8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Part 11

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No offense taken. I'm an idiot as well as a dummy!
I have a 6-week tri training program that I am following. I started Monday. 5 weeks and 4 days to go.

DH is also, um, helpful, sorta. He's a triathlete. He even ran a 1/2 Ironman, commonly referred to as "aluminum foil guy" in our house (1.25 mile swim, 56 mile bike, 13 mile swim).

I'm signed up for a mear 500 yard swim, 10 mile bike, 4.1 mile rum...I mean RUN!

The things I do for t-****s! Someday I'll have to make a list to leave as a legacy for my kids.


I treasure my race T-shirts! Why ... just 2 days ago I dug up and wore a Marin County Century shirt! It was almost 20 years old and it still fits! What a hoot! At any rate
Thanks Jonesing for the entertaining cake! It's good fer a bunch of chuckles!

:bday: :jumping1: :bday:
:bday: :jumping1: :bday:


Yargrnhoj ... what a classic cake! WHo would have figured anything like this existed! Why... but of course it exists! And again - a load of chuckles - and I DO love Chocolate! Triple thanks!

Belated Happy Birthday to Captain Crash


Extermi-cake. Extermi-cake.

Well... O'BWV, believe it or not I've had lots of low key birthdays pass recently. I really sort of miss the grand celebrations somewhat so - in a way I am sort of used to it. AND ... I DO appreciate your simply mentioning well wishes. Thank you kindly!

aaahhh Tom....sorry we missed your Birthday.......:bday: Pal!

Thanks a bunch Lorri!

Andy, you always have such great birthday greetings that I'm pirating this one tonight.

Happy Belated Birthday Crash!

Thank you for the gracious cake Stace... I'm humbled with your cake - especially considering all the silly postings I made with the forehead tatto thing!



Mary Ann.... Thank You kindly fer the i-motion B-day array! It's always a riot since they're all truly "hand made"!!!

Awwww, CC.........

party: :bday: :bday: :bday: party:
Happy (belated) Birthday


Lisa... I guess I messed up. It's not your fault. I have been sort of off balance as of late - and I've not covered all my details lately!

Tom, you didn't send me any of your family's birthdays. Glad to hear that it was a good one. :goodvibes :wizard:

Thanks Andy! I always wanted a xake delivered by Goofy!

"Happy Be-lated Birthday Tom"


And Monica....

Thank you fer such an ELABORATE well wishing. I was in such a hurry to pack the car with my spouse pestering me to "get the lead out" I did not see your posting til tonight! Thanks again!

Since we missed it....


Since it's so small, the button says:
Happy Birthday, Tom!
I know it must be startling to realize how common
your name must be for this button to have been
produced, but just think how much more disconcerting
it would be if it also mentioned your brown hair and
your concern about losing it, your great athletic
potential, your subtle sense of humor, and your
intense drive to succeed.
Enjoy your chocolate cake!​



... I didn't get a chance to thank you properly with my spouse badgering me to get packed to hit the road earlier today. But I wanted to say ... "but OF COURSE I'm a Star Wars fan!" I even have a full Anakin costume with an elaborate quality to it! Plus I got my spouse one of those Padame costumes too to match me! You know... the Padame with the midrift torn off by the monster in the arena! (image at bottom) So... the R2D2 cake was a real treat! Thanks again!



Hope you like Star Wars!

And I'll let you in on a little secret, I got my inspiration to add images to some of my posts from you. I especially enjoy looking for yummy cakes! :thumbsup2 So all the thanks truly goes to you Crash! :hug:


My spouses' Padme costume looks a LOT like the one pictured above to the right!​
So ....

... the time has come to put the kids to sleep. The younger one has a little fever and the spouse is on a hair trigger grump thing tonight. Oh well... I'm gonna wrap it up with my usual late nite summary. AND I predict in advance that the Swabbies will grab the next pirate posting!

We now stand at 498,334 visits to our little thread here. And of the many contributors - I am pleased to see very few are single postings - rather most are multiple posting contributors! Any lurkers who have under a half dozen postings should consider posting a fresh remark and rejoin the active community! We miss your input!

lbgraves 4,416
Diznyfan68 3,164
Verandah Man 2,675
O'BWV 1,949
Andrew DEREK UK 1,801
captaincrash 1,784
PBader 1,691
yargrnhoj 1,617
windermerejudy 1,596
Enna 1,585

DisneyVegas1 1,585
pyramid2000 1,548
justmestace 1,474
got2travel 1,329
BibbidyBobbidyBoo 1,292
allshookup 1,113
darthrugby 1,034
sk8ingmom 1,000
LOOK AT THAT !!! Congrats on hitting your 1000th!!!!

