We are going to the Zoo TR (Nov 2011) COMPLETED!!!


Eating poisonous apples since '86
Sep 10, 2009
Hey all, PTR is here: http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?t=2811522

So we are only back 4 months and I hate loose strings so now I'm finally going to manage to post my TR!

So here goes!!

DD - 6 (two days before the trip) Loves princesses and IASW.
DS - 2 (now a very stubborn 3) Loves Toy Story and Monster Inc.
DP - 28. A non lover of Disney but we're slowly wearing him down :goodvibes
And me - 25 and an addict!

When: November 7th (Mon) to 10th (Thurs)

Where: Sequoia Lodge

Monday 7th November 2011

We awoke at 3.30am and got dressed. Then it was time to wake the kids and explain the truth, which is that we were not off to the zoo as we had been telling them for months but instead going to Disneyland Paris :banana:
We took the brand new mini suitcases out of hiding (the bath!) and woke up the kids. They were very impressed with their Tangled and Toy Story wheelie suitcases!
We then sat Jem down and said we have another pressie for you. We got her to open the front of her suitcase and there was her hard back book!
She opened it and read "Happy 6th Birthday Jemma".
The next page had a photo of an Aer Lingus plane taking off and said "We are going on an airplane!"
The next page had a lovely pic of Bambi and Thumper and asked "Would you like to stay at Bambi's hotel?"
Next page had a lovely pic of the Castle and asked "Would you like to go see the Castle?"
Next was a photo of Chef Mickey and he wanted to know "Would you like to come to my restaurant for dinner?"
The next page had a pic of the princesses and an invitation for lunch.
The next few pages (getting lazy now!) had various pics of IASW and TSPL, Paramagique and TCs and asked if she would like to ride them.
Next was the promise that we may see fireworks and get to meet Santa (with images again) and finally the last page had a lovely pic of Marie with a big girly birthday cake wishing Jemma a happy birthday with love from Dad, Mam and James!

So finally we said "Guess where we are going!!?!?!?!"
Jemma's response..... "The zoo"????
Then she woke up properly and realised, promptly dressed and almost pushed us out the door!


We left the hotel for the airport, went to the right carpark for a change and got the shuttle to T2 Dublin Airport! Made a mess of things then... I went through security with DP and DS's passports totally forgetting I had them and thankfully after a bit of faffing, begging, pleading etc we were all reunited on the right side of security. Naturally I had left my phone with DP so I had to borrow a lovely security guards phone to sort it all out.

We had a very quick bite to eat and boarded for our 7am flight. The flight was perfect and we landed on time.

We met the driver from RS Transports and had a speedy journey to the SL. We got there at 11am and the lovely lady on reception made sure we had a newly refurbed room, which wasnt ready so we dropped the bags and headed for the park.

DP was in need of caffeine and I couldnt wait any longer so we dodged the turnstiles and made our 1st visit to Salon Mickey. Ooooh it feels so nice tapping that little door knocker! It was a little late so there were no croissants left but we had a lovely little sit down and sugar rush.


We were let out in 1920s America! And we ran straight to buy autograph books and pens (naturally they lasted about 2 days but hey thats usual!)



We strolled thru Belles Christmas Village which unfortunately wasnt open on our trip :sad1:
Our very 1st ride were the storybook boats and I kept the camera down and soaked it all in for once. Love this ride.

We had a quick hop over to Casey JR which DS adored... and had to be removed from when the ride stopped :rolleyes1 It was great and very much DPs kind of rollercoaster!

We then headed for Dumbo which both kids loved. DP wouldnt allow his and DDs elephant go too high mind!

We were then hungry so we went to eat at Mr. Toad's Hall. We had a double, a single and two kids meals. The fish was were tasty and the total was €35.

We had a walk back through Fantasyland and the Castle to catch Mickeys hub show at 1.45pm.... We Were Not Amused.... Can I just add Yawn. This was where the language barrier proved most evident.

We left before the end and headed for PM. This was great and surprisingly neither child was frightened! We rambled through the graveyard and onto Molly Brown, which is lovely now its been restored.

The shops were calling me and I picked up some magnets for the mammies and sent a postcard to my sister.

We then tried Buzz and I dont like to admit but DP thrashed me :upsidedow.

We then decided it was time to visit WDS and we met Christmas Chip and Dale in the courtyard. They were very nice and kept an eye on line cutters and scrummers :thumbsup2



We went and screamed our hearts out at the Scream Academy and turned around and met Pluto!


