Official 2012 Princess 1/2 marathon thread part 2

Best run ever!! Just got home and I don't have time to catch up on all the posts right now, but wanted to say thank you to all the princesses who kept me going these last few months. You all have been so inspiring and I'm not sure I would have kept up with the training without you. This was a fabulous experience. I am a new runner and I can't explain how wonderful it felt to know that my body could do such a thing as complete 13.1 miles. And of course, thanks to Disney for throwing a fabulous party like only Disney knows how. To those considering next year, I cannot recommend enough to take the challange. Everyone on the course was so supportive every step of the way. You will not regret it for one moment. Great job, princesses. Stay healthy and strong!
That. Was. A. BLAST!!!!!

Wow! What a terrific weekend. Amazing! Amazing! Amazing! All that training in heat and cold and ice paid off! I had so much fun! I was going to go for a fast race but realized that since this was my first half marathon, it would be a PR as long as I finished so I started to stop for pictures! So glad I did. I had the same cheesy smile for most of the race. Except for that last mile. That was killer. Epcot never seemed so big! LOL.

A few pictures to share!




My blog post about the weekend - including getting swept at mile 5.
Sitting at my desk still sore, but really happy with the result.

Got in Friday AM and headed straight to the expo (I was the one dodging people w my carryon, the volunteers kept asking me if I was running away from home, LOL. No... and nor was I one of those people loading up on merchandise, haha). I got moved from H to A corral based on a January 10K of just under 1 hour, no problem. Got a couple of shirts and jewelery items, and the magnet. The expo was a lot of fun, I liked browsing through the products. Since this was my first half, I felt a bit queasy getting the "I did it" shirt before I even knew I could!

I'm glad I went on Friday, so on Saturday I could be in a friend's home offsite and just sit around and do nothing and sleep 11 hours Friday night and 7.5 hours on Saturday. Raring to go on Sunday, but unsure about the rain. My friend took me to the dropoff. We left at 4, made a few driving errors, but I still got to my corral w about 15 minutes left to start (I started to the rear of A, but figured I could start later if I had to). It was a bit chilly when I showed up, I ended up starting the race wearing shorts, sleeveless top, armwarmers, compression knee-his (had to fold them over, they were too long), and a hat with my Gymboss timer attached, set for 3:1. Also had the iFitness belt w my gels, cell and $.

I started with a lot of people who were running, so I tried to stay to the right to not get in anyone's way when I changed over to walking. It was annoying to force myself to walk at the beginning when my energy level was still there, but I put my faith in the fact I would have more energy at the end (which I did; thanks, Jeff!). I was mostly comfortable, however, my gels started working their way out of my belt ... lost one and ended up just holding the others until I needed them. Armwarmers came off after 2.5 miles and I tucked them under the belt. I did find I got a rash around where I had the belt, so next time I will use vaseline there; wish I had practiced more with that. Running through MK was absolutely surreal, like my childhood flashing before my eyes. And knowing the last time I was there I was in a wheelchair (bad ankle, but my HS friends loved using me to get to the front of the line, haha) made it stand out even more.

I followed my run/walk agenda until about mile 12, then let it go and simply ran from there to the finish, it was just under 2:13. Not bad and I plan to try the Disneyland one in September (which, like the shirt, I also bought on blind faith in case it sold out!). Got my bag pretty fast. As a tip, to get out I walked to the monorail, took it to the ticket center, and took Lynx bus from there to meet my friend offsite. It was much faster.

That's the wrapup from Vegas (where my ears are ringing w jet lag). I loved seeing so much enthusiasm and though I was running solo I never felt alone in that group. An amazing day, and I thank all of you for making it happen, fellow Princesses. Hope to see some of you in Anaheim (an easier trip for me!)
Question for all the Princesses: I read some complaints on the FB site about not having mylar blankets. What was this about? Did they run out or did they not have them at all? Do they usually have them for Disney races? I'm doing the Tower of Terror 10 mile, and I always have difficulty regualting my body temperature for any run over about 3.5 miles or so.
My blog post about the weekend - including getting swept at mile 5.

Aw, Amanda, your sweet blog post made me tear up a little. I'd be sorely disappointed, too. But you did finish almost half of it which is still a whole lot more than a bunch of other people did who didn't even start the race [like me!].

Don't give up - go for next year's half! Your disappointment from this year will make next year's finish that much sweeter.


[okay, I am typing all of that while almost getting into a panic attack about ME finishing next year - 13 miles, yipes!]

