Timandlesley’s how to win a dream in 10 days 11/15 NEW PTR UP!! pg. 94 has link!!!

Glad to hear things are going better than expected with Mickey. I'm sure you'll get a good report from the vet on Wednesday. Keep us posted.

It sounds like Mickey is on the road to recovery, hope you have a good report at the vet this week!
Glad to hear Mickey is doing well with his recovery. He is such a cutie pie.

Hope he gets a good report on Wed.
How did Mickey's x-ray turn out? Is he healing properly? Sending good thoughts to you all. :goodvibes
To answer the last question... The Mickey head necklace was purchased for me for my birthday from Tim. He got it at the jewlery section of the World of Disney store in Downtown Disney, they also have awesome matching earrings, hoping for that soon!

Thanks for checking in on us guys. Mickey is doing WONDERFULLY! When we went back they didn't take x rays but examined him and said he looked great. We go back next week for the x rays and should be a clean bill of health, that is wonderful.

This has been a HORRIBLE week for me. One of my wonderful special needs students who has been my student for two years passed away very suddenly this weekend.:guilty: She was at school on Friday and this was completely sudden. Her funeral was yesterday and it was heart wrenching. The memorial service is tonight and I will be speaking, so pray for the strength to get through that. For those of you who would like to read about her remarkable story and see her precious face here is a link to her mother's beautiful blog:
To answer the last question... The Mickey head necklace was purchased for me for my birthday from Tim. He got it at the jewlery section of the World of Disney store in Downtown Disney, they also have awesome matching earrings, hoping for that soon!

Thanks for checking in on us guys. Mickey is doing WONDERFULLY! When we went back they didn't take x rays but examined him and said he looked great. We go back next week for the x rays and should be a clean bill of health, that is wonderful.

This has been a HORRIBLE week for me. One of my wonderful special needs students who has been my student for two years passed away very suddenly this weekend.:guilty: She was at school on Friday and this was completely sudden. Her funeral was yesterday and it was heart wrenching. The memorial service is tonight and I will be speaking, so pray for the strength to get through that. For those of you who would like to read about her remarkable story and see her precious face here is a link to her mother's beautiful blog:

:sad1: :sad1: :sad1: omg, that is so very sad, Lesley, it makes lifes
problems which we all experience seem like nothing. Can't even imagine
how horrific the loss of a child must be. Surely Ellie is surrounded by
the angels now and for eternity. God bless her family, I will surely add
them to my prayers.:hug:
To answer the last question... The Mickey head necklace was purchased for me for my birthday from Tim. He got it at the jewlery section of the World of Disney store in Downtown Disney, they also have awesome matching earrings, hoping for that soon!

Thanks for checking in on us guys. Mickey is doing WONDERFULLY! When we went back they didn't take x rays but examined him and said he looked great. We go back next week for the x rays and should be a clean bill of health, that is wonderful.

This has been a HORRIBLE week for me. One of my wonderful special needs students who has been my student for two years passed away very suddenly this weekend.:guilty: She was at school on Friday and this was completely sudden. Her funeral was yesterday and it was heart wrenching. The memorial service is tonight and I will be speaking, so pray for the strength to get through that. For those of you who would like to read about her remarkable story and see her precious face here is a link to her mother's beautiful blog:

That is so sad! :( I am just in tears. I will be praying for her family. I just couldn't imagine.
Thanks for posting about Elli. I will be praying for you and for the family, I cannot imagine the pain they are in. What a blessing it was to read her story though. Take comfort in knowing she will suffer no more. :hug:

I am so happy about Mickey doing better...

I am so sorry for the loss of your student. I read her mom's blog and what a special family they sound like. How very sad...
going to hug all my children now...
This has been a HORRIBLE week for me. One of my wonderful special needs students who has been my student for two years passed away very suddenly this weekend.:guilty: She was at school on Friday and this was completely sudden. Her funeral was yesterday and it was heart wrenching. The memorial service is tonight and I will be speaking, so pray for the strength to get through that. For those of you who would like to read about her remarkable story and see her precious face here is a link to her mother's beautiful blog:

Lesley - I just had to reply and tell you, first, how sorry I am for how this child's death has impacted you. It's got to be so hard working with little ones so sick.

I also wanted to tell you about a strange "coincidence". I read about this child's death already on the blog of another acquaintance, whose daughter died October 1 while in the pediatric center of Duke Hospital in NC. This family, the Lockyers, posted about Elli on their web page for their daughter, Grace, who had a heart condition and died at nearly 7 months old. What a small world - and neat that these families, who are hurting so much, allow others to share their stories with the rest of us. Your student's family gave Amanda permission to reprint on Gracie's page the post you linked. I'm not sure how they know each other, but I'm amazed by the fact that I've now heard about this from two completely different sources. Guess it's a good indication I should be praying for this family since God keeps bringing it around to my attention.

Anyways, I'm sure you'll find the strength to speak tonight, but I imagine it will be very hard. Keep in mind that just being there will mean so much to them, so even if you feel you "mess up", you will bless that family tremendously and they'll think your words are just right. You're going above and beyond being Elli's teacher - you're being her family's friend in a very sad time. Blessings to you. :hug:
Lesley I will be praying for you and the family. I cannot imagine losing a student. Glad to hear Mickey is doing great!

Thanks for taking the time to share with us about what you are going through and about Elli---what a tragic but beautiful story and testament of a loving family who have found goodness and God in all things--no matter how brutal. I hope you know that I will be thinking of you and praying for you and this family as you struggle through this. I lost two students in tragic accidents---one in a car accident, and one in a plane crash---and it is a devastation and loss that is so hard to explain and understand until you have gone through it. I know the pain and hurt you feel is great---we are here if you need anything!!! Jen
Thank you for posting the link to Elli's moms blog. Her mothers testimony of God and his goodness are amazing. She truly believes and knows that her daughter is with the Lord. I know that he is with her and her family in their time of need. They will be together again. I pray that you find comfort and that you will know what you need to say.:angel:
How wonderful that they were able to celebrate their faith and consider it a blessing to release their daughter to her Heavenly Father. I am praying for them and for you, also, Lesley. I know she will be missed.:angel:
Oh, Lesley. I'm so sorry. I read the page you linked and tears seriously came to my eyes. It's so horrible. Thoughts and prayers are coming from me for your family and theirs.
I have never lost a student, I can't imagine how it would feel, we spend so much time with them and become so attached. The poor family must be in shock by such a sudden occurance. I'm sure whatever you said tonight was perfect and just what the family needed. Just remember that your dis friends are thinking of you and that it's OK to cry......
First off, congrats on the good report for your dear little Mickey. :thumbsup2

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss, and that family's loss. Thanks for the link to that blog. You can tell that they are a family that love each other and love God, and it was uplifting to me to read the mother's blog. Maybe that can bring peace to them to know that their words positively impacted others. I thought of you last night, and was sending you strength. :goodvibes I can't imagine the pain that those parents are going through.

Thanks again Lesley for sending us to that blog, it helped more than you will ever know. :hug:
Glad to hear Mickey is doing well. So sorry to hear about your student, I also visited the link ... what a beautiful story about a precious little girl.


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