Kids 1st trip-an ever changing PTR-Update: 12-21 Itinerary 6.0 is now done

DL in December when its all decorated for Christmas...does it get any better!! I hope your DH will see the logic in your plan because of course I do and it would only make sense to be closer to DL and have that safety you so desire while you're there!!!!!

I can't wait to hear more about your DL trip!!!
no "real" updates right now. I've made a TON of lists, if you have ever followed an LL PTR you will have already been acquainted with a list taker, well I'm the same and I have about four lists saved to my computer right now for the upcoming trips. However today I'm just posting pictures of recent purchases, most of which are Universal/IOA purchases. :scared1: sorry fellow OCD'ers But my 4 yo is obsessed with Spiderman right now, and the dollar section at Target had Spiderman, no boyish Disney right now- they have HSM and Wizards things right now.

These shorts are for baby DS- one pair for Universal and one pair for WDW

Here is the bulk of the Spiderman loot, haven't decided exactly when I'm giving each thing to DS, I know I'm going to save at least one thing for his small gift morning of IOA, the rest will most likely be gifts he earns with his rewards charts or stocking stuffers.

Here is his new water bottle and sandwhich container, to go in the Spiderman lunchbox that we haven't purchased yet, he did find a backpack he liked a couple weeks ago

These were small punching bags, they already opened and have been playing with, I should go back and get a few more if there are any left, since one already broke :confused3 that is the joy of having boys I suppose, they play so rough :lmao: good thing they were only a dollar

And though I have always felt very strongly against the play with guns, I did give in and get them these mini water guns, it was two in a pack for a dollar, they shoot like 3 ft and they had a blast outside the past few days with them. So much so I went back and got them iron man ones to be earned later

Also went back and got Jack some iron man stickers and things which will go in his treasure chest for good deeds (he has a chart for brushing teeth, and we are adding a prayer chart and a getting dressed chart in the next few weeks- these are tasks he has struggled with) And not to offend anyone with that, I in no way consider prayer a task, but for my Jack who doesn't understand all the time, it is right now a task.

Guess that is all for now, I'll post my lists sometime in the next week after fine tuning them

I was just checking out your PTR!

Congrats on the PIN!!!

I can only assume you are going to use it like a good DISer would!!! LOL:rotfl:

I was just checking out your PTR!

Congrats on the PIN!!!

I can only assume you are going to use it like a good DISer would!!! LOL:rotfl:

of course that is the plan as of right now, but there are a few things that have to fall into place, I'm waiting to also see what is happening with family in California, lots going on- will determine my decision for a lot of things for this trip.
To Do List- DL December 2009

• Decide on hotel
• Book room
• Book air
• Book car
• Buy wedding gift/card
• Buy tickets
• Make tip envelopes
• Make a list of items to pack
• Make a list of items to buy (partially done)
• Lists of rides and shows to see
• Make shirts
• ? Schedule holiday tour (have to get more information)
• countdown calendar? (not sure if I want to do this since Jack isn't going)
• Make coloring book/autograph book (this not so sure of since he is so little, and I didn't do one for Jacks first two visits to DL)
• Make ADR for character breakfast

To Buy list- DL December 2009

• Shirts
• Snack items for plane
• Outfits for wedding
• Me- new backpack
• Me- new camera or disposable (and hope for new camera for Christmas)
• Toys to entertain Joey on plane

Can you think of anything else I would need to do or buy?