Oh, and you cracked me up with your comment about the punctuation on the sign - I was thinking the same thing!
Rocio, love your photos! That last one cracks me up.

Orlandogirl81, don't be too discouraged! Could you have done 5 miles before you started training for this one? 5 miles is a pretty long way if you think about it! :hug:

AnotherPrincess, apparently they were only giving out the blankets if you got a massage. This was my first Disney run, so I don't know if they ever gave them out for free before. Best to bring your own for the ToT race, if you think it might be a problem. I think it was made worse this year because it was starting to rain right when I finished, so it was getting a little chilly again. The end of September in Central FL can still be pretty warm though.
My blog post about the weekend - including getting swept at mile 5.

I loved your blog!! I was so excited reading it and seeing the pictures. Very well written! I'm so sorry you didn't make it all the way. I wondered if they really did pick up people!

At home, I was running 14 minute miles. But at the Princess last year, I was so excited, I was running 12 minute miles. I think the other runners were running so fast, it made me run faster.

I ran three 1/2 marathon's before I ran the princess. Two at home and one official 1/2 by my home. I was so scared I wouldn't finish the Princess 1/2, because I might get sick or hurt something. Luckily, it worked out.

Keep running. It's so good for your health. :) Find some races by your home and keep training. :) I am signed up for a 5k in two weeks! They are giving medals too! I am praying for good weather.
Question for all the Princesses: I read some complaints on the FB site about not having mylar blankets. What was this about? Did they run out or did they not have them at all? Do they usually have them for Disney races? I'm doing the Tower of Terror 10 mile, and I always have difficulty regualting my body temperature for any run over about 3.5 miles or so.

I was glad that I packed an extra long sleeve shirt and pool towel in my checked bag because I was freezing while I waited for my SIL to finish. I saw several people with blankets, but couldn't track one down. It was weird that there weren't any available because I thought it was warmer after the races during marathon weekend and they had them there.
Question for all the Princesses: I read some complaints on the FB site about not having mylar blankets. What was this about? Did they run out or did they not have them at all? Do they usually have them for Disney races? I'm doing the Tower of Terror 10 mile, and I always have difficulty regualting my body temperature for any run over about 3.5 miles or so.

The only place I saw the Mylar Blankets was at the race retreat medical / massage / stretch area. First Disney race I've seen without them at the finish. Weird for sure. I don't use them, but I know many that do and I find it odd for them to not be out at the end.
I'm finally back at home after a FABULOUS weekend! The race was sooooo much fun!!

We ended up dropping back to start in Corral D with our friend who came last minute. Unfortunately that meant that we started with a lot of people who were running a lot slower than our pace. Over the first few miles, we actually ran an extra 0.5-0.6 miles weaving around and trying to pass people to keep our target pace.

We saw the woman down on the ground around mile 3 and heard she had a broken clavicle. :(

Our friend had to make an emergency bathroom stop at TTC, which was unfortunate, because we waited so long for her that we got cold and stiff and never really got back to feeling as good as we did at the beginning.

The character lines were a lot longer than I thought, and we didn't end up stopping, especially after the bathroom break, because I couldn't stand around and get cold and stiff again. The only picture we got was the castle picture, which I hope turned out. I think most of the pictures I tried to take with my camera are going to be blurry because I just didn't have the patience to stop-- I was too excited!

Running through MK--especially down Main St--was the highlight for me! That was so exhilarating! The stretch after Grand Floridian was pretty bad-- they had some slow quiet music that made we want to go to sleep! I was so glad to see the "awful overpass". It was amazing to stop at the top of the overpass and see the wall of humanity as far back as the eye could see! (I hope in the future to move up to an earlier corral so the course is a bit less crowded.)

When we came to the mile 12 marker entering Epcot I got a bit emotional-- I knew we were going to make it! At first I was unhappy that they extended the course inside Epcot-- until I realized how close the finish was to the park exit (I had heard last year there was another 0.5 mi in the parking lot). We all held hands and crossed the finish line together in 2:32! I was hoping for closer to 2:15-2:20, but with the 7 minute bathroom stop and the extra distance we ran due to "traffic", it probably was pretty close to that pace.

I can't believe how FUN the race itself was. I was expecting to enjoy the experience of the weekend but have the race be tough-- I just had so much more fun running than I thought!

I was so cold at the end of the race, especially when it started "misting". They kept telling us we could get the mylar blankets at the medical tents, but the only people who seemed to have them were the Massage people. (Later I realized I should have just paid $1 and not had the 1 minute massage to at least get the mylar wrap.) We ended up just heading back to the buses rather than hanging around after--we were back in our hotel room by about 9:30.

