How I Survived 11 Days at WDW with a Disney-Resistant Husband **2/20 THE END **

You made me cry again! I just felt the pain you must have felt that day....and then when you said it was Mother's Day I'm pretty sure I went straight to the ugly cry!

Yes! That is precisely the trip that we are now in the final stages of planning. With the whole family again!

So glad to hear you had a wonderful time at OKW in January!:goodvibes
So when are you going in Oct.? I am kind of thinking of a short Oct. trip. I would love to FINALLY see the MNSSHP. We are DVC members but I want to save points. Thankfully we can stay at Shades of Green which is close to Poly. :) Do you have a resort picked out?
Hi Trish,

I've been AWAL from your TR for a while but I'm back now! Did tons of catching up and my heart is aching for you... I truly believe you need to leave DH at home from now on and just go with your kids (maybe only 1 at a time while they are still young ;)).

Are you and Katie still taking riding lessons during the winter or are you on break till the spring?? Is she cantering yet or still just trotting?

I can't remember exactly when I posted last but we went crazy this year and went to WDW twice... Once at the end of September for MNSSHP and once in mid December for MVMCP! I have to tell you that I had never been there during the holiday season and it was simply breathtaking! Although it was cold, I absolutely loved it.

Also, a bit of good news for me... My mother, who had always been very critical of all our trips to Disney and who loved to remind us how she felt we were just wasting our money going there all the time and that once should be enough.... Finally agreed to take a trip with us and accompanied us in December... Well, she is now completely converted and was talking about "the next time" even before we left!!! She even made us add 2 extra days when we were there because she didn't want to leave. So I am thrilled to announce that there is one less Disney resister in the world!!! Unfortunately, I don't think there is much hope when it comes to your DH though...

Anyway, looking forward to the next update and I have my fingers and toes crossed hoping DH made it up to you big time for forgetting mother's day... :snooty:
She even made us add 2 extra days when we were there because she didn't want to leave. So I am thrilled to announce that there is one less Disney resister in the world!!!

:thumbsup2 I like that... "one less Disney resister in the world". LOL
I'm looking forward to hearing about your House Of Blues Brunch but I really felt so bad for you about your last morning experience. My heart broke for you that your family forgot it was Mother's Day:sad1: I sure hope Chris makes up for it on your next Disney trip!:thumbsup2
Oh Trish, I was seriously aching for you while reading that update :hug:

I'm glad you decided to try and push all that aside and enjoy your last day, hopefully the rest of it was better than it started.
Well Pooh- forgetting Mother's Day would have put me over the edge!! I just mentally slapped your DH and I am not a violent person!:lmao:

I truly hope your last day turns around. I agree that you should take the kids by yourself or bring another family member- maybe your Mom?
Ugh, I can't believe everyone forgot it was Mother's Day. :( At least those pineapple pancakes were there to help ease some of the pain. :hug:

A morning at the pool sounds like a lovely way to spend a couple of hours on your last day at Disney. Hope the Gospel brunch was good -- looking forward to reading all about it.
So sad that they all forgot Mother's Day:hug: I'm glad you got to eat the Big Kahuna though!
Hello! :) I know I am really late joining in here, but I just found your TR. I am all caught up though! I have really enjoyed reading along and I can sympathize with you to some degree on a lot of things. Although my DH likes Disney much more than yours, he still isn't as nutty over it as I am. Although, after two trips, I think he has become more fond of it than he wants to let on. But if it is any consolation, I think that is pretty normal. I can only think of a few women here on the DIS that have husbands who love Disney as much as they do. I think more than anything, it is probably male ego that keeps them from just whole heartedly getting into the Disney spirit. I mean, it might be the happiest place on earth, but it isn't the most masculine place on earth!:rotfl: But whether he admits it or not, I know that some of the magical moments we have had on our trips really got to my DH and those memories mean a lot to him, so I won't complain too much.

I've really enjoyed all the resort pictures too! Looking forward to the the last details of the trip. Wish I had found you sooner!
I can just feel the sadness of your morning. You are a better woman than I, there may have been slamming involved during packing had that been my last evening with the added insult of a forgotten mothers day.

My family forgot my birthday once and I have to say, they'll never forget how much that hurt me. I could care less about presents, but I do expect manners, respect and remembrance, and a big "happy birthday" and a hug first thing in the morning. Not in the middle of the day, not at dinner, not when someone else says it and they clue in. Same thing applies to mothers day.

