I Can't Stop Landon from Growing Up, but I Wouldn't Miss It for the World!

What should we do with our last ts credit?

  • breakfast on our AK day at Tusker House (Donald's Safari Breakfast)

  • dinner somewhere on our pool/waterpark day

  • breakfast at Chef Mickey's on our last day

  • other (post comment if you have a better idea!)

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You leave so soon!!!! :woohoo: I'm jealous! But I have to say the time coming up to my trip is flying by too. I can't believe it's July already!

I spent all my time BBQing and hanging around the beach this weekend. I'm a little toasted by the sun to say the least!

You got some good BSB pics!
Woo hoo Kimmy! You are so close to being there! I'm sure the time will go by so slowly, but at least you have a semi-busy month to keep you occupied! :laughing:

BSB sounds like fun. I'm still waiting on my chance for Green Day. I guess they don't think they'd be welcomed in Arkansas. :confused3 As long as they keep going I don't care if I'm 45 years old I will be there. (So you know, guys, if you're reading---come to Arkansas!) :lmao:

We saw TS3 yesterday, finally! :banana: Loved it! I forgot just how much I love those guys! I think we'll be watching the other 2 movies soon! :goodvibes

Don't forget to add Kaki-Gori to you list of things to eat at Disney World!
Sounds like fun
Love all the BSB pics

Thanks! It really was!

I'm sure you'll find enough to keep you occupied these next 4 weeks.

For the 4th, we went to church in the morning and then to my parents house for the day. My mom made steamed clams, ribs, corn on the cob...it was all so good! Madison and Tony went swimming (the pool was WAY too cold for my taste) and we just lazed around. Then, we went to a local fireworks display which was pretty good. Nothing compares to Disney fireworks!

I have 2 goals to keep me busy:

1. Finish my scrapbook from my last trip. It's only half done! Can you believe I'm still not finished? I'll post pics when I am!!

Oh your 4th sounds so good! I love ribs and corn on the cob so much!! Mmmm! I totally wouldn't have gone in the pool either if it was too cold! Landon doesn't even care and luckily I usually have people to go in with him since he can't swim! I can't wait to see more of those Disney fireworks!! I would LOVE to be in Disney for the 4th, even though it's like one of their most crowded days. I think the fireworks would be so worth it.

You leave so soon!!!! :woohoo: I'm jealous! But I have to say the time coming up to my trip is flying by too. I can't believe it's July already!

I spent all my time BBQing and hanging around the beach this weekend. I'm a little toasted by the sun to say the least!

You got some good BSB pics!

I can't believe it's July either!! This whole year is FLYING by!! I can't believe it!! Your weekend sounds so good! I wish I could get a little toasted! I've only been to the pool like once this summer! :scared1: It should be illegal to be as busy as I am!

Woo hoo Kimmy! You are so close to being there! I'm sure the time will go by so slowly, but at least you have a semi-busy month to keep you occupied! :laughing:

BSB sounds like fun. I'm still waiting on my chance for Green Day. I guess they don't think they'd be welcomed in Arkansas. :confused3 As long as they keep going I don't care if I'm 45 years old I will be there. (So you know, guys, if you're reading---come to Arkansas!) :lmao:

We saw TS3 yesterday, finally! :banana: Loved it! I forgot just how much I love those guys! I think we'll be watching the other 2 movies soon! :goodvibes

Don't forget to add Kaki-Gori to you list of things to eat at Disney World!

Time better speed up. It can slow down around August 1st and then once I'm actually in Disney...it can just last forever! :laughing:

I totally understand the pain of people you're dying to see skipping your entire state! There have been countless country people on tour who I wanted to see and they are on tour but skipping CO! I hope Green Day makes it to Arkansas soon. I'm sure they totally Dis-stalk me, so they're probably scheduling a show there now! :laughing:

Oh man...TS3 was so great. I think it's the perfect trilogy. I love every single movie.

