A Halloween Adventure in Autism (11/7) Prayer Request for Catie (p.129)

Kathy - I am in the same boat as you - I haven't updated my trip report since June! I'm not even sure where to restart?

Congrats on going to Disney in January - that's awesome!
I've been a bad, bad DISer lately! A bad blogger, too!
I've been doing research for my book and trying my hand at writing other things, hoping to get published.

It seems like since school started back this year everyone has been busier than ever. Usually there is an expected lull when school gets going again, but this year just seems to be fuller than ever of regular life stuff. Don't think you are alone in being a 'bad DISer', because I know I have been, too!

Good luck with all of your writing. We'll enjoy seeing pictures whenever you get around to them. :)
While I'm re-loading my photos onto PhotoBucket, I thought I would simply re-post my last TR segment. It's been so long, I figured you could use a memory jog! (I know I did!)

Chapter 33: Should I Stay or Should I Go?

November 3, 2009
Day Four

What to do? What to do? Would Billy get worse? Should I cancel our ressie for breakfast with Pooh and friends? Should I bag the Magic Kingdom completely and just take the girls down to the pool for the morning? These thoughts swirled in my head as I showered and dressed quickly. During our stay I had become so very appreciative of that second bathroom in the Kidani one-bedroom villa...it made getting ready in the morning so much easier since the two teens had a bathroom all to themselves.

When I emerged from the master bath, Billy was awake. He and Ed were sitting up against the massive wooden headboard cushioned with several colorful pillows and were watching TV. The drapes were open now and hazy gray light streamed in through the lace curtains. Billy looked flushed again and said his head hurt. Ugh.

Without bothering to dry my hair or put on makeup, I grabbed my bag and went down to the gift shop in search of more liquid medicine. I felt fairly confident that they would have some kind of children’s stuff there, but I remember thinking that it would probably be Tylenol, which Billy hates. Hopefully we could get him to take it…either that, or he would have to learn how to swallow pills real quick.

The Kidani lobby was nearly deserted. A couple of families were checking in and an old man in Bermuda shorts and black socks was walking around snapping pictures of the African artwork. The rhythmic sound of tribal drums and chanting floated in from hidden speakers. Under different circumstances it would have made me smile appreciatively… there’s nothing like a Disney when it comes to involving all the senses in the resort experience. Unfortunately, I had other things on my mind.

I was the only customer at Johari Treasures and the CM behind the counter greeted me with a cheery “Good Morning!” Oh, how I wished it was! I found the small section that stocked personal care items and was overjoyed to find small bottles of the orange medicine in stock! Then I picked one up and looked at the price tag. I couldn’t believe it... $7.50 for four ounces of liquid Motrin!

Okay, okay… I love Disney and realize that their goal is to make money as well as magic. But, its one thing to make a little profit off of guests by jacking up the prices of sunscreen and deodorant they forgot to pack; its quite another to take advantage of a child being sick while on vacation. Shame on you, Disney!

What could I do? Not knowing how long Billy’s fever would last, I bought three of the little bottles. Let’s see… three tsp every 4-5 hours…that should give us about a three-day supply. If the fever stayed really high longer than that, we’d be headed to the hospital, not the first aid station. Clutching the bag holding the little bottles of orange magic, I quickly got back on the elevator and rode up to the third floor.

Upon entering the villa I was immediately accosted by the girls who were anxious to know what we were going to do. Shooing them away and tossing a quick suggestion over my shoulder that they use the time to straighten up the living room a bit, I rushed into the bedroom. Billy lay there, flushed and panting… his breathing rapid and shallow.

“Do you think we should get him to a doctor?” Ed asked, concern written all over his face. “Let me check his temperature again and see how he does after more Motrin,” I replied. (Sometimes its good to be a nurse.)

We got a reading of 103, and that’s while he was still covered by the Motrin. (It was only three hours after his last dose of medicine.) Nevertheless, I gave him another dose and went into the bathroom to run a washcloth under some cold water. I wrung it out and brought it back to where Billy was stretched out on the pillows, looking pitiful.

“Today we go to the Magic Kingdom!” he declared. Hoo-boy. When he did not receive an affirmation he stated it again, as if we hadn’t heard. “We go to the Magic Kingdom!” I covered his forehead with the cold, damp cloth. Even burning up with fever, Billy knew what the plan was and he wanted us to follow it.

