My Magical Journey to Running the Half Marathon TR Link! p.107

Great camping pics! I hate how rude people can be can really affect a trip. Sorry about that. :sad2:

Let's just say alcohol can make people very, very stupid. :rolleyes1

Looks like the boys were having a blast!!!

Beautiful sunset and moon pics!!!!

I wish I could talk my wife into going camping. She wants NOTHING to do with that. :rotfl2:

The boys did have a blast and that's what matters, eh? :thumbsup2

I'm an outdoor kind of gal. I love to hike and camp. It sometimes takes some convincing with the hubby. It's not that he doesn't like camping, he's just a not a fan of all the work involved.
That medal is awesome!!!
Baxter is adorable.
You are doing such a great job with your training!!!

Great camping pics! Love the sunset! Baxter is such a cootie!

That is such a neat medal! I can't wait to see pictures of you wearing it very, very soon! :thumbsup2
The location of a camp site can make or break a trip in my opinion... I find it so hard to choose sometimes. We drive through other campgrounds when we're camping so we can get a peek before making a reservation. I'm never daring enough to just book something...

One time, before kids, Tim & I had some rude neighbors who were throwing buckets of water into the lake and making gross noises to pretned they were getting sick! Ugghh... Luckily they were only next to use for one night!

Your view was gorgeous though... and Baxter looks adorable!
hey not sure how i missed this for close to a year, but im here.

first way to go on your schedule and the training and everything you put in this year, very impressive.

we started running this summer, but had a few weeks wher eit was so hot outside you could harldy breeth without getting out of breath, so needless to say it was har dto get back into it. and we never got back, but we hvae been bike riding lately around the neighborhood.

and awesome camping trip, looks like a great place to stay with the views.

we plan to do the disney run (at least one of them) some trip. not sure when but it is in the works thinking about it.
That medal is awesome!!!
Baxter is adorable.
You are doing such a great job with your training!!!


Isn't it? It's great motivation to finish the race. :thumbsup2

Baxter is such a cootie!

Does that mean he HAS cooties? :rolleyes1

That is such a neat medal! I can't wait to see pictures of you wearing it very, very soon! :thumbsup2

That you will! :cool1:

The location of a camp site can make or break a trip in my opinion... I find it so hard to choose sometimes. We drive through other campgrounds when we're camping so we can get a peek before making a reservation. I'm never daring enough to just book something...

One time, before kids, Tim & I had some rude neighbors who were throwing buckets of water into the lake and making gross noises to pretned they were getting sick! Ugghh... Luckily they were only next to use for one night!

Your view was gorgeous though... and Baxter looks adorable!

I think it's really hard to know what kind of neighbors you're going to get. I'm a little nervous to camp in a remote location, but might consider it after this last experience. I'm becoming more of a loner the older I get and prefer some peace and quiet when I go out to enjoy nature.

hey not sure how i missed this for close to a year, but im here.

first way to go on your schedule and the training and everything you put in this year, very impressive.

we started running this summer, but had a few weeks wher eit was so hot outside you could harldy breeth without getting out of breath, so needless to say it was har dto get back into it. and we never got back, but we hvae been bike riding lately around the neighborhood.

and awesome camping trip, looks like a great place to stay with the views.

we plan to do the disney run (at least one of them) some trip. not sure when but it is in the works thinking about it.

Hey! It's Dan, right? :welcome: I've seen you around these them parts, but don't think I've ever posted on your threads. You're Daddy to that very cute Parker. ;) Very happy to have you along. :thumbsup2

If I didn't have the treadmill, there is no way I would have done any running this summer. I can't stand the heat and running outside in the humidity would have done me in. Heck - I sweat enough as it is even with the A/C running! :sad2:

I hope you guys get back to the running and do sign up for a Disney race. I'm very excited for January! :yay:
:lmao: Clearly, I was distracted (probably by kids or dogs of my own) when I was typing that! I meant cutie! :goodvibes

I wouldn't have said anything, but I couldn't resist. ;) I just made my own typo a little bit ago. I was trying to type the word "fact" but typed "ract." :confused3 At least your typo made sense!
Hey! It's Dan, right? :welcome: I've seen you around these them parts, but don't think I've ever posted on your threads. You're Daddy to that very cute Parker. ;) Very happy to have you along. :thumbsup2

