Wendy & Chuck's PJ and TR Merged 2/4/08 Escape SBP/JIKO: Updated 9/19-Pleasure Island

Wendy I am stressed for you! Hope things slow down for you--looking forward to more!

:surfweb: more soon please!
Holy crap! If that bridal shop is the one I'm thinking of it's between Publix and Blockbuster off Central Florida Blvd. I used to live right around the corner! :lmao:
Glad to see you are back Wendy! Your first day sounds very stressful! I'm glad after reading this that we are (hopefully) arriving for our wedding two days before anyone else does!
Hooray! More trippie! It's like the Alternate Universe Version of my experience - same days, different kinds of hassles. :rotfl: Can't wait to hear more! popcorn::
YEA!!!! Your back with your TR! Sorry to hear you had such a stressful first day though. Hope it gets better really soon. :goodvibes
That is where Carolyn Allen's is located. My DF's father lives right around the corner in the Williamsburg development. We have been going down for years and never realized it was right there until we came home from our planning session this past November. I was checking out the info Disney gave me when I got home and found I had been walking past this place tons of times (always going to that CVS and Publix). Where did you live and how long ago did you move.

Wendy, glad you had no trouble with Carolyn Allen's. We were there this past May and had my DF and his dad measured and we have sent all the measurements for the other guys down.

:lmao: I saw your thread pop up on the TR subforum and was in the midst of making a snarky remark to Val about how we would never see the end of your report (so many of the TR's are resurfacing with the move) when I saw that you had posted!

I am so ashamed of myself!

I love your post, and am eagerly anticipating the next. It will be a wonderful Christmas Present!!!

Yeah your back. That sounds like a very stressful day, hope its gets better.
I know a lot of us want to relive the wedding because it was so amazing. It's such a let down after it's over because there is nothing left to plan and look forward to. Mix in the fact that we're having our weddings at Disney, and you're looking at a double-whammy let down.

I don't know how to say this. I don't want anyone to think that I didn't love my wedding. Or that I would do anything differently if I had it to do again. I wanted a Disney wedding. And I'm sooooo greatful that I got to have it. But, quite frankly, I felt like so much was out of my control. Especially when it came to family and people. I would like to say that things got better, but they just didn't. This isn't your happy-go-lucky TR. And that may be part of why it's been so difficult for me to be motivated to write it. I'm here writing this because I feel like I owe it to you guys. I've made so many friends and aquaintances and I hate to let you guys down. Also, if there is something to be learned from my experience for furture brides, they deserve that opportunity. Unfortunately, I'm also planning an at-home party that isn't really a reception, but is for the wedding. This is for my MIL and because of my MIL. I never wanted a large wedding, nor did I ever want to plan something so large. It has been one struggle after another with her and my SIL and I feel like this has been going on since as far back as last November. I think my PJ is linked in the first post of this TR and you can read that drama. But there is so much more. I just feel like a LOT of my wedding experience has been ruined.

So, with that in mind, I apologize again for going MIA for so long. I'm going to diligently work on this TR and then I'll roll right into the drama of planning for the at-home party and I'll cap off with that. I'm recommitted.

If anyone has any questions, or if I leave something out, just ask! I want to make sure that I'm providing a resource here. I'll do vendor reviews at the end. The only thing I ask is that you guys spare me the negative comments. I guess I'm a little more sensitive than I realized and I consider this board one of the happy things associated with my wedding! So please don't turn on me!! Thanks everyone for sticking with me and reading.

So glad to see the update and to see that you're going to continue your report. It sounds like you had a crazy first day too. We had so many errands too, but thankfully most of our guests didn't arrive until the next day, so we didn't have to worry about fielding their calls or meeting up. We ended up having to pick up someone at the airport too, it amazed me how people didn't have some of these things arranged in advance. Looking forward to seeing more soon!

I'm glad to be back!

Good to see you back on the boards and love the pictures. Looking forward to more.


Thanks Linda! You're doing the Mickey ornaments as your favors right? Had you decided how you were doing the names on them??

:woohoo: Glad your back! Can't wait to read and see more..
Once again your TR rocks!! LOVE IT

Thanks you for the kind words!!!

Yeah!! Glad to see you're going to continue your report!!

For sure. I'll try my hardest not to go MIA again.

Wendy - I am so glad you are continuing your TR, but sweetie, I am so sad that you had so much stress and that you were "tending" to everyone instead of everyone taking care of you. :hug: Looking forward to reading more.

Oh... thank you soooo much keenercam. You're always sooo sweet and kind. I always imagine that you have a warm hug for anyone who needs it! That's how your kind words are to me! :hug:

Day 1 part two sound a little nuts. BTW I'm glad to see your back.

Especially after day 1, part 1. And can you believe that day 1 is so long that there needs to be a part 3??

Wow, what a busy first day! I'm exhausted just reading about it LOL! Can't wait to read more.....

Whew... so am I. Just thinking back to it I get worn out all over again! :faint:

Glad to see your back and continuing your TR!!!
Wow that sounds like a busy day. Thanks for posting pics of Carolyn Allens. You're right, they are very handy to have!
I like that in your stressed out, bridal haze you remembered all of your fellow brides who might need your pics later!

