IF the Big Cheese is reading, how would you improve DVC? *Updated Summary Post #105*

Stop building DVC Units! Arghhhhh....It is getting too crowded!

I am always annoyed by the whole member ID process when phoning into DVC..

Regardless if you have your member ID you have to answer every question about your address, phone, birthday, etc.. I understand that records need to be updated, but it is time consuming and annoying! There is no point to give your ID number, because you still have to answer the same set of questions every time that you call! :confused3

I want some little perk for buying 3 full memberships! Even though Michigan is exempt from perks...I want a secret something on the side!!!:headache:
I agree with the Prophet... I would like to see DVC and Disney as a whole become more environmentally aware. The garbage they produce every day must be immense. I would love to see hybrid buses, energy efficient lighting, biogdegradable cups, plates, cleaning products, garbage cans for recycling cans and plastic bottles, etc.

I agree I don't need a confirmation in the mail. I don't receive one from other hotels. I just made two reservations for a different trip and confirmations were all sent by email. Not as magical, but definitely more cost effective and environmentally friendly.

They are a company that many watch and look up to and they have the ability to be a leader.
16. Noon Checkout
NO, NO, NO!!! That would mean we wouldn't get into our units when checking in!! I want to keep the 4 PM check in so I can grocery shop that first evening before dinner. Noon check out will mean 5-6 for getting in the room....too late in my book.
Here I would have to respectfully disagree. Americans are too used to thinking 'what we want is what everyone else should or does want and we know why they should believe it'. The simple fact is that it in this matter the US leads the way in it's attempt to legislate common sense - however, a good part of the world's poplulation is not 'enlightened' to our new found 'wisdom'. TWDC has a long history of attempting to accomendate a diversity of culture (ie/ 'the Disney point'...accpeting alternative lifestyled cast without discrimination). The disadvantage is to close yourself off from a meaningful client base.
I don't doubt that there's some sense in this paragraph, but it has absolutely nothing to do with my post you were supposedly responding to.

For one thing, I am not advocating legislating anything. I'm advocating that Disney make a good business decision to go totally non-smoking...like more progressive timeshares already have done. I think it would reduce their costs (which get passed along to us, the owners), would be a positive marketing tool, and would make the vast majority of DVC owners (but not everyone) happy. They might lose a few smoking customers (I doubt it), but it would be a big net plus overall.

Secondly, clean air legislation (which, again, I'm not advocating because we already have it) is not an attempt to legislate common sense. It's not about trying to convince smokers to quit. It's about protecting public health -- the health of those who don't smoke -- and equally important, protecting those who have to work every day in those environments.

We don't have smoke free aircraft, restaurants, and hotels for the passengers, diners, and guests -- we have them for the health of the flight crews and restaurant staff and housekeeping folks. We have them because it saves management a ton of money on lost productivity due to sick leave and insurance costs.

The fact that the rest of us don't have to put up with the stench is just gravy.
JimMIA - we'll have to agree to disagree.

I don't doubt that there's some sense in this paragraph, but it has absolutely nothing to do with my post you were supposedly responding to.

...I am not advocating ... They might lose a few smoking customers (I doubt it)...The fact that the rest of us don't have to put up with the stench...

Apparently however, despite your first comment, you did catch wind of my point -customer loss.
In light of the adjective choosen (stench) in your closing comment, I don't know how anyone could think you're "advocating" a position.

I also do not think it's a valid comparison on the 'common sense' of not permitting people who are sealed in a pressurized aircraft cabin from smoking or being exposed to smoke to the topic at hand.
In light of the adjective choosen (stench) in your closing comment, I don't know how anyone could think you're "advocating" a position.
I didn't say I wasn't advocating -- I said I wasn't advocating a legislative solution. The two "advocating" quotes are as follows:
"I am not advocating legislating anything."

and, "Secondly, clean air legislation (which, again, I'm not advocating because we already have it)"

I am advocating a sound business decision by Disney to go non-smoking. OP asked what suggestions we had for improving DVC, and I'm offering a sensible suggestion. I think going 100% non-smoking would improve DVC. You disagree...and that is your right.

Also, "stench" is a noun, not an adjective. It means:
1. an offensive smell or odor; stink.
2. a foul quality.
I didn't say I wasn't advocating You disagree...and that is your right.

That's what I meant when I said that we could agree to disagree...perhaps you weren't able to comprehend that??

Also, "stench" is a noun, not an adjective.
Thanks Jim!! That clarification certainly doesn't reduce your clear biasis. In your retirement you've gained a WONDERFUL understanding of grammar and 'foul qualities'!(edited just to please Deb & "Dill" ) It's equally amazing you have an uncanny ability to avoid responding to my points! ;)...Thanks!:3dglasses
I agree with the Prophet... I would like to see DVC and Disney as a whole become more environmentally aware. The garbage they produce every day must be immense. I would love to see hybrid buses, energy efficient lighting, biogdegradable cups, plates, cleaning products, garbage cans for recycling cans and plastic bottles, etc.

I agree I don't need a confirmation in the mail. I don't receive one from other hotels. I just made two reservations for a different trip and confirmations were all sent by email. Not as magical, but definitely more cost effective and environmentally friendly.