If I didn't have the treadmill, there is no way I would have done any running this summer. I can't stand the heat and running outside in the humidity would have done me in. Heck - I sweat enough as it is even with the A/C running! :sad2:

I hope you guys get back to the running and do sign up for a Disney race. I'm very excited for January! :yay:
yep thats me, your screen name caught my eye, i think it was on jordans thread that i used to see you.

a treadmill would be nice, but we dont have room for one right now.

hopefully it doesnt get to cold to fast by me, so we can keep riding our bikes for a while still.
yep thats me, your screen name caught my eye, i think it was on jordans thread that i used to see you.

a treadmill would be nice, but we dont have room for one right now.

hopefully it doesnt get to cold to fast by me, so we can keep riding our bikes for a while still.

Yup. I am a poster on J's thread. Well, I haven't been since he went on hiatus, but I still lurk. :)

We don't have room for a treadmill either. It sits in our living room right next to the TV and stairs. It makes quite a fashion statement, let me tell you. :sad2: Luckily, it's one that folds up. I hate having it there and I've come to hate running on it. But, oh well. I shouldn't complain because without it, I wouldn't get to run too much.
WE love to camp too, but I admit, it IS a lot of work! Nothing beats the campfires and talks around it, though!
even though we have a dog...I don't consider myself a dog kind of gal...but Baxter is so cute! :lovestruc

sorry you had nasty neighbors camping but the view was great...the boys looked like they were enjoying themselves...

the medal looks so fun! Have a great run :thumbsup2
WE love to camp too, but I admit, it IS a lot of work! Nothing beats the campfires and talks around it, though!

Love the campfires! :goodvibes

even though we have a dog...I don't consider myself a dog kind of gal...but Baxter is so cute! :lovestruc

sorry you had nasty neighbors camping but the view was great...the boys looked like they were enjoying themselves...

the medal looks so fun! Have a great run :thumbsup2

Thanks Julie - we think he's pretty cute too. :goodvibes

I hope to have a good run! In 24 hours, I'll be heading to the race! :scared1: I have to stop by the expo today and pick up my race packet and then find a Dick's Sporting Goods for some moleskin and bodyglide. I'm starting to feel the butterflies in my tummy!
Good luck on your race on Saturday.
You will be fine, your adrenal will kick in.
You have one under your belt-so do your best.

I showed my dh and ds a picture of: Baxter
For years, everyone keeps telling me they are going to get me a dog. So, I showed them Baxter and told them, to get me a Baxter. They both groaned at me, and said "Baxter isn't a type of dog, it is the dog's name."
Good luck on your race on Saturday.
You will be fine, your adrenal will kick in.
You have one under your belt-so do your best.

I showed my dh and ds a picture of: Baxter

For years, everyone keeps telling me they are going to get me a dog. So, I showed them Baxter and told them, to get me a Baxter. They both groaned at me, and said "Baxter isn't a type of dog, it is the dog's name."

:rotfl: You're not the first person to want a "Baxter!" I had someone who wanted to know the breeder we got him from because they wanted a dog just like him.

The race was awesome!! I will try to get a report and pictures up tomorrow, but Monday at the latest. :thumbsup2
What a weekend! I hope everyone had a lovely Halloween (or maybe I should say spooky Halloween). Here is a picture of the boys in their costumes last night:


My weekend began on Friday with a trip to the expo to pick up my race packet.


It was very well organized and I was in and out pretty quickly.



I even got my name on this bib!


And here is the long sleeved technical shirt I received (instead of a t-shirt):


I knew for this race many runners would be dressing in costume. I had decided not to since I really didn't want to have anything hinder my running, but changed my mind at the last minute. So, Friday evening I was scurrying to find something. I decided to be a she-devil.


I also had a small pitchfork that I carried throughout the race, but forgot to hold it for the picture.


Saturday morning I woke up around 5:30. I took my shower, got dressed, and made myself a bowl of oatmeal with peanut butter. I finished packing my dry bag (for after the race) and putting the final touches on my costume. Around 7 a.m. my family was still sleeping and I headed out the door.

The convention center (where the race was starting) is just a couple of minutes from my house. When I arrived, the sun was just starting to come up and there were many people already there. The participant limit was 7,500 and they had sold out the previous week. However, according to the final numbers there were just over 6,000 people competing.

