"holiday to the Mickey Mouse" Pre-trip report Page 1...


DIS Veteran
Feb 13, 2011
Hey there, hi there, ho there its a Disney kind of day.... :goodvibes here comes my first ever pre-trip report! So... This is page 1.

Link to page 2
Link to page 3

The Who (not the band, obviously hehe)

Me: Rachel, 36. Fave attraction: Stitch Live, fave character: Sulley.
DH: Garry, 36. Fave attraction: will ask him tonight, but I think it will be Big Thunder Mountain, fave character: probably something obvious like Mickey Mouse lol!
DS: Matthew, 5 and 1/2. Has Autism, Learning Disabilities and Sensory Processing Disorder. Fave attraction: Its a small world. Fave character: Winnie the Pooh

The When: February 9th - 12th 2012

The Where: Sequoia Lodge

The How: By car from Bristol, on Eurotunnel, in one go.

The What: A last minute 3 night stay to surprise our DS who is absolutely desperate to go back! Takes after me I think! :rotfl:

The latest :rolleyes1 Plan:

Both DH and I have been to DLP several times, but as we now have a son, our time in the resort has changed completely. We used to alternate our days - one spent maxed out on thrill rides, running from one to the next and jumping in puddles along the way - then the next one going really slowly around the parks looking at the detail, the architecture, listening for sounds on Main St windows etc.... We loved spending the evening at Billy Bob's in the Village. Now, our days are pretty much guided by the 5 year old monster that is Matthew. We miss the nights out, and the ability to go on big rides together but there is nothing about our 'old life that could even come close to the satisfaction of watching DS's face as he rides IASW, Big Thunder, Dumbo and the Teacups, or seeing him squeeze Mickey Mouse so tight at the character meet and greets. I thought I 'got' the magic of Disney before, but now through Matthew's eyes, I'm seeing it totally differently. It really is quite amazing and I feel so privileged to be able to go and do this again.

Here's us in the Pocahontas play area last year:


I used to be a travel agent, so could go several times a year (Annual pass, and then travel agent hotel rate of 50% off, special £25 fares on Eurostar etc) and I've been lucky enough to stay at the Sequoia, the Newport Bay, the New York and the Disneyland Hotel itself. When I stopped working, I got such a shock having to pay real prices, my trip count dropped dramatically lol. DH and I stayed at the Kyriad a few times, which we really liked but then the prices seemed to rise quite considerably and it actually became better value staying in a Disney hotel and since we've been going with DS, we prefer having a hotel with a pool. We did Davy Crockett ranch with a few friends a couple of years ago, but it was too easy to be lazy and not get out in the morning!

We've tried the trip flying and on the Eurostar but for the last few years we've driven instead; we do the Eurotunnel with our Tesco clubcard reward vouchers, so only have to pay the petrol and tolls which comes out at about £160 round trip. When I was a travel agent, we lived nearer London, so jumping on the Eurostar at (then) Waterloo was really easy, and even driving to Ashford was brilliant because it was such a calm station and you could park your car right there and just walk in, through security and on to the platform. Now we live much further away, just near Bristol, it would be a complete nightmare trying to get to London to go from St Pancras, and it would take us 3 to 3 1/2 hours to drive to Ashford, so by the time we're there and we've paid the petrol there and back, we may as well just drive the rest of the way. The benefit of driving is that you can literally chuck whatever you want in the car, and go! I hate unloading it all at the other end though, absolutely hate it lol.

Matthew LOVED the Eurotunnel, this is him just as we were driving into the train:


Our favourite hotel by far is the Sequoia Lodge, because it is homely and warm, not too big, and because the pool has a groovy slide in it!!

This was Matthew and Garry when we first arrived at the hotel last year:


So, on to this trip...... DH has taken 2 days off work for the trip (he's a freelance Civil Engineer and doesn't get paid when he isn't there, which is a bugger and a massive additional cost on our trips), so on our departure date, Thursday 9th, we are going to get DS to school as normal, he still won't know anything about it.... then DH and I will have a good breakfast, load up the car carefully chuck it in and in an organised way any old how. We thought as the journey is long, it would be best for Matthew to eat his school lunch, which he has at 12:00, and have his run around the playground until about 12:50 so he's full up and had a good stretch of his legs before we start. Then we'll arrive at school and go in and get him (he is at a special school, and has learning disabilities so it won't occur to him that it is odd we are picking him up in the middle of the day. More about his special needs later..). When we get out to the car, he'll realise where we are going and hopefully be really really excited! Then we will be on our way for the drive to Folkestone for the channel tunnel and on to DLP!

