Disboutiquers Part 5 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

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No Big Give outfit to share since I won't get to work on it until after our trip but I am working on some last minute outfit for dd and ds. I thought I was done until my dh discover my 101 Dalmatian panel and talked me into making another outfit for our trip. This is the shirt for my ds...and I will be back to post a picture of dd's outfit when it's done. I have the skirt partially done, and still working on the top. I really like how ds's shirt turn out!


I love this...it's so bright and vibrant!
I'd love to see the appliques on the back of the Ariel set....

Oh wait...I found one..

It's funny, how those who complain the most about CASEing...turn around and do it...
Your Eric looks EXACTLY like mine...

The big difference is Lori takes the time to applique her faces as tigger . . . uh Castle uses tubes of puffy paint.

Lori you outfit is stunning as usual. The colors are beautiful and you did a wonderful job.
No Big Give outfit to share since I won't get to work on it until after our trip but I am working on some last minute outfit for dd and ds. I thought I was done until my dh discover my 101 Dalmatian panel and talked me into making another outfit for our trip. This is the shirt for my ds...and I will be back to post a picture of dd's outfit when it's done. I have the skirt partially done, and still working on the top. I really like how ds's shirt turn out!


So cute! I love it!

I finally finished my BIG GIVE outfit.

I'm a little insecure about how the applique turned out, but I'll post a picture of it anyway.

Isabelle is a little bigger than Tessa, so it should fit her better.

I couldn't find the fabric that was in my original Lion King outfit, but I loved this animal fabric. Here's a closeup:

This is Jayda modeling the doll outfit I made to match:

Um, insecure about your applique?????? It's flippin sweet! You did an AWESOME job on it! Love it!
Here's a picture of my latest custom:


a) Okay, so the only "custom" part is the applique I sewed (okay, okay, ironed) onto the hat. BUT...

b) I *am* exactly 50% responsible for creating the adorable creature wearing the hat. Can't get more custom than that. ;)

In real news, I bought some CarlaC patterns (easy-fit pants, portrait peasant dress) and I think I might actually start sewing this weekend! <GULP>

cute custom! :rotfl: and I think you picked my two favorite patterns!

OK I want opinions before I break out the sewing machine lol.
This is what DD 4 is wearing tomorrow ... I am debating doing an applique where the red in middle is the bodice or the center strip.

So of course DS 1 has to match he has shorts but I could not be that simple ... insert eye roll here.

Without the shorts

With them
And since 16 month olds are rarely still enough to actually see what they are wearing here it is.

I do not like how the whale bleeds through the water but it is tomorrow so I am sucking it up and taking one for the team on that one. Since he is so little it looked strange centered hence the off center so yes that is on purpose lol. Now my question should I make some cute little saying to match it or just leave it as is? Should I mess with DD's outfit or do you think it is ok the way it is?

I like them the way they are, but also like the idea of another wave layered on top of the original, maybe in a slightly darker color with the original wave peeking over it like foam?

I finally finished my BIG GIVE outfit.

I'm a little insecure about how the applique turned out, but I'll post a picture of it anyway.

Isabelle is a little bigger than Tessa, so it should fit her better.

I couldn't find the fabric that was in my original Lion King outfit, but I loved this animal fabric. Here's a closeup:

This is Jayda modeling the doll outfit I made to match:

:worship: :worship: :worship: Hmmm, I haven't mailed my Big Give outfit yet...maybe it's not too late to start over :eek: Heather you are SO GOOD at applique! I wish my simple crown looked half as good as baby simba! And I love the "leaping zebra" fabric! So cool. And a matching doll outfit? :worship:
The big difference is Lori takes the time to applique her faces as tigger . . . uh Castle uses tubes of puffy paint.

Lori you outfit is stunning as usual. The colors are beautiful and you did a wonderful job.

Yeah..I don't applique at all...it's all "puffy paint" :lmao: hey..maybe I don't even sew at all. Maybe my outfits are glued together...:lmao:
No Big Give outfit to share since I won't get to work on it until after our trip but I am working on some last minute outfit for dd and ds. I thought I was done until my dh discover my 101 Dalmatian panel and talked me into making another outfit for our trip. This is the shirt for my ds...and I will be back to post a picture of dd's outfit when it's done. I have the skirt partially done, and still working on the top. I really like how ds's shirt turn out!


Where on earth are you finding 101 Dalmatians stuff? We'll be staying at ASMovies this December and MIL would gladly make something if we could find some fabric. Cute shirt!
Carla's patterns are wonderful! Just make sure you print the pattern at 100%!

Not that I'd ever do such a thing as to print it in "fit to page" mode
but, seeing as how you are new to this, I thought I'd mention it,
yah know,
just incase....



