DDA Chapter 7

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I have to get a move on here. Tonight and tomorrow night are two of our major school-wide concerts. I have lots to do to complete my "tasks" and I also need to get my walk in before I can do some of it.

So... I am off to walk and then off to run errands and load up my car.

I will try to check in with you all tonight. Hope your days are terrific. (Jen - HAVE A BLAST IN ALASKA if I miss you!!!)
Elizabeth I always fly Air Tran & the most my schedule has been changed is by a 1/2 hour. I was delayed last year in Atlanta with Chanon, but this was due to weather. Nothing you can do about that & they were great about getting us booked on the next flight. I now only fly non-stop unless I have no other option.

Airtran does appear to offer at least one or two nonstop flights from here to Orlando every day, so as of now it looks like a good option.

Yes ME will bring your luggage to the resort & Air Tran is one of the participating airlines for resort check in of luggage on your day of departure.

If Air Tran goes belly up(which I do not see happening)my trips to Disney will come to a halt :sad2:

Well, we could check bags at the resort for departure IF we only had one bag each! :rolleyes:
Dadboss said his friend who is still at American thinks the next one to go will be United. We shall see. :rolleyes1

Well they HAVE a nursery! :rotfl: It's just that they don't staff it with nurses to take care of babies long term, becuase all of the research shows such an importance to rooming in nowadays. They take them for a bit when they are doing initial assessments, Vitamin K and erythromycin in the eyes, etc. Then they can take them for short times as I mentioned, but it's usually 1-2 nurses hanging out in there to sit with babies intermittently. That's actually how all of the birthing hospitals are around here now except maybe the Mercy hospitals (not sure), including Good Sam according to Kyle. The rest of the nursing staff is in the NICU or the special care nurseries, for babies who actually need nursing intervention or monitoring.

Even back when DS was born they wanted the babies in the rooms, not in the nursery. But they didn't want the mom to SLEEP if the baby was in the room! :mad: So I would call for somebody to come get him, they would take FOREVER, and by the time they came to get him it would be time for him to eat or time for me to see the Dr. or a visitor would show up so I got NO sleep from the time I checked in for induction at 5 AM on a Tuesday until they discharged me at 1 PM on Thursday! :headache:

I agree. And Elizabeth, where is your picture?

Enjoy your time off. I have decided that I am taking tomorrow off. There is no way that I want to try to head south on 95 tomorrow afternoon. I'll never get home, and I have to have Alyssa at the school at 5:45 for her recital. The kids only have a half day tomorrow so if I stay home we will have a nice, relaxing afternoon.

No flash photography. ;)

Enjoy your afternoon! :)

Once I get back from visiting my mom I will be doing stuff like going to Landon, and going to the dentist to have my NOT CROWNED tooth fixed. Then DS starts early release next Friday because of exams, so I won't have nearly as much time to myself as I thought.
Even back when DS was born they wanted the babies in the rooms, not in the nursery. But they didn't want the mom to SLEEP if the baby was in the room! :mad: So I would call for somebody to come get him, they would take FOREVER, and by the time they came to get him it would be time for him to eat or time for me to see the Dr. or a visitor would show up so I got NO sleep from the time I checked in for induction at 5 AM on a Tuesday until they discharged me at 1 PM on Thursday! :headache:
All these delivery stories are making me realize how good I had it. Again, both of my kids were c-sections. Nicholas stayed in the nursery during the night and when it was time to feed they brought him to me. I was nursing. And I was in the hospital for 3 nights. I don't remember it being that unbearable, the no sleep part. During the day he would be in the room with me, or we would go for walks in the hallways. They told me the more I moved around the better I would be. So I would always be pushing his bassinet around the halls. Anyway, after I got home I quit nursing because he wasn't getting anything. So when Alyssa was born I didn't even try. She would be with me during the day but at night I told the nurses in the nursery to go ahead and give her her bottle. They didn't have a problem with it and I wasn't pushed into anything. I've heard horror stories of the Nursing Nazis and luckily I didn't encounter any of that.
Eric just called me and told me his cousin is getting married on Oct 3, which is our anniversary and his fiancee's name is Robyn. What a funny coincidence!
Found this under Disney news here on the DIS.