To Do List- June 2010

• Book room (waiting to see if a deal will be coming out)
• Buy tickets (this will go with our room package)
• Make ADR’s
• Make tip envelopes
• Make a list of items to pack
• Make a list of items to buy (partially done)
• Lists of rides and shows to see
• Make shirts
• Golf reservation for parents (this was a gift for my Dad's birthday)
• ? Special excursion ressies (pirate adventure or family magic tour)
• Finish countdown calendar
• Fill out and send in special dietary request form
• Get rolled quarters and pennies for penny machines
• Print a map/list of penny machine locations
• Make coloring book/autograph book
• Picture schedule- Jack
• Make dining invites for boys
• Buy universal tickets
• Schedule IOA character breakfast
• To do list for IOA

To Buy list- June 2010

• Bathing suits for boys
• Shirts (to add DISigns to)
• Ponchos
• Snack items
• Beach towels for boys
• Gift cards for boys (their spending $)
• Water vest/floaties
• Goggles for pool ?? (if I feel they might even put heads in water)
• Headphones/ear plugs- Jack
• Small $1 gifts for opening each morning and on drive down
• Pirate costumes ???
• Fans / water bottles

any other suggestions for first trip purchases in the heat of June?
WOW!! Lots of cool changes to your PTR!! Glad you are happy with them! That's what's important!!

We never got to the Christmas Carol Train. After school registration being so exhausting I knew that Claire was going to have to have a nap before The Wiggles show. How long did you have to wait in line? Glad you enjoyed it!

I missed your msg. Yes you have a lot going on, you are a very busy woman I'm learning. :) In a good way. I dropped my Mom and Jack off and drove around looking for parking for about 10-15 min, then waited another 15-30 min to get into the train, then about 10-15 to get into the movie preview. But it was fun.

DL in December when its all decorated for Christmas...does it get any better!! I hope your DH will see the logic in your plan because of course I do and it would only make sense to be closer to DL and have that safety you so desire while you're there!!!!!

I can't wait to hear more about your DL trip!!!

I LOVE DL in Dec. You really need to get yourself to DL Jen, you will really enjoy it I think. I LOVE WDW after my first visit, but there is still something about DL, I guess it being the original park and that being what I grew up with, it just feels like home to me. :)
Your lists look great. Be sure to keep thinking about how hot it will be in June when it comes to Pirate costumes. There was a week this past June that it didn't even cool off at night.

And I thought I would send you this link: o2-Cool water bottles

They are bottles you drink out of and also mist. I have a couple and love them. That way I only have one bottle to carry around. The local Targets here sell them. Only problem is the water spout has not come off of both of mine, but saw the website does sell them 3 for $5. I love them enough to order. Now, if they would just figure out how to put a fan on them too.:)
Ummm sunscreen!!!!!:sunny:

Your lists look good. For the June trip i think less is more!!!!!!!

Your lists look great. Be sure to keep thinking about how hot it will be in June when it comes to Pirate costumes. There was a week this past June that it didn't even cool off at night.

And I thought I would send you this link: o2-Cool water bottles

They are bottles you drink out of and also mist. I have a couple and love them. That way I only have one bottle to carry around. The local Targets here sell them. Only problem is the water spout has not come off of both of mine, but saw the website does sell them 3 for $5. I love them enough to order. Now, if they would just figure out how to put a fan on them too.:)

OH MY GOSH, how could I forget Sunscreen?:confused3 Especially with my two little whities, they are pretty fair, not as fair as some, but pretty fair. My Mom thinks I'm over protective, cause I slather sunscreen all over their bodies and then put sun shirts on them when they swim, hats, sunglasses, the works. I just don't want them to get skin cancer, is that so wrong?

Oh Melissa, thanks for that link, those look great. Do they have straps to hold around the neck? We got Jack a spiderman water bottle that goes on his neck and holds a small snack on the bottom. I can always get those water bottles and add stickers or clings or something to make them more appealing to the boys. ;) Yeah the pirate costumes were originally going to be a birthday gift, and we were going to sign Jack up for pirate league and a pirate adventure, but now that we are switching to June, I'm undecided on all that (maybe an Oct visit will be in order, I do want to meet up with you and Di if I can- and of course go to MNSSHP)

oh life keeps getting in my way of DISing :lmao: now that we are getting settled and school has started up again. I'm working p/t, but like every day and then my volunteer work, and Jack starts soccer this week:banana: I'm excited about that but it's one more thing to schedule into our calendar. :rolleyes1 Most of you can relate having kids of your own I know. I just wonder when did life get to be so busy, I don't like the word busy, full, when did life get to be so full?
Here is the shirt I made for Jack (then also made one for Joey) for his first day of Soccer