Well, in GOOD news, I won't have to sew the pants over again.

In BAD news... I will have to create the pattern again. :eek:

THANK YOU Teresa! I'd set the scaling to "none" when I printed out the folding templates, but forgot to do so the next day when I sat down to print out the pattern. You just saved me a lot of work (and fabric!). :worship:
Thanks guys. It is hard. Like Tink, I have been that way for my entire life and I hate for him to feel inadequate. He has so many gifts, I want him to see them. I don't want him to feel like I do, completely untalented and unwanted all of the time. It's so miserable to be mediocre at everything you do. I want him to see the value in his gifts and do his best to let them shine through and focus on them instead of looking constantly at the talents he doesn't have and wishing they were his. I have never been able to do that. I have never excelled at anything well enough to be like "this is MY thing" and focus on it, I only see all of the talents I wish I did have and mope about them NOT being mine. You know even to this day I see people, musicians, artists, wonderfully crafty people and wish that was me. I just did not grow up to be the person I thought I would. I am so mundane. It breaks my heart that I have drug my DH and sweet sweet boy into mediocrity w/ me.

I know it is the plight of all parents to want your children to NOT go through the pains and heartaches that you did. And I know that everyone has to grow up on their own and there WILL be pain and heartaches. I just wish I was a better mom and knew how to steer him through it.:(


Oh your poor little boy! I have an 8 yr old girl so I get the whole insecure thing. Hopefully with summer coming things will get better. Then Next yr he can start fresh and every one will see what a wonderful little boy you see!

You are doing a great job you are raising a very self aware little boy and one day his wife will love you for it!

I was at my 8 yr old's school today and she came running up to me crying saying one of her friends called her a bad name. So I tried to reassure her and then the 2 girls who said the mean name to her said it was an accident and i I then took it as my oppertunity to tell them that saying mean words is no accident it is just not nice and how would they feel if some one said mean words to them. Then one of ly little girls friends hurled all over the 2 girls that said the mean thing to my dd! Karma is a B! I say! :lmao: Ok I know that was mean but as I a mom i had to chuckle when I left the class today thinking abut it!
Hope you don't mind me poking my head in for a moment...I've never posted here before, but I have often looked at the beautiful creations everyone posted. I believe there was a different photo account not too long ago and I saw several Jack Skellington sets for little girls- dresses and skirts and such. I cannot find them in the new account and my daughter desperately wants something like that for our trip this September. Can anyone help? Thanks!

I believe you could find this toward the beginning of the first thread.
Little off topic, im heading to the hospital tommorow morning. I will be in surgery from 9-11 to have this football sized cyst and my right ovary removed. Please think aobut me and say a prayer. I will miss you all.
I'm a little late in seeing this, but I'll pray for you anyway. I hope your surgery went well and that you're not in too much pain. :hug:

Okay...well...we have a rather large student...nearly 6' 4 and probably 375 pounds....and then some. He's just a great big person. He's profoundly autistic and prone to bouts of violence. He doesn't know his own strength. So imagine a six year old in that body having a temper tantrum. He can snap metal scissors in half like it's cardboard.
:scared1: Now THAT'S a rough day at work!! Wow, I'm glad you're all right, besides a few bruises. :hug:

These are so cute!

Your girls are too cute! The tweety outfits are adorable, and so is the Minnie outfit!

EnchantedPrincess: i lost your picture, but the Dalmatians outfit is adorable!

Would you look at that little cutie pie!!

Need a Big Give opinion (PLease)

I made the Snow White dress I posted a few days ago. When I was Joanns today they have a full body embroidered Snow White. Should I take the bow off the front of the dress (and use it for a hairbow) and put the embroidered Snow White on the bodice instead?
I love the dress as-is. I like the simplicty of it, very classy!

I think it's very cute!!


a) Okay, so the only "custom" part is the applique I sewed (okay, okay, ironed) onto the hat. BUT...

b) I *am* exactly 50% responsible for creating the adorable creature wearing the hat. Can't get more custom than that. ;)

In real news, I bought some CarlaC patterns (easy-fit pants, portrait peasant dress) and I think I might actually start sewing this weekend! <GULP>
You are hilarious!! I think your "custom" is absolutely gorgeous!!

I think the top would be cute with an applique on the bodice. The whale applique looks fine. Water IS see-through, right?
:worship: :worship: :worship: Hmmm, I haven't mailed my Big Give outfit yet...maybe it's not too late to start over :eek: Heather you are SO GOOD at applique! I wish my simple crown looked half as good as baby simba! And I love the "leaping zebra" fabric! So cool. And a matching doll outfit? :worship:

YOU BETTER NOT START OVER....I LOVE how your outfit turned out. It is ADORABLE!! I can't wait to see Isabelle model it!!! :goodvibes :worship:
OK I want opinions before I break out the sewing machine lol.
This is what DD 4 is wearing tomorrow ... I am debating doing an applique where the red in middle is the bodice or the center strip.

