Like...They are Going with STRANGERS?!?! Sayonara Part 1- Join Us on the new thread!

What would you do with the $350??

  • Upgrade our resort

  • Spend it on 2 signature dinners

  • Get park hoppers and 1 signature dinner

  • See Cirque du Soleil

  • Rent a car

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Leg warmers, "bombdiggity". What will be next? Big hair, upturned Polo collars, and Depeche Mode. :scared1: Actually, I really like(d) Depeche Mode and Cyndi Lauper.

And sipping is entirely acceptable and fun too. Cynthia posted a really awesome World Showcase drink Journal Page that I'm putting in my book. So many nommy sounding choices.

Me TOO!!! Details! I want to see details!

I loved Depeche Mode, and the Cure, Erasure, book of Love, Echo and the Bunnymen....those were the days.

A drink journal page? Nice!!!! I'm not a wine or beer drinker, I'm a fruitty tuitty kind of girl. Om nom nom!

I wish I had details to give, bu tlike I said I can't even come up with a PTR title let alone details. I might have to let Kent decide the PTR title, bu tthat would mean giving up some control, I don't know if I can give up my control to a...a...Man!:scared1:
After several weeks of playing Rations Drop, aka Where Will the TC3 Nosh At?, we've come to the conclusion of our contest. It's been great having everyone chime in with your comments, opinions, links to great reviews and photos! Thanks for weighing in and making it a ton of fun!

In the end, we ended up with a 3-way tie for the championship! Tim, Amanda, and Cynthia proved to be very tenacious, capable contestants- Congratulations!! Not only do you get a promotion in rank, but if you send me your addresses via PM, and I'll send out your prizes soon. Think "Giddy-Up"! ;) You can join the Cavalry. :yay:

The answer to the last clue was found IN THE TEXT, but was cleverly disguised. Now does it pop out at you?

Just in case you need a clue,

I 'm jotting down a rhyme.

Keep your guesses coming through,

Or up will be the time.

Just had to know where to look for this one. ;)

I thought it'd be a good idea to list all of our mess hall stops in one place, just to make sure everyone's on the same memo. Let's take a look:

Teppan Edo
California Grill
Kona AND Kona Sushi Bar
Beaches n Cream
Starring Rolls
Wolfgang Puck Express
Boma (notice the AK Trifecta)
Columbia Harbor House
Riverside Food Mill at POR
Flame Tree
Afternoon Tea at the Grand Flo.
Either Cantina de San Angel OR Tangierine Cafe
Pecos Bills

Since we started the game, we've had to toss out Crystal Palace, and I may end up adding The Plaza, Ragland Road and Yak and Yeti, if my Solo Part ends up happening. Depends on my marching orders!!! That's, as of yet, is still classified information.

I think this is a really fantastic lineup with a variety of places sure to please every palette in our little army. A few are old familiar standbys, and some are new and exciting! Know for certain, the TC3 will be very careful at our documentation efforts. Expect a mouth watering, tastylicious TR later this year!

Now that we've gotten them all on one page, tell everyone, from this list, which one would be, is, or has been your favorite and why. Was it the food, service, theming, best memory?? If you could pick one place which one would it be? Are there certain things we should know before going??
If I tried to explain this whole DISboards thing to anyone, it would take half an hour before I even got to your PTR title issue, and their eyes would be glazing over.

Glenn, I know the feeling. The board is a hard one to explain to people who aren't sharing the love.

In my TR I mention what I wish my username was. I won't spoil it for you. I registered on these boards as soon as I found them and hadn't looked around enough to see that I should have been a little more creative.

Simply call it "Cher".
I don't know if you shared your wish user name, but I was just thinking the same thing about mine the other day! I just told Liesa I wish I had taken even a day before posting some silly user name, I wish I had picked one that would go better with being on the DIS. Oh well!

