Something about Nothing, come join in........ Part 2

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Barb -

Nice tree!!!:thumbsup2

And if the Eagles lose today, they will blame it on the new sod/grass they laid about 3 weeks ago. :thumbsup2 No doubt in my mind....Jim and I already think that McNabb really isn't THAT hurt - but look at the weather out there, sleet, etc - don't want to risk it for him (his ego is in a full body cast right now though):lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Snow tires...didn't know anyone still got them? :confused3 We have the year-round ones...but, I guess up in the "snow belt" part of the world, you need snow tires.... I remember being a little girl and we stored tires in the garage...then they were switched out on the cars in the winter and the other tires were stored, I guess we did have snow tires when I was little.... (but I lived in, why did we need them? We lived on a major street. :confused3 )

We just spent most of last week shuffling the cars in and out of the shop getting the snow tires on. Our truck that we plow our 1000 foot driveway with has 4 studded snows, Amanda, who can't keep her car on the road to save her life, also has 4 studded snows. :lmao: DH and son both have two snows.
They sure do take up alot of room in the garage. Lucky me, I get to drive the truck with the plow during the winter. My other car gets "put up". :sad1: I hate driving in the city with the plow.

And thank you for the compliment. She is my sweetie and my big Disney/Universal fan. I think the two of us need to do a mommy/daughter trip without the stinky, complaining guys.
I agree, I'd love to do a trip with my daughter! We have alot of fun together. :cool1:

It's 11:23 here - why do I still have 2 kids sitting here with me whining about what (new) they now want for Christmas?

James has just two things on his Xmas list, a t-shirt from his favorite geek store - Think Geek - and an electric razor. Going to be a very boring X-mas for him. Amanda gives me a power point presentation every year with about 50 items on it! One extreme to the next with these two. :lmao:

Off to read the newspaper and have a cup of tee. Talk to you all later!
Morning folks.

Just wanted to say that I'm done with the thread that was supposed to be a celebration about Universal's increase in attendence. But thanks to "Universal-Excitement" he has completely derailed the thread and continues to irritate everyone who responds.

So....I'm done with that thread.

Have a nice day!
That big sob you hear is from WVU fans.:sad1: :sad1: :sad1:

I believe if you look at the USA from space you will see a black shroud over the State of West Virginia this morning.:sad1: :sad1: :sad1: :sad1:

Lori - congrats on the Sooners - most of us were actually rooting for Oklahoma.

Thanks Jennifer! I was thinking of you during the ball game every time they showed the score. :sad1:

Thanks for the congrats! I'm telling you that National Championship is cursed this year.
ok.....i left this thread on page 506ish - :scared1: wow a bunch of yapping - but its all good :thumbsup2

Yes, MFletch, Ridley played another shutout game and I am hoping that they can pull off just 2 more wins for State. Hodges is amazing!! I know for a fact that he (and 2 others on the team) have been scouted by Lacrosse Coaches - they play two sports. Egee (who is also a basketball player) is the QB who didn't even play last year! He is doing a really great job as well!!

Going to the Eagles game in about 3 hours (yeah, at about 10:45AM) It is not a very pretty day out there, don't know how long we are going to last :lmao:

Glad to see everyone posting and having a great time, haven't seen mac since forensic files, hope she is ok

Got lots to do as we leave for Great Wolf Lodge on Tuesday :cool1:

Stay warm/dry/comfortable everyone - I will check in with you all later!!!

Have fun at the game! Hope you guys pull out a win.

Penn State got the Alamo Bowl bid :rolleyes1 ......they were one win away from a NYDay bowl game. I think I have to agree with Lori's reasoning that there is no TRUE National Champion this year.....just see who doesn't choke in the big game :rotfl: :rotfl:

It's cursed I tell ya!

On the bright side, it will be very nice weather for the fans going to the game in San Antonio!

Barb -

Nice tree!!!:thumbsup2

And if the Eagles lose today, they will blame it on the new sod/grass they laid about 3 weeks ago. :thumbsup2 No doubt in my mind....Jim and I already think that McNabb really isn't THAT hurt - but look at the weather out there, sleet, etc - don't want to risk it for him (his ego is in a full body cast right now though):lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

It's time for McNAbb to retire.
We just spent most of last week shuffling the cars in and out of the shop getting the snow tires on. Our truck that we plow our 1000 foot driveway with has 4 studded snows, Amanda, who can't keep her car on the road to save her life, also has 4 studded snows. :lmao: DH and son both have two snows.
They sure do take up alot of room in the garage. Lucky me, I get to drive the truck with the plow during the winter. My other car gets "put up". :sad1: I hate driving in the city with the plow.

Sounds like fun! NOT!

I agree, I'd love to do a trip with my daughter! We have alot of fun together. :cool1:

James has just two things on his Xmas list, a t-shirt from his favorite geek store - Think Geek - and an electric razor. Going to be a very boring X-mas for him. Amanda gives me a power point presentation every year with about 50 items on it! One extreme to the next with these two. :lmao:

Off to read the newspaper and have a cup of tee. Talk to you all later!