Myself and DS went on Slinky while DD and DP braved Parachutes... I was gurning from safe ground watching them! And it is now the only ride in the whole of DLP that I've not tried!


We did Slinky Dog again as DD wanted to ride and then went back to SL to see our room!

It was beautiful and mousekeeping had left a lovely note for the birthday girl and some gold coins.
We got ready for dinner at the Hunters Grill and had time for a lovely cocktail (Pina Colada, very, very nice) and a pint and coke before dinner.


Dinner was yuck! Chewy duck and fatty beef stew but the veg and kids buffet were fine so thats where myself and DP filled up. We had the fore-mentioned beef stew and duck. There was a good selection of cold fish dishes on the salad section (the prawns were nice) and the salads were fine. Soup was tomato and I quite enjoyed it with croutons and cheese sprinkled over. There was some very nice fresh breads too which were moreish. We loaded on carbs! There was a good selection of desserts too which were far too nice (floating islands and crepes were yum). The only part which was a let down and probably most important IMO were the main course choices. Some were badly cooked and some just tasteless but all were hot and fresh. The duck stood out as the most horrible thing I have tasted at DLP. Chewy and completely wrong tasting. The nuggets and sausages on the kids buffet were divine!

Next were the fireworks, where we met a lovely lady from Liverpool and her little son and had a nice chat while we watched the excitement on Lake Disney. Mickey came out in full Sorcerers outfit on his boat and toured the lake and then the fireworks started in earnest. There was also cool projections on the balloon. I wont shame myself by posting too many fireworks pics as none came out too well :(



We practically fell into bed afterwards and had a lovely sleep. The beds were very spacious and the new decor really is very nice, modern and yet still cosy.
Awww lovely start - love that last pic of your lo's spark out :)

It seems like ages ago, seeing the Christmas decorations.

Looking forward to more popcorn::
I just love the last pic - sleeping kids are so adorable and funny :lmao:

please, more :surfweb:
Apologies for the delay, will be posting the 2nd day tomorrow and hopefully some of Day 3. I am under the duvet with the flu but my fevers gone so i am on the mend :cool1:
I have just fleshed out the second part of day one as I was rushing to finish it and am about to start day two :)
Today would be the day we celebrated DDs birthday!
We were up at 7am (much protesting from a sleepy DP!) and headed down to Hunters Grill for breakfast. There was a weightlifting competition on in DLP this week and the teams (Go Team Ireland :cheer2:) were staying at SL for the duration and had Beaver Creek booked out for breakfast and dinner so we had breakfast every morning in Hunters Grill.
There was the usual bread, cereals, pastries, yoghurts and fruits. I also found a bowl of garlicy goodness. Dont know what exactly it was as it wasnt creamy, more like mushed up oily garlic. It was lovely on toast with cheese and ham. It meant that DP refused to kiss me but it was delish!

We strolled into the main park a little after 9am and straight to City Hall for DDs birthday sticker and a special phone call in the side room as MR. Mouse himself wanted to wish her a happy birthday. She was on cloud nine!

We then had a stroll through the shops and were just after looking at the Statue of Liberty thingy (has anyone got a name for this? its not so much an attraction? maybe an installation? :confused3) when we were approached by an American CM who asked if myself or DP would like to do a one hour survey for which we would get €50 for the inconvenience! :laughing: dont think DP had time to answer, I was in there like swimwear :rotfl:
So DP and I did chat for a minute and he said he really wanted to ride Teacups again and get a cuppa in Salon Mickey so he was happy for me to head to Walts for the survey. I was brought to the Fantasyland room (I think - too much to take in!) and it was explained that I would have my eyes calibrated on a cool little gadget to see where my eyes would be drawn to on different pages of a new type website layout. I was shown two or three different layout types. They were more streamlined and easier to use (and a bit more modern) for the most part and I was asked for feedback... but the big news was the possibility in the future of different meal plans and different package types, more like the WDW site. Fastpasses would be optional, there were more options to add on meals and breakfast may not be a given standard anymore.
I did voice strong opinion on the breakfast option (Dont take away the free brekkie!!).
They were also interested to hear my views on other bits and pieces but memory does fail me a little.
After it concluded I was given €50 in DLP vouchers :love:
I skipped back to DP and the kiddies who were waiting at the tree near City Hall.
We then had a vote and another go on Teacups was the unanimous decision!
We spun for all we were worth until DP felt sickly!