I applaud you for sucking it up, I agree, no sense in letting it get even worse (did) they know how much that all hurt? Honestly, they should. I know my DH and the E's are CLUELESS unless I actually tell them, the non verbal cues are just lost and I know for me, I can't expect change unless I alert them and pretty bluntly. I was pretty harsh with them the year they forgot and well...they certainly haven't forgotten since! :rotfl: But honestly, there is nothing worse than getting up on what should be a special day and everyone just their own world ignoring you.

I get not being as "into" it as we are, absolutely. And no, not everyone can or wants to be the family in the Disney commercial. But there are ways to do that without actually being rude..or selfish...or extra understanding the next morning and offering up some extra needed TLC which you definitely should have gotten.

So, it's a bit late but, :grouphug: seriously I hope Chris bought you a big fat D&B at DTD after brunch for all this. :rotfl:
Waking up the next morning after having a tough night is hard. You feel sad and gritty. I'm glad you were showered with kisses and hugs after the family was reminded that it was Mother's Day. I'm also glad you decided to make it a good day. :thumbsup2 Some days, I need to make that decision for myself. Can't wait to read more!
OH gosh....that was really heartbreaking to read! I'm so sorry for your sadness and forgetfulness of your family....I'm blaming your husband for that one! Just let him know he really needs to help the kids make it up to you this year!!:thumbsup2
I can't believe your family forgot Mother's Day. :hug:
It is so hard when someone doesn't get the Disney magic.
I think it's great that you were able to still maintain a positive attitude.
Ugh what an awful way to start your last day at WDW, especially with it being mother's day.

Hopefully you guys had a good time at downtown disney before having to head home:goodvibes
Just finished reading through your report - you are a wonderful and brave writer! Unfortunately I can relate a little too closely - non-enthusiastic vacationing husband (extends beyond Disney for my dh and I am passionate about travel!), ignoring Mother's Day (his reason ' You're not my mother'), going off and doing his own thing or not participating in what the kids and I are doing etc. I don't blame your kids though for not being on top of it - they are young and probably had their days scrambled while on vacation.
You're a better mum than me. I would have sat there, stewed :headache: over breakfast and then decided to have an absolute grudge-holding day.....:sad2:

Kudos to you for choosing to turn the other way. :angel:

Happy Mother's Day!! :hug:
OH dear, that was heartbreaking to read! Happy Mother's Day a million times over - I'm sure that was just icing on the cake that no one remembered.

Glad you decided to make it a good day though. :flower3: :flower3:

Oh no! I'm so sorry that your last day turned out less than magical.:hug: And after all your planning too. That must have been hard to move past but I'm so glad you did. Wishes is one of my absolute favorite things at Disney, I love watching and it never gets old. So I can only imagine how frustrating that night was for you, with Chris back in the room and chatty kids on the beach! But I would've done the same thing, taken my purse and headed out to the beach to finish soaking up Disney.:goodvibes I too love the sounds of the MK slowing down, the ferry boat's horns and rush of the monorails.:thumbsup2

Ohana is one of my favorite restaurants! We ate there for dinner twice this past trip, it's delicious!:thumbsup2 I'm so sorry that Declan had an accident while there. Thank goodness it wasn't anything serious with his eye, that would've been awful! I agree that the manager seemed more concerned with his forms and covering his own butt rather than soothing him at all.:headache:

Good for you though that you took Katie and Declan to the MK anyway, despite your resistant husband.:thumbsup2 He doesn't know what he's missing! It's a shame he can't put more effort into something you're obviously so passionate about though. I hope I'm not out of line saying that. But I wouldn't give up hope, he may come around. Is there any one particular thing at Disney that he really enjoys alot? Like a restaurant or ride or something? Or maybe one of those fishing excursions or sea raycer things??

I really, really hope things turn around Trish!:hug: Disney is a magical place and there's always hope that it will become that way for Chris!:goodvibes At the very least, you know that your kids love going though and you're creating special memories for them while there.
Oh man. The rough night continued into the morning. :hug: I'm glad you chose to push it all aside and enjoy the last day though--and I have to agree with you, hard to be sad and upset when you have the Big Kahuna in front of you and Kona coffee! :goodvibes I hope the day greatly improves!!


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