
In my wedding, the only time that the bridesmaids and groomsmen walked was at the end of the ceremony. Coming in the groomsman sat the parents/grandparents and then ended up in front, bridesmaids came in separately. And every wedding I've been to, people fly back up the aisle and the guests are rummaging around for sweaters and purses, so I would just let them walk out together. Not necessary to have a promotion or demotion within the wedding party; just recess a little out of order. IMO, it seems like a little thing. Course, we had a "man of honor" and "best woman" and we walked out to the music that plays at the end of Star Wars, so we don't keep too strongly to traditions.

Limo...what is the pre limo plan? Can the drinking be done pre-limo ride, so there is no alcohol in the limo for the trip? Of course, here is where I also grew up atypically. There were only 3 of us cousins, and we were allowed alcohol at family events from when we were little. At 15, I would have been "pfft" because I already knew wine and champagne would give me a headache and make me sleepy. I am more of a whisky kind of girl.
To my understanding the plan is for them to ONLY be walking down the aisle together at the end of the ceremony...that otherwise the best man aka bridemaid's hubby will be waiting w/ JB. So, I don't see why it's such an issue.. it's 100 steps.. good gravy! Her DH will be the next couple out... my goodness....

The drinking thing just gets to me because I don't want my DD to feel uncomfortable. *I know what I did at that age...but she won't know! LOL* I just very protective of putting my kids in situations that they are gonna be uncomfortable w/ that I could have prevented...

trying to get many perspectives so I'm not jumping the gun w/ my demands (requests!) LOL
Now, I say this as a person without kids, but this is the way my parents were with me...

A parent's job isn't to make sure their kids are never uncomfortable. A parent's job is to make sure that when their child is in an uncomfortable situation (and there will be a bazillion of those times) they know how to handle it, and can be supportive before and after. Don't deny your child or yourself the pleasure of seeing her do the right thing, because of fear of the wrong thing. And it's practice for the next time, when Mom isn't there, the friends are more important and influential in DD's life, etc.
Ok, totally with you PN96 on the friend/hubby thing. Seriously. It's not her wedding, she doesn't get to call the shots. In my opinion.

I love Hope's perspective on the limo. My gut reaction is the same as yours Nancy, but I hope someday I can do what Hope suggests (I probably won't, but here's to hoping!). Nancy, from everything that you have told us about Princess J, I think she is smart and can hold her own. You've raised her to know right from wrong and I think she will do beautifully in any situation.
How long is the limo drive? If it's pretty short then I wouldn't think there would be a problem. It would be good experience for your DD to be in this kind of situation, because it will happen sometime. My DS is 15 and I would probably let him go if it's a short ride, but, if it is a long ride, then I don't think I'd want him put in that situation. I think he'd do the right thing, but peer pressure is tough and even if your DD didn't give in to it, the others could make her uncomfortable.
ok what is up with the bridesmaid making demands????? it's so not her wedding. buzz off. really. you had your day not let me have mine. that's what i think i would have told her.

ok now for princess J. very nicely put ashley. i totally agree. i think i would be like you nancy, with the hopes that i could someday feel like Hope and let her show you how responsible she can be. and i really think that she is the type of kid that would do fine, but do you want her to feel uneasy? that's what would be bothering me. i know from what you've said that she can handle it, but how are the older ones in the limo going to act?? it's not always your kid, but the others that you should worry about. that is such a hard decision to make. i'm sorry i'm no help at all. i wish i had more advice for you. hugs that you can find a way to do the best for everyone involved.
really tough one.
ok what is up with the bridesmaid making demands????? it's so not her wedding. buzz off. really. you had your day not let me have mine. that's what i think i would have told her.

ok now for princess J. very nicely put ashley. i totally agree. i think i would be like you nancy, with the hopes that i could someday feel like Hope and let her show you how responsible she can be. and i really think that she is the type of kid that would do fine, but do you want her to feel uneasy? that's what would be bothering me. i know from what you've said that she can handle it, but how are the older ones in the limo going to act?? it's not always your kid, but the others that you should worry about. that is such a hard decision to make. i'm sorry i'm no help at all. i wish i had more advice for you. hugs that you can find a way to do the best for everyone involved.
really tough one.

Yeah, this is kind of how I feel about DD. Just like with driving and just about everything else, I trust my kid, but not sure how others will act. I don't think your DD will be tempted to drink, or anything like that, and it is your sister who is in the limo. It's the other people in the wedding party that I'm thinking about. She might be uncomfortable, but maybe not. Is it a long ride? Does DD REALLY want to do it? Does she even care? She might not. As the mom of all boys, I think we have a different feeling for this stuff. I know my friends with daughters would be feeling like you.

As for the other issue... (stepping on soap box)telling the bride who you will and won't walk with is a deal breaker for me. I love how you put it Nancy. To expect to be elevated to the MOH is ridiculous, and just ain't gonna happen. I like the compromise idea, but she is still asking alot of the bride to rearrange the walking order. Not to sound old fashioned, but can't the best man get her to change her mind? It's really just a few steps, and not her day. Plus it's more than just walking, there is the dancing later, and if she is going to take a hissy fit b/c her new hubby is dancing with the MOH, then the best man has a bigger prob than only your sister's wedding...kwim? I feel bad for the guy... (stepping down)
Thanks girls!!! I'm glad I'm talking to you all and DH before we make any rash decisions...

