DDA Chapter 17

Andrew made the select baseball team. He's the number 13 player, and won't get all that much playing time, but he doesn't care. He loves the coach and the kids on the team, and it is a good team, so he'll have lots of fun and hopefully strengthen his skills.

:woohoo: for Andrew!!
Good morning, DDA!!!

For those that saw my Facebook, Phil did get home right after that. It was 8:15 when he walked in. He was supposed to get off of work at 4. Can you see why I worried? Silly man had forgotten his phone on top of it all. He ended up working until just after 4:30, then stopped for a quick bite to eat before heading home. Then, just as he got almost home, he stopped at Marshall's to see about some new shoes. That took awhile and then he finally made it home. I told him that I recinded my agreement that it sounded like an okay idea for him to walk home. Did I mention that it is a 7.5 mile walk? :sad2: :upsidedow
Heidi - I hope the smell and your headache both leave very soon!
Tia - I am glad Phil made it home OK last night! Silly man....
Good morning, DDA! :sunny:

Our roads and sidewalks are just a little wet and there is simply a light dusting of snow around, but our two county school systems are on that 2-hour delay Tammi talked about. It is above freezing, so I really don't see the reasoning behind those decisions! :upsidedow
Good thoughts for Chuck's mom, and for you guys as you work out a solution for her housing! pixiedust:
Wow! That was a SHORT engagement! I hope they decide that marriage is not a good idea at this stage of the game.

:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

I hope all works out Vicki.
We have wind chill advisories till 10 am & then this weekend it is suppose to be the the 50's :confused3

Yup! Except we may even get into the 60s on Saturday. Mom had just called to warn Rachel of the below zero wind chills. Even then, I was not prepared for how frigid it was when I opened the door for the baby. Man, sooooo glad I didn't have to go out!
Strange question, but does anyone have issues with the feel of velour? Terra tells me that it makes her hands "feel dry" and Rachel has said similar things to Mom. Phil gets the heebee jeebees whenever he touches things like cotton balls and some velour type things, but doesn't get the "dry" thing (I don't think he can get past the creeped out feeling to get to "dry"). I'm just wondering if anyone else can explain the feeling to me and do any other fabrics cause the same issue?
Andrew made the select baseball team. He's the number 13 player, and won't get all that much playing time, but he doesn't care. He loves the coach and the kids on the team, and it is a good team, so he'll have lots of fun and hopefully strengthen his skills.

Have a good day, DDA!
Congrats to Andrew!


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