MMMM I will definitely add kaki-goris! :woohoo:
So I am in desperate need of a quick break at work! I'm seriously going to pull my hair out!! Breathe in...breathe out...okay we're good. :thumbsup2

So I'm at 26 days!! :woohoo: On Facebook, I've been putting up a quote from a Disney movie every day since I was 4 weeks away! I'll post them all here since you aren't all on my facebook! Here are the ones you need to get you caught up!:

"Its been a long hard day, full of emotional turmoil and dinosaur fights." -Meet the Robinsons

"You're so skinny, if you turned sideways and stuck your tongue out, you'd look like a zipper!" -Atlantis

"The road to love may be barred by still many more dangers which you alone will have to face. So arm yourself with this enchanted shield of virtue and this mighty sword of truth, for these weapons of righteousness will triumph over evil." -Sleeping Beauty

Hope you enjoyed! I have 25 more just waiting to be shared! :laughing: Hope all of your week are less stressful than mine!
I've seen all your quotes on fb! :)

It's been sooooo busy at work this past week. Today was non stop and I didn't get to take lunch until 3. I haven't even been able to leave on time! This week and last week I've been staying 30-45 minutes later catching up on everything. I have more stuff to do tomorrow cause I just didn't feel like doing it tonight!
I've seen all your quotes on fb! :)

It's been sooooo busy at work this past week. Today was non stop and I didn't get to take lunch until 3. I haven't even been able to leave on time! This week and last week I've been staying 30-45 minutes later catching up on everything. I have more stuff to do tomorrow cause I just didn't feel like doing it tonight!

Wow, sounds like you need a vacation!! That's really insane!! I hate working late!! It's the worst. I hope it gets a little better for ya here soon!! Did you have a good weekend?
So it would appear my ptr has officially died!! Where'd you all go? :confused3

Anywho...no worries!! Because I am 3 weeks and 1 day away from my trip! WOOHOO!!!! :woohoo: I'm so stinkin' excited!!

I've thought of things to do to make the time pass a little more quickly. My "pre-vacation goals", if you will.

1. Clean/organize my room and bathroom. It looks like a Hobby Lobby threw up in my room...scrapbook supplies everywhere!!

2. Finish my Disney scrapbook from last year!! I only have a bit more to go. Mostly I just need to glue down the layouts (already designed) and add some fab embellishments. Shouldn't be too hard.

3. Clean out my car. It is so hard to keep my car clean with Landon for some reason! There's only so much I can carry in at a time with him and it just piles up!

4. Box up all of Landon's old clothes that don't fit him, get rid of his crib, organize his closet. I actually boxed up his old clothes yesterday. I don't think I've done that since we've been in this apartment!! :scared1: He had 9 month clothes!! And he's in 2T!! :laughing: Oh well. His crib is still just chillin' in there, even though all he uses is his toddler bed. Though I don't know if I'll get this done before our trip. I may have my dad do it while we're gone.

So all of that stuff should keep me PLENTY busy before my trip!! I can't believe I'm less than a month away...mere days away from the teens. And then after the teens, it's single digits!! And then...well you all know that part!
Ooooh I liked those BSB pics girl! I was in love with Nick all the way. :love: :laughing:

1 week from today I'll be getting to WDW!
I'm still here! I totally understand not being able to keep the car clean! I feel like no matter how much I try to keep it clean, it is useless! Same thing goes for keeping up with clothes that are outgrown. Olivia is is a 2T (sometimes a 3T), but it never fails that I will find a random size 12 month. She just seems to outgrow her clothes faster than I can sort them! I'm so jealous that your trip is SO close!! We still have a little under 5 months to go!!
Wow, sounds like you need a vacation!! That's really insane!! I hate working late!! It's the worst. I hope it gets a little better for ya here soon!! Did you have a good weekend?

I can't wait for vacation! I get a little mini-vacation this week. I'm going up to Foxwoods in Connecticut to see a concert Wed night after work so I have Thursday and Friday off. :woohoo:

My weekend was good! I went to see 311 and the Offspring on Saturday. I was REALLY into those bands in high school and it was a lot of fun seeing them again. I used to follow 311 around NKOTB style. :rotfl2: And Sunday I went to the beach for the 4th weekend in a row. I'm getting tannnnnn. :laughing:

How was your weekend??
im still here been reading quietly! im so laughing at you trying to finish your scrapbook cause i have a scrapbook that i started for the disney college program back in 2007 and im still not finish!!!lol
Ooooh I liked those BSB pics girl! I was in love with Nick all the way. :love: :laughing:

1 week from today I'll be getting to WDW!

Thanks girl!! Man...who wasn't in love with Nick? He was so dreamy!! :laughing:

YAY!!!!! You are so close! I'm so incredibly jealous!! I'll be thinking of you next week!!