Well, any time I mention a girls only trip cause the guys don't really enjoy all of a sudden they start talking about how much they enjoy it. They just don't want us going without them. I think I may try to plan one for hunting season next year. They guys get to do something, why shouldn't we?

I would love to see that power point presentation!:lmao: :lmao:
Morning folks.

Just wanted to say that I'm done with the thread that was supposed to be a celebration about Universal's increase in attendence. But thanks to "Universal-Excitement" he has completely derailed the thread and continues to irritate everyone who responds.

So....I'm done with that thread.

Have a nice day!

Just ignore him. Not quite sure why the mods aren't removing his posts though or at least warning him to stay on topic.

Have a great day yourself!
Morning everyone!!!! :teeth:

Ah...a bit of snow on the ground and very cold out today (...but no matters...I'm NOT leaving the house :cool1: )

Today is move the living room furniture around to accomodate the Christmas tree, decorate, maybe bake cookies :scratchin , etc.... A day of working around the house.....

Barb - oh, man, am I supposed to have sent my ornament already? I BOUGHT it - thought that meant I was doing well!

I forget the deadline to send them (Dec. 10th?).... you have UNTIL then to send it.... Don't worry, you're more on the ball than I...I'm still, *ahem* shopping

There are a group of people that get together a tree swap. They get lists together with who is going to be there & their dates then they split in to groups and split the cost of a tree and I think some decorations then someone gets everything bought and shipped and it gets passed between the people on the list. It's really a neat concept really. I think last year there were either 4 or 5 for each of the DVC resorts but I didn't want to get involved in it because we were switching rooms a couple of times and it would have been to much hassle.

I bought the tree there, bought all the ornaments at the parks & DTD and had a lot of fun doing it.

Of course with it also being Ally's birthday it made it even more special. I know it is something she will always remember.

Is there anything the Disney people don't swap? :rotfl2: I've read about your tree swap, stroller swap, refrigerator swaps.... (All in all a good idea, but you said, "hassle") Definately a hard one to top....but the memory will always be there....

That big sob you hear is from WVU fans. :sad1:

I believe if you look at the USA from space you will see a black shroud over the State of West Virginia this morning.

:hug: :grouphug: sorry Jennifer

Lori - congrats on the Sooners - most of us were actually rooting for Oklahoma.

:cheer2: :banana: :cheer2:

Oh- tag fairy:rolleyes1

:ssst: i was hopin nobody would catch that :headache:

Tricia and Marci - here's a story for you:
When DS was starting 5th grade, we had an open house a few days before school started. We showed about 10 minutes early and I was walking around and went oustside of the gym. Well this was where they were setting up the tables for the refreshments. I of course, was polite and said Hello to Fluffy, Beautiful People. And she looked at me and said, "Are you someone I should know?" I then introduced myself, "I'm JawsCPA". And she then turned her back on me. DH still laughs about this one. And No, I didn't join the PTA for middle school. I did my duty in elementary school.

Anyhoo, I went to Walmart last night and did manage to get some more shopping done. I have more presents purchased this year than I ever had on December 2.

Tonight - we have our office Christmas Party. Boy, do we accountants know how to party.
WOO HOO - look at my post - #7777.

OMG! The fluffies are's an invasion :scared: :rotfl:
Sounds like you are doing good in the shopping department. Good feeling to be so "on top" of things, huh?
Hope you enjoy your party...tis the season.... :santa: I always enjoyed being able to 'socialize' with co-workers NOT in the workplace...seems weird, but it's always nice to do.....
And you posted #7777 ....hhhmmmmm... :scratchin ....lottery pick?

Glad to see everyone posting and having a great time, haven't seen mac since forensic files, hope she is ok

Got lots to do as we leave for Great Wolf Lodge on Tuesday

Should we get Gemma's search party on her? Or send CSIs? Or call the Forensic Files? :confused3

You are gonna LOVE GWL....everyone will have a blast! How many nights are you staying? (staying onsite?)

And if the Eagles lose today, they will blame it on the new sod/grass they laid about 3 weeks ago. No doubt in my mind....Jim and I already think that McNabb really isn't THAT hurt - but look at the weather out there, sleet, etc - don't want to risk it for him (his ego is in a full body cast right now though)

I don't even think "Momma's Boy" is playing today... :confused3 He doesn't want the blame for losing....and they say they are going to "protect" his health/knee with the bad weather....yeah right.... he really knows how to 'milk it' :rolleyes:

James has just two things on his Xmas list, a t-shirt from his favorite geek store - Think Geek - and an electric razor. Going to be a very boring X-mas for him. Amanda gives me a power point presentation every year with about 50 items on it! One extreme to the next with these two. :lmao:

:lmao: :lmao: How different they are! I got 2 things from Bubba too....had to get creative this year.... :rolleyes: But, leave it to the girls to 'power point presentation' it and make it all detailed and professional :laughing:

Just wanted to say that I'm done with the thread that was supposed to be a celebration about Universal's increase in attendence. But thanks to "Universal-Excitement" he has completely derailed the thread and continues to irritate everyone who responds.