They are a company that many watch and look up to and they have the ability to be a leader.

I thought Disney already was doing a lot for the environment. Don't you see Jiminy Cricket on the info you get when you check in? Plus, isn't he on the green recycling bin in your villa? I see the recycling garbage cans all over the parks and in the villa trash rooms. They recycle food rather than sending it straight to the dump - it's used for composting. I'd be hybrid buses might be hard because of the size of the batteries they would need. I think they already have the most energy efficient buses in the newer ones that they have.
I'm gone back and picked up some items so am updating and reorganzing the list into two categories: Operational & Perks.

Operational / Room Improvements:

...5. Better enforcement of Rules

Actually, I wrote "enforce the rules or change them".
I'd like to see some special park perks for members. Someone earlier mentioned extra fast passes, that sounds like an inexpensive bonus that many DVC'ers would enjoy. I also liked the idea of a special fireworks viewing area. It wouldn't have to be every night, but say Wednesday night at Illuminations, have a DVC member gathering area. It would be a member mixer at the same time!
I would also LOVE even a small discount on souveniers. I get the 10% at World of Disney for being a passholder, but why can't we get even 5% at the park shops? I know I'd buy more stuff if I even had that much off.

This will probably never happen, but let's just have DVC yearly mugs and be DONE with all the fuss!!! If you come in 2007, you buy ONE mug and you use it at the DVC resorts for that year. Shoot, even changing them on the half year would be better. Fountain drinks cost about 10 cents a serving and with what they would be saving creating ALL those mugs with different designs it would probably even out.
Just 1 suggestion.....DVC should be more environmentally conscious and save some trees

One example is that DVC should give you the option of opting out of mailings and having them sent electronically to your inbox.
I do not need them to send me a piece of paper in the mail confirming my reservation. I can look it up on the website, or email it to me.
Can also save serious money on postage.....

The Prophet

This was going to be my suggestion....thanks!
Thanks Deb & Bill for pointing out the things Disney is doing to save energy and resources. I didn't know they recycled food scraps - that's great!

One thing that really bothers me at BWV is if you buy one of their mugs they don't have a refilling station so they fill up a disposable cup and then give it to you to pour in your mug :confused3 It seems like such a waste. I really wish they would add a refillable mug station at BWV - I think it's the only DVC that does not have one. I hope they hear me!
For about 10 years my job would take me out of town almost every other week. During that time at least every other month due to full capacity or just bad luck I would up in a smoking room! On these nights I would always coughing all night long and have problems sleeping! Not to mention the smell! The thing with smoking is that not only does it effect the smoker him or herself but, everything and everyone around them! I have smoker friends that won't even smoke in their own houses because the tar sticks to the walls! Just think about that stuff in your lungs! Yuck!
For about 10 years my job would take me out of town almost every other week. During that time at least every other month due to full capacity or just bad luck I would up in a smoking room! On these nights I would always coughing all night long and have problems sleeping! Not to mention the smell! The thing with smoking is that not only does it effect the smoker him or herself but, everything and everyone around them! I have smoker friends that won't even smoke in their own houses because the tar sticks to the walls! Just think about that stuff in your lungs! Yuck!
This thread is not really the place for "The Great Smoking Debate." The correct place for that debate is: http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?t=575187&page=69

Because smoking/non-smoking is one of those topics that generates a lot of emotion, the mods have limited purely smoke/don't smoke debate to that one thread. The original post in that thread offers an opportunity to vote in a poll, so start there. So far almost 700 people have voted, with about 71% voting to make DVC completely non-smoking.

I offered the suggestion of DVC going completely non-smoking on this thread because this thread is about ways to improve DVC. My suggestion is only one of more than 40 suggested improvements, and we don't want to hijack the thread by focusing on only one suggestion.
Waking this thread back up...something came to me this morning after reading various threads about booking windows, day-by-day, etc. How about :idea: :

Alter booking process to open the window on the FIRST day of a reservation, with reservations allowed for up to 7 days at a time. Day-by-day could be used to extend past 7 days (or wait for the next window for the full extension). The 7 days is negotiable - I suppose it should probably be around the average of the typical DVC stay - abberations caused by people with thousands of points not withstanding... :)

This would simplify life for both DVC members and MS, I think, and fewer questions here...

I admit, I'm still a newbie with DVC - won't be coming "home" until July. Maybe there is a reason it's the way it is...:confused3
I also have a suggestion towards the refillable mugs. We usually have to switch resorts from DVC to value or Moderate on the weekends due to our not having too many points. We usually have to purchase two mugs each!
Why can't disney design a mug to carry through for the entire length of stay...no matter which resort. I'm pretty sure others have the same problem.
Grreat thread--keep 'em coming!

Certainly, not everyone here agrees with each suggestion made, but so far many items on the list would be preferable to the majority.

Let's hope EARS are listening...

One thing I know has been mentioned a lot and that is not on the list on post # 76 is--

The ability to check resort availability ONLINE. Ok, maybe booking online is too cumbersome (especially because of banking/borrowing/holding issues), but just to be able to check if your resort choice and size and dates are available would be HUGE!


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