I'm still here! I totally understand not being able to keep the car clean! I feel like no matter how much I try to keep it clean, it is useless! Same thing goes for keeping up with clothes that are outgrown. Olivia is is a 2T (sometimes a 3T), but it never fails that I will find a random size 12 month. She just seems to outgrow her clothes faster than I can sort them! I'm so jealous that your trip is SO close!! We still have a little under 5 months to go!!

Ahhh I know, it's SO HARD keeping cars clean. I have these hopes that if I just give it one big cleaning, I can keep it clean after that, but that's just wishful thinking!!

Why do our kids think it's okay to grow so fast? :confused3 I just don't get it! I can never even believe how small the 12 month clothes look now...not to mention any smaller sizes!! Where did all the time go?

Your trip will be here before you know it!! I can't wait to hear all about it! I hope my tr helps pass the time for ya!

I can't wait for vacation! I get a little mini-vacation this week. I'm going up to Foxwoods in Connecticut to see a concert Wed night after work so I have Thursday and Friday off. :woohoo:

My weekend was good! I went to see 311 and the Offspring on Saturday. I was REALLY into those bands in high school and it was a lot of fun seeing them again. I used to follow 311 around NKOTB style. :rotfl2: And Sunday I went to the beach for the 4th weekend in a row. I'm getting tannnnnn. :laughing:

How was your weekend??

oh how fun!! You and your concerts!! I'm pretty sure we would be the best of friends if we lived closer together!! My friends always jokingly complain about how I drag them along but they love it. Concerts are my favorite!! Did I tell you how lucky I am because my work is sponsoring a local venue and
I can get free tickets to almost ever show at that one? :woohoo:

311 and the Offspring sounds fun!! I love how you aren't ashamed to walk down memory lane and go to see all the old school stuff! I'm the same way and everyone makes fun of me-especially the youth kids I lead!! I think they think I'm supposed to be more "mature"...they are mistaken!

I'm jealous you have a beach to go to!! My weekend was good though. My parents and I took Landon to the zoo and then just relaxed it! It was a good time. Except it made me a little scared for Disney. Landon did not want to go in his stroller at all! He wanted to walk or be carried! Of course I didn't carry him...hopefully he learns better in Disney that it's walking or stroller! None of this carrying nonsense!

im still here been reading quietly! im so laughing at you trying to finish your scrapbook cause i have a scrapbook that i started for the disney college program back in 2007 and im still not finish!!!lol

Hey!! I'm glad you are here!! That's hilarious about your scrapbook from 07!! It was actually one of my New Year's resolutions to get all caught up in scrapbooking/have all my pictures printed and organized. Besides getting a few printed and doing a few Disney layouts, I haven't done anything!! :scared1: I haven't added to my son's scrapbook at all since he was like 1 month old!! I have to get on that!! We can hold each other accountable to working on those!

I can't believe it!! It seems so close but so far! (Cue sad song from the ball in "Enchanted" :rotfl:)

I can't believe I'm so blessed to be taking my son for his 2nd trip before he is even 2. I can't wait to see how he reacts this time. Last time he had just learned to walk and wave and now...he recognizes characters and always asks to look at the Disney book! (He just calls the scrapbook the book!) He's going to love it.

I know I've been going on about my excitement for ToT and SM and all that...but really I can't wait to see the look in his eyes as he rides Dumbo or hugs a princess or whatever. And maybe he'll actually smile for the camera this time around!! :laughing:

oh how fun!! You and your concerts!! I'm pretty sure we would be the best of friends if we lived closer together!! My friends always jokingly complain about how I drag them along but they love it. Concerts are my favorite!! Did I tell you how lucky I am because my work is sponsoring a local venue and
I can get free tickets to almost ever show at that one? :woohoo:

311 and the Offspring sounds fun!! I love how you aren't ashamed to walk down memory lane and go to see all the old school stuff! I'm the same way and everyone makes fun of me-especially the youth kids I lead!! I think they think I'm supposed to be more "mature"...they are mistaken!

I'm jealous you have a beach to go to!! My weekend was good though. My parents and I took Landon to the zoo and then just relaxed it! It was a good time. Except it made me a little scared for Disney. Landon did not want to go in his stroller at all! He wanted to walk or be carried! Of course I didn't carry him...hopefully he learns better in Disney that it's walking or stroller! None of this carrying nonsense!

