DDA Chapter 17

I just by chance got the stupid video to pop up on the $1 hotel deal, my timer had just a little over a minute. So no go here :sad2:

My heart was racing for a minute though :rotfl:
Deb poor Hunter, hope the bump is not to bad. :wizard:

Hope you get to feeling better soon. :wizard:
Due to a scheduling conflict, I've had to cancel my F&W trip. :sad2:
Stephanie, I'm so sorry to hear this. :hug: I know you love that time of year in the World. Hopefully you will be able to reschedule. :wizard:
Stephanie - So sorry that you had to cancel your trip. Any chance of rescheduling for sometime else in F&WF?

Deb - I hope this is the day all that junk clears out!
Anne Marie - your Funny of the Day was hysterical!

Deb - I was hoping to hear that you felt better this morning. :hug: And now I am worried about Hunter! :grouphug:
I ran the errands that I had to get done. I also stopped by a hotel that one of my coworkers works at and she is available to cover for me tonight. Since I can't talk at all I think that is a good thing. I'm going to take a nap now. I am simply exhausted.
I ran the errands that I had to get done. I also stopped by a hotel that one of my coworkers works at and she is available to cover for me tonight. Since I can't talk at all I think that is a good thing. I'm going to take a nap now. I am simply exhausted.

Sounds like you might have the bug I had, Deb. Take care of yourself.
OK, I need to get off here and practice! 14 concerto performances for me means I need to get them all under my fingers again! If you see me on here before tonight YELL AT ME!
Thanks for all the input about the swim calendar. Laura told me again that she really doesn't want to do it no matter what they were planning to actually do with it. She hates to have her picture taken anyway. It isn't anything through the actual club or official for the team. It is just the girls on the team getting together on their own to do it. I could be comfortable with it if I had more information, but it doesn't really matter, since she isn't comfortable.

On my way home I kept thinking....Pearl weighs more than Avery and Elise. :upsidedow :rotfl2: :rotfl2: She looked so funny going out under the vet's arm for her ultrasound. If she got bigger he would have had to two arm her!.
We have two fat cats here, too. One is about 18 pounds and the other 21 pounds. They get only 1/2 c. dry food per day which should not be nearly enough to keep them at these weights. :confused3 They are always hungry, too! I hope that she is all better soon.

So my Mom's procedure went well. They found no blockages. She is home. She needs to get her blood pressure under control as they are afraid it is going to cause weakening of the heart muscle. They think the blood pressure caused the wacky results on the EKG and stress test.

Her parents have a horrible history of heart disease. Her biological Dad died at 52 due to a heart attack. Her Mom is only in her 60's and has had a heart attack in her 50's. She has a pacemaker, and cardiomyopathy. Like 5-6 years ago she was told she had 1-2 years to live. Her heart is operating at about 10%.

I am hoping for lots of snow. But we will probably get hardly any. I just want one good snowstorm. What is the point of the cold weather, if it doesn't snow??

Hope you are all doing well!

Good wishes for you mother! Originally they were talking about snow for us, but then the system tracked further out into the Atlantic, so we have nothing except COLD.

What an exhausting and stressful day. I was on my way to a meeting in the afternoon and stopped by my credit union to deposit a check. On my way back to my van I hear PPppppppsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. Dread is cast upon me like a heavy coat. My tire is going flat. Thank goodness it was in a parking lot, though, and not along side of the road. So I start getting everything out to change it (spare, jack, etc.) and while I'm in the midst of jacking it along comes a coworker, who happily assists. The downside is that my spare is very low on air. Another blessing is that he has a portable air compressor in his trunk, which gets the tire filled. So I'm 20 minutes late for my meeting, but that's okay due to my difficulties. :rolleyes: After that I head home, pick up the kids, go home and change and then hightail it over to NTB to get new tires. I needed 4 new ones desperately, as well as an alignment, so I just got it all done instead of having the tire plugged. Alyssa wasn't too disappointed that she wouldn't make it to ballet. We hit the Taco Bell drive thru on the way to NTB, and got there at about 5:15. I set the kids up to eat their dinner in the waiting area and started filling out the paperwork. I called my girlfriend, Kristy, who is also my co-teacher at Religion. Tonight was Religion, at 6:30. She agrees to swing by NTB and pick up my kids and take them to Church for class, so they didn't get stuck hanging out all night waiting for the van to be done. So after they ate they finished their homework, just in time for Kristy to get them. I got out of there about 45 minutes and $535 later. I was only about a 1/2 hour late for class. I'm just glad it's all done, and now I have nice, new tires on a van that drives much smoother. But today sure wore me out!

That sounds stressful and exhausting. I'm getting two new tires tomorrow, because the front ones are bald. I'm also need my NYS inspection, and I know that the tires would never pass. I think that the back two are ok for now, and I hope to keep them until the front tires need to be rotated. Then I'll rotate the front to the back and put the new ones on the front.

My little girl is so sick. :(

All three kiddos seemed to be on the upswing, thanks to the Amoxicillin, though Alyssa did still have her lingering runny congestion and cough. We took it easy over the weekend, but we did venture out to a few places. At dinner last night, Alyssa said she was cold, and when I took her temp it was 104!