I'm telling you... my intention was to document and complete this TR!! And I know that when I was planning, I had one image in my head and I would have loved to have actual visuals to go off of. I'm glad it helps Lindsay. I gotta hunt down your PJ!! I have lots of catching up to do!! :surfweb:

Good to see you back, don't keep us in suspense as long this time before your next installment! :lmao:

I like that dress in CA's window, if I didn't have mine sorted already I'd be on a right mission now trying to find out what dress that is!!

Uh-oh, are you going to be a two dress bride, like some others I know?? :rolleyes1 I won't make you wait too much longer again. The next installment will be up right after this post!

Yay! We finally get all the gritty details. :surfweb:
Yup, I will not spare you any of the gritty details! get your popcorn:: ready and enjoy my fairytale... uh, I mean, horror story. lol.

Wendy I am stressed for you! Hope things slow down for you--looking forward to more!

:surfweb: more soon please!

thank you! mores coming right now!

Holy crap! If that bridal shop is the one I'm thinking of it's between Publix and Blockbuster off Central Florida Blvd. I used to live right around the corner! :lmao:

Yup, that's the location!

Glad to see you are back Wendy! Your first day sounds very stressful! I'm glad after reading this that we are (hopefully) arriving for our wedding two days before anyone else does!

I think that's really key. We arrived 3 days before our wedding, but it didn't matter. I think the question is, who else is arriving when. You'll have better luck acomplishing what YOU want to without others making demands on you.

Hooray! More trippie! It's like the Alternate Universe Version of my experience - same days, different kinds of hassles. :rotfl: Can't wait to hear more! popcorn::

:thumbsup2 Yeah, but you're were so much more elequent in detailing your hassles. I'm just a spaz! But I think you already knew that!

YEA!!!! Your back with your TR! Sorry to hear you had such a stressful first day though. Hope it gets better really soon. :goodvibes

Thanks for reading! I can't promise sunny skies ahead, but you can decide for yourself.

Wendy, glad you had no trouble with Carolyn Allen's. We were there this past May and had my DF and his dad measured and we have sent all the measurements for the other guys down.


Oh yeah, no trouble at all. They were super accomedating. I don't know how they swung it either but when they dropped off the tuxes they had even included a smaller pant for Chuck already hemmed. So he had his choice of which to wear. Sue also offered to go to the guys' room and do any last minute hemming if there were problems with Anthony's tux, after she finished steaming my dress. So that helped ease my concernes with him not flying in until Sunday afternoon.

cant wait to read more

I'm glad you're enjoyinging it!


i remember the bridal haze fondly...

lol, it's a distinct state of being, isn't it?

:lmao: I saw your thread pop up on the TR subforum and was in the midst of making a snarky remark to Val about how we would never see the end of your report (so many of the TR's are resurfacing with the move) when I saw that you had posted!

I am so ashamed of myself!

I love your post, and am eagerly anticipating the next. It will be a wonderful Christmas Present!!!


Hmmm... I didn't know about the sub-forums so I've been trying to catch up and piece together what's been going on this week. It's coincidental that I've returned to my TR, but I'm glad I escaped a snarky remark!! ;)

Yeah your back. That sounds like a very stressful day, hope its gets better.

That's for the welcome back. I'll let you be the judge of what "better" is!

You made my first day at Disney before the renewal look like childs play :rotfl:

I'll have to hunt your TR down. I'm certain that I probably brought a lot of this stress on myself. I'm glad you had smoother sailing!
I am so happy you are back and writing your Trip Report!:woohoo:
Day 1, Part 3

We’ve been up since before dawn on nearly no sleep. We’ve endured a snow storm, delayed flight and jumbled errand running. Surely the day needed to just END. Alas, that was not the case.

We pulled up to Pop and I wanted to walk Jenna and Beth in and make sure everything with their ressie was okay as I was the one to book for them. I had originally booked Saturday night and paid for it (we did the same for Anthony, since they were standing up for us.) Then they decided they wanted to fly in Friday instead because airfare was cheaper. So I had extended the ressie for the extra night. I was just worried and wanted to make sure that everything was going to be okay.

Apparently, Chuck was under the impression that we were going to drop them at the main building, unload their luggage and leave them. Now, these are my girls. I baby them a little. I can’t help it. I know they can both fend for themselves, but still. How hard is it for us to drive them to their building and drop the luggage there rather than making them haul it from check-in.

So as we’re pulling up to Pop, we have two very different ideas about what should be happening and we have a bit of a tiff. I finally ask Chuck to just drop us off and park and I’ll call him when we’re done checking in so that we can go to their building. He complied, but I could tell he was upset.

The three of us head in and wait in line and finally get called up to the desk. I give them all the information including the name the ressie is under and of course, the cm can’t find it. We spell Jenna’s last name multiple times (she’s the primary name on the reservation) to no avail. Then we try to find it with Beth’s very polish, complicated last name. It takes a good five minutes (which seems much longer when you’re anxious and worried about getting your room) before we decide to try Jenna’s name again and write it down! Despite spelling the name out for the cm, they were entering it into the system incorrectly. And hers was the simple name! Lesson learned. Write it down.