Here's the ever-lovin', I swear it's true story... When I started posting that, I honestly, cross my heart, thought I was responding to maroo's post. Then after I typed it, and looked up a little and saw it was you, it became even funnier, so I left it. Ask Tim, he's had plenty of grief here, and you know what's funny? He keeps coming back for more!! :lmao: All in good fun!

Anyway, yeah, I did the same thing. Found the threads and about 2 milliseconds later I was one proud, posting DISer. Never looked back. It wasn't until I was on about a week, when I realized I really biffed my screen name. I mean how lame-o!!

I wish I could have a do-over. I'd be my blog name "SteppeSister" It fits perfectly with where I live AND for Disney! Ah well. I'm with ya sister!

Will get a couple of your installments read up tonight... more later...

Cher. :lmao::lmao: That certainly fits the "outlandish" category!

I don't think she can get away with a Janet induced, "wardrobe malfunction", on this outfit! :eek: Yikes! Well thanks to Cher's pioneering efforts, we can all now say plastic surgery isn't just for the dumb and famous anymore. :rolleyes:
I have to say.....seeing that spider makes me wonder how much spirit gum was actually used to get that sucker to stick on there?!!!!!? :scared: I use to help models dress for lingere shows for a privately owned company out in southern Cali., waaaay back in the day(1989). I happen to know getting that sucker to stick on was no small b**b job! I MEAN JOB!....I MEANT JOB! :rolleyes:
Sorry if I embarrassed the boys. ;)


I'd say that picture is crazy, mysterious, and (strangely) welcoming!

How about "A Stranger is just a Friend you haven't DIS'd with yet".
I like that! I also like Liesa's orginal idea too. Hmmmm, now I'm stuck on which I like more....good thing I'm not the one picking! :laughing: ;)

Hey Jordo, how'd you decide when to launch your Pt. 2 ??

Although, things over here have really slowed way down?? Where is everyone???

Did I suddenly develop a bad case of BO???
Since your bringin up the 80's. :cloud9: "DO I OFFEIIIND?!!?"

Hey, look who joined the party!! I was starting to think I farted a little too loudly and scared everyone off! I think some of the regulars have viruses on their life rafts, I mean computers, so are out for a spell. Cynthia and Rebecca come to mind. Amanda is stuck in Club Med, and I don't know what happened to Millie and KatMark??!
:rotfl: I'm here, I've been busy with a little count down calander project. If it's OK with you Liesa.....can I post a picture on here to show everyone?

Anyway, post my first post. I need a good laugh this morning!! I'm sure it was some stupid question or something. :rotfl2:

The Bombdiggity is the only thing I have kept from the 80's, I'm trying to bring it back as a cool word. If they can bring back leg warmers, I can bring back Bombdiggity!
I thought Bombdiggity was a 90's word? :confused3 I could be wrong.

DH is has his own expectations for this trip, he's thinking drinking around the world and romantic walks I'm sure. I'm such a light weight when it comes to drinking though that I would merely have to sip around the world.

He did ask that his trip be a little more calm then our first one. But in my defense, I had never been to Disney, I had no internet to tell me just how massive a place like that is and I thought it would be my only time going so I wanted to see and do it all.

I'm actually looking forward to a slower pace this time.

I'm with you there. I did the same thing when we went the first time. I think I made my whole family think I was totally off my rocker.

Leg warmers, "bombdiggity". What will be next? Big hair, upturned Polo collars, and Depeche Mode. :scared1: Actually, I really like(d) Depeche Mode and Cyndi Lauper.
I'm all for it!! I looooooooved Depeche Mode!!!

And sipping is entirely acceptable and fun too. Cynthia posted a really awesome World Showcase drink Journal Page that I'm putting in my book. So many nommy sounding choices.

I loved Depeche Mode, and the Cure, Erasure, book of Love, Echo and the Bunnymen....those were the days.

