October 20th 2007 Western Magic Part 6

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Hi everyone... I had a conference to go to in Akron, so I got home early. I've spent the last hour catching up.

I'm going to post some pics shortly.:woohoo:
ok, lets get this straightened out.:laughing:
the ariel avatar comes from our love of little mermaid. when she was 2 years old we took cassie to her first disney movie THE LITTLE MERMAID. cassie was so scared of ursula she climbed up into my lap.princess: it was just one of those moments in your life that you just remember forever.:wizard:
thats always been my fav disney movie since.
thats why we picked the mermaid avatar. now that tart girl has left and went on as bruce the shark i was left with ariel.
now if one of you computer savy folks(cass?)wants to design an underdog avatar for me ill gladly put it on.(must be the cartoon underdog)

fear not sweetie. i know the real you.:hug: :bride:

Awww sweet memory... I stand corrected....LOL
Hi everyone... I had a conference to go to in Akron, so I got home early. I've spent the last hour catching up.

I'm going to post some pics shortly.:woohoo:

I was reading some other threads. Wasn't up to posting meaningless posts on here for hours...although it would have brought the count up... thought I was best at being a lurker.
ok, lets get this straightened out.:laughing:
the ariel avatar comes from our love of little mermaid. when she was 2 years old we took cassie to her first disney movie THE LITTLE MERMAID. cassie was so scared of ursula she climbed up into my lap.princess: it was just one of those moments in your life that you just remember forever.:wizard:
thats always been my fav disney movie since.
thats why we picked the mermaid avatar. now that tart girl has left and went on as bruce the shark i was left with ariel.
now if one of you computer savy folks(cass?)wants to design an underdog avatar for me ill gladly put it on.(must be the cartoon underdog)

fear not sweetie. i know the real you.:hug: :bride:

Here you go Cinnamike...


People with straight hair seem to have it so easy:cutie:

You wouldn't say that if you saw me at the end of the day when my hair is as flat as a board and I look like a total DORK!!! :lmao: :laughing:
Oh, I work at the post office and my job starts at 5am.
I'm out of work by 1:30, but somehow I always seem to need a nap in the afternoon:upsidedow

Chris you still never told us what you did:confused3

I know how that feels! I worked for Canada Post for 3 years. Up at 4:30am and home by 1pm! And I always needed a nap too :rolleyes1
Watching Fireworks. Our Son 3 years 1981


Me, Mike & Michael 1981


The building of Spaceship Earth taken from a helicopter 1981

One of our bricks in front of the train station. It is located just outside the granite circle of bricks, a couple bricks from Roy Disney. We have 2 of the... One is at 11:00 and the other is about 2:00.

So if you guys go check it out, take a toothbrush and clean it off for us. :thumbsup2


Gankplank. Cassie & I

Watching Fireworks. Our Son 3 years 1981


Me, Mike & Michael 1981


The building of Spaceship Earth taken from a helicopter 1981


Robin, those are some very precious pics! :love: I really like the one with the three of you and the boys with the matching (sort of) tank tops :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Now I totally see what you saw in Mike :rotfl2: :laughing: :rotfl:


You have no idea how happy Mike is. If he would have told me he wanted that, I would have done it for him. :idea:

Thanks... You saved me the trouble. :thumbsup2

More pics coming. :)

Hey, no prob. Hope he likes it :thumbsup2
Here you go Cinnamike...


You wouldn't say that if you saw me at the end of the day when my hair is as flat as a board and I look like a total DORK!!! :lmao: :laughing:

Love that underdog pic:thumbsup2

And don't we all wish we had someone else's hair:rotfl:

Speaking of Underdog....
how awful do you thing that movie will be?:headache:

Oh, and Cass....
don't bother with Balls of Fury....critics in EW magazine gave it an F. I agree. So did my son.
Victoria, the wine that Rose was talking about sound good, and the sorbet sounds delish....so do you think that the pizza place would mind if you brought a few samples to the meet???? you could give us a short course on wines. Sounds like a good idea to me, I don't know about wines, just if I like them or not.

Usually restaurant are too wild about you bringing liquor in--they might charge us a "corking" fee. I would be happy to do it--it just might not be Kosher. The sorbet does sound delish--I have to look at that website. I would be happy to bring anybody any wine or lemoncillo though--bought with my discount, of course. ;)
The trial I was worried about was delayed (this afternoon I read in the paper that he pleaded guilty to lesser charges - but he's racking up so many they still should be able to put him away for life). He was questioned for another trial but not selected for the jury. So, he's done! Yeay! It's not that either of us minded him serving jury duty, but knowing in advance you'd be sequestered is tough. DH said they announced in the morning the murder trial was delayed, and you could see EVERYONE in the room breathing a huge sigh of relief!

Yea for him!! When I got put on a jury "Oh crap!" came out of my mouth before I would even think about it!! :lmao:
Have to go get dinner at Wegmans.

Was working on my tag gifts today for 4 1/2 hours....
Each one is taking about 7 hours or so:eek:
Why I thought of this idea is crazy:headache:

But I've only completed 7 and I've got 12 more to go!
and 39 days left so I'm trying to stick to a schedule.

But it doesn't include much cooking, cleaning, housework, work-work, or DISing..... thats why I'm not on as much:goodvibes

Hope you'll all really like them...
and if you don't....


I'll then feel better about spending all this time:upsidedow
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