Jennifer & Charley's 9/15/11 SBP/The Attic 12/9 Feat DisneyWeddingPodcast!

I just wanted you to know the following exchange just occurred between Chris and I.

Me: We can't do the Magic Kingdom photos, right?
Chris: Right.
*Jackie shows him your water pictures.*
*He looks at Jackie pitifully.*
Chris: We CAN'T.

That's all. :goodvibes I love them so hardcore.

:sad2: I'm sorry Jackie!! Keep at him!! lol Maybe he'll break in the next couple of weeks.

But thank you so much!! I'm so in love with them. Now that we've received the CD, the pics look so much better. I catch myself just staring at them!! :cloud9:


We (he picked his clothes out, I did the rest) just finished packing for our trip to Orlando!! :woohoo: I can't wait!!

I seriously debated cancelling our room at the resort we have booked and making reservations on Disney property... but we decided not to. (he mainly decided not to! lol) But we really do want to stay at the 1 we have booked. It looks and sounds so nice. I'll be sure to take lots of pics.

I know we'll be at MK on Christmas Day, and the night of the 27th for our DP. We'll go to HS for the Osbourne Lights. We have to go to Universal for the Macy's Parade, and IoA to get our pic taken with the Grinch. So we have a pretty busy 5 days ahead of us! :thumbsup2
Now for more MK pics before we leave for our trip.

After the pics in front of the castle, we made our way inside.




These are all in front of a bathroom door. I'm sure many of you have seen this spot in pics before. I will say that these are some of my most fav pics!!!! (If there really was such a thing)





Then to the stairwell... These are so romantical (yes, this is a word...) to me!! hahahaha




Then the famous "Come to my boudoir" pic!! I posted this on the Dis brides FB page. The guys Charley works with told us that's what it looks like I'm saying "with my eyes". haha


Then we went back out. We walked by a roped of staircase, and Regina asked us if we wanted to go up for a couple of pics... DUH!! lol


That's it until we get back. I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!! I'm sure I'll be posting on the Dis FB page while we're away!!!
So, we're watching a movie right now and I kept making Doug pause it, so that I could show him the pictures. Some commentary included:

"Look! Look at this! I want that shot!"
"*gasp* Oh, Doug, look!"
"I hope we get Regina as a photographer!"
"We need those stairway shots!"
"On the castle, on the castle!"

Obviously all my own commentary. He mostly just nodded.

Thank goodness, I've fully accepted my geekiness ;)

Have a fantastic vacation and take lots of pics! Merry Christmas!
Beautiful photos!! They make me so excited for our trip in March!
So, we're watching a movie right now and I kept making Doug pause it, so that I could show him the pictures. Some commentary included:

"Look! Look at this! I want that shot!"
"*gasp* Oh, Doug, look!"
"I hope we get Regina as a photographer!"
"We need those stairway shots!"
"On the castle, on the castle!"

Obviously all my own commentary. He mostly just nodded.

Thank goodness, I've fully accepted my geekiness ;)

Have a fantastic vacation and take lots of pics! Merry Christmas!

Yes that pretty much sounds like the one-sided conversations I have with my DH. It's really funny. I know he couldn't care less to hear about all of this, especially since we're already married.... :laughing:

But I hope you get Regina too!! Sending lots of pixiedust your way!! pixiedust:

Beautiful photos!! They make me so excited for our trip in March!

Thank you!! You're going to love it!!! I can't explain the feeling... :cloud9:

Your photos are just stunning!! :goodvibes

Thank you so much!!! :flower3:


So we're back from our trip to Disney. I can honestly say that we'll never go during the holidays again. The crowds were beyond ridiculous!! We knew they were going to be bad... but they were horrendous!! That, on top of the drive back & forth from our resort (which was super freakin nice.. and the Notre Dame football team is staying there getting ready for the bowl game. Pretty cool. Not me team, but is a work friend's fav team) just made for very long days!!!!

I was very disappointed because me and Teresa tried several times to meet up, but it just didn't work out. It sucks when everybody has plans already and you're trying to do something extra... then you have thousands upon thousands of people swarming around you!! :confused3 What can you do?!

