"Chemo Surviving Tote" - UPDATE: her reaction!


DIS Veteran
Jul 5, 2008
My grandmother is starting her Chemo Therapy next Thursday.... She is obviously really sick adn scared.

Dbf and I have done some research and we have collected a variety of items she may need in the up coming months.

I was just wondering if anyone who has gone through this treatment or has known someone who has... if you can please make suggestions of things she may need. i.e. mint gum (to get rid of the chemo yuck mouth), un-scented candles (you get really sensitive to smells)

I would really appreciate it.
That's a nice idea for your grandma and I am sure she will appreciate your caring.
If she like ginger perhaps you could include some crystalised ginger or jubes to help with nausea.
Don't know how old your grandmother is but I find many of my older aunts and mother all prefer to use handkerchiefs rather than tissues so a few of those could be handy.

Maybe some comfy bed socks.
A selection of books or magazines suitable to her interests.
Some handcream.
Some herbal teas including ginger.
A book of sudoku or crossword puzzles if she likes doing them (their is often lots of waiting when you are sick).
A wheat bag.

I am sure that other needs will come to light as she starts her treatment.
Big Koala cuddles to you all.
Just had another thought.
If she like movies some DVD's could be nice or maybe some music CD's.

Books on CD could also be good if she is not up to reading.
A nice eye mask could be helpful if she is going to be in hospital any length of time as lights seem to go on and off all night.

Chemo is tough and each person faces it differently.. I speak from watching my husband battle for over 4 years. He is content with his book and comfort clothes. Also, they do get cold with chemo so a nice soft blanket for at home, like a throw, just for her legs and hands.. seems extremities really feel the cold. Each chemo drug has their own set of reactions and each person reacts differently.. Mostly, I would say whatever makes her comfortable. Also, I notice that my DH has issues with potassium and ginger ale is good for that. They also lose weight as chemo burns calories so if she can tolerate milk shakes and adding Carnation Instant Breakfast to whole milk, ice cream, chocolate syrup or whatever flavor always gives extra calories. There are many products on the market that add extra calories and protein, my husband does not care for them as he says they have a "taste" so Boost is one also Benecalorie added to food, but like I said my husband balks at these..

Also, like someone said.. unscented hand creams.. lots of emollients, face cream, moisturing shampoos and creme rinse as the hair, if they do not lose it, is affected in a sort of dry, burnt look.

How lucky she is to have you caring about her this way.. ask if you have any questions.. we are here.

Obsessive Cullen disorder, hmmmm, a Twilight reference? If so, I like it and my daughters and I definitely have an obsessive Cullen disorder...
That's a nice idea for your grandma and I am sure she will appreciate your caring.
If she like ginger perhaps you could include some crystalised ginger or jubes to help with nausea.
Don't know how old your grandmother is but I find many of my older aunts and mother all prefer to use handkerchiefs rather than tissues so a few of those could be handy.

Maybe some comfy bed socks.
A selection of books or magazines suitable to her interests.
Some handcream.
Some herbal teas including ginger.
A book of sudoku or crossword puzzles if she likes doing them (their is often lots of waiting when you are sick).
A wheat bag.

I am sure that other needs will come to light as she starts her treatment.
Big Koala cuddles to you all.

Thank you so much for the ideas!! I'll need to pick up some ginger today for the nausea. :goodvibes

Just had another thought.
If she like movies some DVD's could be nice or maybe some music CD's.

Books on CD could also be good if she is not up to reading.
A nice eye mask could be helpful if she is going to be in hospital any length of time as lights seem to go on and off all night.


Ohhh...an eye mask... good one!!

Chemo is tough and each person faces it differently.. I speak from watching my husband battle for over 4 years. He is content with his book and comfort clothes. Also, they do get cold with chemo so a nice soft blanket for at home, like a throw, just for her legs and hands.. seems extremities really feel the cold. Each chemo drug has their own set of reactions and each person reacts differently.. Mostly, I would say whatever makes her comfortable. Also, I notice that my DH has issues with potassium and ginger ale is good for that. They also lose weight as chemo burns calories so if she can tolerate milk shakes and adding Carnation Instant Breakfast to whole milk, ice cream, chocolate syrup or whatever flavor always gives extra calories. There are many products on the market that add extra calories and protein, my husband does not care for them as he says they have a "taste" so Boost is one also Benecalorie added to food, but like I said my husband balks at these..

Also, like someone said.. unscented hand creams.. lots of emollients, face cream, moisturing shampoos and creme rinse as the hair, if they do not lose it, is affected in a sort of dry, burnt look.

How lucky she is to have you caring about her this way.. ask if you have any questions.. we are here.