We had remembered to bring throw-away sweaters for wait at the beginning. We left our room at BC at 3:50 and got on the bus at 4:00. We followed the crowd to the bag-check porta-potties (only waited about 15-20 minutes to go--but they were GROSS), which we left at 5:00. It then took us until 5:40 to get to Corral D with the terrible crowds. At least we didn't wait that long to start. We threw the sweaters away as the fireworks went off, and I was completely warm by a few minutes in.

We got to the expo Saturday late morning-- I did manage to get an "I Did It" tshirt, which I proudly wore on Sunday after the race. :) The other awesome thing about the Expo was that we were able to sign up for the Disneyland 1/2! I'm so excited to be doing the CtC! They gave us a CtC backpack for each registration. I think they must have only had a few spots left by then, but we made it in under the gun. (It sounds like a lot of DISers are doing that one too-- anyone want to point me to the thread for it?)

We are also planning to do the Tower of Terror 10miler in September (haven't registered yet). I'll be excited to not have to wake up at 3AM for that one. :)

Clearly I am now a runDisney addict! :rotfl2:
I'll post some princess pictures on the other thread.
But I did want to post a couple other ones here.

First - my race bling (includes 2 Princess and 2 Coast to Coast medals)!

Second - in the mail today I received a first place finisher plaque for a 5K race I did back in December. After the race, they gave me a 2nd place ribbon. I was cool with that. But I did wonder how the first place finisher ran so fast! Turned out to be a mistake. The lady was honest enough to send the plaque back and the Parks Department sent me an apology letter along with the plaque. Pretty cool!!!

I had a great time doing this race with everyone!
Can someone tell me what the "balloon people" were that were mentioned a few times? I saw the 2:45 pacer take off with me from corral D and wondered what it was....that was just to let you know to keep up with them if you wanted that time, right?

The "balloon people" are the last participants in the race.
Behind them will be the bicycles and the vans awaiting to pick up anyone that doesn't meet the time limits.
If you see them, then you need to get going.
Last year I took a picture of the "balloon lady" as I was coming back out of the Magic Kingdom.

This year I took another picture.
But the ladies did not have balloons hooked onto them. But they were the last people because I saw the vans behind them.

The "pacers" are there if you want to keep a specific time. I saw several different ones as I was running.
Hi and Congrats !!! I met you at the WISH meet before the Tink 1/2. Glad to took your Tink medal to WDW. I would love to hear what race you enjoyed more.

I've got a question about the Coast to Coast....when you signed up for both Tink and the Princess, on what race sign up did you mark that you will be participating in the Coast to Coast ??
I'm confused if you mark both or just the last race that will qualify you for the C2C ? Thanks

I actually enjoy the Princess more. It's because Disney owns the roads and they can have characters everywhere. It's also a lot larger, especially the Expo. And I feel a real comraderee (sp?) with all the women. It fun to congratulate everyone at the parks after the run!

I think I registered (checked a box) for the C2C when I registered for the Princess. Disney will confirm that you have run the first race before they will give you the wrist band at the Expo (which they cut off after the race when they hand you your C2C medal).

Here's a picture of me with all 3 medals! I walked around the parks after the race with all of these around my neck. It was really heavy but worth it. I loved showing them off!
Hello Princesses! Just back last night. I wasn't sure if I would actually do the running, I was diagnosed with pneumonia last Tuesday. My lungs were feeling good on Saturday and I wasn't coughing anymore so we got up in the morning and decided to at least START the race. We were Corral G and we got off to a good start. I was feeling pretty good. I was going to decide if I would keep going at the 5K marker. My mom stopped for a potty break right before the TTC. LONG lines-probably a good 5+mins but whatever, we were not there for time!
At that point I checked my 5k time-13.3min/mile ave. Oh-too fast for how I was feeling! We slowed a bit and made it through MK. At 10k we were averaging 15.3min miles-better!
I was still feeling ok so we kept this pace and made it to mile 10. I gotta say-I was not prepared for miles 10-12 being quite to hilly and uneven. I heard about the overpass but that begining ramps seemed to go on forever!
Once we made it up the overpass we saw mile 12 and knew we'd finish. Officially we did it in 3:23. Not to bad for a 62yr old and a princess recovering from pneumonia running their first race!
Thanks for all the support and encouragment. Princesses ROCK!!


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