself is both the reward for having gone thru that difficult training, and one of the best pure mental gifts you can receive.

My race report is not about split times or even the finishing times. It’s about what I saw…what I felt…the things that made the marathon what it is, the unknown things that I never thought about going into the race.

My memories are mental snapshots. Like the snapshot of seeing a woman on the side of the road limping in pain, with a bloody red sock…and later seeing her running again. The image of 20 or so US Military troops lined up during a tough portion of the course, hands outstretched, hi-fiving every runner as we went by. The sight of the red carpet rolled out for us as we entered MGM. Running thru the castle on our way from Tomorrowland to Adventureland in the Magic Kingdom. The image of the Finish line banner as we made the turn into the Epcot parking lot. The kindness of a casual park tourer who offered his water to a girl that had been tripped up on the course. The sounds of random spectators shouting out our names as we ran by “Go Scott!! Looking great!! You can do it!!” The inspiration of seeing a blind runner at mile 21 being guided along the course by her partner, with only a wet towel separating them. The random humorous Sharpie sponsored signs around mile 17 during a hot and miserable trek around the recycling plant (like “how do deer know to cross at those yellow signs”). The sight of a severely limping runner declining the use of a wheelchair after crossing the finish line.

When it’s all said and done and you are wearing your medal around the world, fellow marathoners never ask “what time did you finish it in”…they opt for a simple “congratulations”. It’s the fitting one word that puts a cap on grueling training and a long race. They know…they’ve been there…and now I have too.

Will I run another one? Probably. There is certainly an addicting feeling that you get. Not one of personal gain or achievement, but one of comaraderie for the fellow runner. I wouldn’t run again to seek some personal best, but I’d run again to live the experience.

Thanks to every single person who posted on this journal, and to those who I met during the marathon weekend. Thanks for helping me achieve a dream. Support and encouragement are irreplaceable values that I could never have done this without. The idea that people from around the country can come together on a message board and support each other so amazingly without even really knowing one another is incredible and something I’ll never forget. Each of you have played an important part in a lifetime achievement for me. I wish I could properly thank all of you…honestly, I wouldn’t even know how to begin. So please accept a big “thank you” and know that it comes from the heart.

So it is with this post that I bid you all farewell. I’ve accomplished more than I ever dreamed of. While I will no longer continue this journal, I will stop by from time to time in yours to try and give back half of the support I’ve received. To try and help all of you with your personal goals and dreams. To try and help you cross your own finish line.

I have crossed mine.
Well done Scott. Well done.

And, yes, Congratulations really does say it all, doesn't it? :goodvibes

Thank you for sharing your journey with us all! Your marathon report was beautifully written as always. I really felt like I could see the other runners through your eyes.

You are such an inspiration! Keep up the good work and don't be a stranger!
:sad: :sad:What a race report. :sad: :sad:

You captured every single one of my thoughts on why this dream is so important to me. I'm so proud that after all the months of worrying about time splits and distances that you let all that go and ran it with your heart. That you just soaked in the experience.

"I have crossed mine."

You have no idea how much reading that line touched a place in my soul. I WANT to be able to say the very same words. I can't believe this is the end of your journal. It's been so comforting reading it and living this experience through you. But now I guess it's on me to see it for myself.

Thank you friend.
Wow, Scott. How awesome!! Gotta say, I'm sad I won't have your journal to read, but I am SO proud of you. You are a true athlete and a wonderful person! Congrats on every level. I'm so happy that you truly enjoyed the experience!

Thanks for all of the help and support you've given me this past year. You're an incredible source of inspiration for me.

Please keep in touch, friend. I honestly think of you as one. :hug:

Your race report is such an amazing expression of your experience.:goodvibes I'll admit.... I cried!:blush: Thank you for sharing your journey with us. You are an amazing source of inspiration for all of us! We'll miss you!:grouphug: Please stop by and let us know how you are doing. Take care!:grouphug:
Wow.....I have tears in my eyes!!!
That was an awsome/heartwarming/inspiring "ending".
Congratulations Scott and good luck for whatever the future holds for you!

Let us know when you do the New York City marathon!!!

Just had to post to bump this up for others to read. Your entire journal is inspirational, and your 'farewell' made me cry! A good cry, though!

You are AWESOME!!


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