All in all though, we had a good time. It was our 1st Christmas as a married couple (even though Jan 17th will be our 11 yr anniversary! :eek: ) and we spent it together at Disney World. What's better than that?!?!

I hope all of you ladies (and few gents) have a very Happy New Year! Charley and I will be cooking the traditional southern meal to help bring us much luck in the new year!!
So it's time for me to post another installment of bridal pics!! :cutie:

After the shots on the staircase landing (don't know what else to call it), we went over to Sir Mickey's. I must say, the area looks much larger the way Regina took the pictures.







Regina asked if wanted any photos on the carousel, we said sure. However, when we got over there, they were working on it. We decided to just take one by the Sword in the Stone and be done with it. It's not like it was on our most wanted list. It would've been nice though...but I can only imagine how difficult it would be to get on a horse in that dress!!! haha I fear I would just slide right off!!!

I'm going to finish posting the ones from MK. All that's left are the HM pics... but they're some of my favs (I know I say this about all of them)...

First we just stopped right in front of the mansion. I just LOVE the way it photographs!


Regina's assistant Penny had an idea for a photo. She thought our reflections appeared to be ghostly when looked at through the glass of the black carriage that sits in front of the mansion. She thought it would be cool if Regina took some shots of our reflections and stuff.. apparently those didn't come out worth a poo, because they didn't make the final cut. That's one thing I'll say.. I wish they would just give you all of the pics that were taken and let you be the judge. There were a few photos that we were looking forward to seeing.. but they didn't make it either.

Then Regina wanted to take a couple photos of Charley against the brick. :lovestruc


Next we stopped at the gate. This is seriously one of my most favorite of all the photos. I love the coloring, the way my dress looks, our looks for each other.. LOVE LOVE LOVE.. sorry...

I like this one too..

And this one. Very dreamy looks going on there...


Then we see a very "official" looking man in a suit. He asked if we wanted to go to the cemetery for a photo.. Regina jumped at the chance. Unfortunately it wasn't what we were all thinking. It was just the walk through for the new queue. Oh well.

And that's it for our photos from the MK shoot! It was a wonderful experience, and I would do it all over again tomorrow. We've even joked that if they would let us, we would go back down within the year and take them again!!!! haha
-Sorry I fell so far behind on commenting on all of the pictures!
-No, those stairs are SO romantical. It looks like you’re sneaking off to do something dirty.
-I think the picture of you smiling is the AFTER-boudoir pic---- like you’ve sent him on his marry way? Hahahah I crack myself up.
-Blah. Notre Dame rejected me from the phd program so I don’t like them anymore. (On the bright side, I think every single person at Marquette also got rejected from ND! Ha!)
-WOW! Regina made Sir Mickey’s look huge!
-I loooove the gate photo too! Love it!!!!
-Ack! Cemetery photos would have been amazing!

Is it time for Epcot photos now? Pleeaasseeee?
Ok.. I'm going to start the Epcot photos now. That way Jackie can see some of them before she leaves for her DFTW and honeymoon!!! :woohoo: :banana:

So if you've read along, you already know that we'd never been to Epcot until we went for our bridal portraits! It was so strange seeing it from the backside.. but on with the photos. I'm still trying to get familiar with all of the locations. Each time we've been back, we try to spend more and more time in each country. I can see why people who like to drink enjoy this park so much. Charley and I aren't drinkers at all. We hardly ever drink. Charley did say that if he could get a good draft beer after work each day, it wouldn't hurt his feelings!! lol On that note, I'm thinking about getting him one of the mini beer dispensers. Like this..

He's seen them before, and really liked them. So anyway... on to the pictures! I'm not resizing them anymore. They look better before resizing.

We started in Canada. I like these photos alright. Charley said the photos from Canada are his least favorite.


Now I really like all of these photos around the gardens.



I really like this one!



-Yay! I’m glad you’re posting them just for me! :D Hopefully I get some inspiration!
-You look like you’re glowing in the Canada pics! I think Canada is pretty, but it’s not on my list of must-have countries.
-Oohh. I like the ones on the bridge too.

More please :D
Hi Jennifer,

I have been reading your PJ and wedding trip, your wedding was just gorgeous and the MK shoot is also! Oh, and that gown is the most beautiful I have seen in a while! I must say, the DFTW photos of them don't do them as much justice as your photos!