I think I have raised a good girl...and think she knows right from wrong and she's dealt w/ a lot of pressure situations w/ other events she has attended.. it's the over protective mom coming out... But I will tell you DH did ask how the other kids would be have...because if it was gonna be a make out session he didn't see the need to put her in that situation....

We have not talked to DD yet...but she will be the one who ultimately makes the decision... and if she says she isn't comfortable..than there is the answer..

Ok, back to the homework... DD is stressing w/ a test tomorrow..and I think my sugar is out of whack because I got light headed a bit ago and sit DH to town for fruit!
Ok seriously I need to rant a little
. Ok I had planned a trip to Disneyland, researched the hours the park was open Sunday October 5, 2008 the park hours WERE 8:00a.m until Midnight. Monday 10:00 a.m until whenever I forgot. Anyways, so here I submit my PTO for work. Book the hotel we stay at the motel 6 because it's cheaper and we can have Charlie with us with out any additional cost. I then proceed to look into rental cars because my durango needs new ball joints and I just don't want to do that yet. DH's truck needs 2 new tires but only seriously bad if we drove it to Disneyland plus it's uncomfortable with 4 people.

I found a great deal for a rental car, 4 days for 103.00 that includes the taxes! Not to shabby. Plus gas will be cheaper.

Last night I was cruising through the people magazine online and saw this little blurb about Miley Cyrus having her birthday party at Disneyland I thought oh it better not be when I'm there. OOOh M Geeeeeeee It is! I flip over to another website and I was at this point so mad. Then I called the customer relations and found out they are in fact closing Disneyland at 5:00 pm Sunday night October 5th!! 7 hours before they are supposed to but oh wait I suppose I'm supposed to feel better since they are opening the park at 6:30 am.

Now I have to go back and research everything all over, find out what rides will be down, the hours, change my hotel reservations, change the car reservation EVERYTHING I am back to square one.

My final thought on this is just because she is rich she has the ability to do all of this just for her 16th birthday party. I'm sorry but to me she is no differant or any more specail than any other teenager turning 16. I'm 110% sure that if I were to go in and say "Oh, let's close Disneyland for my daughter's 16th birthday party" I'd be shut down because I don't have the money to back that up. I know she is Disney's Golden Child. Even still WE the people are the ones who keep Disney in business and they really should think of the little people.

Ticket prices are 250.00 each person and only 5000 people can attend plus you have to buy your park admission on top of that. Granted that money goes to a charity but it's not making me feel any better right now.

Ok I feel better now I think. I'm still tweeked about the entire situation. If your a Miley fan don't flame me :) I like her too but not right now.
Kat, that STINKS! Especially after all your work! I say that as DD is blasting Miley songs in the next room. :hug:
That's awful KAT...They should already have that marked on the website than... That just rubs me the wrong way..but I guess when you have money... so be it...

They marked it on thier website this morning with the updated hours. Wish I had money to close Disneyland. Why couldn't she go to It's so much bigger. guess I need some "cheese" to go with my "Whine"..

I can hear those tiny violins playing my song
Hey somedays we just needs cheese, whine and calming music!!!

Yep, if we had that kind of money could you imagine that scrapbook party we could hold!!! Heck, we could fly everyone in and wouldn't have to worry about so-so not making it due to finances!!

Keep you chin up... as for the 6:30am parking opening.. yeah, great... good grumpy little and big kids! LOL
:rotfl2: :thumbsup2 :yay:

BAMB is having lunch (fish and chips) w/ lisa and rlovew!

BAMB has done some major LO's! :rolleyes1 Her total... 0! Yep, NoNE!
Spends all that money to go to SDV....and 0 layouts yet!:rotfl:

What am I going to do w/ this girl? :confused3
lol at least we can say she is having a good time doing nuffin! Wonder if she is spending her evenings lazin around the pool sippin some frosty margaritas! now that sounds like a good time to me.

*waves to Sherlock!* hope your having fun!
Yep, especially in this heat/humidity we are havin' around here... I told my family it would be much more tolerable if the world was just a few miles away!!!
i wish i was having lunch right along side of them. i wish i was walking through epcot right now, breeze blowing, music in the background, taking some pics as i go...oh wait here's the christmas store. let me walk in and check it out..............

now that was a nice little dream......

where are you right now????????
OOHH!!! I'm standing out over the lagoon looking back into Italy!!! I just love the Italian architecture... I love looking at the boats in the water (I'm so overwhelmed w/ the thought I can't remember their darn names).. LOL

I love the lamp posts w/ the flowers hanging off them.. Heck, let me find the one we took this kids showed me a hidden mickey in it! LOL
MY DH is a man on thin, very thin ice..

I went to look for those photos.. and it seems he has done something w/ my recent photos from Disney... I can't access them...and I'm so glad I sent a set of CD's to my mom...but if he can't tell me where those files are on the discs.. guess who will be driving to my mother's this weekend to get the discs so we can get back ups!


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