I love going to concerts! This time I'm going to see Weezer :) And next month I'm going to see Maroon 5! I live about 5-10 min from one of those outdoor ampitheatres so I try to go as much as I can. We probably would be best friends if we lived anywhere near each other. :rotfl: You'd be my concert buddy! Although when I say I'm going to a concert, everyone just assumes it's NKOTB. :rotfl2:

Hopefully Landon will chill out a bit in his stroller while you're down in Disney. It'll be 10x hotter and he may just want to relax rather than trying to walk around in that heat. Hopefully he doesn't want to be carried! (much) He'll grow out of it soon. My nephew always wanted to be carried and now if you try to pick him up, he just pouts and starts to fake cry until you put him down. :sad2:

I can't believe you leave in 3 weeks!! I can't wait to hear all about it! :goodvibes
My weekend was good! I went to see 311 and the Offspring on Saturday.

How was your weekend??

Shut up! I loved those guys! I am so jealous! :sick: You know, green with envy!

And Kimmy--I still can't keep my car clean. I hate to say that it doesn't get better. :laughing:
I'm still here Kimmy! I've just been so crazy lately and haven't had much time to DIS. I'm doing a lot of catch up today. I'm volunteering at Vacation Bible School all week, Madison started summer dance classes yesterday, she has 2 soccer games this week and I have a bridal shower Friday night. Exhausting!
Shut up! I loved those guys! I am so jealous! :sick: You know, green with envy!

And Kimmy--I still can't keep my car clean. I hate to say that it doesn't get better. :laughing:

They're on tour, see if they're coming to your area! They were really good. I've seen 311 a few times before, I used to be really into them in high school. That was my first time seeing the Offspring and they were great too!
I'm still here... so excited for you girl!
I told Mickey the other day that you were coming to see him soon, he was excited haha :-)
Aw, I'm excited for you!!

Thanks girl! I'm so excited for you. The only thing that makes me disappointed thinking about going on my trip is the thought of missing the beginning of your tr!! :rotfl:

I love going to concerts! This time I'm going to see Weezer :) And next month I'm going to see Maroon 5! I live about 5-10 min from one of those outdoor ampitheatres so I try to go as much as I can. We probably would be best friends if we lived anywhere near each other. :rotfl: You'd be my concert buddy! Although when I say I'm going to a concert, everyone just assumes it's NKOTB. :rotfl2:

Hopefully Landon will chill out a bit in his stroller while you're down in Disney. It'll be 10x hotter and he may just want to relax rather than trying to walk around in that heat. Hopefully he doesn't want to be carried! (much) He'll grow out of it soon. My nephew always wanted to be carried and now if you try to pick him up, he just pouts and starts to fake cry until you put him down. :sad2:

I can't believe you leave in 3 weeks!! I can't wait to hear all about it! :goodvibes

I love concerts too! They are the best!! I wish we could be concert buddies! It is pretty crazy to hear about all these concerts you are attending that aren't NKOTB!! Haha! I bet you're ready for another one for them! I'm ready for some more BSB!! My next one isn't until the 31st though...Tim McGraw for the 3rd time!! :laughing: He's so delicious!!

I will not let Landon be carried. There's no need at Disney World. The only reason I did sometimes at the zoo was because he couldn't see over the dang railings! I feel like such a mean mom because I know I'll refuse to carry him...but I can't carry a 25+lb sweaty little person in that heat/humidity! I'd die! :rotfl2:

And Kimmy--I still can't keep my car clean. I hate to say that it doesn't get better. :laughing:

I bet next you're going to tell me Santa isn't real, aren't you? :rotfl2: JK...I wish somehow I could train Landon to clean my car. He very much enjoys cleaning (specifically swiffer-ing) and throwing away trash now. I'm treasuring these days because I'm sure they won't last!

I'm still here Kimmy! I've just been so crazy lately and haven't had much time to DIS. I'm doing a lot of catch up today. I'm volunteering at Vacation Bible School all week, Madison started summer dance classes yesterday, she has 2 soccer games this week and I have a bridal shower Friday night. Exhausting!

Oh my goodness, sounds like you are so insanely busy!! I would be exhausted. That's the kind of busy-ness that makes the time go by faster so Disney gets here faster though, so yay!

I'm still here... so excited for you girl!
I told Mickey the other day that you were coming to see him soon, he was excited haha :-)

Hey girl!! Yay!! Thanks for telling him!! That just got me all extra excited!!


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