Mousecellaneous - a thread to share non-DLP related posts

Just wanted to let you all know how proud we are of DS2 who has got his final results today. :cool1:

Got a 2-1 from Cambridge Uni (Natural Sciences specialising in Geology)

Of course the DLP trip at Easter must have helped - studying the rock formation of BTM.

Well done to him!
I just passed my sociology module!! I got a first!! :goodvibes

Just have to hope I've passed everything else!!

Bob xoxoxox

Well done Bob:thumbsup2

Just wanted to let you all know how proud we are of DS2 who has got his final results today. :cool1:

Got a 2-1 from Cambridge Uni (Natural Sciences specialising in Geology)

Of course the DLP trip at Easter must have helped - studying the rock formation of BTM.

Congratulations to your DS:goodvibes
Got my letter from the Ambulance service today confirming I have passed all the elements fro the application process. However the letter reads that they are now not going to have technicians, its going to be something different. It is very confusing but the way the letter reads that the process is going to drag on even more. I have emailed the person the letter came from to be clearer.

At this point I have had enough, they mess people about, are extremlely unorganised. If the job has changed, they have know about it a while as it is not something you come up with overnight.

I only applied for the job as I couldn't find work elsewhere & really need to leave my current job, however I had started to get excited about it now this happens. I am on the verge of telling them to stick it but I will wait & see what the response is first:mad:
Urgh, I hate people who are incharge of employing other people.

It;s like people who have jobs don;t realise how much anticipation and importance there is when you are looking for a job.

My bf just went for a load of interviews, and every one promised to let him know yes or no either way, and not one did! Luckily now he's got a great job with a company that did care, but the amount of messnig around people do is horrible.

Plus jobs are one of the most important things in your life, I'm going to always try and remember that!
Where are you going to eat during your stay Torsie24?
I can`t seem to decide when It comes to eating... :(
Where are you going to eat during your stay Torsie24?
I can`t seem to decide when It comes to eating... :(

Well, we get there on Sunday at about 12.30pm. So we'll just grab a waffle and pizza (Mickey shaped of course) if we get hungry in the day, as they feed you LOADS on the Eurostar if it's anything like the journey to Paris.

We have dinner reservations at Walts for 8pm that night.

Then on the Monday we have Lucky Nugget booked for 2pm. I'm assuming we won’t want a second big meal, so I don't have any plans, but maybe Annette's if we are hungry, it will be a long day!!

On the Tuesday I'm hoping we can have a GMFL Breakfast, I haven't made any reservations for that day. Have to wait and see about that. (Used up all my HB vouchers with Lunch the next day) Maybe Rainforest Café...?

On our last day (weds) I have a Café Mickey lunch booked so we can say goodbye the Disney way.


What places are you considering?
I took off my tickers of my sig today....i was getting a little depressed seeing how long i have to wait till my next trip lol.

Im sure ill add them again soon.
I know what you mean about job frustration- Roberts having similar problems (Rubbish job, rubbish pay....He really hates it....)... It's really getting annoying now 'cause with us planning the wedding and saving for a house its kinda urgent that he gets a better job. His boss told him he should be getting a promotion, but then they gave it to someone who totally messes with the flexi-time system, skives constantly and is a rubbish worker!! :mad: Not a fair system in my eyes!

Hope things get sorted for you tennisfan! :hug:

Bob xoxoxox
Very long sorry....

I just want another persons thoughts as I am so confused

After 5 and a half years my partner has just broken my heart by announcing that he doesn’t know whether he wants to spend the rest of his life with me (he did) and that he has been a bit unhappy for a couple of months. He is in the Royal Navy and has never actually lived with me or my children properly only weekends and holidays. The plan had always been that when my youngest finished school in 2 years I would go and live where he is based and we would buy a house.
After much soul searching it was my initial decision to call it a day as I felt there was no other option, I could not live week to week wondering if he knew whether he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me yet. He agreed and 30 minutes after the conversation started he had gathered his stuff and was out the door with both of us in tears. I don’t think he would have suggested going our separate ways though as he just sat there until I made the decision. It has just all happened so quickly, I am shocked, one minute we were discussing what to get for a takeaway the next minute he was gone. I don’t even know how the conversation went from what we were getting for dinner to that subject of our relationship, on Friday we were even discussing booking our holiday for next year.
I am absolutely heartbroken; I just want to die and do not know what way to turn. I loved him with all my heart and honestly thought we would be together forever, my children idolised him. I never even thought there was a problem, everything seemed normal he rang every night just as he has for the last 5 and a half years and always seemed happy to be back of a weekend. He says he loves me and I am the best thing that has ever happened to him but doesn’t know what changed; he doesn’t know what he wants.
I rang him yesterday (I know I shouldn’t have) just to try and get my head round it all. There were no tears I just needed to try and understand what went wrong. I asked what would have happened if the conversation had never got onto our relationship?? I said I would have been none the wiser that he was unhappy and he would have just come back in a month’s time (he is going to sea for a month) as normal. His answer was that he probably would have been ok by then. What sort of answer is that? It left me wishing to god that we had never even discussed our relationship. I will not contact him anymore as there is no more to say but I just feel so desperate and absolutely gutted.
I'm sorry to hear what you are going through Brigette:hug: maybe the month away will do you both good in that you both have the chance to think about your relationship & where you want it to go. Did your partner say why he is unhappy? I think you both need to sit down & discuss it rationally.