Two Disney Store products recalled
May 22, 2008

Two items sold at the Disney Store have been recalled by the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

Both the Pirates of the Caribbean sleeping bag and Tinker Bell's Wand have been found to be in violation of the lead paint standards set by the CPSC. Both items were sold at the Disney Store from April through October of 2007.

While no injuries have occurred, it is advised that the items be returned for a refund.
Good morning, DDA!

Jen - I'm so glad you got to go home! I will "ditto" Terry's cheer from yesterday! ;) :rotfl:

Kristine - yay for cruise docs! I'm excited as it looks like our little Labor Day getaway is still a go, which means I'll be making that final payment soon, and will be booking stuff at 90-days! Good luck with the packing!

Jennifer - I will be in Austin the first weekend of August, but don't know that I will have any time outside of the wedding stuff, but I will keep you posted. The bride is like a sister to me (and daughter to my parents), and they have a full schedule booked, plus lots of backtracking all over the greater Austin area for various things. :headache:

Vicki - I'm glad you had a good experience with American. My dad is a 20-million+ mile passenger with them, and I've been flying them for years. I used to like them a lot, too - however, over the last few years I have had so many bad experiences, while also enduring their fare hikes and lack of customer service (to the level of being downright ridiculous), that Jonathan and I will do everything in our power to not fly them anymore. Being that we live in the DFW area (one of their hubs), though, that isn't always easy, as they've done everything in their power to run carriers out-of-town. Domestically, we find ways to make Southwest work for us (we both LOVE SWA); we've also flown Northwest recently and it wasn't bad; and we're certainly going to be giving a closer look to AirTran. We generally have to use American for our Kauai trips, but that's only because I use some of my work activities to beef up my AA mileage account so we can fly for free on those miles each year. I'll pay $15 for my bag, when I only paid $10 for them to issue me the award ticket. However, I will NOT give them any of my hard-earned $$ on routes where I have a choice, or can be creative in finding one. And the minute that I have to pay for a long-haul flight like those to Hawaii, you can bet I'll fly to another city and pick another carrier from there.

It will be interesting to see the fall-out from this. Needless to say, they are NOT getting favorable press in their hometown.

Deb - glad yesterday went well, and good luck today on the prep work! YAY COLBY!!! :cheer2:

Elin - enjoy your concerts today!

Jen - love the hair cut!

Elizabeth - I agree - we need to see yours!

Well, I need to get back to work - have great days everyone!
Eric just called me and told me his cousin is getting married on Oct 3, which is our anniversary and his fiancee's name is Robyn. What a funny coincidence!

That is an odd coincidence.

Jen Have a great time on your cruise.

Debbie have a great time on your cruise too.

Am I missing anyone leaving soon? My brain feels a bit mushy today.

The ticket I ordered for my Dad through AAA came today, but the AAA diamond card did not. Thankfully a quick call and it is supposed to be in the mail now.

I'm heading outside to play trac ball will Colby and I must be moving too slow since he is putting my shoes on me now :rotfl:
I just made my first Disney Store purchase in years! :teeth: I picked up a black polo with Tigger for Bob and a white polo with Goofy for me. Thought it'd be great for golf for him and we could talke them for the honeymoon; they should work great for a dinner on the ship and dinner at Disney.
(...and I didn't like this thread being halfway down the page!)
well at least hes sitting down. I hope you all are safe from the flooding.

We are, thanks for asking. We live on a hill, so we're away from all the flooding. Of course, if I want to go to the store, I have to take a roundabout way to get there to bypass some of it.
I just made my first Disney Store purchase in years! :teeth: I picked up a black polo with Tigger for Bob and a white polo with Goofy for me. Thought it'd be great for golf for him and we could talke them for the honeymoon; they should work great for a dinner on the ship and dinner at Disney.
(...and I didn't like this thread being halfway down the page!)