“Billy, you’re sick…” Ed began.

“No sick!” he replied. “We go to the Magic Kingdom. Pleeeese, Mommy? I want the Magic Kingdom, please!” He stared at me expectantly.

“No, Billy has to stay here and rest,” said Ed firmly.

“No! No! No! No! I want the Magic Kingdom,” he wailed.

It just about broke my heart. I had to look away and I caught sight of the girls standing in the doorway, awaiting our decision. “Okay,” I said, “I’ll stay here with Billy and Dad will take you two to the Magic Kingdom.” They turned and went to gather their things. “You’d better hurry if you’re going to make that eight o’clock reservation,” I said to Ed, slipping off my sandals and preparing to take over Snuggle Duty. But Ed objected.

“Kathy, I’ve got something to do while you’re all gone… I’ve homework that I need to finish.” He got up off the bed and retrieved his laptop from the desk. “If you stay you’ll just mope around.”

“If I stay, I’ll be taking care of my Billy, not moping around,” I said, a little tartly. Imagine him thinking that a mom would easily agree to go on ahead to the Magic Kingdom while her poor little guy was sick!

“Fine,” I huffed. “You stay here in the room and the girls and I will go to the pool for an hour or so. From the other room we distinctly heard the two girls cry, “Awwww!” Ed continued to insist that he would stay while I took the girls to the MK. “Why should the girls miss out on Crystal Palace just because Billy is sick?” he demanded.

We proceeded to go back and forth, arguing about who should stay with Billy and who should go with the girls. I didn’t want to leave Billy, but Ed did have a good point. Not only did he need to finish his homework and study for an upcoming exam, he would probably use that “stern Daddy” voice to make Billy stay in the bed and rest a whole lot easier than I could. Realizing that I had lost the battle, I quit protesting and reluctantly went to organize my park bag. The medicine and cool compresses must have helped because he looked much better. After covering my boy’s face with kisses and giving Ed instructions about when to give the next dose of Motrin, I tore myself away… leaving Ed to console Billy with an offer of Cheerios.

While we had been arguing, the clock had been steadily ticking away. It was almost seven-thirty and, given the nature of our luck that morning, I doubted that we would make it in time to check in at the Crystal Palace by eight. I borrowed Catie’s cell phone (my charger still had not arrived from home) and as we walked along the hall toward the elevator I called Disney Dining so I could explain the situation and ask that our reservation be held. Fortunately, the CM on the other end was very understanding and told me she would call the Crystal Palace personally to have them hold our ressie. I snapped the phone shut just as we were passing through the front door.

Lo and behold, what did we see pulling up to the temporary resort stop but the bus heading to the Magic Kingdom! Thank Heaven, if there was any time we had the need for good bus karma, it was at that very moment! We climbed aboard and found three seats. Tricia sat next to me and patted my leg. “Don’t worry, Mom,” she said, “Billy will be okay.” I sighed guiltily, still believing that I should have been the one to stay behind. “We may have to make this a half-day and come back after lunch,” I warned. “I want to give your Dad a break.” She and Catie nodded understandingly and quickly turned their conversation to other things. I sighed again as the recorded announcements blared over the speakers, and we were given “special tips” to help us enjoy our visit to the Magic Kingdom:

“…we recommend you line up at the parade route at least thirty minutes before the start of the parade…”

“Yeah, right!” I heard Tricia scoff. “Like there’d be any spots left by then!” I laughed. How wise in the ways of Disney we had become! Eventually the blue spires of Cinderella’s Castle and the gleaming white facade of Space Mountain came into view. We craned our necks to see them better. Its usually such a thrill to get that first glimpse of the Magic Kingdom, but that morning it was bittersweet. “Poor Billy,” I thought, sadly. “Hopefully he’ll be well enough to visit with Mickey and the gang at Chef Mickey’s tonight.”

Our bus pulled up to the depot and since it was just under an hour until the park officially opened, it was a relatively quick trip through bag check and the turnstiles. It was a quarter after eight and guests were already through the little rope drop the CMs set up for early diners. Only the lovely sight of a near-empty Main Street with the Castle in the background could make me smile that morning:


Another hazy day… but it wasn’t all that warm yet.


Can’t believe we weren’t later than this!


