Disboutiquers Part 17 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

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OK ladies, I really need to find a job soon, or start marketing my stuff, because the only thing that's keeping me remotely sane is sewing. I'm giving lessons to a couple of friends, and at least making use of some of my stash.
Here's the dress I made this morning for DD. I thought minnie needed a little somethin somethin so I made her a little hairbow to match the surround part of DD's halloween hairbows I made last week.

feel free to let me know if I'm posting too much, or if anybody needs help sewing anything... I guess I'll start working on Christmas stuff and the Tiana dress I have in my head. :goodvibes

BTW, we really, really need a sewing smiley!
I love the candy corn dress, that is just to cute. It is never too early to start on the Christmas stuff, it will be here soon.

I am just stuned looking at all the beautiful things you guys have sewn.
It makes me feel kind of silly posting mine:blush:
So here it is... my first ever vida with a molly peasant under. This is for "black and orange" day at school next week. I'll try to post some pics later of Abigail wearing it.:love:

This is the front

The back

With the molly peasant under.

On a sad note ~ the trip for Abigail's 9th birthday is a no go. I couldn't convince dh and he has no desire to visit Florida.:sad1:
You dress is great and I love the different fabrics that give a textured look. Sorry about the cancelled trip. Hopefully there will be another soon.


I just heard back on my reservation. She will email me the confirmation number this evening after she gets home from work.:thumbsup2 Whooo!!
did you get your #?, hey that looks like swearing, but it is a question. Hope all is well and you feel better knowing you are going back to WDW.

If it makes you feel any better, Halloween is a week from Saturday, and I still have to make and mail 3 adult Snow WHites, 2 child Snow Whites, 2 Dorothies, 2 Alices, a Cinderella and 1 adult Mary Poppins......

Feel better now???? I don't.......... Now back to the sewing machine........

On the up side, the Post Office is not longer in the red. My express mail fees have pulled them back in to the black!
Wow, you are going to be busy! I know you can get it all done. :banana::cheer2:
I made it back here before the big move. Everyone is so busy. I can't keep up. How do you all do it? I've been working on bags for the girls and I am going to do some for Christmas gifts. And I also have several little projects before our trip. But I don't have nearly the amount of stuff that you all have to do.
You all do amazing work.
I am such a bad person! I have a million and twelve things to get done...and instead I keep sitting here, hitting refresh...then going over to facebook, hitting refresh, then back to here...

I think my motivation is gone...wonder if Marah ever found hers. It was missing last week.


I just posted a brand spankin new Big Give this morning!!! I know everyone is really busy lately, but please think about coming over and signing up to make or send something to this sweet family! :lovestruc


Also, there are still opening on the other two Gives that are up.

ETA: We still need one more outfit for the KDZbear, Tyler Give!

Thanks guys!
Speaking of AG dolls...has anyone else's DDs been pouring over the new AG catalog obsessively since it came in the mail wanting everything in it? :confused3 Of course, when I tell her she can't get all of that, she says, well Santa can bring some of it.:santa:

We're having the same problem here..... but it DID keep her busy while I sewed last night.........
Speaking of AG dolls...has anyone else's DDs been pouring over the new AG catalog obsessively since it came in the mail wanting everything in it? :confused3 Of course, when I tell her she can't get all of that, she says, well Santa can bring some of it.:santa:

Same thing here. Hannah wants Julie and stuff for Christmas, Lizzie got Chrissa for her birthday (and wants stuff for her) and Em is going to be surprised with a JLY changed and dressed to look like Abby from NCIS. The catalog does keep them busy, though.

I am such a bad person! I have a million and twelve things to get done...and instead I keep sitting here, hitting refresh...then going over to facebook, hitting refresh, then back to here...

I think my motivation is gone...wonder if Marah ever found hers. It was missing last week.


Nope, never did find mine. Well, I did enough to shower that day and a few times since then. :rotfl2:
Maybe they are hiding together?
We're having the same problem here..... but it DID keep her busy while I sewed last night.........

Same thing here. Hannah wants Julie and stuff for Christmas, Lizzie got Chrissa for her birthday (and wants stuff for her) and Em is going to be surprised with a JLY changed and dressed to look like Abby from NCIS. The catalog does keep them busy, though.


Glad I am not the only one. You are right though, it has kept her very busy. She has a JLY doll but now she wants Rebecca. I guess that is better than what she originally wanted though....the treehouse! That thing is SO expensive!
Speaking of AG dolls...has anyone else's DDs been pouring over the new AG catalog obsessively since it came in the mail wanting everything in it? :confused3 Of course, when I tell her she can't get all of that, she says, well Santa can bring some of it.:santa:

Same thing here. Hannah wants Julie and stuff for Christmas, Lizzie got Chrissa for her birthday (and wants stuff for her) and Em is going to be surprised with a JLY changed and dressed to look like Abby from NCIS. The catalog does keep them busy, though.

