May 10, 2008 Ship of Thieves! Stealing the Magic..AGAIN!!! Panama Canal FL to CA!!! Part 9

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Lisa/LiserAnn how is the weather tonight in CA? Getting any better? Hope the worst is over for you and that it gets nice out again. Until then, stay safe and be prepared.

Hi Deb-today was pretty calm, tomorrow it's supposed to whip up again. A levee broke in the desert, which is amazing for CA!!

We got hit again today in No CA. My mom lost power and Paul's folks have been out for a day +. They live in Los Gatos in the mountains so always have it bad with any weather.

Lots of trees down all around town. Our neighbor had one in his parkstrip fall on his sportscar he parks on the street. ouch! My sister lost 2 small trees and her neighbors tree fell on her arbor.

We picked up my mom for a bite to eat and then took her to the movies. She, Molly and friend Hannah saw the Chipmunks, Paul and I saw I Am Ledgend. It was ok, the end was kind ehhh.

Hey my dd turns 10 on 5/19, we'll have to have a joint cake for the kids!

As far as castaway goes: If the weather is nice, I'd leave my daughter in kids club on the island and go sit on the beach. I love reading in the sun. BUT since this is our first time I was trying to elimate excursions that all of you seasoned vets think are lame and can be done anywhere. I had planned on feeding the manta rays, but my dd just informend me that she doesn't want to get off the ship. I'm sure she'll change her mind once we're there, but who knows. She still has a bad taste from the med cruise of me dragging her all over italy and france. She needed more sea days. That being said, having cc the 1st day won't be good for her. I will remind her that she has many sea days right after..blah blah.

So there you issue for tonight. i'm sure i'll have more as we get closer.


I bet she will have a blast in the club on CC. Molly and Wil loved it. They played lots of beach games in the club, but don't they take the kids swimming, so we did at the end of our day.

My plan is to drop the kids off to have them enjoy the club, DH & I head to Serenity Bay and enjoy BBC's in longue chairs with the ocean at our toes...then grab lunch and more drinks, and then....grab the kids and wander into the family beach chaos for some swimming and then back to the boat for spa date???? Not sure a better Mother's Day could be planned.

Saturday Night Live now, gotta go!
Cute movie. Hugh Grant's '80's group "Pop" reminded me of "Wham."


& you know... ever since seeing that movie... as a teen of the '80's... I've got that darned song in MY HEAD!!!

Just checked our reservation on and we now have a stateroom when it has been GTY since we booked back on the day it opened up.

Just thought those of you with GTY would like to know that rooms are being assigned.

I'm still GTY... I booked really late so it may be a while... I'm Cat 5 GTY... still considder myself lucky to be on the ship!!!

I bet Shirley from the Perfect Gift will be very busy on this cruise!!

I'm sending baskets to me and mom!!! (I like to spoil both of us!!!)

oh goodness. I am confused!!

Got my AP renewal notice in the mail today. Have to do it by 2/ I guess we need to make a WDW run.

wow I put in Pop and they brought me to a 1 bd villa at BWI for two nights for almost $1k!!

Tell them you will pay for Pop but stay at BWI...
I THINK SHE SHOULD BRING HER OWN TOILET PAPER WHEN SHE TRAVELS! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Whenever I visit my family I buy my own TP... NOBODY in my family knows what double ply toilet paper is!!!

John has to work tomorrow so I think we'll do a matinee just the girls!! I doubt he'd want to see Enchanted at the theatre, he would for us, but would rather see something more piratey I am sure.

Enchanted was good - saw it the first weekend it was out - was just in the mood for a movie...
Hello, a reintroduction, and a question.

Well, hello all! I have popped in here quite a few times, but you guys talk so fast it is hard to keep up! My name is Brian and my good friend Debbi and I are once again taking the Magic from "Kingdom to Kingdom". We cruised in May 2005 in room 6085, and we have the same room for this cruise. On May 18th I am celebrating my 41st birthday, and on May 19th (Acapulco), Debbi is celebrating the Big 40. Debbi and I will spend a few days at the Dolphin prior to the cruise, and will leave directly upon disembarking back to Chicago. I can't wait to really begin preparing for this cruise!!!!