At first I thought the folks to the right were taking the Keys to the Kingdom tour, but they were all dressed in buisiness attire and had Disney name badges.

We were greeted by a succession of PhotoPass photographers as we walked down Main Street, but we were already late for our reservation so we had to decline for the time being. As we rounded the corner at Casey’s we saw that there was a considerable, but not horrendous, number of people waiting to be called inside. I jumped on the end of the line to check in and was pleasantly surprised at how quickly it moved. The two CMs at the podium really knew their stuff! I gave my name and ADR time to one of them and before I could even begin explaining the reason for us being so late, she said that we were fine...they had been given the instructions to hold the ressie. I went on to explain that we would be a party of three instead of five because one of the children was sick and she took the time to say how sorry she was and how terrible it was to be sick on vacation, etc. It was so nice to be treated in such a warm and friendly manner.

Turning to re-join Tricia and Catie, who were waiting off to one side, who should we see but Nancy (Dreamer & Wisher) and her family! If you recall, we had enjoyed a DIS meet with them during the MNSSHP Halloween night. After laughing and exchanging surprised greetings I told them about Billy and they were very sympathetic and wished him better soon. Such a nice family! They were soon called for their table, which left us with a bit of time to take some pictures of the Castle from our vantage point on the CP porch:

Everybody say “Ahhhhh!”


Amazingly, we were soon called in ourselves. We followed the hostess inside and turned left. Funny, we’ve eaten at the Crystal Palace at least four times and we’ve always been seated on that side of the restaurant! We were led to a lovely table situated alongside the bank of multi-paned windows. Outside, the dense green foliage seemed to be part of the carefully designed landscaping that segwayed from Main Street into Adventure land.


Now, quickly! Off to the buffet before the characters start coming ‘round! I sent the girls first so that I could stay with the bags. Out came the camera and I was ready!

Tricia and Catie returned. Catie’s plate was piled high with scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, Mickey waffles and a Danish. Tricia brought back a small dish of watermelon cubes and a hard-boiled egg. Do you see how slender Catie is and how curvy my daughter is? I tell ‘ya, Life just isn’t fair…why oh why can’t we all be born with that kind of metabolism? :sad2:

I went up next and returned with Mickey waffles and sausage. Mmm! Mmm! Mmm! A cup of hot tea and I was set!

When the tables were just about filled, the characters began circulating. First came sweet, gloomy Eeyore:




(Please disregard the broken date stamp on Catie’s camera... and the fact that she and Eeyore apparantly caught me mid-chew!)

Our favorite “small and insignificant creature” came next:


Rapidly followed by this trouncy, flouncy fellow!


These three Hundred Acre Woods friends whirled from table to table in rapid succession and then we were left with a lull. Where was Pooh-Bear? Oh well, we used our time wisely and cleaned our plates. The girls went up to the buffet a second time. Tricia returned with more watermelon and Catie brought a plate full of small Danish and mini muffins! I couldn’t let her get herself sick by eating it all, so I took one of the Danish. I am a very considerate aunt.

Our server came by with our check and I gave her my KTTWC, still hoping that we would have a visit from the silly old bear before we left. When she returned with my card and we still hadn’t seen Pooh, I decided to accept the situation and get moving. The park had opened and outside the windows we could see guests streaming down Main Street and around the Hub. I decided to settle for a picture of the Pooh topiary in his absence.


The girls seemed more interested in taking topiary pictures than in rushing out to do rides, so I decided to go with the flow and let them.




Turns out it was a good thing we had lingered. Music blared and out came Pooh with his parade sign, motioning for all the children to follow him around the room! Catie still had her camera out and managed to catch one blurry shot as he marched past us:


Ah well! Better luck next time…

We stepped outside and noticed that the temperature had risen a few degrees. We stopped to put on a bit of sunscreen. You can get sunburned on those hazy days far more easily than you can when the sun is shining brightly.

Normally I’d be hustling it over to Fantasyland at this point to get Billy on Dumbo before the line got too crazy but today, I could not interest either girl in flying on an elephant. “Mom, Dumbo is for babies!” Tricia sniffed. “Well then I’m a big baby!” I declared, “waghhh! waghhh! waghhh!” She just rolled her eyes. Disgusted, I turned to Catie and asked what she wanted to do. “I want to get some pictures of the Castle before it gets too crowded,” she replied. Okay, you’ve got it Catie! Let’s go!