DindelsPA 911
disneypilots 897

buckifan 791
magiroux 766
brack 763
ChrizJen 714
pansmermaidzlagoon 621
The FairyGodmother 611
jonesing 596
bellelinus 588
atakaratemom 564

arlenesp 532
goofyforlife 514
GoofyontheHiSeas 512
micmse2003 499
dahuffy 454
geffric 395
castoff 392
maine_jennifer 361
Downrivermama 343
tom31b 327

mkygrl 322
DiaLady 316
PMDR59 287
cinderella_mom 282
kap158 265
Joel110 240
eeyorelvr10 232
kab407 224
Esteri 210

Lil' Grumpy 198
Friend_of_Piglet 154
Reenieny18 153
disneyjunkie 148
radioclash2 145
miztigg 141
dh chrisva 128
Buddy Bear 126
pdarrah 126

daipp 112
wheelerkidz3 108
cruisin'Mike 103
mtt-swd 99
poohssmum 87
MJGirl 86
jeanneg 83
ohanafamily 82
maryisme 79
Grandma x3 79

tiggrbaby 76
GSCM_DisneyScout 73
m&m's mom 73
winnyis 72
Grandma4ever 70
Michelle2 62
A fat english gent 60
poohmomof5 60
RobinMarie 59
Stinasmom 57

ivanova 57
Scratch42 56
silmarg 55
mom_rules 52
lotsofboys 47
wdwluvrs 46
Sarangel 44
Reenieny 41
Pluto, 40

DisneyMom13 39
AndyR 36
CBJHockeyNut 36
tynkerbell 29
Randy_Man 25
GrayFal 23
tjeagle 22
luvmylab 22
4boons 22

lillygator 21
disneylover5 21
newfamilyman 20
disneycrazzzy 20
OCD for WD 20
msaseifert 18
Jhalkias 18
Disney Sweetie 17
DisCrazzy 17
crzy4dals 17
scuba.mom 16
piglet33 16
rsjj 16
Hygiene99 15
A Litle Pixie Dust 15
rsschneck 14
Mickey&Co 14
paulasillars 13
Twice Charmed 13
joksten2000 12
ElenitaB 12
dzneprincess 12
cykojoe 12
MrsScooby 11
kimerinc 11
pjpoohbear 11
faireygod mother 11
sklimuck 11
eeyorelova 10
Walsh clan 10
tiggerandpooh 10
agraygirl 9
Mickey02 9
mndisfam 9
Mom323 9
luvmy3sons 9
ladypoo 8
poolex3 8
Denise W 8
Stepht5 8
kaceyisme 7
Minniemiss 7
SeaSpray 7
Hanover 7
GoofyforGoofy 6
drumbumswife 6
eeyoregon 6
minnieandmickey 6
bigben 6
UVAWahoo 5
WldWcnWmn 5
DisneyElf 5
ga9497 5
GatheringNoMoss 5
winotracy 5
scrapbookmom 5
Joan1 5
dclfan57 5
tap & dap 4
alexandmaddie 4
littlehayhay 4
chipscinderelly 4
goingsouth 4
cdnsluvdisney 4
Lainie1222 4
DavyJones 3
The Adams Family 3
zack&alexmom 3
inkkognito 3
amesmom 3
ImmortalVerse 3
Phoeberella 3
HollyTyler 3
padisneyfan 3
Bella2000 3
birkner 3
Skallywag 3
2canadianfans 3
Verandah Gran 3
ilovemky 3
MK2thcleaner 2
Tinkerbel129 2
aynastasia 2
Ct_TiggerFan 2
disneyfreakjackie 2
iwynlea 2
DisneySpirit 2
FairyGodmama 2
LynnTarrant 2
mthr2boys 2
misseulalie 2
WebmasterRegina 2
discruiser 2
TiggerKing 2
jhryb 2
Fabrizio 2
sejejoemmiev 2
MousseauMob 2
ericamanda01 2
DrHug 2
tigger24 2
mexican-mouseketeers 2
Caren90 2
ulittletinker 1
nearcat 1
gydell 1
RebeccaLovesDisney 1
SnowWhite2 1
Sunshineanddaisys 1
Chrisva 1
cotomom 1
reneritch 1
bridegirl 1
AuntyBrat 1
irvingp 1
petsar68 1
joshua121301 1
KSDisneyDad 1
Iluvcruising 1
4fosterkids 1
crazynutjob 1
DCL~Dreamer 1
w/Goofy 1
txaggie94gigem 1
snow white vee 1
SubstituteLisa 1
papa 1
DCL Repeaters 1
Hannosmom 1
calif disney 1 1
dencord7 1
Perdita&Pongo 1
LovableGluttons 1
off to neverland 1
johnrgray 1
Celestine 1
ratfam 1
sopandbass 1
klaubaugh 1
Zane_Anthony 1
DisneyWatchMan 1

