Hula's Magic Pin Switch Trick 1/14 MERGED

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I think that Hula is trying very hard with her host room and doesn't need the criticism happening here. We don't know what circumstances she is dealing with in terms of opening late or getting disconnected in the middle. A lot of patience goes a long way - especially with events like this.

Thanks Hula for all you do - you are one of the sweetest people on VMK and I really appreciate your efforts. I am looking forward to showing my son his new pin we traded.
I normally don't say anything when Host events go not as planned, but this time I do want to say something. Magic takes all of, what a few seconds to use? Besides that, we don't know what's involved in her choosing a pin for us; maybe she just needed a few seconds break. I guess I just don't see what the problem is. If it took minutes to use, I could see it, but a few seconds I don't understand, I guess. :confused3

I know people are upset they might not get in the room, and I understand that, but cut Hula some slack. She is one of the sweetest people you will meet in game, and we all know if she could've started on time, she would have. And yes, I would feel the same if I hadn't gotten in the room; I rarely ever make it into Host rooms these days, so I know it can be frustrating.

Deep breath, everyone. ;)
I think that Hula is trying very hard with her host room and doesn't need the criticism happening here. We don't know what circumstances she is dealing with in terms of opening late or getting disconnected in the middle. A lot of patience goes a long way - especially with events like this.

Thanks Hula for all you do - you are one of the sweetest people on VMK and I really appreciate your efforts.

I agree, Hula is the nicest host. These "trading" events are absolutely awful, and to have Hula host one? Yikes! It is common knowledge that Hula has a horrible connection and a slow PC and DCs more often than even a regular player. Of all the hosts, Hula is the LAST one that should be a hosting an event like this.
Just finished in room, got a ATIS Snowflake pin:goodvibes

I couldn't help but notice her Treasure Detector Pin is tradeable, maybe i sign of things to come!
I think that Hula is trying very hard with her host room and doesn't need the criticism happening here. We don't know what circumstances she is dealing with in terms of opening late or getting disconnected in the middle. A lot of patience goes a long way - especially with events like this.

Thanks Hula for all you do - you are one of the sweetest people on VMK and I really appreciate your efforts. I am looking forward to showing my son his new pin we traded.

Very well said AmyE. :hug:
How about we thank hosts for their hard work instead of criticizing them for a job that we have no idea what it's like to do?
Well, I'm not sure if I will make it in or not, but on the bright week is a new week!
:( doesn't look like i'm going to make it. Maybe next time. Over 60 in line.
If you had read my earlier statement I did say something nice about the hosts. why do you all get so bent out of shape when criticism is used?? Criticism is how things are improved.
How about we thank hosts for their hard work instead of criticizing them for a job that we have no idea what it's like to do?

Lets try this one:

If your local supermarket offered a 2 hour even where they give everyone a free toaster. And 1000 people lined up to get it, and then, it took the entire two hours to give out only 75 toasters, would you thank that person for a job well done?

I can answer that one for you. No you would not. You would write a letter of complaint to the company for a disorganized and time-wasting event. Noone is going to care that the person giving away the toasters had car trouble and was 20 minutes late.
yay! my first pin trading event was so cool! i've been playing for over a year now and just now was able to get into one! i traded a typhoon lagoon pin and got a dreams fairy pin :) thx Hula!:banana:
yay! my first pin trading event was so cool! i've been playing for over a year now and just now was able to get into one! i traded a typhoon lagoon pin and got a dreams fairy pin :) thx Hula!:banana:

woot woot, Congrats to you!!! I'm so glad you got in.
I saw somewhere that someone got a Tomorrowland Skyway Retro Pin and Single-Use Treasure Detector Magic from Hula! Woot! :)
To Hula's credit the room is still open!!! I still won't get in do the the same dc problem everyone else had and remember next Monday is actually a holiday for many so there is still more chances. Thank you Hula and all the Hosts for all you do-seems like we don't say it enough!:grouphug:
Why is she taking a break so early and wasting time doing treasure detector magic with so many people wanting to get in?

Looks like another wasted host room event! :mad:

If you were sitting in the room while Hula did Treasure magic you would have thought it was awesome...but because you are in the Q still you are upset she is wasting time.
Don't forget VMK is FREE you pay nothing to play...there do not HAVE to be host events but there are you should be THANKFUL for the times you DO get in an event.
If everyone could get in the host events ALL the time it would not be as fun.
So chill out and cut them some slack.
Poor Hula is probably stressing out like crazy!
And also dont forget Phinny's pin trading events are usually 3 hours long
Hulas was only 2 and she is still in there trying to make people happy 20 min after event was supposed to end, even though you complain about her.
And just an FYI ALL the Hosts read these forums.
If you were sitting in the room while Hula did Treasure magic you would have thought it was awesome...but because you are in the Q still you are upset she is wasting time.
Don't forget VMK is FREE you pay nothing to play...there do not HAVE to be host events but there are you should be THANKFUL for the times you DO get in an event.
If everyone could get in the host events ALL the time it would not be as fun.
So chill out and cut them some slack.
Poor Hula is probably stressing out like crazy!
And also dont forget Phinny's pin trading events are usually 3 hours long
Hulas was only 2 and she is still in there trying to make people happy 20 min after event was supposed to end, even though you complain about her.
And just an FYI ALL the Hosts read these forums.

lol she was 25 minutes late opening! and she just closed so that means the event was cheated 5 minutes lol
Looks like Hula's closing the room. Numbers are falling fast. Didn't get in but oh well, maybe next time!
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