Ackk! Hey, Buddy, you just ruined a really nice shot!

Let’s get a PhotoPass photographer to help us….



Hmmm. That sky doesn’t look so good, does it?

“Well girls, what now?” I asked. They shrugged their shoulders in perfect unison and uttered the phrase teenaged girls always resort to when they can’t make up their minds… “I don’t know!” Now it was Mom’s turn to roll her eyes. Funny thing was: I, too, couldn't decide what we should do first! I think perhaps we were all feeling a bit off-balance since Billy and Ed weren’t there… I never realized how much our touring plans revolved around Billy’s rigid sense of which attractions needed to be done and in which order.

“Well,” I said, “Can we at least pick which land we should head to?” I figured that once we got there, we could iron out the particulars.

“I don’t care,” Tricia replied. I could see that she was starting to get her Grump on. “Well, you two had better pick a land or we’re going back to the resort.”

Immediately, Catie blurted out, “Fantasyland!”

“Fine!” I said, “let’s go!”

Now, whenever we had entered Fantasyland on our past two or three trips to the World, we always seemed to go around the Castle and not through it. I think it had something to do with the Castle forecourt stage. In any case, that day the paths leading up to and through the Castle around the stage area appeared to be open and in use. So, I decided to take the direct, yet very scenic, route to Fantasyland:


It had been a while since I had the chance to admire the beautiful mosaics inside. We stopped to ooh and ahh over them and, of course, to take a few pictures:


//Close-up shot:


When we emerged from under the Castle and stepped into Fantasyland I felt a pang thinking of Billy. He loves Fantasyland so! I told the girls that I wanted to find some place a bit quieter and make a quick call to check on him. As we walked around the side of the Castle, we unexpectedly ran into a loveable character!

Whoever could it be?

it's alive!!!! nice to see this resurrected!

I would love to see you finish this TR! :thumbsup2

Good luck with the book writing!

(I get an autographed copy, right? ;) )

Yayyyyyyyy! Good luck getting the pics uploaded, looking forward to them!

Kathy - I am in the same boat as you - I haven't updated my trip report since June! I'm not even sure where to restart?

Congrats on going to Disney in January - that's awesome!

It seems like since school started back this year everyone has been busier than ever. Usually there is an expected lull when school gets going again, but this year just seems to be fuller than ever of regular life stuff. Don't think you are alone in being a 'bad DISer', because I know I have been, too!

Good luck with all of your writing. We'll enjoy seeing pictures whenever you get around to them. :)

Okay... happy, y'all???

Sheesh, this feels like getting back on an exercise program!

(Another thing I really need to do but hey, let's not push it!) :lmao:

Woo-hoo!! So glad to see you back posting on here, Kathy! You have been missed!! :hug:

Ready and waiting....popcorn::popcorn::

Glad you're back Kathy!!! I remember your last segment and cannot wait to read more. :)

Woo-hoo!! So glad to see you back posting on here, Kathy! You have been missed!! :hug:

Ready and waiting....popcorn::popcorn::


Yay, you are back!!! Can't wait to read the rest!


So happy so see this TR again. I really enjoy your writing.

So glad you decided to continue with this TR Kathy! :woohoo:

Yay! You're back!

Hello DIS-friends! :wave2:

Finished re-loading my pix onto PhotoBucket and hope to have an update tomorrow! Yay for the end of soccer and field hockey... I've got my Saturdays back!!

I did manage a blog update today: http://wdwadventuresinautism.blogspot.com/

Glad you are back too. I know life gets in the way we wait..... :surfweb:
A Halloween Adventure in Autism

Thank you all for being so patient; it’s been a very long time since the last installment. I will do my best to recall the events as they occurred, however, the rest of my story will most likely be light on detail and heavy on photos!

Chapter 34

Tuesday Morning
November 3, 2009
The Magic Kingdom

After admiring the intricate mosaics inside The Castle, Tricia, Catie, and I walked over to Cinderella’s wishing well. I wanted to show Catie that if you stood immediately in front of the statue, the pattern of vines formed a crown above her head… a foreshadowing of her future role as princess:


As if on cue, the Fairy Godmother appeared. She was very bubbly and “in character” with the girls. She made them laugh!