So of course DS 1 has to match he has shorts but I could not be that simple ... insert eye roll here.

Without the shorts

With them
And since 16 month olds are rarely still enough to actually see what they are wearing here it is.

I do not like how the whale bleeds through the water but it is tomorrow so I am sucking it up and taking one for the team on that one. Since he is so little it looked strange centered hence the off center so yes that is on purpose lol. Now my question should I make some cute little saying to match it or just leave it as is? Should I mess with DD's outfit or do you think it is ok the way it is?
These are cute!!! I think your daughter's outfit looks good the way it is.

AND! Heather stold my witty reply about the water! Really! I call her up to tell her she is crazy, and then I miss my chance to be witty!

(I was going to say that of course you can see the whale through the water! Water is CLEAR! But, I see Heather already said it, so I won't....)
I finally finished my BIG GIVE outfit.

I'm a little insecure about how the applique turned out, but I'll post a picture of it anyway.

Isabelle is a little bigger than Tessa, so it should fit her better.

I couldn't find the fabric that was in my original Lion King outfit, but I loved this animal fabric. Here's a closeup:

This is Jayda modeling the doll outfit I made to match:


Well, in GOOD news, I won't have to sew the pants over again.

In BAD news... I will have to create the pattern again. :eek:

THANK YOU Teresa! I'd set the scaling to "none" when I printed out the folding templates, but forgot to do so the next day when I sat down to print out the pattern. You just saved me a lot of work (and fabric!). :worship:

I know I alreayd called you to tell you how great this is, but I'll repeat it here!!!

THIS IS FANTASTIC HEATHER!!!!! I think it looks wonderful!!!! And, once again, I say "You ARE NUTS!"
I think the top would be cute with an applique on the bodice. The whale applique looks fine. Water IS see-through, right?

:lmao: :rotfl2: :rotfl:
:cool1: I wanted to share a couple outfits I made for my DS (Sorry about my messing desk)
Beach outfit.

I love the beach outfit. I have the fabric waiting for inspiration. What pattern did you use?
Can't decide what to make. . .

I was going to make a Sailor style outfit from this for DS, using Simplicity 5982

But, since the little hoodie turned out so well I am thinking of making another one of those. But I need to find a coordinating fabric at JoAnn's to make it.
I almost bought that for our cruise. I think the anchor fabric would be perfect with it. Joanns sells it too.

OK I want opinions before I break out the sewing machine lol.
This is what DD 4 is wearing tomorrow ... I am debating doing an applique where the red in middle is the bodice or the center strip.

So of course DS 1 has to match he has shorts but I could not be that simple ... insert eye roll here.

Without the shorts

With them
And since 16 month olds are rarely still enough to actually see what they are wearing here it is.

I do not like how the whale bleeds through the water but it is tomorrow so I am sucking it up and taking one for the team on that one. Since he is so little it looked strange centered hence the off center so yes that is on purpose lol. Now my question should I make some cute little saying to match it or just leave it as is? Should I mess with DD's outfit or do you think it is ok the way it is?
Those shorts are cute! Since I made my DD outfit with the whale fabric, I've been looking for a way for my boys to match without it looking too girly. I think the shorts are cute on your little one, but not sure if DS7 would wear them.
My lord...don't check this thread in a couple of hours and you have 10 pages to catch up on. OK experts...I posted my first dress about 10-15 pages back (shirred top, teal Tink sundress). Obviously, this was super easy to make. My next project is a circle skirt :eek: DD is all about wanting to wear either skirts or dresses to Disney this year...which means I better get good at sundresses! Anyone know what the best beginner pattern is?
OK, first things first... :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes to all :hippie:

Thanks guys. It is hard. Like Tink, I have been that way for my entire life and I hate for him to feel inadequate. He has so many gifts, I want him to see them. I don't want him to feel like I do, completely untalented and unwanted all of the time. It's so miserable to be mediocre at everything you do. I want him to see the value in his gifts and do his best to let them shine through and focus on them instead of looking constantly at the talents he doesn't have and wishing they were his. I have never been able to do that. I have never excelled at anything well enough to be like "this is MY thing" and focus on it, I only see all of the talents I wish I did have and mope about them NOT being mine. You know even to this day I see people, musicians, artists, wonderfully crafty people and wish that was me. I just did not grow up to be the person I thought I would. I am so mundane. It breaks my heart that I have drug my DH and sweet sweet boy into mediocrity w/ me.