Obsessive Cullen disorder, hmmmm, a Twilight reference? If so, I like it and my daughters and I definitely have an obsessive Cullen disorder...

Thank you so much for replying to my post.

It is a Twilight reference... :lmao: Glad i'm not the only one.. Love, LOVE Twilight.

I"ve never thought about the fact that she may lose MORE weight, she's already lost close to 15 pounds.. i'm going to have to look into something that will help in the calorie department.

Alright, so here is what i have done so far.. i'm still gonna head out to a pharmacy this afternoon and pick up a couple of items.


Here's a short list of what's already inside:

Our ‘Chemo Survivor Tote’:

The Tote: To transport all your needs (paperwork, wallet, drinks, food, accessories etc,) with you to appointments.

Silk Scarf: Wear it as a scarf, to bring color to your wardrobe, to cover your face or even over your hair. We chose pink because it will bring color to your face AND it matches your Tote.

Mint Gum/Mints: To clear the awful taste the chemo will leave in your mouth.

Hair Brush: Whether you lose your hair or not, a softer Bristol brush will help prevent from hairs from falling out.

Fleece Blanket: During Chemo, you may feel cold. Ultimately it’s to keep you warm and snuggled.

Socks: Two extremely warm sock to keep you warm and snuggled. We both know how cold your feet get grams!!

Monitors: For the days your too exhausted to get out of bed…just talk in the monitor and the lucky recipient on the other side, gramps, will come and lend a hand

Un-scented Candles: During Chemo, You can become extremely sensitive to smells.

Kids Toothbrush: You need to have a soft Bristol for brushing.

Chamomile Tea: To help ease the stress.

Lotion: A side of effect of Chemo is dry skin.

Un-scented Soap: Again, you will be extremely sensitive to smell.

Shampoo: Johnson makes a really light formula, which won’t be too harsh on your skin and will moisturize.

Trail Mix: We know you’re on a special diet but you never know when you need a little snack.

DVD: Comic relief for those days you just need a good laugh.

Disinfectant: Not for you, but for guest. Your immune system will be comprised and the last thing you need is a cold.

Lipbalm: To aid your dry lips.

Crossword book: To help kill the time in the waiting rooms.

Thermometer: You never know.

Scratch and Win Tickets: One for each Chemo appointment that has been scheduled.

Foot spa package: A little taste of the spa….because like it says in your card sometimes you need buttering up!

*Please let me know what you think.. I really hope she likes it.. she's the most important person to me in this world.
One thing you may want to add is a small notebook and pen. My doctor recommended it and since I journal anyway it was a natural. That way she can log all her doctor's visits, any changes they needed to make, what side effects she is feeling. That way when she visits with her doctor she has it all documented and doesn't have to try and remember things that happened a week or two ago.

I love the idea of the tote and you have included many wonderful things.
A hat , you would be surprised how cold you can get without hair , those are my daughter's words and she was diagnosed in the summer.
I agree with pen and paper either to journal or to write down questions for the oncologist and your team as you think of them.. What about books on tape for her listen to if she chooses to not read....or even downloading her favorite music to listen to... just a thought.. You did a great job with this tote bag, I am sure she will be so pleased.

And for a Twilight reference, my daughter just left for her bachelerotte party, she is getting married in a couple of weeks, with her Edward figurine that her crazy Mom, that would be me, bought for her take with her.. I have one too, I could have worse addictions, this one makes me smile in a heartwarming way.. beautiful love story, kind of Romeo and Juliet, vampire style. LOLOL
One thing you may want to add is a small notebook and pen. My doctor recommended it and since I journal anyway it was a natural. That way she can log all her doctor's visits, any changes they needed to make, what side effects she is feeling. That way when she visits with her doctor she has it all documented and doesn't have to try and remember things that happened a week or two ago.

I love the idea of the tote and you have included many wonderful things.

I put a small notebook and pen on my list for todays quick last minute stop to add some items. Such a good idea... because last time i was there visiting her (roughly a week ago) she was writing down all her appointment information on misc. papers around the house. Thank You.

A hat , you would be surprised how cold you can get without hair , those are my daughter's words and she was diagnosed in the summer.

I thought about a Hat, but she's already wearing one. Thank you for posting. I"m sorry to hear about your daughter..:hug:

I agree with pen and paper either to journal or to write down questions for the oncologist and your team as you think of them.. What about books on tape for her listen to if she chooses to not read....or even downloading her favorite music to listen to... just a thought.. You did a great job with this tote bag, I am sure she will be so pleased.