No matter how I tried, I couldn’t convince Tricia to take a spin on Dumbo. Oh well… the line was getting pretty long anyway. I had to settle for this:


The line was non-existent for IASWA, so we walked on. I always enjoy this classic!


Catie enjoyed it, but Tricia was bored. She was really being “thirteen” that day! She wasn’t too happy about “wasting time” in Fantasyland, she wanted to go to Frontierland to ride BTMRR and Splash.

We found ourselves in one of the gift shops… something to do with my camera, I believe. (It must’ve been that because otherwise I would’ve had a lot more pictures of IASWA!) Again, please disregard the incorrect date on Catie's pictures...

I had never been inside this particular gift shop, but it’s the one with the holographic display that shows the Sleeping Beauty gown magically transforming from blue to pink and back again:


It’s a lovely touch and a practical one as well if, say, you needed to distract a little princess for a few minutes while picking up a surprise gift. The soundtrack accompanying the display must get really annoying for the cashiers that have to work nearby, though! They must hear Flora and Fauna arguing in their sleep every night: Blue! No, make it pink! Make it blue!

I recall not being able to find what I needed in the gift shop and since Catie was set on getting her picture taken with her favorite princess who, coincidentally, just happens to be Aurora. So we left Fantasyland and ambled over to Mickey’s Toontown Fair. I thought it best to try to catch the characters early.


Naturally, once we were inside County Bounty, it was difficult to pry ourselves away from all the merchandise… I seemed to be doing a lot more shopping with these two calling the shots!

I admit that I resorted to using my best persuasive skills in hopes that the girls would get in line for Tinkerbell and her pixie friends… remember, this was 2009…I hadn’t the chance to see them yet. But, no, we got on the line for the princesses instead. Oh well, at least it was significantly shorter!

When we reached the front of the line, Catie immediately went to Princess Aurora and asked for her autograph. When it was time to pose, Tricia decided she was “just going to take pictures” and I have to admit, it really annoyed me at the time. Why couldn’t she just go along with the fun like her cousin was doing?




This was the reason for Catie’s Princess Quest: she wanted to re-create a favorite picture of her mom’s from their first Disney trip when she was six:



I had this last one made into a 5 x 7 and framed for my DSis... she loved it!

Next came my favorite princess: Cinderella! Catie asked for an autograph and posed:


See, Tricia, I’m not a party-pooper!!


Last was Belle, looking ravishing in her yellow ball gown. While signing Catie’s autograph book she tried to entice my daughter to get in on the photo:


She was wonderfully engaging but… no dice! Catie had to pose with Belle alone. (Note how Belle had Catie hold onto the edge of her shirt as if it was a skirt… they both curtseyed after the photopass photographer was finished.)


After our brush with royalty we headed for the railroad station so that Princess Sourpuss could finally get her wish.


Continued, next post!

We chugged on over to Frontierland:


….and were thrilled to see this at BTMRR:



That was so nice, we rode it twice!


The girls scampered next door to Splash Mountain and we zigzagged through the queue.

Finally, Tricia is having fun!




Oh yes… ponchos definitely were worn!!


The girls wanted to ride again, so we did! What luck we were having with wait times… I was sorry the boys were missing it.

After shaking out our ponchos we followed the sound of drums to:


Ahhhh! Here were all the people!​

Pretty details:



The line for Pirates of the Caribbean was long, the longest we had encountered yet that morning. Thankfully, both sides were open!

Catie had not yet seen the updated version with Captain Jack Sparrow, so she had fun spotting him along the way.

(Sorry… no flash!)


We emerged from the pirates’ lair and Catie felt her phone vibrate. (If you recall, Tricia and I had left our chargers at home and so we were depending on Catie for communications.) Ed texted us to say that Billy had napped a bit and seemed better… they were on their way to meet us.

Ah, Motrin is a wonderful thing!

So glad you made your way back here to finish up.

I enjoyed the tour around MK. I can't wait to hear about Billy.

I hope he feels a bit better.
Looks like a good morning. Glad Billy was able to rally (I hope!)
Princess Sourpuss !! :rotfl2::rotfl2:

What a great morning Catie had and a great idea to have that photo done for your DSis. So if memory serves, Catie has met her favorite villan and now her favorite princess? :thumbsup2

You must have been thrilled to get that text from Ed. :goodvibes


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