I am also from S. GA originally - the Valdosta area. Where do you guys live?

Lol at being at the Notre Dame hotel, where r they staying? My DH is a huge ND fan. Unfortunately, they just lost the bowl game. :(
I just got caught up with all of your photos and all I can say is WOW!!!! You look so beautiful!!!! :goodvibes The Haunted Mansion ones are my favorite!!! Keep em coming!
-Sorry I fell so far behind on commenting on all of the pictures!
-No, those stairs are SO romantical. It looks like you’re sneaking off to do something dirty.
-I think the picture of you smiling is the AFTER-boudoir pic---- like you’ve sent him on his marry way? Hahahah I crack myself up.
-Blah. Notre Dame rejected me from the phd program so I don’t like them anymore. (On the bright side, I think every single person at Marquette also got rejected from ND! Ha!)
-WOW! Regina made Sir Mickey’s look huge!
-I loooove the gate photo too! Love it!!!!
-Ack! Cemetery photos would have been amazing!

Is it time for Epcot photos now? Pleeaasseeee?

So I totally missed this post the other day! :confused3
-Maybe we did sneak off!! ;)
- :rotfl2: That's funny!!!
-I'm not a fan of ND by any means. lol The guy from work is hardcore, so we thought that was funny.
-Yes she did. We say that every time we walked past there.
-I could live in the HM... just sayin!!!
-We should've just sneaked up there. After the important looking dude walking us back there, he took off. We could've jumped up there!!
-I'm working on pics!!!!

-Yay! I’m glad you’re posting them just for me! :D Hopefully I get some inspiration!
-You look like you’re glowing in the Canada pics! I think Canada is pretty, but it’s not on my list of must-have countries.
-Oohh. I like the ones on the bridge too.

More please :D

Yes dear, just for you!! :thumbsup2 We didn't have a must-have list. We'd never been to Epcot, so we just told Regina to pick places that make for really good pics!

The photos on the bridge are simply stunning. :goodvibes

Thank you!!! :)

Hi Jennifer,

I have been reading your PJ and wedding trip, your wedding was just gorgeous and the MK shoot is also! Oh, and that gown is the most beautiful I have seen in a while! I must say, the DFTW photos of them don't do them as much justice as your photos!

I am also from S. GA originally - the Valdosta area. Where do you guys live?

Lol at being at the Notre Dame hotel, where r they staying? My DH is a huge ND fan. Unfortunately, they just lost the bowl game. :(

Thank you so much!! I love that damn dress!!! :lovestruc hahaha
-I'm probably about 20 mins from Valdosta, in Nashville.. but I'm originally from Tifton, GA.
-We were staying at the Rosen Shingle Creek Resort.

I just got caught up with all of your photos and all I can say is WOW!!!! You look so beautiful!!!! :goodvibes The Haunted Mansion ones are my favorite!!! Keep em coming!

Thank you!!!!! :goodvibes I love the HM pics the best I think.... I love them all..!!!! ha!!


Thanks for sticking with me! I'm going to post a double set of pics today, since I missed yesterday! I want Jackie to be able to see them before she leaves for her big day!! ;)

In other news, Charley and I have decided on our anniversary trip!! :woohoo: We're not going to be down there for as long as I would like.... which sucks!! But he doesn't want to take off work any longer than we already will be. I say screw them people!! lol

Anyway, not quite sure where we'll be staying yet. We're pretty sure it's going to be a moderate resort though. Any suggestions?? We do know we want to do the deluxe dining. We already have our reservation schedule picked out. I'll get that on here for yall's opinions and suggestions as well!!! On our last day down there, the 16th, which is the day after our anniversary... we want to have anniversary pics with Randy. I've got to get on that one!!!

But on to the photos!!!
So here's more photos on the bridge.. just different angles.








And then Morrocco















And speaking of Epcot... I finally tried that damn Grey Goose slush on our last visit. We will be attempting to make them tonight for the New Year's get together!!
Response to the Responses:
-No dirty things allowed in Cindy’s castle! Or else!
-I could live in the HM too. I wanna be the 1,000th ghost!
-And I don’t really have a must list. I just need pictures in France and Italy or I will DIE.