We get them checked in and I give Chuck a call so that he can pull the car around front to pick us up. On our way out we stop to document and get this picture.

This is Beth’s first time at Disney so she’s super excited. Jenna’s been before (with me as recently as November 2006) but she's still out to have a good weekend and enjoy the festivities. However, it was VERY exciting for me to have my girls with me at my favorite place. We all hop back in the car and head off to their building. They were in the classic years (?). The 50’s I do believe. I only remember that later they would complain about the music at the pool.

After getting the girls & their bags to their room we finally make our way back to our own resort! We still haven’t checked in, despite the persistent efforts of the aforementioned cm. At this point I had fielded more calls from Christie and her parents were anxious to see us. I was just anxious to go to bed. On our way to POFQ I give her a call and let her know that we’re finally heading to the hotel and she lets me know that they are already there, waiting for us.

We arrive and park and I head up to the desk to check in while Chuck’s family descends upon him like vultures on a fresh carcass. There wasn’t a line and I was relieved for that. While I was taking care of check-in I mentioned our impending wedding and was bestowed our third set of Just Married Pins for “after the wedding.”

Me checking in (look, I’m already half asleep!)

Chuck family waiting for us:

And, Chuck’s idea of documenting the trip for the Dis:

After getting our keys we drove to our building and started to unload our luggage along with the welcome bags, for the dinner the next evening, that Christie had brought along. We get everything in the room and rather than having a moment or two to settle in, I feel overwhelmed and frustrated that there are three extra people in the room. I felt like an exhibit at the zoo. Like we were somehow supposed to entertain them at nearly 11pm after the day we’ve had. Chuck takes the opportunity to pass a long a pay-as-you-go phone that he bought for his parents and grandmother for while they are in Florida. Grandma is very, very old and doesn’t move much and doesn’t ever want to go anywhere. So when his parents leave to go anywhere they leave their one cell phone with her. And she can barely answer it, let alone pass along a message. So the extra phone was supposed to help with all that. It was a flip phone, so she doesn’t have to press any buttons to answer or hang up.

Chuck explaining technology to his Mom:

They finally realize that we’re tired and have nothing to entertain them with and decide to leave. And now I have the insurmountable task of getting us settled and getting our outfits ready for our Honeymoon Shoot at the MK the next day at 9am. That’s right folks. Despite reading that you have up to a year to do this, I was shot down by my planner when I asked. Therefore, Saturday was our only free day to do the shoot. I had planned on us wearing the same outfits that we were wearing to the welcome dinner. I pulled my dress out and hung it us. It was a bit crinkled, but there really wasn’t a way to iron it because it had a lot of wood beading and embroidery and a full lining. I decided that I would hang it in the bathroom with me the next morning to help the wrinkles fall out. Chuck’s clothes on the other hand, could be ironed. But the tag said to use a cooler setting and the cooler setting wasn’t getting the folds out of the pants. I was starting to freak out, all the while whining to Chuck. He then took a crack at it himself. This is when I began to stray from the plan. This was the moment where the craziness took over. I had had too much. I was tired and rundown and basically on overload. So what did I do? Cry. And cry some more. And I started rationalizing that we didn’t want to wear our welcome dinner outfits for the shoot anyhow because then we would have to come back to the room to change and to run more errands and then change back into them for the dinner. And I figured the shoot was more casual anyhow. I never thought the quality of DPS was that great (no offense to anyone who does, or ended up using them for their wedding) and we probably would never buy any of the pictures anyhow. With that in mind I settled on shorts and t-shirts for the next day.

I put our request in for a wake-up call and got ready for bed. I was still crying because I was so overwhelmed with everything. And my wonderful DF wrapped me up and told me not to worry. Everything was going to turn out just fine. Everything was going to be okay. Oh the naiveté of men! I pretended to believe him.
Wendy, WOW! How in the world you dealt with all of that and still looked so gorgeous and rested and pulled together on your wedding day, I have no idea. What a miracle. It was so sweet of you and Chuck to deal with the phone issue, though I'm sorry that it seems everyone around you two were kind of egocentric and not at all interested in making your lives easier. You are right, sweetie, I'd give you a huge hug if I could. I feel like you worked so hard for so long to make sure all the details were tended to in such a thoughtful way for your guests and it doesn't seem like anyone was too thoughtful for the bride and groom. And the fact that it wasn't yet your wedding day does not mean that you didn't deserve the love and consideration in the days leading up to it. Okay, sorry. Off my soapbox. Sending you a huge hug. :hug: BTW, I am so glad that Chuck "wrapped" you up and tried to reassure you. :love: What a sweetie!
Yes Wendy - I am using the Mickey Lenox ornaments (I am so touched that you remembered) and I have not written on them as of yet. Our wedding is 4 months from today so I better think of something. My cousin gave me the Minnie and Mickey Wedding Lenox Ornaments and had her daugher in law write on them with a gold pen so I need to get the pen from her and check it out.

Oh Wendy,

So sorry you had such a rough day 1. From the sound of it, it may not get better anytime soon. I sure hope so. You looked so amazing, you'd of never known what you had been through.


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