Next it was time for the Carousel. DD picked her steed and clambered on. DS was a little unsure but once he got strapped in decided to try and urge the horse on and kept trying to Giddy Up!

We then decided to jump over to Pinnochio which was fine and afterwards we picked up FPs for Peter Pan as the queues were building. We took a stroll over to POTC and had a lovely splash back into pirate times. DS was dubious of the dark and as you can see DD was keeping a lookout to make sure none of the pirates tried to make off with them!

It was time to ride PP now and we had a lovely flight over London and Neverland. The kids were enthralled by this one.

We looked at our watched and realised we could see Peter and have a go at following the Leader so we headed for the little nook in Adventureland to see the show.
Unfortunately we only got to see about half as it started lashing rain but we met the nicest CM we have encountered yet called Cedric who spend a good ten minutes playing with our two before the show.


Myself and DD had a lunch date with the princesses so we left the boys to it (yuck - girl stuff :confused:) and made our way back to Fantasyland, stopping to make some wishes.... "Could we live in Disneyland please please please"

We were in plenty of time for our 12.30pm lunch reservation. I must say whoever was playing Perla was absolutely fantastic. We spent a long time playing with DD and was so so nice. She really made our special lunch extra special. Here is a small shot of the menu from outside, apologies if it is too small



We werent waiting very long when we met Ariel who was very good with a very shy DD

But it was Cinderella who really shone. She had an in-depth conversation with DD about Lucifer and GusGus! She gave DD the job of keeping and eye out for Gus and asked everytime she passed if Jemma had seen him!

Next were Aurora and Philip, not as friendly but still very nice!

DD decided she could get used to this Princess life!

The meal was ok. Many things we werent both struck on for starters but the mains were fantastic and dessert was extra nice! DD kept her chocolate lolly for DS as she was stuffed. She had the burger for mains (and it came with lovely mashed purple stuff - I would so fail the taste tests on Masterchef! - and fab gravy). I had the veal which was so yummy and I would have gladly had seconds!
The cost was €64 for me and €28 for DD so quite expensive but the shareholders discount did lessen the blow.

Afterwards we met up with the boys who had a most more austere lunch for less then €10 in McDonalds! Bargain and DS even got a toy! We decided the next stop was to be WDS.
We walked through Studios just intime to catch our favourite Rats!

But decided not to queue to get autographs as it was quite busy so we saw Stitch was about to start in French and made a run for it! We loved it so much we did the following show too which was in English. Dp thought it was hilarious and surprisingly warmed to DLP a bit more :)

DP was drawn towards Tram Tours so that was our next ride.
It was ok, we got a working video for the duration which was a 1st and a big bonus.
DP thought Catastrophe Canyon was brilliant and we got a little splashed!

We then bumped into Cruella DeVille who was perfectly in character... She admired DDs fur collar on her coat and then winked and me and stage whispered "Fake, very cheap quality!!". We fell about laughing!


We sat for a bit to give our feet a rest and decide what to do next. OUAD was going to start soon and we wanted to take a ride around the park on the Disneyland Railroad so we watched the show from the balcony of the Main St train station. I will just post the Christmas floats as I think they were the only new additions to OUAD and Duffy got his very own little float. Too cute!



We then had a leisurely jaunt on the train, taking it all in and having a much needed rest before the evening shows.

We got back to Main St to catch the tree lighting which would bring a tear to your eye

And then walked up along a beautifully lit Main St

And settled to watch Aurora's Christmas show at the hub. It was short (suited our brain span at this stage!) and very Christmassy and pretty.

The Castle got the twinkley light treatment next. This was fantastic.

It was time to wander down to find a spot for Fantillusion (we chose our usual OUAD spot at Disney and Co - this was a tip from our favourite CM Cedric whom we had bumped into again near Victorias. He said we would see the changing floats from here)
We had a little wait before the parade and had some hot chocolate and popcorn. We encountered some extremely pushy, rude people here. We got kicked, stood on, pushed and a woman nearly upended DS out of his buggy. We were not impressed. We stood our ground, gave a few death stares :mad: and asked her to please be careful (especially as he was napping). That lady moved on and in her place we got a lovely family from Germany. Their little girl held DS's hand while they watched the parade. So cute :lovestruc



Then came Ursula who changed infront of us!

We thoroughly enjoy Fantillusion and went with the huge crowd back towards the Village. Annettes was jammers but we waited it out and had what was a seriously tasty meal which filled us up for the night and even better value with shareholders discount! DS was free as he was under 3 and had chips and water. We shared bites of our burgers and he was more than happy!

