12/09/06 Cruise Continued ~ Pirating Bananas DIS Geekorama Part 2 Part 15

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So I want to pull a John1, and suddenly the boards are like a turtle!
I know it is not a 000 Lisa, but let an old friend have his Jollies for old time's sake.
I just get this feeling that Caroline is going to sneak in here any minute!
Kim, DD wants to go camping (oh we are RVing now, not camping!) at Cherry Hill on June 30 - July 3. That's near you, I think.

Why yes it is. About 1 hour away! They have a great water park there too!!

Hi guys....

Our family had a close call last night.....

My Dbil is in Afghanistan. i never knew which base (security reasons).

But when i heard the news reports this morning of the attacks i had to call DSis to check....

Turns out he is on the base that was attacked. His unit is all ok but they're well shaken of course..... (one of the wives got an e-mail before the base was locked down) It's just really scary.

His name is Andy (just like my dh). Any prayers you could give for him and his unit would be appreciated right now....

BTW cool motorhome D&A.... You gotta swing by DC too.... Gettysburg has some nice campgrounds and i know of one with nice hookups closer in called Little Bennett State Park. (DD camped there with the scouts a few times)

and nice painting Caroline....(love your floors too) Is the back area your closets or another bath?

Kristina, Prayers for him and all those other brave brave people.

Well, since you all helped me get thru last year with Mike's graduate school...I just have to share this with you. This morning I tried to call him at work & someone else answered the phone. They told me that DH was in another position until the end of the year and gave me his new number. I figured that he was just filling in for someone. This afternoon a friend showed up at the door to visit and congradulated him. When I asked for what they said for his promotion. Well, that was news to me! So, we don't have to (or get to for now) move for him to be promoted. It is so nice for all of his hard work last year to be recognized. I am very proud of him. :love:

Yea for Mike!!!

John, love the mac shirt at Sophia's party.

I have had one heck of a week, but after traveling 24 hours straight, I finally got home today at 2 p.m. I was supposed to be home Thursday night about midnight. Atlanta was really scary.

Have you ever done something so stupid you don't realize how stupid you were until it is all over? I am not suprised by my behavior, but I am suprised by my total inability to admit I have lmitations.

I had incredible pain last Saturday and Sunday, but it was Steve's Birthday and Sunday his family was coming over and I thought I was just having back pain and I was being a woos. Anyway, I just took 800 mill ibuprofen every 4 hours for 2 days (also really stupid) and by 4 a.m. Monday morning, after not sleeping for 3 days I was worse and because I did not want to wake Savannah up, I went to the hosiptal by myself. (also stupid) Anyway, takes the dr about 5 minutes to decide he knows what is wrong, hooks me up to an I.V. and starts Morphine. ok, I feel better, but then people come to get me for CT scans and make me sign stuff... (should have called Steve before the morphine) and I have a Kidney Stone. So from 4-10 I do the morphine and other drugs to break up the stone thing and they call steve (gee, I should have done that) who has to come pick me up. They frown on people driving while sedated.

So Steve takes me home I sleep until noon. Then I get even dumber and I went to work until 2 then drove to the airport. They gave me really heavy duty pain pills, which I did I got take until I got on the steps of the airport shuttle bus. I flew to Ft Lauderdale and got there about midnight. I took pain pills as directed every 4 hours all night until I got up and went to meetings for 3 days. 2 of the days heavily sedated.... I cannot even believe I am writing this.. Can you believe I seriously did this? We had one bus ride to dinner with the whole group and the bus driver got lost so it took us an 1 1/2 to get to the restaurant and my pain pill wore off and I was in tears... Astounding. I am so stupid!

Anyway, that's for everyone who needs someone to make them feel better about thier decisions today. Just look at my fabulous choices.

Well, since you all helped me get thru last year with Mike's graduate school...I just have to share this with you. This morning I tried to call him at work & someone else answered the phone. They told me that DH was in another position until the end of the year and gave me his new number. I figured that he was just filling in for someone. This afternoon a friend showed up at the door to visit and congradulated him. When I asked for what they said for his promotion. Well, that was news to me! So, we don't have to (or get to for now) move for him to be promoted. It is so nice for all of his hard work last year to be recognized. I am very proud of him. :love:

:yay: :yay: :banana: Way to go, Mike!
Angie & Dennis you guys sound like you are having a blast in your new home. When you were talking about microwave popcorn and then mention aluminum foil - I suddenly had imagine of you making jiffy pop popcorn. :lmao:

No jiffypop. :lmao: :lmao:
Why yes it is. About 1 hour away! They have a great water park there too!!