The first thing I did was find the dry back check area. Then I headed to the portapotties. The announcer said we should start heading towards our corrals so I did.


There weren't too many people in line yet.


But, by the time the race started, we were squished together like sardines. It kept us warm, though, as the temperature was around 50. Perfect racing weather!

It was such a fun atmosphere and entertaining to look around and see all of the different costumes.



This guy was dressed as a centaur. The legs in the back had wheels on them. About a mile or two into the race, I saw him off to the side with the back end detached. He had his hands in the rear trying to fix something. He was laughing at how silly he must look. Towards the end of the race he passed me and he was carrying the legs as he ran.

Minutes before the race was to start, I realized we were very close to the portapotties and I kinda needed to go. I got out of the corral and headed over. Uh oh - now there were long lines! No worries. I was able to do my business and get back in the corral with time to spare.

The race began at 8 a.m. and it took a few minutes before our corral got the official start. I started my iPod and tried to get in a groove. The race went perfectly and I felt awesome - except for two things.

The shirt I was wearing kept riding up on me and the scarf/belt kept spinning around. Drove me nuts!! Every few minutes I had to adjust everything. I guess it gave me something to focus on besides the running.

I kept my speed a bit slow for the first three miles. That's something I sometimes have a problem with so I was happy with how I did in that regard. After the halfway point I was feeling great so I decided to pick up the pace just a little bit. I passed a lot of people during those last three miles.

The only goal I had for this race was to finish and to maintain my run/walk intervals throughout. I did stick to a 5:1 ratio - sometimes I'd run for a bit longer, but overall I stuck to the plan. The only time I'd run 6 miles, I'd done it in 80 minutes. I really wanted to beat that time, but I also knew a 10k was 6.2 miles so I'd be going a bit further. At one point I looked at my Garmin and thought there was no way I was going to beat my time. And I was okay with that. Then when I had about a mile left to go I checked again and realized I had a good chance to get under 80 minutes. :cheer2:

Right before I crossed the finish line, the announcer said my name. As I crossed the line, I stopped my Garmin and saw my time: 79:27. I did it! I beat my previous time by quite a bit if you factor in the extra .29 miles I ran. :banana: :banana:

I immediately grabbed my medal, a banana, and was handed a really nice stainless steel water bottle/thermos (filled with cold water!), and a wicking hat. Lots of great schwag for this race. :thumbsup2

I went to the dry bag check and picked up my bag. I took my costume stuff off and headed into the line to get my free chili in a bread bowl.


It was delicious!

Then I picked up my free Blue Moon beer:


Not so delicious, but I'm a Guinness girl. I still drank it though. :rolleyes1

I found a spot on the beach and just took in the moment. I was proud of my achievement. One year ago, I would never have imagined I'd run a 10k and feel so good afterwards! :goodvibes

This was my view as I sat on the beach:



The band was playing right next to me:


Then I decided it was time to begin the .8 mile walk back to the convention center and my van. So, I ran/walked well over 7 miles that day.

Chuck took this for me once I was home:


And one last close up of the wicked cool medal:


There you have it - my mini race report. I enjoyed this race more than the Race for the Cure. It was a much more organized event and so much fun. I might have to do it again next year.

And now it's time to get serious about my half-marathon training. We have a little over 9 weeks to go! I need to become more diligent with my cross-training. I want to give my legs one more day to recover and then I'll begin. I'm still sportin' some pretty sore thighs.

Oh - and I almost signed up for the Shamrock Half-Marathon in March. But, then I saw it was going to cost me $90. It'll have to wait until next payday. They said they're almost to their limit for the half so if it's still open in two weeks, that will be my sign that I should do it. Otherwise, I'll be doing the 8k.
Congratulations Carissa!!! :cool1: It looks like it was a really fun race!! I can't believe there are only 9 weeks until the big day!! :cheer2:
Argh! Why does Photobucket do that?? :confused3 When I posted that installment orginally, the pictures were all right side up and the correct size. Now they're showing up as a mess? I know they'll go back to the right way, but why does it do that? :mad:
congrats carissa that looked like such a fun race. Awesome medal. And I cant forget to say that you look amazing girl. You are my inspiration!!! Your story was the first I read on here and I would like to say thank you. To date I have run up to 7 miles and lost 30lbs. Reading your report gives me the motivation to keep on going. Thanks!!!!!


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