DDA Chapter 13

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No I'm not, as a matter of fact if the number 13 fell on a Friday it has always been a good day for both Dawn and I.
I even purposely walk under ladders and open umbrellas in the house.

are people that superstitious over the number 13?? I must be an oddball... I just don't see it....any more that the whole black cat, ladder, cracked mirror, spill salt, rabbit foot etc etc etc

Here's one for you...I turned 13, on Friday the 13th....who knew I'd make it another 27 years
Jennifer - Yay for ADRs!! :yay:
I think I am just going to e-mail our requests to IPO. In 3 months. :rolleyes:

I had a dream last night that my mom was in the hospital. I just called her. She is shopping at the mall with Diva. At least she feels like going to the mall!
Yes he does.

here is Oma



I had to wait a while longer than usual to speak with an agent, but was able to make all of our dining reservations as planned. I am just glad I was bored one day and worked them out, I hadn't really intended to until the beginning of November! :eek: Thank you Vicki, for posting!

That was the main reason for my posting! I knew you were also waiting because we had talked about it and you gave me the November date originally. I'm glad you got what you wanted. We got our stuff together but the new system was down when I called. I need to call them back now.
I had to wait a while longer than usual to speak with an agent, but was able to make all of our dining reservations as planned. I am just glad I was bored one day and worked them out, I hadn't really intended to until the beginning of November! :eek: Thank you Vicki, for posting!

We're in Ottawa hanging with the inlaws for about 36 hours. My MIL drives me nuts, as you all know, and she started IMMEDIATELY doing so as soon as we arrived.... but she sure loves these girls. They have bassinets set up and she had gifts, and toys and highchairs and books and all sorts of other grandmotherly stuff to spoil them :rolleyes:

Off for dinner! Have a great evening, and be sure to leave a forwarding address! ;)

good job on the ADR's

and enjoy your in-law time...at least you know that she loves the girls. :lovestruc (makes it easier to swallow)
So what did everyone have for dinner?

We had ham steaks, mashed potatoes and corn.
thanks for posting all of the recipes...I may go back and copy the recipes to a file.

Tonight is roast/gravy over noodles.
Can somebody please knock some sense into me?!?

My mom and I are having a small baby shower for my sister on Nov. 9th. It is here, by my choice. Well I have had this itch to paint my living room, dining room and foyer for a while now. I had planned on doing it when the boys were gone but that never happened. So now I am down to 2 weeks and what did I start doing today? Paint my living room and foyer of course! It is in various stages of paint. I have some of the trim done (on 3 of the 4 walls) and the small wall in between my foyer and dining room all painted. I have lost my mind!! It may get done and it might not, I guess if it doesn't it surely will be an interesting conversation starter:rotfl:
OMG ELIN! The Steelers are so stupid! :headache: :headache: :sad2: :sad2:

That was the main reason for my posting! I knew you were also waiting because we had talked about it and you gave me the November date originally. I'm glad you got what you wanted. We got our stuff together but the new system was down when I called. I need to call them back now.

Good luck!

good job on the ADR's

and enjoy your in-law time...at least you know that she loves the girls. :lovestruc (makes it easier to swallow)

Yeah....... :rolleyes:
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