Sounds cute! We do not have those in our store or I would want the Goofy one for sure..Chanon, I think you are going to like my Christmas cards this year.;)

I have been looking at cruises for 2009..they are addictive.:cloud9:
OR planning 2 weeks at Disney but between 2 resorts. Its fun to dream right now, with all the airfare going up & charging for everything (like using the toilet!, that will be next!) I hope we can get in at least one nice week or so at Disneyworld. I know we will be driving the next few trips anyway.
Jennifer - I will be in Austin the first weekend of August, but don't know that I will have any time outside of the wedding stuff, but I will keep you posted. The bride is like a sister to me (and daughter to my parents), and they have a full schedule booked, plus lots of backtracking all over the greater Austin area for various things. :headache:
sure just let me know. I am available Fri, Sun and Mon.

Jen like the hair cut

Debbie have a great time on your cruise too.
Actually, the morning sickness hasn't been anywhere near as bad as it was with my other pregnancies! I was on chemo medication for that because I just couldn't keep anything down. So, getting this far without any meds is a miracle. I think it is actually subsiding a little bit. I get really tired in the afternoons, so I take a nap, and then wake up sick. I'm usually ok if I can hurry and eat some cottage cheese and peaches. So, I'm feeling pretty lucky!

I can so relate to your Kevin story. Alan does editing for a freelance side business, and it was hard for me to realize that for every minute of finished video, it usually takes an hour of edit time. It makes for some long nights. Once I realized that, I was much more complimentary of Alan's work.
here it is--unstyled , in pjs, no makeup--forgive me haha


I think it's cute! Very flattering to your face! And you look great! No apologies necessary!!!

If I don't "see" you before, have a great cruise and take lots of notes. That is definitely one cruise both Alan and I want to do!
Idol was not the outcome we expected. I won't name names, but be asured that David won :rotfl2: :rotfl2: Colby was not happy with the outcome. I was also suprised by the comments and apology that Simon made before the winner was announced. Have I been cryptic enough :laughing:

Katie was pretty disappointed too. I knew, though, as soon as Simon issued his apology who would win. I told Alan, and he laughed and said, "no way." When I was proven right, he just looked at me astonished. I told him he should just accept that I'm always right and we'll get along much better!:rotfl:
I kept Emma with me the entire stay but I remember getting yelled at for allowing her to sleep 6 hours. I should have woken her up after 2 according to the nurse.

Molly stayed the entire time and she cried that entire night. I wanted to give her a pacifier and the nurse wouldn't allow it whatsoever as I was nursing. Eric would have gone out but it was torrential downpour.

I sent Lucy to the nursery and had no regrets. It was nice to get those few hours of uninterrupted sleep. I had some sleeping meds the night I was induced and it had the exact opposite effect on me and was wide awake and jittery. I slept maybe 10 minutes that night.

Katie slept through the night right from day one! The nurses told me they would bring her to me when she needed to nurse. When I woke up at 6:00 the next morning, she was still asleep, and at that point, we had to wake her up to eat. She really spoiled me! None of the other kids slept through the night until much later!

I definitely think it's much better to let the baby hang out in the nursery! Makes me a better mommy!!!
you were cryptic enough but I thought from your crypticness that the other won.

We love the outcome...but I haven't been watching as faithfully as in past seasons because no one grabbed us. I will say the winner grabbed me the last couple of weeks. We've watched more when it's "themes" we've wanted to watch...Dolly, Andrew Lloyd Weber.

It would have been disloyal of us to cheer for someone other than David A., since he's from our area (and I taught some of his cousins in high school), but I'm really happy with the outcome. I think both those young men will have stellar careers!
I have been looking for a book that I used to read to Dawn. Well someone on the CB linked this place in another thread http://forums.abebooks.com/n/mb/listsf.asp?webtag=abesleuthcom&gfc=1&sts=5/22/2008+6:52:25+AM

I posted info on what the book was about and the second person to respond, had the name of the book I wanted. They also sell copies of books and there are at least 20 people selling a copy of the book. Gonna get it for her, as she has been wanting it.

That's really cool. What was the book, if you don't mind my asking?
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