YES! Katie has never really said she wanted a AG before and now this year she is dying for one! I actually refused to get her one...on the basis that she is not a big doll girl and she will be 11 in April and didn't think she would play with it that much. She has a Sleeping Beauty and a Tink doll that she barely plays with. BUT...my mom wants to get it for her for Christmas...I said okay after my mom begged. So...she will be getting Kit...she will be THRILLED and now love my mom more than me! :lmao:

I LOVE NCIS! That show is my huge addiction! My dad watches it and he got me into it. I was just talking to him about the show before I came here and I was telling him how much I love Abby! She is so cool!
All I can say is I am glad we have a boy. I have seen the pictures of the dolls here but that is all we know about them. I guess what we spend on batekuns you spend on dolls. Either way, we all spend, I am just lucky the round rolly balls don't wear clothes.:cutie:
I have been thinking that there are many friends who I have not seen post lately. Where is queen Karen and my dear friend Crystal? :confused3
All I can say is I am glad we have a boy. I have seen the pictures of the dolls here but that is all we know about them. I guess what we spend on batekuns you spend on dolls. Either way, we all spend, I am just lucky the round rolly balls don't wear clothes.:cutie:

Oh! But then you have those all over the house too! Under the beds...under the couch....in the hall...I found one in Patrick's bed this morning!:lmao: Then...you have to buy the books!:sad2: I am still trying to understand them...but the boys love them!
Revrob--Love your blog too. How am I supposed to sew when there all these great Blogs to read.

Also am I the only one who can't open any of the links in bookmarks on page one??:confused:

They are working for me. Is anyone else having a problem?

Ok, DIS friends, I've been a lurker on your thread for a while. I'm so impressed with all you can do. You guys are so creative. You've inspired me to try. I did it all myself with the exception of the zipper. (I've never done one before and needed help.)

I caught patterns on Sale for .99 cents (I used McCalls M5511 for the night shirt and McCalls M3954 for the dress) and used $2 yrd fabric for the dress. John's night night dress was made from a bed sheet that I bought at a garage sale for .50 cents. I paid $1 for his shoes at a different garage sale.

Its not perfect, but I'm really pleased with the end results since this is really my first sewing project!


WOW!!! GREAT job!!! You did darts! I hate doing those!

I did this a couple of years ago, but loved collecting all the sparkly things for it!

:worship: Oh my goodness Janet!!! That is INCREDIBLE!!! Wow wow wow! :worship: The crown, the dress, EVERYTHING!!! It is truly a work of art!

Another comment on the Casa line from Joann....
That is what I used on the precious dress I posted a few pages back...
I did the satin pink underneath and the sheer sparkle fabric on top. I agree gathering that is a pain, I tried several methods, finally found something that worked but it wasn't ideal. Then to add the small gathers at the hem which was just on the top sparkle layer I ended up doing it by hand, now I wish I had made them deeper... oh well :)

Sorry to re-post same pic :)

mom2rtk: Love it! What a great pic too!

Carol: Love the dresses! Pictures are wonderful:thumbsup2
I wonder if that's what I used on Arminda's Belle skirt? It was from Joann's. I need to go find a picture of it. I used Carla's Flouncy skirt pattern, so I didn't have to gather anything, thank goodness!

Here she is at Akershus with a petti underneath. I didn't really get any very good pictures of her in it!


and, the whole gang. Don't they all just look like they are melting! It was very hot! Record breaking!
They are working for me. Is anyone else having a problem?

WOW!!! GREAT job!!! You did darts! I hate doing those!

:worship: Oh my goodness Janet!!! That is INCREDIBLE!!! Wow wow wow! :worship: The crown, the dress, EVERYTHING!!! It is truly a work of art!

I wonder if that's what I used on Arminda's Belle skirt? It was from Joann's. I need to go find a picture of it. I used Carla's Flouncy skirt pattern, so I didn't have to gather anything, thank goodness!

Here she is at Akershus with a petti underneath. I didn't really get any very good pictures of her in it!


and, the whole gang. Don't they all just look like they are melting! It was very hot! Record breaking!

Very cute Teresa! Yeah, they look a little hot! Sawyer's cheeks are a little red!
Wow! We are slow moving lately! Are we EVER going to get to move? At this rate it will be sometime next week! Where is everyone????
I wonder if that's what I used on Arminda's Belle skirt? It was from Joann's. I need to go find a picture of it. I used Carla's Flouncy skirt pattern, so I didn't have to gather anything, thank goodness!

Here she is at Akershus with a petti underneath. I didn't really get any very good pictures of her in it!


and, the whole gang. Don't they all just look like they are melting! It was very hot! Record breaking!