:eek: I didn't think there was another soul out there that loved Book of Love!!!!! I thought I was a lone, lover, of Book of Love. <huge sigh> :cloud9: I miss the 80's days of music. I use to play this tape over and over and over. :cloud9:

A drink journal page? Nice!!!! I'm not a wine or beer drinker, I'm a fruitty tuitty kind of girl. Om nom nom!

I'm not a beer drinker but I do love wine and fruity drinks. I'm thinking I'm gonna have to copy off Cynthia's list too. She had some great choices. I need to pay a visit to her report, it's been a while. :guilty:
Alright, I've got it.

But it's totally me, because I'm totally pirate obsessed.

"On Stranger Tides: Navigating the Trip Planning Waters"

I like some of the other ones I read, but there you go. My one moment of clarity for today. ;)
I don't know if you shared your wish user name, but I was just thinking the same thing about mine the other day! I just told Liesa I wish I had taken even a day before posting some silly user name, I wish I had picked one that would go better with being on the DIS. Oh well!

I wouldn't have needed one day. 10 minutes would have done the trick! :lmao:

Well thanks to Cher's pioneering efforts, we can all now say plastic surgery isn't just for the dumb and famous anymore. :rolleyes: ]

Nope. It's for the dumb and ordinary. Although, botox is sounding better and better for these crow's feet that have mysteriously appeared this year. It's like my eyes are in competition with elm tree I see out my window to see who can have the most textured "bark".

Sorry if I embarrassed the boys. ;)

That would be nothing new. :lmao:

I like that! I also like Liesa's orginal idea too. Hmmmm, now I'm stuck on which I like more....good thing I'm not the one picking! :laughing: ;)

Picking is such a hard thing!! We need more people weighing in before too long!

I'm with you there. I did the same thing when we went the first time. I think I made my whole family think I was totally off my rocker.

I"m just glad DH wasn't there. Would have put a serious damper on the groove of touring!

I'm not a beer drinker but I do love wine and fruity drinks. I'm thinking I'm gonna have to copy off Cynthia's list too. She had some great choices. I need to pay a visit to her report, it's been a while. :guilty:

Speaking of wine, I think I shall enjoy a nice red tonight with my baked chicken. Sounds delightful. I like mine fruity as well. My drinks that is! (Sounded kind of funny when I wrote it- so I needed to clarify!)

I have the list printed off, but I"m not sure I'd know where to go when I decided on one! :confused3

Alright, I've got it.

But it's totally me, because I'm totally pirate obsessed.

"On Stranger Tides: Navigating the Trip Planning Waters"

I like some of the other ones I read, but there you go. My one moment of clarity for today. ;)

This really is SO YOU!! But what if we put a military spin on it?? Hmmm.....

Of Stranger Quests: Conquering The Trip Planning Battles

Not quite. Sheesh, this is way harder than I thought it'd be!!!
Leg warmers, "bombdiggity". What will be next? Big hair, upturned Polo collars, and Depeche Mode. :scared1: Actually, I really like(d) Depeche Mode and Cyndi Lauper.

Depeche Mode did a really cool version of Route 66!! Cyndi Lauper was OK...Depeche Mode was better though. You're all prolly all thinking what kind of teen I am. a weird one for sure!
I don't know if you shared your wish user name, but I was just thinking the same thing about mine the other day! I just told Liesa I wish I had taken even a day before posting some silly user name, I wish I had picked one that would go better with being on the DIS. Oh well!

For everyone but Liesa (don't want her reading ahead -- she'll get to it), here's the post in my TR where I mention mine, 2nd paragraph.

I use to help models dress for lingere shows for a privately owned company out in southern Cali., waaaay back in the day(1989).

Where do I apply? I mean, seeing how you're not in the job anymore Camille.
For everyone but Liesa (don't want her reading ahead -- she'll get to it), here's the post in my TR where I mention mine, 2nd paragraph.

Where do I apply? I mean, seeing how you're not in the job anymore Camille.