I know it is the plight of all parents to want your children to NOT go through the pains and heartaches that you did. And I know that everyone has to grow up on their own and there WILL be pain and heartaches. I just wish I was a better mom and knew how to steer him through it.:(

:hug: to you and your DS. I can really relate to those feelings of inadequacy and although I don't have any advice I do sympathise and wish you all the best.

No Big Give outfit to share since I won't get to work on it until after our trip but I am working on some last minute outfit for dd and ds. I thought I was done until my dh discover my 101 Dalmatian panel and talked me into making another outfit for our trip. This is the shirt for my ds...and I will be back to post a picture of dd's outfit when it's done. I have the skirt partially done, and still working on the top. I really like how ds's shirt turn out!

That is soo cute!

Last night Lily said she was going to be a pirate.. She said " ...but first I am going to be a princess, when I grow up I will be a pirate" I don't know if I've mentioned that my DH and his cousin had our boys convince (they are 10 now and have caught on;) ) that when men in the Ruck family turn 18 they become pirates??? So it was really funny, my MIL said "well, it's in your blood":rotfl: Anyway that was last night and just now I accidentally ran across this picture


PS. That's my mom w/ her
And just because everyone was saying how she is more of a middle now, I thought I'd post this picture, because I LOVE IT, it is from Thanksgiving 2006


She was soooo cute, I just can't stand the thought of her turning 10 TOO!!!

and in case I have not WHINED enough lately, I just realized I have a wedding to go to on Sat. and I am WAY too fat to go to a wedding!!! UGH!!! I thought it was later in the month. I also have to get clothes for the kids and myself to wear. I guess I could make Little something....that's just insane, fah-get about it!!!
Aww, what a cute little pirate! :cutie:

Need a Big Give opinion (PLease)

I made the Snow White dress I posted a few days ago. When I was Joanns today they have a full body embroidered Snow White. Should I take the bow off the front of the dress (and use it for a hairbow) and put the embroidered Snow White on the bodice instead?

Here is the dress as it is now
I think the embroidered Snow White would look nice (as i'm picturing it in my mind anyway!) The dress is really cute :)

I am trying to come up with just simple outfits for gifts and playwear. What do you think about this?



I'm not totally finished with the fish. I am going to give them each an eye made out of a blue sequin w/a bead in the center.

Be totally honest!
I think it's adorable! I love the combo of blue and orange and it looks like a really practical/comfy outfit for play :)

OK I want opinions before I break out the sewing machine lol.
This is what DD 4 is wearing tomorrow ... I am debating doing an applique where the red in middle is the bodice or the center strip.

So of course DS 1 has to match he has shorts but I could not be that simple ... insert eye roll here.

Without the shorts

With them
And since 16 month olds are rarely still enough to actually see what they are wearing here it is.

I do not like how the whale bleeds through the water but it is tomorrow so I am sucking it up and taking one for the team on that one. Since he is so little it looked strange centered hence the off center so yes that is on purpose lol. Now my question should I make some cute little saying to match it or just leave it as is? Should I mess with DD's outfit or do you think it is ok the way it is?
I think maybe a blue whale would look cute on your DD's outfit, or otherwise as it is. The fabric is quite busy so I think a simple applique if any. I'm stumped as far as sayings go but i'm sure someone wittier than me will have a suggestion! LOVE the fabrics/outfits by the way :cool2:
I finally finished my BIG GIVE outfit.

I'm a little insecure about how the applique turned out, but I'll post a picture of it anyway.

Isabelle is a little bigger than Tessa, so it should fit her better.

I couldn't find the fabric that was in my original Lion King outfit, but I loved this animal fabric. Here's a closeup:

This is Jayda modeling the doll outfit I made to match:
That is amazing! :yay: I lovelove the applique and I think it turned out wonderfully, i'm almost scared to share any of my future applique attempts because of all the talent on this thread popcorn::
My lord...don't check this thread in a couple of hours and you have 10 pages to catch up on. OK experts...I posted my first dress about 10-15 pages back (shirred top, teal Tink sundress). Obviously, this was super easy to make. My next project is a circle skirt :eek: DD is all about wanting to wear either skirts or dresses to Disney this year...which means I better get good at sundresses! Anyone know what the best beginner pattern is?
Youcanmakethis.com has a flounce skirt pattern that is super easy to do. If you just want one layer for the skirt just do the bottom layer. If you look at the pattern you'll see what I'm talking about.


Hi Everyone...just thought I would share a few pictures I took of my little one in her new black pettiskirt....all "Minnie'd up"....:rotfl2:




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