Something About Nothing #3..........

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Happy Anniversary!!!!

I'm sorry I missed the party, did anyone save me any leftovers??

I have a note Mac for missing the party:

Dear Mac and friends in the box,

Please excuse Katie from the party....even though she really really wanted to go......because she had to go to a school play.

Thank you,

The GNN Drama Club

The play was great by the way....
I ended up with a sick kiddo today, so I missed out on the party.:sick:
Hope everyone had a great day!
Good night all and another Happy Anniversary!! Here's to many, many more!

Happy Anniversary!!!!

I'm sorry I missed the party, did anyone save me any leftovers??

I have a note Mac for missing the party:

Dear Mac and friends in the box,

Please excuse Katie from the party....even though she really really wanted to go......because she had to go to a school play.

Thank you,

The GNN Drama Club

The play was great by the way....
I knew nothing of the party, but I do have some extra spice, chocolate chip, and sugar cookies.

One per person, please. I'm going to be entering these into the fair.

Happy Anniversary!!!!

I'm sorry I missed the party, did anyone save me any leftovers??

I have a note Mac for missing the party:

Dear Mac and friends in the box,

Please excuse Katie from the party....even though she really really wanted to go......because she had to go to a school play.

Thank you,

The GNN Drama Club

The play was great by the way....

Ooh! What play?
It was a pleasure strolling down memory lane with all of you. You're a fun bunch.

Mac, thanks of inviting me over.

Night, night.
Good Night Homies And Don't Party Too Much
ooh, i've heard good things about it. i think they just revived it on B'way. Would love to go back to NYC one day. I'm seeing The Wedding Singers the musical next Thurs (dand and stepmom got me season tickets to the touring shows here in Dallas). Hoepfully it will be good......even if it isn't an equity tour (actor's union)
hello homies.................

thank you for the kind words.
much appreciated.

you all own a piece of the thread. it's a thread for all homies to be able to connect with each other.

i watched AI and was sick that michael johns got the boot.
shocked that he would leave before some of the girls.

keep posting on this thread until it closes.
the other will be #4 and it is up in the UO forums.

i sent a note to the mods to link this thread with the new one so we don't lose anyone.

yes darkie, the rent is paid up and the new joint is even better than this one.

will be back. have to ketchup up on my mail now.
Alright folks...bedtime!

Thanks Mac for creating this thread 1 year's to another happy and chatty year!
Well everyone sorry I did not get back to more on memory lane today. I just got the computer from the kiddos.

Thanks again mac for opening our home!

Andy it would have been more than 3 if they had started shutting threads down at 250 pages sooner. The first one got very big in the 9 or 10 months it was open.

Good night everyone! I will see you all tomorrow.
Another pondering just happened. I was lurking around the disney side of the board a bit and was reminded of why i joined this board. I kept seeing those "affordable Walt Disney World" commercials and decided....hey, I'm 22, and I haven't been to WDW in years, let alone by myself....I'm gonna go!! So, I started the overplanning/OCD planning I always do. Being the type of person that doesn't like relying on outside transportation (bad experience with local bus and family members) I wanted a hotel that I didn't have to do the bus alot. So with Disney that left me with 3 optons: Grand Floridian, Poly and Contemporary cause they had monorails. For a week, at the contemporary, it was about $3000!!! :scared3 So, trying to find cheap ways to stay at a nice hotel at Disney, I stumbled upon this guide to staying at Disney cheap (forget where/what it exactly is). She mention the DIS and buying/trading DVC points. Hey, nice place to stay, and maybe not too expensive. Read a few. Posted what I'd like. Then reread some more. God, it was difficult trying to figure that whole thing out. So I stayed a way for a while. Figured, ok, do a value resort, stepmom says the bus aren't bad. and ROTM is prolly the best ride ever. Knew I wanted to go to Universal cause last time I hadn't gotten to ride MIB and ROTM wasn't even announced yet. It would've been an extra 200-ish just to get there (if I rented a car). Researched Universal some more. Realized....hey! Universal has better moderately priced hotels in walking distance to the park. And the ticket's cheaper. Score!! So I switched to Universal. Again, OCD set in and was researching every detail I could about Universal. Stumbled upon the DIS again, and thought.....well, they're in the same general area, wonder if they're are some posts about Universal on here. The rest you can say is history......and really I wouldn't want it any other way. I don't think the Disney peeps could ever be as cool as ya'll!! My original agenda was to do Universal this year and Disney next, not returning til 2010 for HP. Ha! Now I don't even know when I will plan a trip to either Disney park. Universal has become my pimp, and I'm gonna earn him some big bucks. And hopefully run into 1 or 2 of yall along the way (HHN '09 is my new goal for next yr). Ok, I'm done with my lil story that I epihanied (not a real word, i think) today, that does kinda fit in with the anniversary. This message will self-destruct in 30 seconds.

...and, sorry mac....didn't have time to go back and stroll memory lane....sorry... :sad1:

Ketchup time:

he was pleasantly surprised to find that my friends in the box were real & nice folk

Awwww....tell your "real" husband, I think he's just real nice too ;)

And here is y'all making me a liar already!

I may be in the minority here but I sure hope they do not replace BTTF with a Simpsons ride. I will never step foot in it and my children will not either. It is one show that I immediately knew was not something we would watch. I can't believe they would even consider putting it in to a park.