I'm starting to get the hang of fusing pictures together, I might be able to start DISigning our WDW shirts on my own :woohoo:
I am so loving your lists!! Seriously... I had forgotten to put pennies and quarters on mine!! Sheesh!! :sad2:

I think that the beginning of school has cut into a lot of our DIStime, I'm noticing that there just aren't very many new posts on ANY of the PTRs I'm following. Seems to come in waves- real life, that is.
Great updates!! I love your lists...I'm a lot like you and LL and I make a lot of lists for my trips!! Your lists are so exciting...and yes please do not forget the sunscreen for your little ones LOL!!!

Love the shirt you made!!! When are you going to start taking requests LOL!!!
Hey there! I'm finally catching up.... awesome lists and love the Spidey-tee!

We ended up not using any of the tip envelopes I so studiously finished putting together the afternoon before our trip :headache: - all our gratuities were charged back to our room on our KTTW cards. Why not have one autograph book for both visits? I love looking back through our autographs and just continued on with the same one for this trip too.

When can I put in my order?:rotfl:

I'll tell you were to put your order :lmao: j/k, If you are serious, after I figure a few more things out with the program I'm using, I'll be happy to make a few designs for people I know. What did you have in mind?

I am so loving your lists!! Seriously... I had forgotten to put pennies and quarters on mine!! Sheesh!! :sad2:

I think that the beginning of school has cut into a lot of our DIStime, I'm noticing that there just aren't very many new posts on ANY of the PTRs I'm following. Seems to come in waves- real life, that is.

Yes pennies and quarters... a son had a lot of fun with this at the zoo, so I figured it would be a MUST on our WDW list. Thanks for making your way over to my little PTR by the way. I'm super honored since you said you only follow about 20 at a time.

Great updates!! I love your lists...I'm a lot like you and LL and I make a lot of lists for my trips!! Your lists are so exciting...and yes please do not forget the sunscreen for your little ones LOL!!!

Love the shirt you made!!! When are you going to start taking requests LOL!!!

As I was making the spider soccer shirt I was thinking about you and the quiet shirt for your trip, but I haven't played with fonts yet. I LOVE lists, that is why I was tickled to find LL's reports :rotfl:

Hey there! I'm finally catching up.... awesome lists and love the Spidey-tee!

We ended up not using any of the tip envelopes I so studiously finished putting together the afternoon before our trip :headache: - all our gratuities were charged back to our room on our KTTW cards. Why not have one autograph book for both visits? I love looking back through our autographs and just continued on with the same one for this trip too.

Welcome back, can't wait until you start your TR, was it an automatic thing that they charged your KTTW cards or did you opt for that? I love projects, but if I'm not going to use them, it would seem like a waste of paper to me. let me know your thoughts.
Welcome back, can't wait until you start your TR, was it an automatic thing that they charged your KTTW cards or did you opt for that? I love projects, but if I'm not going to use them, it would seem like a waste of paper to me. let me know your thoughts.

They give you the option, you can go either way. When the bill is brought to the table, the server explains if you want to add a gratuity to the card they would re-run the bill with the tip amount added. If you wanted to do the envelopes, you would just sign the bill as it comes without a gratuity and leave the envelope. As it happens for me, I never had the cash on hand to put in the envelopes :blush: so I opted for the convenience of using the KTTW cards.
Thanks for the offer on the shirts. I had a few DISigns made before we went in March. Then I used the transfers and voila! instant Disney shirts! LOL I always check those threads to see if there is something new that I'm interested in.

I checked your list again.... If my DW was packing she'd have Wet Ones and Purell. I think I should buy stock in this stuff the way DW goes through it! LOL:rotfl:
Yes pennies and quarters... a son had a lot of fun with this at the zoo, so I figured it would be a MUST on our WDW list. Thanks for making your way over to my little PTR by the way. I'm super honored since you said you only follow about 20 at a time.