Good nite folk!

Unless I get hit with a 'bout of insomnia!​
Hey Crash!
Happy belated birthday someday maybe.

Your race looks way too long for me! Even 20 years ago. When I was a mear..oh nevermind.

DH once ran something called the Mojave Death Race. 250 mile relay through the desert. In June. I was pregnant and spent 2 days in the hotel pool and trying to win a Mustang on the slot machines. He was running and sweating and such. DidI mention the buffets?

Unspoken family contest: he who dies with the most t-****s wins.

Congrats on your 1000th posting!!!!


Another stupid thing I've done for a t-****
For the record, I would have WON my weight class. Picture "Mountain Mother",yup, my competition. 9th outta 14 & the only girl raised in Midwest suburbia in the group.

From http://www.talkeetnachamber.org/event-mountainmother.html
The Mountain Mother Contest in Talkeetna glorifies the spirit and strength of the Alaskan Woman. About 10 years ago, the women of Talkeetna rebelled against the Wilderness Woman Contest. The contestants in that contest came to Talkeetna in the dead of winter, donned borrowed winter survival gear and competed for the title. The only requirement was that they be unmarried at the time. They had to hitch up a sled dog team, shoot a bow and arrow, crawl through a culvert, haul water, drive a snowmachine, clomp around in bunny boots and snowshoes, and make a sandwich for the reclining bachelor. That night, they would get all decked out and go bid on the eligible bachelors at the Bachelors' Auction. The Wilderness Woman winner would get a fur hat, a plaque, and sometimes a trip to Europe.

"Humph!", thought the hard working moms in Talkeetna! We have to do all those chores and all we get is chapped hands! We need some respect. (Talkeetna women get LOTS of respect, but they wanted recognition – and maybe a trip to Europe).

So the Mountain Mother Contest was conceived. The only requirement was that the contestant be a mom – married or not. And it would be in the summer, when the kids could watch how hard their moms worked. And it would be more realistic. So the feats are (done with a "baby" in a pack on their backs): walk a log in hip waders, carrying 2 buckets of water; "shoot" a balloon moose with a bow and arrow, "catch" a fish, chop up firewood, change the baby and wash out the diaper, make a "pie" and call the kids in. Winner got some useful things, like an appointment at the local beauty shop for a hair cut, manicure and massage; a nice dinner out; gift certificates from the local shops. And a nice warm jacket with "Mountain MAMA!" on the back.
Hey Crash!
Happy belated birthday someday maybe.

Your race looks way too long for me! Even 20 years ago. When I was a mear..oh nevermind.

DH once ran something called the Mojave Death Race. 250 mile relay through the desert. In June. I was pregnant and spent 2 days in the hotel pool and trying to win a Mustang on the slot machines. He was running and sweating and such. DidI mention the buffets?

Unspoken family contest: he who dies with the most t-****s wins.

Thanks fwe the B-day wishes. I DO appreciate your congratualtory thoughts! And on the winner having the most T-shirts.... well... I got a long way to go before I can compete with ANYONE on that front. The last bike race I was in was a fund raiser for MS - a 200 mile bike ride from Orange County to San Diego. I got HIT by a car at the 87 mile point and broke my left hip and right wrist. Plus a $$$+ bike was wrecked! I don't regret riding to raise money to help others - I DO have regrets at being hit by someone who had been in an accident only 60 days earlier - and had no insurance. Fortunately, I had a little uninsured motorist coverage which paid me a maximum claim - which was enough to cover my medical bills and leave some consulaton funds for my lost time.