So....I'm done with that thread.

Have a nice day!

Move over....joinin' you in that boat....
Oh by the way, guess should have warned you guys that true, long time Sooner fans are always very unhappy when our team looses games that they should have won. We are not happy with even 1 loss seasons, let alone 2 loss seasons. Sorry you had to listen to my rambling.

:hug: That's what we're here for silly.....

Has anyone else ever been to WDW/Universal for Christmas?

I'm gonna post some decoation pics if that's okay with you guys.

This is the Contemporary


I have never been anywhere but HOME for Christmas...but I loved seeing your pictures...I'll beg for more :rolleyes1 That is a LOT of calories in that sculpture :scared1:
I would love to spend a Christmas at UO.... I was thinking for maybe the first Christmas Bubba didn't "believe" anymore...but, beings that might be next year, and we already have a big summer trip planned, maybe it's best to be home for our first Christmas he doesn't believe, then go to UO the following year.... :scratchin

Well, any time I mention a girls only trip cause the guys don't really enjoy all of a sudden they start talking about how much they enjoy it. They just don't want us going without them. I think I may try to plan one for hunting season next year. They guys get to do something, why shouldn't we?

Why not?? I agree...if they choose to sit outside in a tree in the cold and go "hunting", you girls can choose to go where it's warm and have fun! :goodvibes

I would love to see that power point presentation!:lmao: :lmao:

me too :thumbsup2
I just posted on that thread.

man, that guy seems to have a poison pen, eh?
I hop he never posts here! :eek:

Is there anything the Disney people don't swap? :rotfl2: I've read about your tree swap, stroller swap, refrigerator swaps.... (All in all a good idea, but you said, "hassle") Definately a hard one to top....but the memory will always be there....

Now we dvc members don't do refrigerator or stroller swaps but this year there was also a beach chair swap for the Vero Beach DVC resort. It had lots of really cool stuff in it; chairs, umbrellas, sandtoys, boogie boards and I think the participants only ended up spending about $13 each for it and didn't have to pack it all up to haul back and forth. I bet it is a real hassle for the poor cm's though.

Jennifer - Congrats on post #7777 and have a great time at your office party.

Tracie - Have a great time on your anniversary get away, even if it is with the kids.
Hi Penny!

Barb - I had planned to also go to Universal during Christmas but when the oldest ds decided he was flying in to join us it put a kink in those plans (plus added about $1500 to the cost of the trip at the last minute). I sure wanted pics of the Universal parks, especially IOA, with all the Christmas decorations.

Anyway, I will go ahead and post some of the other pics.
Now we dvc members don't do refrigerator or stroller swaps but this year there was also a beach chair swap for the Vero Beach DVC resort. It had lots of really cool stuff in it; chairs, umbrellas, sandtoys, boogie boards and I think the participants only ended up spending about $13 each for it and didn't have to pack it all up to haul back and forth. I bet it is a real hassle for the poor cm's though.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: Next thing ya'll be swappin' people in the family :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Barb - I had planned to also go to Universal during Christmas but when the oldest ds decided he was flying in to join us it put a kink in those plans (plus added about $1500 to the cost of the trip at the last minute). I sure wanted pics of the Universal parks, especially IOA, with all the Christmas decorations.

Anyway, I will go ahead and post some of the other pics.

You can still plan another one...maybe next year or year after...this time INCLUDE DS so he knows your intention and doesn't make any last minute decisions to prevent your plans from happening ;)

I'll be waitin' on those pix..altho, I haveta get movin' around here...I'll check in around lunchtime... :goodvibes

So, anyone want to bet how hungover our girl Tricia is?? :rolleyes1
I am betting Tricia is pretty hung over.

I'm gonna run for a little while too. The kichen was trashed last night during the game and needs a good cleaning.
Morning all! :wave2:

Woke up to a little snow on the ground and it certainly is chilly out!

Well, going to try and get some shopping done!

Catch you all later!
I don't remember ever posting these for you guys. This was of course at Animal Kingdom when we were there in Sept 06. Ally had bought this safari suit the day before and wore it to the parks. The year of a million dreams celebration had not quite started but they were gearing up for it. These cm's stopped us while we were on our way back to EE for the morning, made a big deal out of Ally being a famous safari guide and asked for her autograph. She was on :cloud9:. Later in the day the cm at the entrance to the safari ride gave her a special certificate that gave us unlimited FP's for the safari for our party. She got several comments throughout the day on her outfit.

Anyway, here are some pics:




Had to post this one too. This is Ally, Madison (my granddaughter), and Mikey at Chef Mickey's celebrating Madie's 3rd brithday.

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