My advice would be to both give yourselves a bit of space to think things through. Is he under any extra pressure/stress from his job. I know being in the Navy is a difficult job as it, trying to maintain relationship is also a difficult area.

I hope things work out for you both.
Oh Bridgette, I'm sorry this has happened to you, as I know how awful it feels!

When I went away to University in the states my bf got quite funny about it and broke up with me for seemingly no reason. It made me feel awful, and I didn't see how my life was ever going to get better.

But my time away gave us both loads of space and time to think, and we got back together once I returned, and now we are so much closer and stronger.

Sometimes time and space is really needed.

I know that words like these are little help this soon after it all happening, but just hold on in there and every day it will get a little bit better.

Ah, Brigette, big big :hug:

I'm so sorry about you and your partner... Really don't know what to suggest or say, just wanted to send you tons of :hug:

Ema x

So sorry to hear your news. Relationship breakdowns are difficult enough to deal with when you both know that something is wrong but when it comes out of the blue it must be devastating.

It all sounds as if it has happened very quickly and I cannot help but think - and hope for you - that your BF perhaps just said something out loud that had been at the back of his mind and it has just snowballed rather than been discussed and fixed. The fact that he said if it had not been brought up it would all have been fine should be taken as a good sign that all is not lost.

A month apart may be all it takes for you both to realise what you mean to each other.

The important thing right now is to be there for your children. I am a firm believer in what is for you won't go by you. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

i am sorry to hear that but you should not think even for just a second you want to die should you??

I agree with the others, he sounds very much confused and staying apart for a month can do you two very good, sometimes we just dont realize how important is what we have got.

I hope things turn out for the best for you, him and your kids :hug: :hug:
One of my eldest son Edoardo's former school mates, aged 22, died yesterday in a motorbike accident.

He was a good boy always smiling, i remember him nagging Edoardo when he failed the school year and had to leave his class.

When such an horrible thing happens everything else seems less important.

May he rest in peace and his family find some confort somehow.
One of my eldest son Edoardo's former school mates, aged 22, died yesterday in a motorbike accident.

He was a good boy always smiling, i remember him nagging Edoardo when he failed the school year and had to leave his class.

When such an horrible thing happens everything else seems less important.

May he rest in peace and his family find some confort somehow.

Ahhhhhh, so so sad... And so young...

May he rest in peace.

Big big :hug: to you.
One of my eldest son Edoardo's former school mates, aged 22, died yesterday in a motorbike accident.

He was a good boy always smiling, i remember him nagging Edoardo when he failed the school year and had to leave his class.

When such an horrible thing happens everything else seems less important.

May he rest in peace and his family find some confort somehow.

Sorry to hear that. :hug: to you & your family
Brigette:: So sorry to hear about your relationship breaking down. I don't know what to say really - just wanted to say hope you're ok, stay strong and :hug: to you.

Giuly:: That is such sad news. :hug: to you too.
One of my eldest son Edoardo's former school mates, aged 22, died yesterday in a motorbike accident.

He was a good boy always smiling, i remember him nagging Edoardo when he failed the school year and had to leave his class.

When such an horrible thing happens everything else seems less important.

May he rest in peace and his family find some confort somehow.

One of my eldest son Edoardo's former school mates, aged 22, died yesterday in a motorbike accident.

He was a good boy always smiling, i remember him nagging Edoardo when he failed the school year and had to leave his class.

When such an horrible thing happens everything else seems less important.

May he rest in peace and his family find some confort somehow.

So sorry to hear that - it certainly puts things in perspective :hug:


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