Funny, I spend 85% of my time here on the PTR side, and then after things have been all caught up or during slower times, I work my way over to the TR threads. usually late at night. Slowly working my way through yours and a few others that I missed out on, and try my darnedest to keep up with the others. May take me some time, but i'll get through it. Seems like I can do about 2 or 3 a night ;) and loving every minute!

So, you think Judy would let you take that job?? You do remember she works with knives, right??? :rotfl2:
depeche mode.....:lovestruc I have their cd in my mom-mobile.......

you may now continue...
depeche mode.....:lovestruc I have their cd in my mom-mobile.......

you may now continue...

As long as we're aging ourselves, let's also just mention The Cure, Fleetwood Mac (some of their 80's stuff was pretty good), and Elton John. :rolleyes1

Now, I've continued and feel rather oldish. :hippie:
Okay, I'm really behind due to my computer issues, so I'm going back to comment on some old stuff (well, four days ago- thats old news around here!):

I don’t remember a thing we did, but I’m sure it was great. How could getting there on a cute little launch be anything but? We had warmer clothes on. We didn’t have to lug a stroller around. It was bliss.

Oh, not lugging a stroller IS bliss. Last May, we decided not to rent a double stroller as we'd been doing - due to the absolutely astronomical price increase. Ahhh, the freedom! I was so impressed by the girls that they were able to hack all the walking, but with all the rain we had all week the weather was pretty cool. I think that made the difference.

opossums?? Don't know. Never seem one. Apparently my recently deceased grandfather would hunt them for dinner in Arkansas though. That was during the depression. I actually have a recipe or two for stewed possum! :eek:
:lmao: but chewy.

I have! I have! A couple months ago I spotted this bizarre animal making circles in a parking lot. I drove up really close to it to see what it was, and it didn't even notice me. It was pretty darn big - I'd say a bit bigger than the armadillos I've seen. Anyway, I was so excited by my "wildlife" sighting, that I went home and described it to Scott, who told me it was probably a possum (or opossum, I guess). I got on wikipedia and looked it up, and lo and behold, thats what it was. Not very exotic, I guess, but I'd never seen one before and I was excited:blush: Of course, now that I know what they look like, I see them all the time - dead, that is.

K, on to
As long as we're aging ourselves, let's also just mention The Cure, Fleetwood Mac (some of their 80's stuff was pretty good), and Elton John. :rolleyes1

Now, I've continued and feel rather oldish. :hippie:

If I start aging myself :lmao: Okay I was the Beatles ERA!!!!!:lmao:Paul McCartney all the way!!!!
Alright, I'm caught up.

Looks like I missed another clue. Oh well - not like I was in the lead, or even close to it!

Hmmm, a new name. Did you consider, "like they're going with strangers, pt 2?" I know, that's not very creative. Trying to figure out my 'puter issues has turned my brain to mush.

Alright, back to work....
I hate being too busy to DIS for a few days!

Great clue on the last RD which I figured out but was too late for.

HMMM. . .a new title - How about - Strange but no longer Strangers - DISfriends conquer the World

As for the list of restaurants, I have only eaten at a few of them (Boma, Flame Tree, Pecos Bills and Wolfgang Puck Express) so I don't think we really have a favorite. We were not big fans of Boma - loved the soups and desserts but the rest was not really our style. There are several on your list that we want to try so I can't wait to hear everyone's thoughts.
Okay, I'm really behind due to my computer issues, so I'm going back to comment on some old stuff (well, four days ago- thats old news around here!):

Honestly, there's not a whole lot new. Mostly just a lot of chatter and fun. I think there's only a couple of real updates. My water situation is all resolved, well at least for today. Last night I heard a drip, went to check and in my enthusiasm for finding the leak, ended up snapping a whole hose all the way off. Water sprayed everywhere, and before I had the wherewithall to aim the spewing gusher at the tub it has soaked my walls- ugh, not again...