And for a Twilight reference, my daughter just left for her bachelerotte party, she is getting married in a couple of weeks, with her Edward figurine that her crazy Mom, that would be me, bought for her take with her.. I have one too, I could have worse addictions, this one makes me smile in a heartwarming way.. beautiful love story, kind of Romeo and Juliet, vampire style. LOLOL

Before i left her last week, I left her with a 'care package' until i return.. in that care package (which consisted most of christian items) were a CD, a gaurdian angel, some prayer books, a religious book mark, etc,. My grand-mother has really embraced god over the past 3 years. She loved the 'care package'!!! Thank you for your post tho, i really appreciate all the ideas and help i can get.

Ohhh.. her Bachelerotte party... I hope she has fun.. but with Edward by her side that shouldn't be a problem. :cloud9: Congratulations.. Hopefully her wedding goes off without a hitch.

I agree, i could have worse addictions as well... I most def. agree with you.. Twilight is such a beautiful, heartwarming, love story. I love the way Edward acts towards bella... I"m :lovestruc!!
I also wanted to add that when my Dad was recieving Chemo and now My Aunt, they like to suck on Lemon Drops for the chemo taste. It was something that someone my Dad met during his treatments recommended and it seemed to help alot with the taste. I know that he preferred the Brach's candy brand, we were able to find them at Walgreens, There are others but they didnt seem to be strong enough in flavor.

One thing that my Aunt is doing for her treatments is adding a charm to a braclet for each "clelebration" she recieves during treatment.

I add your granmother to my prayer box.:grouphug:
When I was going through chemo, I started to carry a month-at-a-view type calendar to keep track of my appointments, in addition to my journal for notes. I also used a pocket folder put copies of blood tests and other paperwork I was given. (She can have a box at home to drop all the papers she doesn't need to carry anymore.)

One of those water bottle covers that help keep it cold, and from sweating on other things in the bag.

For somethings you can see how she responds to chemo. In my case, I lost my hair, but gained weight. Avoid anything that is acidic (like lemonade) as the mouth can be tender.

The sleep mask is a great idea. I used mine in the hospital so the nurses didn't blind me during those 3am blood draws. They can also be helpful if she wants to nap during infusion.

Hand Sanitizer. Make sure she has a few small bottles so if she carries different bags, she'll always have one handy.

BTW, head coverings should be washable and soft. With summer coming, lightweight is good. (I only wore cotton scarves.)
lost my son to cancer back in 1988 he was 8 years old. while in the hospital during his treatments we would be visiting with older persons like your grandmother going thruogh the same thing. it really seemed to help the older ones to see a brave young child going through this as well many felt much better sharing and creating a specail bond with each other, it just seemed to give the older ones more stenghth to get through their own ordeal. maybe that would help with your grandmother interact with the childrens ward of whichever hospital she is in. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your grandmother.
My boyfriend's uncle is undergoing chemo and I think the tote idea is really sweet. I will tell my bf about it.
Without doubt the most important things you have put into this tote is your love, thoughtfulness and care. They will comfort your grandma as much as the other contents.

Best wishes for your grandma.

The only experience I have had with chemo is when my grandma took a treatment. Her nurse told her not to use any metal flatware so perhaps you would think of adding some plastic forks and spoons?
Check out this store that makes Barley candy in Maine. It has a little information on why it's recommended for Chemo patients.


Thank you... I"m going to go onto the site this evening. This will be great.. because unfortunetely they need to pull all her teeth out!!

I also wanted to add that when my Dad was recieving Chemo and now My Aunt, they like to suck on Lemon Drops for the chemo taste. It was something that someone my Dad met during his treatments recommended and it seemed to help alot with the taste. I know that he preferred the Brach's candy brand, we were able to find them at Walgreens, There are others but they didnt seem to be strong enough in flavor.

One thing that my Aunt is doing for her treatments is adding a charm to a braclet for each "clelebration" she recieves during treatment.

I add your granmother to my prayer box.:grouphug:

The idea of a charm bracelet to celebrate after each treatment sounds great.. i'm going to keep it in mind. Thank you for posting.

When I was going through chemo, I started to carry a month-at-a-view type calendar to keep track of my appointments, in addition to my journal for notes. I also used a pocket folder put copies of blood tests and other paperwork I was given. (She can have a box at home to drop all the papers she doesn't need to carry anymore.)

One of those water bottle covers that help keep it cold, and from sweating on other things in the bag.

For somethings you can see how she responds to chemo. In my case, I lost my hair, but gained weight. Avoid anything that is acidic (like lemonade) as the mouth can be tender.

The sleep mask is a great idea. I used mine in the hospital so the nurses didn't blind me during those 3am blood draws. They can also be helpful if she wants to nap during infusion.

Hand Sanitizer. Make sure she has a few small bottles so if she carries different bags, she'll always have one handy.