Wow, the munchkins do look a tad warm, but their outfits are all adorable!
I've got even more good news. I just found out that we, myself and DD GoofyG, can purchase the remaining military salute tickets for $99 for 5 days that we didn't purchase in Feb.
WOW!! That's fantastic! What a great deal, too!

No, we were at WDW. There was a cold snap over the weekend. It was about 54 when we got back in the car after MNSSHP Sun. It was definitely a welcome change from the heat of our August trip!!!
I ALWAYS go on the wrong week! :rotfl2:

Your right, I didn't know if I could do both Christmas and Disney! If I get to do the $99 tickets I can do Disney!!!!!!!!!!:banana:

Now to try to figure out Disney outfits and Christmas all together!
You forgot the 3 banana minimum! Sheesh, I disappear for a few weeks and everyone forgets the rules!

I am such a bad person! I have a million and twelve things to get done...and instead I keep sitting here, hitting refresh...then going over to facebook, hitting refresh, then back to here...
This sounds WAY too familiar! That's what I did most of the day yesterday!


I just posted a brand spankin new Big Give this morning!!! I know everyone is really busy lately, but please think about coming over and signing up to make or send something to this sweet family! :lovestruc


Also, there are still opening on the other two Gives that are up.

ETA: We still need one more outfit for the KDZbear, Tyler Give!

Thanks guys!
I didn't even know we had a new one up!! Thanks for posting, Teresa!

I have been thinking that there are many friends who I have not seen post lately. Where is queen Karen and my dear friend Crystal? :confused3
I miss Karen, too! I see Crystal on facebook a lot.

And this was after they had been in the air conditioning for about 5 minutes!
Same thing here. Hannah wants Julie and stuff for Christmas, Lizzie got Chrissa for her birthday (and wants stuff for her) and Em is going to be surprised with a JLY changed and dressed to look like Abby from NCIS. The catalog does keep them busy, though.

Nope, never did find mine. Well, I did enough to shower that day and a few times since then. :rotfl2:
Maybe they are hiding together?

I am looking for mine this week too. I hope we all find it~
I can't wait to see pictures of AG as Abby!!! It's one of my favorite shows too!

I haven't checked my mail lately, I hope I got a new catalog too! I always take them to Kadie when I visit. I never have to buy anything for her, she spends days looking at the catalog!! But I remember when I was a kid spending hours looking at the Sears catalog toy section!!

I wonder if that's what I used on Arminda's Belle skirt? It was from Joann's. I need to go find a picture of it. I used Carla's Flouncy skirt pattern, so I didn't have to gather anything, thank goodness!

Here she is at Akershus with a petti underneath. I didn't really get any very good pictures of her in it!


and, the whole gang. Don't they all just look like they are melting! It was very hot! Record breaking!

The skirt turned out so cute! The whole gang looks very warm!!
Speaking of AG dolls...has anyone else's DDs been pouring over the new AG catalog obsessively since it came in the mail wanting everything in it? :confused3 Of course, when I tell her she can't get all of that, she says, well Santa can bring some of it.:santa:
I actually gave my 3.5yr old the catalog to browse thru and she barely opened it. I handed it back to her an hour later and opened it and asked "did you see whats inside? see the dolls?" "Mm.hmm... I'm done"she said as she watched Sleeping Beauty. Ohhhh-KAY. I'll put this in the trash. So no AG doll needed this year- not that I can afford her.

I have been thinking that there are many friends who I have not seen post lately. Where is queen Karen and my dear friend Crystal? :confused3
Based on her last PM to me, i would guess she is sewing her little heart out. ;) Shes on FB a little
Ugh...I just broke down and bought the PED basic. I got it with the 50% off, so a GREAT deal. I always have such buyers remorse though (my husband hates it!!) Anyway, I have a Bernina Bernette Deco 600 that I have never used!! I hope I can get it all figured out. I just love Heathers Designs!!

Wish me luck and I would say get ready for a lot of questions!!
:eek: After working two straight days on dd's pink cinderella dress I finished everything but the bows so I tried it on her and it hardly fits over her head! I guess it is so thick with all the layers of satin it made it smaller. I used the same exact pattern pieces from simply sweet for her tinkerbell outfit that fits fine.

Any ideas how to go about adding a back closure to a simply sweet? I might be adding a dang zipper to it but I don't want to put one in through all those layers...I would never keep it straight. Cutting through the back makes me cringe right now though. I wonder if I could cut it, bind the ends and put buttons in it. With the three layers of sating on the bodice they should be able to hold button holes right? It would make a slight pucker though from the over lap since there is no extra seam allowance for it so maybe a big bow could hide that?....sorry just brainstorming out loud....

The dress is gorgeous and materials cost me 40 bucks so redoing it isn't an option at this point :(
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