My question is - I just went to the DCL website and saw that they had excursions up. Have they been up for long?

Thanks and I hope we can all have a blast on this cruise!!!!!

Welcome back! What part of IL are you in? We lived in Urbana for a while. We'll be celebrating our 17th anniversary on the 18th and my 41st birthday is the 20th. There is going to be a lot of celebrating on this cruise!

Angie, today is day 5 for us....yeah.....we both really feel like this time is the last time.....there's no going back now. This is good. It makes it a little easier too because it helps to lock it in and stay resolved.

Thanks for all your help, I know we could not have done it without you. I know it's only day 5 and we have the rest of our lives to stay quit, but you have helped tremendously and when it gets very hard for me, maybe in two months or so, I will be calling you. So far, so good and it's not necessary. I can only hope it continues.

Keep up the good work! We're all rooting for you :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

Hi Deb-today was pretty calm, tomorrow it's supposed to whip up again. A levee broke in the desert, which is amazing for CA!!

Mark has to go to the Charger game with clients tomorrow, so I'm not thrilled about that since's on a good day it's an hour and half drive, but that's life! I'm just a worry wart. The boys and I will stay in tomorrow!

San Diego has been pretty much missed by the bad weather - we had rain and some wind today but nothing like you were having last night. Hopefully it stays the same - but make sure he dresses warm!
Hi everyone!

Not sure if it is the DIS that is slow or my laptop!

We have been without power up in Bodega since Thursday night/early Friday morning! Finally came back to Martinez as they don't think that they will have the power back on for "an indefinite period of time" (from Pacific Gas & Electrics voice automated system!!) We were first told that it would be up Friday night, then Saturday afternoon! I don't mind the lack of TV, but the lack of communication, heat and warm water was a bit tough!!

We will have to go back up once the power is back to try to seal things a bit more. This storm was crazy and the house was leaking! We think it is the windows and there is another nasty storm coming in!

Catching up here, then some DVR stuff, then bed!

Still feeling a bit flu-ish, feels like it has gone into the bronchial a bit.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

Venetia, I'm glad to see you back too. I know that Christmas Day was hard for you. For me it was hard on Christmas eve. For John1 it was hard the whole holiday......but we're past that and we each made it and now we're moving on to better things in the new year.

The next hurdle will be Mother's day and we'll at least be together on CC. That will be a good thing.

Deb, Venetia and John1,

My mom passed away in June of 1999. Thanksgiving was very hard as was Christmas. They were equally hard when my dad had passed in 1995.

Mother's day in 2000 was really, really difficult, but DH Ted, DD Alex and my DSis who equally missed them, really made it easier with all of their love and all of the wonderful thngs that we did as a family.

Your DIS family will help tremendously on the upcoming Mom's Day. We will all remember our angels on our shoulders...


WOW Lisa that sounds scary.....stay home and batten down the hatch....make sure you have everything ready for emergency mode in case you lose electric.

Hope it's not as bad as it sounds and you get thru it safely.

It was WORSE than it sounded! At least for No Cal!! Lot's of people are still without power, trees down, roads a mess!!

Another big storm coming on Tuesday!!

Bore you with some Christmas photo's:



Yep - We have a fireplace in Arizona!


Jenna and Kayla sledding in Flagstaff over the New Year Holiday


Great photos.

Just finished reading and I just wanted to say good night. Been at the hospital all day. My DH had to be at church.

Frank is in a lot of pain, but out of the coma. He had two shots of morphine while I was there.

Good night all!!

Hope Frank is much better today.

Hello, a reintroduction, and a question.