Seeing as how Barb is making me ride it this summer. So much for never!

Never say never....comes back to hauntcha.... SNAP! It gotcha! :thumbsup2 :lmao:

it's 5:00 somewhere............:laughing:

always! :goodvibes

and this from brab, in may 07

and brab's statement:

and Tracie..... i doubt I'll hit 6500 before vacation....just a few weeks to are askin' an awful lot!

(besides, i don't talk THAT much! )

look at her count of postings now.
she doesn't talk that much.........

wha? :confused3 You sayin' I'm a blabbermouth? Thought I relinquished that title to mac.... :rolleyes1

....before I go I just wanted to tell Mac thanks for making this home for us. Who would have ever thought such great friendships could be made on a message board! Luv ya Mac!!!!:lovestruc

I guess it's time to play nice, since some of you appear to think I'm serious about the Heels thing. ;) I do love my Heels, but it takes a whole lot more than that to make me mad. I thought you guys knew that my sense of humor came laced with a heavy dose of sarcasm. If not, you do now. :p I'll play nice now, or at least try to. :blush:

I knows you kiddin'....don't worry ;)
See? I wasn't the only one that found your Prell drama funny!

I also thought your description of thinking of me when people tell stories of children who finger paint with their own poo was great too.


:lmao: and :lmao:

..... I can't help but wonder why celebrities don't just pay for several of the houses themselves. It's not like they'd have to worry about feeding their family, if they spent a few million replacing homes. Add a few milllion from each of their A-list peers & they wouldn't need the commoners donations. ;) Oh well, maybe celebrities contribute more than we think they do. :confused:

I've often wondered the same thing :confused3

The only thing standing between you and a slimmer waistline is one good poop!

Ain't that Tricia's line?

and by the way they just called about my car the alenator went out on it and now they are going to charge me for that plus towing and labor to fix it for a grand total of $270.00 :headache:

Sorry to hear that...are they going to fix it?? Altho, I'm shocked...$270 isn't as bad as I thot it'd be...ESPECIALLY for an alternator!

I've been in love with bacon since forever!!! As far as I'm concerned, chocolate and bacon are their own food groups

Boy...THAT statement is a TAG if I've ever seen one :rotfl:

Just checking in to say hi. I've now painting the hall upstairs and downstairs and the family room. After the new house looking so nice down south, I figured it was time to repaint up here. I am on a painting marathon. I can't stop because once I do and then start again, I will ache all over again.

Keep goin'....don't stop or you'll never finish! Pretty soon your Canada home will look as good as your SC home and you'll just stay home! :rotfl2:
Another pondering just happened. I was lurking around the disney side of the board a bit and was reminded of why i joined this board. I kept seeing those "affordable Walt Disney World" commercials and decided....hey, I'm 22, and I haven't been to WDW in years, let alone by myself....I'm gonna go!! So, I started the overplanning/OCD planning I always do. Being the type of person that doesn't like relying on outside transportation (bad experience with local bus and family members) I wanted a hotel that I didn't have to do the bus alot. So with Disney that left me with 3 optons: Grand Floridian, Poly and Contemporary cause they had monorails. For a week, at the contemporary, it was about $3000!!! :scared3 So, trying to find cheap ways to stay at a nice hotel at Disney, I stumbled upon this guide to staying at Disney cheap (forget where/what it exactly is). She mention the DIS and buying/trading DVC points. Hey, nice place to stay, and maybe not too expensive. Read a few. Posted what I'd like. Then reread some more. God, it was difficult trying to figure that whole thing out. So I stayed a way for a while. Figured, ok, do a value resort, stepmom says the bus aren't bad. and ROTM is prolly the best ride ever. Knew I wanted to go to Universal cause last time I hadn't gotten to ride MIB and ROTM wasn't even announced yet. It would've been an extra 200-ish just to get there (if I rented a car). Researched Universal some more. Realized....hey! Universal has better moderately priced hotels in walking distance to the park. And the ticket's cheaper. Score!! So I switched to Universal. Again, OCD set in and was researching every detail I could about Universal. Stumbled upon the DIS again, and thought.....well, they're in the same general area, wonder if they're are some posts about Universal on here. The rest you can say is history......and really I wouldn't want it any other way. I don't think the Disney peeps could ever be as cool as ya'll!! My original agenda was to do Universal this year and Disney next, not returning til 2010 for HP. Ha! Now I don't even know when I will plan a trip to either Disney park. Universal has become my pimp, and I'm gonna earn him some big bucks. And hopefully run into 1 or 2 of yall along the way (HHN '09 is my new goal for next yr). Ok, I'm done with my lil story that I epihanied (not a real word, i think) today, that doesn kinda fit in with the anniversary. This message will self-destruct in 30 seconds.

Yeah....they aren't too fond of Universal OR us over here on this side of the DIS :sad2:
Yeah....they aren't too fond of Universal OR us over here on this side of the DIS :sad2:

Yea, I've made a total of 2 posts over on that side. No reply, no hi, no nothing. I think I'm being ignored cause I have a USO bunny and saying I'm going to USO in my siggy. Also, it was in the gay disney board.....and you know how us queens can get!! :scared:
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