Kristina, Prayers for him and all those other brave brave people.

Yea for Mike!!!

John, love the mac shirt at Sophia's party.

I have had one heck of a week, but after traveling 24 hours straight, I finally got home today at 2 p.m. I was supposed to be home Thursday night about midnight. Atlanta was really scary.

Have you ever done something so stupid you don't realize how stupid you were until it is all over? I am not suprised by my behavior, but I am suprised by my total inability to admit I have lmitations.

I had incredible pain last Saturday and Sunday, but it was Steve's Birthday and Sunday his family was coming over and I thought I was just having back pain and I was being a woos. Anyway, I just took 800 mill ibuprofen every 4 hours for 2 days (also really stupid) and by 4 a.m. Monday morning, after not sleeping for 3 days I was worse and because I did not want to wake Savannah up, I went to the hosiptal by myself. (also stupid) Anyway, takes the dr about 5 minutes to decide he knows what is wrong, hooks me up to an I.V. and starts Morphine. ok, I feel better, but then people come to get me for CT scans and make me sign stuff... (should have called Steve before the morphine) and I have a Kidney Stone. So from 4-10 I do the morphine and other drugs to break up the stone thing and they call steve (gee, I should have done that) who has to come pick me up. They frown on people driving while sedated.

So Steve takes me home I sleep until noon. Then I get even dumber and I went to work until 2 then drove to the airport. They gave me really heavy duty pain pills, which I did I got take until I got on the steps of the airport shuttle bus. I flew to Ft Lauderdale and got there about midnight. I took pain pills as directed every 4 hours all night until I got up and went to meetings for 3 days. 2 of the days heavily sedated.... I cannot even believe I am writing this.. Can you believe I seriously did this? We had one bus ride to dinner with the whole group and the bus driver got lost so it took us an 1 1/2 to get to the restaurant and my pain pill wore off and I was in tears... Astounding. I am so stupid!

Anyway, that's for everyone who needs someone to make them feel better about thier decisions today. Just look at my fabulous choices.


Oh, Kim. I am so sorry! :grouphug: Did the stones pass? Are you ok? Both times I had a stone it passed within 12 hours or so and then I was fine. I can't imagine that going on for days. You poor thing. :hug: I'm glad you are home safely.
Well, since you all helped me get thru last year with Mike's graduate school...I just have to share this with you. This morning I tried to call him at work & someone else answered the phone. They told me that DH was in another position until the end of the year and gave me his new number. I figured that he was just filling in for someone. This afternoon a friend showed up at the door to visit and congradulated him. When I asked for what they said for his promotion. Well, that was news to me! So, we don't have to (or get to for now) move for him to be promoted. It is so nice for all of his hard work last year to be recognized. I am very proud of him. :love:

wonderful news!!! an extra cruise in the offing? ;)
Sorry I havent posted over here in awhile ...As most of you may already know my real Father past away last Friday , Though I didnt even know about him till I was 12 I did have the chance to get to know him a little during my teens and early 20's . For me he was never really a "Father" and was difficult going back to Buffalo this week , but I did and for the most part made my peace ...The Positive thing that did come out of this was I finally met my brother and sister that I had never met and they were in the same boat as I , they also never had him around as a "Father" ...Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers ..


Thank you for letting us know. I hope you are able to establish a relationship with your siblings - that would be wonderful. We're glad you made it through.
That is exactly what we felt like! Kids camping out in the yard. :cool1: DrHug called me today from WM (after getting his plates for his car) and he was SHOPPIN'! Coffee maker, toaster, frying pan. ;)

this is so exciting - we need to hear every detail - plus I need to take notes for when I get my trailer. maybe you guys need a web cam ;)
Kim - that sounds terrible - you need to care for yourself so you can continue to care for your family. I hope you are resting this week.

We need to all skip one after school activity and make all those doctor appts. that we have been postponing - well speaking for myself that is. ;)
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