BTW, head coverings should be washable and soft. With summer coming, lightweight is good. (I only wore cotton scarves.)

Thank you for your post.... We will be visiting again on June 5th for her third round of chemo and i'm going to bring her a calendar. She just had NO clue when her appointements where.. etc, (my aunt, her daughter is currently keeping track of everything) but it broke my heart to see that she just doesn't understand or know what is going on.

lost my son to cancer back in 1988 he was 8 years old. while in the hospital during his treatments we would be visiting with older persons like your grandmother going thruogh the same thing. it really seemed to help the older ones to see a brave young child going through this as well many felt much better sharing and creating a specail bond with each other, it just seemed to give the older ones more stenghth to get through their own ordeal. maybe that would help with your grandmother interact with the childrens ward of whichever hospital she is in. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your grandmother.

Thank you so very much for your thoughts and prayers.. My grandmother means the world to me and i'm def. NOT ready to have her leave.

That was so sweet of your son to take the time to visit others. :hug:

My boyfriend's uncle is undergoing chemo and I think the tote idea is really sweet. I will tell my bf about it.

Thank you-- please do. My grand-mother really loved the idea and she was completely shocked.

Without doubt the most important things you have put into this tote is your love, thoughtfulness and care. They will comfort your grandma as much as the other contents.

Best wishes for your grandma.


Thank you for your best wishes.

The only experience I have had with chemo is when my grandma took a treatment. Her nurse told her not to use any metal flatware so perhaps you would think of adding some plastic forks and spoons?

Thank you, i'll keep this in mind and be sure to ask the nurse.


I apologize for any spelling errors, I just don't have the energy to re-read this paragraph.

Well... I'm back from spending the weekend with my grandmother. We arrived on Friday evening around 8:15pm. It's just a short 3 hour drive from where i am currently settled, a beautiful drive through the north, in the province of Ontario, Canada.

As soon as we got in, grams was lying down in bed. I went in and lied down with her for a few minutes... she was sleeping.. so i layed there, holding her small hand and watching her sleep. Even in her sleep-- you can see the pain she's feeling. She finally opened up her eyes-- and I could see them smile. Her face is so swollen, almost 5 times the size it should be.. she has a hard time talking, eating, smiling or even opening up her mouth. She squeezed my hand and i knew she was happy. :goodvibes

I told her i had a surprise for her.. that Dbf and I had put together something special to help her through her journey to recovery (even tho, we both know, she's planning and preparing to die:sad1:). I went and got her "Chemo Surviving Tote"-- she was so shocked.. she just didn't know what to say... except a tear running down her beautiful face.

I took the time to read our card to her. We also including some encouraging scriptures and some encouraging famous quotes. It took everything inside my heart and soul to not cry duing that reading...It breaks my heart to see her in this state. After the card, I read to her the list of things that were included in her tote and i explained what they were for. She let out a couple of little laughs and a couple more tears.. but overall.. She was shocked, touched and completely appreciative.

At the end, she sat up from bed and wanted to take everything out of the tote and actually took some time to look over the items. She used the lip balm and lotion right away-- we read a couple of 'short stories' from the book 'Taking Flight' that we included.. and laughed at the fact that I included a Jeff Daniem Christmas special DVD. (I dont know how to spell his last name, but he's the comedian with the puppets)

My tote, did exactly what it was suppose to...
You are an extremely thoughtful person and I love your tote! :goodvibes

I had a few things that were very special to me when I was going through chemo. Two friends gave me medals from Medjugorje which I placed on my mother's necklace and wore all the time. They helped me feel a special connection between the Blessed Mother and me and my children which I needed to feel. I also had some rose scented lotion that they'd given me at Dana Farber Cancer Instititute which for some reason brightened my spirits when I put it on. (Not a huge rose scent person. Note to self would like to get some more even though it might bring back memories from that time.) A good friend gave me one of those beautiful EC bracelets which I still wear all the time. I agree with the pp who said the best things in the basket are love and caring.

Thank you for doing this. Sending out special prayers to your grandma. :hug:
I'm glad to hear the tote cheered your grandmother up.

If she's religious you might ask the cancer center to arrange for one of their chaplains to speak to her. Maybe they can help her feel more encouraged.

Be aware that not only do people respond differently to chemo (side effects), but different drugs are used to treat different types of cancer. She may not get the side effects some of us have gotten. It's good to know what she might get, because you can ask her specifically about how she's feeling, as she might not realize it's treatment related and there may be something the doctor can give her to help with the symptoms.

BTW, when I was at the cancer center recently, I picked up a magazine from this organization. It did a good job of summarizing the various issues from side effects to financial issues. It might be a good resource for you and your family. http://www.caring4cancer.com/

Good luck to your grandmother.


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