Anyway, our system does not have shut off valves for every sink, toilet and tub, so the whole house had to be shut off. Luckily, this morning one of Mike's co-workers was kind enough to come over and get it fixed!! :yay::yay::yay:

Oh, not lugging a stroller IS bliss. Last May, we decided not to rent a double stroller as we'd been doing - due to the absolutely astronomical price increase. Ahhh, the freedom! I was so impressed by the girls that they were able to hack all the walking, but with all the rain we had all week the weather was pretty cool. I think that made the difference.

Loved the baby and little kid stages, love that they are out of that even more!! Just as fun, but in a different way.

I have! I have! A couple months ago I spotted this bizarre animal making circles in a parking lot.

That was me trying to find a parking place.

If I start aging myself :lmao: Okay I was the Beatles ERA!!!!!:lmao:Paul McCartney all the way!!!!

I think you don't date yourself with declaring the Beatles to be your era. When my son's girlfriend came out a few weeks ago, she was singing ALL their songs. They are still popular! :thumbsup2 Have you ever stopped to watch the "Beatles" group in the UK Pavillion?? Are they worth it??

Alright, I'm caught up.

Looks like I missed another clue. Oh well - not like I was in the lead, or even close to it!

Hmmm, a new name. Did you consider, "like they're going with strangers, pt 2?" I know, that's not very creative. Trying to figure out my 'puter issues has turned my brain to mush.

Alright, back to work....

Computer problems can make a grown man cry- I've personally seen it. No lie.

I think you know the answer to that one.

I do.
I hate being too busy to DIS for a few days!

Great clue on the last RD which I figured out but was too late for.

HMMM. . .a new title - How about - Strange but no longer Strangers - DISfriends conquer the World

As for the list of restaurants, I have only eaten at a few of them (Boma, Flame Tree, Pecos Bills and Wolfgang Puck Express) so I don't think we really have a favorite. We were not big fans of Boma - loved the soups and desserts but the rest was not really our style. There are several on your list that we want to try so I can't wait to hear everyone's thoughts.

Now that's one that I really, really like. Especially the first part. I need room to update teh title (almost everyday-I'm a posting maniac) so I don't know if the whole thing will work. Let me play with it some.

I think the one I'm most looking forward to is Cali, but the AK Trifecta is certainly calling my name out loud as well. So many places, so few meals.
I haven't eaten at many of your choices and I'm really looking forward to reading your TR. I'll comment on the ones I've eaten at.

Teppan Edo
California Grill
Kona AND Kona Sushi Bar Only eaten here for breakfast and love it. I am interested in trying dinner here. It does look good.. plus you can get sushi too! ;)
Beaches n Cream
Jiko Had the Taste of Africa as an appetizer and liked it. Even DD2 (at the time) liked it. Had the filet with the mac & cheese. Awesome!
Starring Rolls
Wolfgang Puck Express
Boma (notice the AK Trifecta)
Columbia Harbor House
Riverside Food Mill at POR
Flame Tree Love the pulled pork sandwich. It goes great with an ice old beer. :)
'Ohana Only have done dinner here and loved it. You better go with an empty stomach.. there is so much food. The salad is soo good!
Afternoon Tea at the Grand Flo.
Either Cantina de San Angel OR Tangierine Cafe
Pecos Bills I didn't have a great experience here last time. Ordered the chicken wrap and it tasted like cardboard. Not very good IMO.

Since we started the game, we've had to toss out Crystal Palace, and I may end up adding The Plaza, Ragland Road and Yak and Yeti, if my Solo Part ends up happening. Depends on my marching orders!!! That's, as of yet, is still classified information.

Now that we've gotten them all on one page, tell everyone, from this list, which one would be, is, or has been your favorite and why. Was it the food, service, theming, best memory?? If you could pick one place which one would it be? Are there certain things we should know before going??

By looking at your list, which looks great BTW, I am really depressed by the realization that I haven't eaten at a lot of great restaurants.