Well, hello all! I have popped in here quite a few times, but you guys talk so fast it is hard to keep up! My name is Brian and my good friend Debbi and I are once again taking the Magic from "Kingdom to Kingdom". We cruised in May 2005 in room 6085, and we have the same room for this cruise. On May 18th I am celebrating my 41st birthday, and on May 19th (Acapulco), Debbi is celebrating the Big 40. Debbi and I will spend a few days at the Dolphin prior to the cruise, and will leave directly upon disembarking back to Chicago. I can't wait to really begin preparing for this cruise!!!!

My question is - I just went to the DCL website and saw that they had excursions up. Have they been up for long?

Thanks and I hope we can all have a blast on this cruise!!!!!

Hello there.:)

she is fantastic!!! I am trying to budget in baskets for the girls....not that they need them, and one for DH, he's as big a baby as they are and he'll be pouting if there isn't one for him.

I would like to get a basket for John, so would be interested in some ideas for a guy. I was trying to get one for our last cruise but Shirley just didn't get back to me. Eventually when I emailed again she was going to get some ideas for me then never came back to me again!!!!! It will have to be done by email, and I think that must have been the problem. If I had some ideas and prices then I could phone perhaps.

Angie, today is day 5 for us....yeah.....we both really feel like this time is the last time.....there's no going back now. This is good. It makes it a little easier too because it helps to lock it in and stay resolved.

Thanks for all your help, I know we could not have done it without you. I know it's only day 5 and we have the rest of our lives to stay quit, but you have helped tremendously and when it gets very hard for me, maybe in two months or so, I will be calling you. So far, so good and it's not necessary. I can only hope it continues.

Well done Deb and John.:thumbsup2

Aloha! Can't catch up yet, so doing another drive-by post. We are at the Westin in Maui and just love it. A beautiful ocean view from our room, music playing outside. We will celebrate our 15th anniversary on Wed, maybe going to a French restaurant. Tomorrow, we have tickets to catch the Mercedes Benz Golf Tournament but AFTER we have champagne brunch at the Maui Prince. I will make a toast to our champagne gals!! We miss the boys terribly, but so need this rest. Watching Michael Clayton now with George him! Nite all, Lisa

How lovely to be in Hawaii. Enjoy your trip and bring back some piccies.

Hi everyone!

Not sure if it is the DIS that is slow or my laptop!

We have been without power up in Bodega since Thursday night/early Friday morning! Finally came back to Martinez as they don't think that they will have the power back on for "an indefinite period of time" (from Pacific Gas & Electrics voice automated system!!) We were first told that it would be up Friday night, then Saturday afternoon! I don't mind the lack of TV, but the lack of communication, heat and warm water was a bit tough!!

We will have to go back up once the power is back to try to seal things a bit more. This storm was crazy and the house was leaking! We think it is the windows and there is another nasty storm coming in!

Catching up here, then some DVR stuff, then bed!

Still feeling a bit flu-ish, feels like it has gone into the bronchial a bit.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!


That wouldn't have been nice up at the house without power. You take care of yourself Karen.
poor Kayla!! We are taking Samantha for her 5 year check up and shots (3 months late) when Haley has her 3 year check up in Feb.

I have decided that I am only going to purchase the small photo three cruises I have about three framed and the rest are in the shutters folders in the closet....


I'll scrapbook them one day, really I will!!

Just finished reading and I just wanted to say good night. Been at the hospital all day. My DH had to be at church.

Frank is in a lot of pain, but out of the coma. He had two shots of morphine while I was there.

Good night all!!


Glad Frank was able to make your "date".

I hope that he continues to improve.

Get some rest.

Thank you so much for all of your prayers:hug: Please forgive me if I missed thanking anyone:hug: Micah is 5 yrs old, but turns 6 next week.He has an older brother and sister, and a baby brother who is around 1 yr old. A very busy household, and now this to deal with:sad1: But he is surrounded with love and has lots of family and they are very active in their church, so they are getting a lot of support there too:grouphug:


Saying a prayer for little Micah.
We picked up my mom for a bite to eat and then took her to the movies. She, Molly and friend Hannah saw the Chipmunks, Paul and I saw I Am Ledgend. It was ok, the end was kind ehhh.