We're hoping to get to Eurotunnel by about 4pm, which should mean we clear the nasty M25 before the major traffic hits in.. We'll book a departure time for about 5pm so we have time to check in, and if we are early they usually let you on an earlier train. We lose an hour going in to France, so if we leave here about 5pm, it would be 6pm French time, so by the time we arrive at SQL it should be about 9 - 9:30pm. We'll check-in, unpack and hit the hay ready for an early start the next day! I am planning on recreating the Mickey's Grand Welcome you can do in Orlando, so I will need to get in to the room quickly before Matthew - hopefully Garry can keep him occupied in and around the hotel for a short while or maybe even go swimming quickly if I have a swimming bag loose in the car.... My Grand Welcome is going to be a pre-report on its own so I think I shall end this page here and start the next one!

Thank you for reading so far, hopefully it isn't too rambly and ridiculous lol!
fab PTR :lovestruc so lovely and so much to read. Thank you for sharing :love:
Lovely PTR, enjoy the rest of your planning and look forward to reading your TR :thumbsup2
Aw thank you. LOL, this is my problem - I don't ever shut up :lmao: (or should I say I'm silence-challenged as someone once put it, lol)

same here, I keep updating my PTR. I would write more, but I'm keeping myself from it. It might not be interesting to others :rotfl:
wow,he is gonna be so excited when you tell him.... I would love to be able to keep a secret like that :goodvibes

your son is gorgeous, what a lovely cheeky grin, I hope you all have a wonderful visit and I look forward to reading your trip report

Great start you are a natural! Love it ! We should get together and have a chat about Disney lol! x
I'm definitely up for that... are you coming shopping at Cribbs any time soon? I could always meet you at a coffee shop! x

Edited to say thank you for the kind words about my TR - beginners luck I should think hehe
I will let you know but defiantly up for that! Exciting!

I just noticed your Ticker one month today! :D
wow,he is gonna be so excited when you tell him.... I would love to be able to keep a secret like that :goodvibes

your son is gorgeous, what a lovely cheeky grin, I hope you all have a wonderful visit and I look forward to reading your trip report


Thanks! He has a really contagious giggle to go with that grin, too. When he is on form, you'd have to be made of steel not to melt lol. I'm so excited about telling him on the day, hopefully he'll be totally awestruck! :banana:
What a great start, I was about to post on your thread about what people like in a PTR but that seems a bit silly now. Off to read the other pages:goodvibes
Great start. I love what you had to say about the difference in the Disney magic you exerienced as a couple, and then as parents. :goodvibes There's nothing like seeing the parks through children's eyes. Look forward to reading more - you leave on the day we arrive - it's not long now!
Sounds like you're going to have a brilliant trip! Also it looks like we'll have a crossover day as we arrive on the 12th! :yay:
What a great start, I was about to post on your thread about what people like in a PTR but that seems a bit silly now. Off to read the other pages:goodvibes

Hee hee, I just couldn't hold out anymore, I had to get my rambling excitement out in to cosmic void lol!

Great start. I love what you had to say about the difference in the Disney magic you exerienced as a couple, and then as parents. :goodvibes There's nothing like seeing the parks through children's eyes. Look forward to reading more - you leave on the day we arrive - it's not long now!

We did look at going in half term, but it was a bit pricier and with Matthew still so young we thought we'd just take the hit from school. They aren't happy about it, and have refused to authorise the leave :sad1:. We're going anyway, and DH was so cross about the way they replied to us, that he said fine we were going to take him out for half of Thursday now we might as well take him out for the whole day. Because he's at a special school, the curriculum is very differentiated to him, and even his teacher agrees that he'll learn just as much at DLP as at school! (sorry, I digressed there, lol) Thanks for reading along!

Sounds like you're going to have a brilliant trip! Also it looks like we'll have a crossover day as we arrive on the 12th! :yay:

Hope you guys have a good time, I'm so excited I can hardly wait now! Thanks for reading my ramblings!
hee hee (at my title there)

Can you believe I only wrote the pre-trip report about 2 days ago, and already we have made major changes to the plan? :rotfl2: I crack myself up, I can't keep my feet glued to the floor for 5 minutes!

We had planned to go Thursday after lunch, and arrive at the hotel in the evening, get our heads down and have a great day the next morning. We did this because originally we were only going to book 2 nights, the Friday and Saturday. Then we decided we'd waste Friday if we didn't get there til the afternoon so we thought we might drive over Thursday night and stay somewhere like Senlis, which is enroute and would put us an hour away from DLP on Friday morning.