She went to bed at 6:30 p.m. and this morning her temp was 100.8. I had lost my voice last night, but thanks to some Mucinex, I woke up just hoarse (typical sinus issues). Kevin decided to stay home to take care of us, and good thing he did, because as I buckled Alyssa up for her doctor's appt., she threw up all over the van! Ugh!

Her temp was back up to 102 when we finally made it to the doctor's office. He prescribed a stronger antibiotic, since her ears are still raging. Her chest is clear and he did an oxygen test too, since there are some cases of whooping cough in the area. He suspects she has something viral on top of her double ear infection. I can hear her coughing as I'm typing. I just want her to feel better!!!

Please take care DDA! :grouphug:

Lots of pixiedust: that Alyssa feels better soon! (And you, too!) I enjoyed Kevin's account of Idol.

I have the official word that the Uncles will be skipping WDW this year in favor of going somewhere on their wish list where they have not been before. I think that will be good for all of us! :thumbsup2

Sounds like a great idea for all of you! I am very controlling of my Disney time.

Chuck's mom got home from the hospital yesterday. She has to be on oxygen full time now. They are going to have to talk to her about her living arrangements. We are concerned she is not strong enough healthwise to live on her own. I sure hope she gains her strength back soon or comes to terms with moving out of her house.

Prayers & pixiedust: for Becky as she deals with the breakup of her engagement. I don't know if it will last but they have had some serious arguments over the last day or two. As of yesterday morning, the wedding was still on and all was fine. Things blew up last night. She has called her Grandma to tell her the engagement is off. I don't want her hurting but can't cover the relief I'm feeling.

:grouphug: for you and your family! You are going through a lot right now. I hope that arrangements can be made for Chuck's mother that everyone can grow comfortable and happy with. I hope that Becky's eyes have been opened and that she doesn't hurt too long.

We won't be in Florida until tomorrow morning. Our flights take off at 6:45 a.m., so I checked in 24 hours in advance. If Santonio is there tomorrow night, we might see him.

Thanks, we will!

I am bringing my laptop, so hopefully I will have time to post some live reports!

Does anyone know if Pop Century has the internet cords for your laptops? I think I remember POFQ had them the last time we were there. At least that is what my brother remembers.

Wow! Your trip came up so much faster than I thought! Have a MAGICAL time! Pop Century did have the internet cables in the rooms when we were there last August. I can't wait to hear all about the trip and see pictures of Leighanna in all your terrific creations.

Good morning, DDA!!!

For those that saw my Facebook, Phil did get home right after that. It was 8:15 when he walked in. He was supposed to get off of work at 4. Can you see why I worried? Silly man had forgotten his phone on top of it all. He ended up working until just after 4:30, then stopped for a quick bite to eat before heading home. Then, just as he got almost home, he stopped at Marshall's to see about some new shoes. That took awhile and then he finally made it home. I told him that I recinded my agreement that it sounded like an okay idea for him to walk home. Did I mention that it is a 7.5 mile walk? :sad2: :upsidedow

I am a worrier, and that probably would have put me completely over the edge. I am glad that he is safe!

Strange question, but does anyone have issues with the feel of velour? Terra tells me that it makes her hands "feel dry" and Rachel has said similar things to Mom. Phil gets the heebee jeebees whenever he touches things like cotton balls and some velour type things, but doesn't get the "dry" thing (I don't think he can get past the creeped out feeling to get to "dry"). I'm just wondering if anyone else can explain the feeling to me and do any other fabrics cause the same issue?

My hands are dry, and they always feel like they are catching on velour and certain other fabrics. I hate that feeling. Maybe she feels some of that "catching" even though her hands aren't dry.

Good Morning.

I didn't sleep well again. My throat is still a bit sore and I have no voice at this point. The cough syrup has also made my entire body itch so I've done nothing but scratch all night. I tried to get some rest after the house cleared this morning, but wasn't very successful. The school nurse called to tell me that Hunter had gotten hit in the head with a locker door. I'm sure there is more to it than that, but I won't know until he gets home. She thinks that other than the bumb he is fine.

I need to run a couple of errands even though I do not want to. I can't put it off. hopefully I can make it quick.

:wizard: that you are feeling better very soon! I hope that Hunter is all ok, too.

and my weather is why I think Mother Nature is going through "the change" it supposed to be nearly 70 here nearly the rest of the week!

Oh, I wish I could visit out your way right now!

Enjoy your trip Tom!!! :woohoo: :woohoo:

Due to a scheduling conflict, I've had to cancel my F&W trip. :sad2:

:sad1: I am so sorry. Can you reschedule?

:cool1: :banana::cheer2: Our trip is now officially booked & paid for!!! :cool1: :banana::cheer2:

:cheer2: Yay! You are going to have such a great time! Now you need a ticker. What dates are you going to be there?
I have to go hem some pants for Laura to wear to her concert tonight. She outgrew her old black pants. She has such a hard time buying pants, and we didn't know about it until last night, so we didn't have time to really look around. These pants fit well, but they are about 3.25" too long. Unfortunately, she has short genes and also prefers to wear flats.


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