The three that are on the burner are interesting too. I never ate at the Plaza but the menu looks very good. I need to get back to Raglan Rd. and try some more of the food. We all enjoyed it. I was pleasantly surprised with Y&Y. We had a great lunch here.
Thinking out loud again...

So...personally, I want to keep the Stranger theme somewhere in the title...because it sets this trip apart from some of the others. They were strangers? :confused3 I don't know of many other pre-trippies with strangers? :rotfl2:

And we definitely need to keep the army/battle/quest theme...of course!

We want something short enough that Liesa can type a long "subtitle" each time, too...not even sure if the other one I suggested may be too long?
I love your idea but did think that length might be an issue

I got you babe......
How about "A Stranger is just a Friend you haven't DIS'd with yet".
How about lifting the title from that old Schoolhouse Rock song...

Three. It's a Magic Number...

Now I have the Jack Johnson version in my head!
Hey, look who joined the party!! I was starting to think I farted a little too loudly and scared everyone off! I think some of the regulars have viruses on their life rafts, I mean computers, so are out for a spell. Cynthia and Rebecca come to mind. Amanda is stuck in Club Med, and I don't know what happened to Millie and KatMark??!

Anyway, post my first post. I need a good laugh this morning!! I'm sure it was some stupid question or something. :rotfl2:

nah...I had a power outage and while I didn't have virus issues I was doing some major computer maintenance so was out of pocket!

No virus, knock on wood!

"Bombdiggity"!! That is a really awesomely, scrumptalicious word!! You may see it borrowed regularly. :worship::rotfl2:

I might have to use that myself!

After several weeks of playing Rations Drop, aka Where Will the TC3 Nosh At?, we've come to the conclusion of our contest. It's been great having everyone chime in with your comments, opinions, links to great reviews and photos! Thanks for weighing in and making it a ton of fun!

In the end, we ended up with a 3-way tie for the championship! Tim, Amanda, and Cynthia proved to be very tenacious, capable contestants- Congratulations!! Not only do you get a promotion in rank, but if you send me your addresses via PM, and I'll send out your prizes soon. Think "Giddy-Up"! ;) You can join the Cavalry. :yay:

The answer to the last clue was found IN THE TEXT, but was cleverly disguised. Now does it pop out at you?

I thought it'd be a good idea to list all of our mess hall stops in one place, just to make sure everyone's on the same memo. Let's take a look:

Teppan Edo
California Grill
Kona AND Kona Sushi Bar
Beaches n Cream
Starring Rolls
Wolfgang Puck Express
Boma (notice the AK Trifecta)
Columbia Harbor House
Riverside Food Mill at POR
Flame Tree
Afternoon Tea at the Grand Flo.
Either Cantina de San Angel OR Tangierine Cafe
Pecos Bills

Now that we've gotten them all on one page, tell everyone, from this list, which one would be, is, or has been your favorite and why. Was it the food, service, theming, best memory?? If you could pick one place which one would it be? Are there certain things we should know before going??

Favorite FOOD would be Kona
Favorite group EXPERIENCE would be Teppan.

And I would have to give a big thumbs down to Cantina de San Angel and a huge :thumbsup2 to Tangierine Cafe
Alright, I've got it.

But it's totally me, because I'm totally pirate obsessed.

"On Stranger Tides: Navigating the Trip Planning Waters"

I like some of the other ones I read, but there you go. My one moment of clarity for today. ;)

So very TK! Love it!
The three that are on the burner are interesting too. I never ate at the Plaza but the menu looks very good. I need to get back to Raglan Rd. and try some more of the food. We all enjoyed it. I was pleasantly surprised with Y&Y. We had a great lunch here.

I need to go back to your review of Ragland. I'm actually kinda stuck between Ragland and Portobello for DTD. I think I went with Ragland because it was less expensive. But both menus look great. Tinkgurl swears by Y&Y, as do many others, so I"m considering doign this one during my solo part. I'll stick with Flame Tree I think for our group part. I think LeeAnn might like it better.
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