Now, remembering the last time we did this trip, we stayed the first night offsite at Champs sur Marne. Nice enough hotel but OMG it was a disaster - we ended up having to get every single bag out of the car, and repack. We had packed an overnight bag but because we wanted to go straight to the parks the next day but wouldn't be able to get in our room until 3, we needed to get all our park clothes and paraphernalia ready. It was a nightmare and we hardly slept.

So, this time I said - look for the extra money why don't we have that overnight at DLP - ok so we're paying for an extra night that we're hardly going to use (getting there at 3am!) but at least we'll be in our room already, and unpacked and can have a full day Friday... great.

Was I content with this? :sad2: Of course not!! :rotfl2: I suggested to DH that he might be tired doing all that driving in one day - so wouldn't it be better to take the Thursday off of work, and leave at lunchtime... at least we'd get to the hotel by about 9pm. Fantastic, he agreed. We thought we'd pick Matthew up at lunchtime and head straight off.

What is the situation now I hear you ask?

We are now booked in to the Travelodge at Ashford on the Wednesday night and will be getting the 8am Eurotunnel on Thursday morning, should be at DLP for lunch :eek: :rotfl2: :cool1:

The new plan, which is much better really, is this:

Wednesday 8th: DS home from school, still doesn't know. DS goes to Nanny's or Auntie Sara's to play and have tea ;). I pack the car. DH gets home at about 5 or 6pm and we go pick Matthew up and surprise him that we aren't going home we are going on holiday!! :woohoo::cheer2: Get to Ashford probably quite late, between 10 and 11pm and hit the sack ready for an early rise.

Thursday 9th: Up about 6am, breakfast (snacks in room) then in to car and off to Eurotunnel terminal, on to next available train. Hopefully in France by about 9:30 local time, and at DLP Sequoia Lodge by 1pm having had a quick fuel and food stop somewhere enroute. Get checked in and park passes, head straight to the park. After a little while, I will leave DH and DS to carry on playing, and go back to the hotel and unload the car, put up all the Mickey and Pals Big Grand Welcome stuff in the room and unpack our suitcases, have the room completely sorted and tidied then go back and meet DH and DS. When we get back to the hotel, hopefully he will be amazed that Mickey has been in and arranged all this for him! Probably get some dinner at Bella Notte or Colonel Hathis late afternoon, and then have a swim in the evening.

:love: :cloud9: :love: :cloud9: :love: :cloud9: :love:

I am SO excited. I can't wait for Matthew to know, to see it, to go on the Eurotunnel again - just all of it. So, so excited!!
Well, I'm nearly at the 3 week mark, woo hooo! In fact, this time in 3 weeks I will be on the way to Ashford travelodge yayy!

I finished making DS's t-shirts today, although of course we don't need all of them for this trip and he will probably have several layers covering them but at least I'll know he's Disney'd up lol!

Apart from one for DH, the shirts are all for Matthew. Because of his autism and stuff, we quite often have people staring at us wondering what his problem is so I've chosen to add an autism logo on the back. It isn't right on the front, in your face but sits nicely at the back so if people are wondering, hopefully they will spot that. It might work, it might not, we'll give it a go.

Donald and the rain:

Front and back of the sweatshirt:


Traffic light shirt:

One of my favourites: front and back of his Incredibles shirt:


Sorry its a bit out of focus, grrr, but this is the Autism Mickeyhead shirt:

And his Mickey Mickeyhead shirt:


And the character collection one:


Toy Story Mania (even though they don't have the ride at DLP, its still cool)


Winnie the Pooh star:

Buzz star - not sure this works on this colour t-shirt but its ok

And finally, the Big Thunder Mountain one I made for DH:

If I can find a plain canvas bag, I might customise that for myself!

3 weeks and counting. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
wonderful wonderful t-shirts. Just great. I do love the Buzz one, my boys would love wearing one like this. Lovely lovely lovely :thumbsup2
Love the t shirts especially the incredible one! 3 weeks I am so jealous of you xxx
wonderful wonderful t-shirts. Just great. I do love the Buzz one, my boys would love wearing one like this. Lovely lovely lovely :thumbsup2

Thanks! Why don't you make some? They really weren't difficult to do at all...

Love the t shirts especially the incredible one! 3 weeks I am so jealous of you xxx

Thanks! Yeah but think how dreadful I feel when I get back - all miserable and missing the parks - knowing you're just about to go!! :eek: Then it will totally be my turn to be jealous! :rotfl:
Thanks! Yeah but think how dreadful I feel when I get back - all miserable and missing the parks - knowing you're just about to go!! :eek: Then it will totally be my turn to be jealous! :rotfl:

Then we will have to book another there is always a solution to the problem x :rotfl:


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