I have not seen it, but Alex got me the book for Christmas. The original book is copyright 1954. It was really good, and then the end was really poor. I just wonder if the movie ended the same way. If it did, I understand completely, because the book also had several short stories, and I started reading the next short story not realizing it was something new until it did not fit with I am Legend, and said to myself, that was the end?


We love this game as well. Haven't played it a while, perhaps tomorrow night!

How come your sig is so big! I don't even have all of mine displayed still!:confused3


I give up on sigs! They look completely different when you edit than when you post. I was cracking up at the "Bawb for President '08" thread on the Podcast board, and just had to included the bumpersticker in my sig. But since it messed up everything else, I dropped it.


You would have to be a podcast listener to understand the Bawb jokes. Bob is one of the DU agents, and one of the "celebreties" on the DIS Unplugged podcast.
Welcome back! What part of IL are you in? We lived in Urbana for a while. We'll be celebrating our 17th anniversary on the 18th and my 41st birthday is the 20th. There is going to be a lot of celebrating on this cruise!

I live in Mokena, just south of I-80, and there will be tons of celebrating!!!!
Hello Everybody

My broadband, cable and phone line was cutting off for 3 days due to bad weather:sad2:

Last night the internet is back on:thumbsup2

Lillygator - SNAKE :scared1: :scared1: :scared1:

Gouodux - Lovely photos:thumbsup2

Deb and John - Keep up with non smoking

Granmaz - Have you heard about Flyglobespan?

Here is the story

:scared1: :scared1:

My friend booked it for us for May 08. Same name company:scared1:

Angie, today is day 5 for us....yeah.....we both really feel like this time is the last time.....there's no going back now. This is good. It makes it a little easier too because it helps to lock it in and stay resolved.

Thanks for all your help, I know we could not have done it without you. I know it's only day 5 and we have the rest of our lives to stay quit, but you have helped tremendously and when it gets very hard for me, maybe in two months or so, I will be calling you. So far, so good and it's not necessary. I can only hope it continues.

I am so glad you are 5 days into will be 6 days. Let's see...have you set up a jar in your kitchen.....5 days x 2 packs x $5 x 2 people = $100 in your many DOD's is that?

Hi everyone!

Not sure if it is the DIS that is slow or my laptop!

We have been without power up in Bodega since Thursday night/early Friday morning! Finally came back to Martinez as they don't think that they will have the power back on for "an indefinite period of time" (from Pacific Gas & Electrics voice automated system!!) We were first told that it would be up Friday night, then Saturday afternoon! I don't mind the lack of TV, but the lack of communication, heat and warm water was a bit tough!!

We will have to go back up once the power is back to try to seal things a bit more. This storm was crazy and the house was leaking! We think it is the windows and there is another nasty storm coming in!

Catching up here, then some DVR stuff, then bed!

Still feeling a bit flu-ish, feels like it has gone into the bronchial a bit.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!


It was WORSE than it sounded! At least for No Cal!! Lot's of people are still without power, trees down, roads a mess!!

Another big storm coming on Tuesday!!


You weather on the West Coast has just been crazy.... we are so calm here on the East Coast...we are supposed to be close to 70 degrees tomorrow!!
Hello Everybody

My broadband, cable and phone line was cutting off for 3 days due to bad weather:sad2:

Last night the internet is back on:thumbsup2

Granmaz - Have you heard about Flyglobespan?

Here is the story

:scared1: :scared1:

My friend booked it for us for May 08. Same name company:scared1:


Glad I wasn't on that flight.:scared1:

What was the weather like to knock out your internet etc.

Today I paid the full balance :cool1: :dance3:


Great feeling isn't it? We paid our balance last week.:woohoo:
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