Now, onto the pictures!

-My favorite moderate is POFQ. It’s small and intimate, and it also has a dragon slide. I’m hopefully going to stay in the Princess rooms soon though!
-Oh I LOVE these bridge ones. Gorgeous!
-The Morocco one where you’re looking at one another is fabulous!
-LOVE the artsy flowery one
-You’re having a NYE get together? We’re not--- we have no friends! What time should we arrive?
Response to the Responses:
-No dirty things allowed in Cindy’s castle! Or else!
-I could live in the HM too. I wanna be the 1,000th ghost!
-And I don’t really have a must list. I just need pictures in France and Italy or I will DIE.

Now, onto the pictures!

-My favorite moderate is POFQ. It’s small and intimate, and it also has a dragon slide. I’m hopefully going to stay in the Princess rooms soon though!
-Oh I LOVE these bridge ones. Gorgeous!
-The Morocco one where you’re looking at one another is fabulous!
-LOVE the artsy flowery one
-You’re having a NYE get together? We’re not--- we have no friends! What time should we arrive?

You know dirty stuff happens in that castle! ;) I bet people do dirty stuff in there just to say they did!!! :rotfl2:
-You'll be able to get those countries!! I hope!! Regina tried to get us into some others, but they were blocked by work trucks! :headache: She had to work around them, which pretty much meant we had to get back in the vehicle and drive to another location.. which wasted valuable time when you consider we HAD to be back at the resort by a certain time. I didn't want to be paying Randy to hang out with Tanis if you know what I mean!! lol

-I was thinking about POFQ. I thought I read in your PJ that you stayed there.
-Thanks! I really feel like there was a lot of pics from the bridge. Like maybe we could've just moved on somewhere else. But when you consider how fast the camera button is snapped.. it really didn't take long to take all of those bridge pics.
-Morocco is really beautiful. If you have time, you should def stop in there. The pics are beautiful...especially with our dress!! :goodvibes
-I like that pic too. Do you know in all of our pics, we don't have the ring and flower pic?! We have the pic Randy took after the ceremony with our hands and Mickey & Minnie's hands. But no rings in the flowers pics. :confused3 Regina mentioned it, but got caught up in another pic.. and I guess she forgot about it. I didn't think about it either.
-It wasn't our get together. It was my step-brother's. I don't have friends either. It was mainly his family. lol I didn't even drink any of our slushes. I'm such a wienie!!! hahahaha
Alright..more Epcot photos. I'm going to go ahead and post the rest of these.




Should've asked them to clean that glass 1st!! haha




I know my dress looks like a big poof ball here.. but I love these!!





By this point, I was seriously glad that I decided to get a slimmed down bouquet. I was so tired of carrying that thing. I loved it though!! It made it through our entire trip and almost a week at home. That was well over 2 weeks!!!










And the rest of our Epcot photos!

I really like these.


And this photo tells me that Regina is a genius!!! This is def not what I normally see when I look in the mirror!!! hahaha But this also makes me so happy that I paid someone to do my make-up! lol








And that's the last of our photos from the MK & Epcot shoots. I know there are probably hundreds, if not more, couples that have the same exact photos.. in the same exact locations.. but that doesn't bother me! This whole thing was an amazing experience, and I would pay all of that money over again tomorrow if they would let me back in there in my dress!

I will cherish this photos for the rest of my life!!!! I don't care if you have basically the same ones hanging on your wall! Mine are on my walls, and that's all that matters to me! Nobody who sees them are going to say... "such and such has that same pic".. NO that will not happen. That's the whole reason we had our wedding away from home! Nobody here has these pictures. lol (This isn't meant to sound mean, if that's how it comes across. Just expressing how much I love our photos even though many of you have the same ones)
Love the Epcot photos. You look stunning!

I am so excited about our Epcot shoot the more I see other brides. I know I want Canada, France, Morocco and Italy. I am hoping that since our ceremony is in the UK that we can do the France pics on our ceremony day and then add Germany. Plus with our reception in America, we will have those too. It's alot, but I am hoping we can squeeze it all in.

How did the slushies turn out?

New HIMYM tomorrow! Very excited!


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