With lists and fun stuff like that- how could I refuse :)
Hey Jessica,

I followed your link over from KathyRN's PTR...:car:

your little men are adorable...:goodvibes

I'm from outside Philadelphia so I guess the Eagles are my team too...although I don't really know too much about football...:confused3...DH is impressed when I know which teams play what sports...:headache: anyhow...

I love California:cloud9:-we've been there on several family trips-all over between San Francisco to San Diego...we were to DL as well and I absolutely adored it...(some people I knew thought we might be dissapointed because FL is so much bigger-in terms of more parks-but DL has quite a bit packed in to it-I thought that the whole New Orleans Square Area was especially awesome-and it was cool to be in "Walt's park"-there is a sort of charm there and there is something to be said for being able to walk between DL and CA-and I will only ride Soarin at CA now for sentimental reasons...(I want to go back after they've made all the changes to CA and added Radiator Springs-that will rock...:cool1:

I was thinking about your concerns about the loud noises for your son during Wishes (My DS is 7 and has Asperger's) but honestly I probably have more Sensory Issues than he does...:lmao: We just came back and did a Pirates Wishes Cruise so we weren't in the Park but on the water so that deflected noise and also I've read that there are places to view the fireworks from the beaches at the GF and the Poly-so if you went to dinner at one of the restaurants one night-maybe you could go out to the beaches and watch...:yay:

As far as the heat in June...we just came back in August and it was very hot but we managed and you're in Disney...we tend to be at rope drop and then come back to swim in the afternoon...

your countdown calendar is simply darling...:goodvibes
Hey Jessica,

I followed your link over from KathyRN's PTR...:car:

your little men are adorable...:goodvibes

I'm from outside Philadelphia so I guess the Eagles are my team too...although I don't really know too much about football...:confused3...DH is impressed when I know which teams play what sports...:headache: anyhow...

I love California:cloud9:-we've been there on several family trips-all over between San Francisco to San Diego...we were to DL as well and I absolutely adored it...(some people I knew thought we might be dissapointed because FL is so much bigger-in terms of more parks-but DL has quite a bit packed in to it-I thought that the whole New Orleans Square Area was especially awesome-and it was cool to be in "Walt's park"-there is a sort of charm there and there is something to be said for being able to walk between DL and CA-and I will only ride Soarin at CA now for sentimental reasons...(I want to go back after they've made all the changes to CA and added Radiator Springs-that will rock...:cool1:

I was thinking about your concerns about the loud noises for your son during Wishes (My DS is 7 and has Asperger's) but honestly I probably have more Sensory Issues than he does...:lmao: We just came back and did a Pirates Wishes Cruise so we weren't in the Park but on the water so that deflected noise and also I've read that there are places to view the fireworks from the beaches at the GF and the Poly-so if you went to dinner at one of the restaurants one night-maybe you could go out to the beaches and watch...:yay:

As far as the heat in June...we just came back in August and it was very hot but we managed and you're in Disney...we tend to be at rope drop and then come back to swim in the afternoon...

your countdown calendar is simply darling...:goodvibes

:welcome: Thanks for making your way over to my little PTR.

Thanks for the suggestions on the fireworks, I've been looking into a wagon ride they do with a fireworks viewing, I think it's over in the camping area, and they stream the music in. But still exploring options.

Yeah the heat has DH going back to wanting to go in March, but it will all come down to a decision on Jacks schooling as we are wavering again. Since he is only four, he technically doesn't NEED to be in school this year. But because it takes him longer to catch on to things, we want him in school. If that makes sense. But with the new swine flu scare I'm afraid to put him in school since he catches EVERYTHING. There is just more room for us to plan out our trip properly in June than trying to cram everything in March, though we could always do another trip in October as I'm hoping to sway my DH to allow me and the boys to go to MNSSHP without him :scared1:

Will be happy for all your suggestions. We still don't understand DS's diagnosis, it says High Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder on his IEP, but there are parts that said Aspergers????:confused3


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