Now that I've been in a situation like this - with an uninsured motorist hitting me - I have the cynical attitude that most bad drivers are uninsured - and now I pay a slight premium for an insurance company which offers a multi-million umbrella which EXTENDS to the uninsured motorist component of my policy. So IF an uninsured motorist hits me I can claim up to 2 million... ehich I do indeed hope I CANNOT! If ya get my drift.... :rolleyes:

So... on your race and while training for it - ride very carefully and defensively!


I got 2 kids sleeping with me now. One is on my lap while the other is rolled up tight against me. My spouse is not ready to settle down yet so I'm just sitting here tapping away on her keyboard!:surfweb:

time to turn in....

good nite folks!

Lets' go swabbies!!!

Don't let the Wenches grab another one guys!

"Happy Birthday"
Alicia/mom Friend_of_Piglet
This one is in honor of those crew members playing ketchup on their wireless laptops...

pirate: pirate: pirate: pirate:
What do pirates rest in?
pirate: pirate: pirate: pirate:
pirate: pirate: pirate: pirate:


That's me, at this very moment, I must say..............:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

GM pirate:

Presently 63 going up to 85 here in Rainy Central Florida.

Happy Birthday Alicia

party: :bday: party: :bday: party:

:welcome: aboard to all the newbies.

:grouphug: :hug: pixiedust: and prayers to eveyone who is going to need it today.

Have a great Wednesday
Have a great Wednesday

I will, it's payday for me!!! ;)

Hi Liz :wave: I was talking with my mom on the phone last night, she said the weather has been quite nasty the past few days, I'm glad we were there last week and enjoyed perfect Florida weather!!! :thumbsup2
I will, it's payday for me!!! ;)

Hi Liz :wave: I was talking with my mom on the phone last night, she said the weather has been quite nasty the past few days, I'm glad we were there last week and enjoyed perfect Florida weather!!! :thumbsup2

HI Andy..

I read all your posts so glad you all had a great time here... we need the rain so badly especially for the lawn.. I understand it was cold here too... :lmao:
but you know I think I perfer rain than cold.. it was bitter cold in D.C.

I like the pirate bear.. ;)
HI Andy..

I read all your posts so glad you all had a great time here... we need the rain so badly especially for the lawn.. I understand it was cold here too... :lmao:
but you know I think I perfer rain than cold.. it was bitter cold in D.C.

I like the pirate bear.. ;)

The last few days of our trip were a tad chilly, but other than that, the weather was perfect, at least for me anyhow. I went to work yesterday morning to a very chilly 34* here.................:cold:

Time to take my ST to school, then come home and get ready for work............:wave:
3/4 of the way through Idol and waiting for House. Then I think I'm heading for bed.

My "bad Mom" experience tonight..........I'm getting my things ready for the trip to my parents' next week. I couldn't find the charger to my DVD player anywhere. I searched Jared's room, then Jordan's....and I was getting really, really mad :mad: at them. I just KNEW that they had lost it.

I finally looked in the drawer where I keep my camera chargers and such. TA DA! There it was. Who'd a thunk it? :confused3

Bad Mommy...:rolleyes1 blaming the innocent children......

Don't fret over it. I've done this on occasion myself. But I figure there are plenty of things they HAVE done that they didn't get CAUGHT doing, so they still owe me a few.

Evenin' pirate:s

Lord help me and someone have my head examined...

I signed up for a triathlon today.

Never been in a swimming race
Never been in a biking race
Never been in a running race.

Sure sign me up.

Heading back to ketchup to give you time to laugh.

Isn't it hard to bike under water? :rotfl:

Guess I should post that I am going groundhog hunting. Took me over an hour and a half to do what is usually a 40 minute drive due to the wet snow / slush mix and the IDIOTS on the roads this morning. I counted four accidents on I-355, all of which I am sure were caused by one moron driving way too slow and another driving way too fast. (Like the dip I got behind going 20 with his blinkers on in a 45 zone near my house, causing a backup as everyone tried to get around him. At that speed, you are never going to get to work anyway, so why bother?)

Anyway, end of rant. I am going to head out to PA this weekend, find Phil and stew him. Early Spring, my left....foot.

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