The crowds were still evident in the shops when we left Annettes but who was I to say no to a wander around them :confused3
We bought bits and pieces for Nannies and Grandads and nieces and nephews got some sweets. Yet again the SHC was flashed and worth every second of the wait for the manager :woohoo:. I must say it was the best investment I have made. It saved us a solid fortune on food and shop purchases.

It was time for bed now as our tummies were full and our feet aching (and my appetite for shopping sated for another day :))
Great day :thumbsup2 Love your pics of Fantillusion and your lo's are so cute :) Auberge looks great, and how lovely for our dd to have her birthday there :love:

It's my DD's birthday when we go in May and I'm going to try and get her into City Hall - she'll be 15 though, so not sure if she'll want a special phone call or not :lmao:

Ready for more please popcorn::
LOL I felt like on of those pushy mothers on the reality shows about baby pagents, poor DD was told "Keep the sticker ON".
But the interaction from characters and CMs made it super magic.

I would happily go to City Hall for a phonecall on my birthday :rotfl:

Will hopefully get Day 3 up tomorrow. Up to our eyeballs in wedding prep this week so I'm slacking
Loving your trip report! Your photos are reminding me of my Christmas trip :cloud9: It is definitely my favourite time of the year to visit!

Oooh wedding plans!! Are you having it in KK? I work in a hotel in KK that is quite busy with weddings lately! Imagine if you were having your wedding where I work!:bride:
Loving your trip report! Your photos are reminding me of my Christmas trip :cloud9: It is definitely my favourite time of the year to visit!

Oooh wedding plans!! Are you having it in KK? I work in a hotel in KK that is quite busy with weddings lately! Imagine if you were having your wedding where I work!:bride:

Hey Laura :wave: we're having our in Carlow pet. Im intrigued now! My nephew works in the one on John St, not across from Biddys but up further ;).. Just to be aloof and name no names ;)

Enjoying your trip trip report :)
TYVM I wish I was back there but its fun to report back

Great report! :thumbsup2
Thanks for reading along. I use the TRs so much for research when I'm booking I said I had better pull my socks up and give my contribution :)
We were up early and DD and I hadnt bothered having a shower the night before so It was up with the larks in preparation for another fun filled day :goodvibes
We had the usual brekkie and DP again refused a garlic kiss! Love may be blind but its sense of smell is perfect! I reckon Remy wouldnt be so fussy.

We made it to the park for about 9am again this morning and headed straight for Buzz to give him a help with Zurg.

I was thrilled with my score (full marks!!!) and DP was a sore loser :lmao:

We then had a wander down Main St and had a look at all the beautiful window displays. Im posting my favourite but the camera glare is unfortunate :sad1:

We then decided to go visit MR Claus! We had a good look around his village.


Dp said he could see a resemblance :rolleyes1 I think my jowls are lesser :P

We spent ages trying to stop the kids from trying to rescue presents from these bags!

I have a family pic of us with Santa but I have to scan it so it'll have to wait til Monday :upsidedow

We then headed back for the Castle to have a look at the stained glass windows, tapestrys and the snoring knight!

We wandered out onto the balcony and looked at the pretty roofs of fantasyland. I want to live here so bad. Its my favourite view. I think I shall move into the 2 fairies candy shop :goodvibes

We had spent enough time in DLP for now and took a walk over to WDS as DS wanted to do Cars Rallye and DD wanted a go on Aladdins Magic Carpet. They really love things that move fast and that they can control. Breakfast nearly made a reappearance on Aladdin as DS and DD were trying their best to throw us out of the carpet methinks!

and you would think butter wouldnt melt!
We also met these guys wandering near the Scream Academy


The Sheriff was brilliant and kept swinging his purse and trying to take the kids autograph books away with him and Friar Tuck was very huggy and sweet.

We were hungry by now and so it was time for our 1st EOS. It was so very, very tasty. DP had the club, I had the hawaiian and the kids had kids meals (ham I imagine but memory is not on my side and I didnt make a note), we also shared BBQ crisps (yum) and coleslaw. The food was lip smackingly great but IMO overpriced. Worth a visit but I wouldnt be tempted by the extras as quickly the next time!

It was nearly time for MWW show now so off we went in the direction of DLP and Frontierland.
The show started on time although DS nearly made us late with a stinker of a nappy... To be honest the toilet facilities in both parks we found to be really lacking as regards nappy changing facilities. Most were dirty and nasty but the baby care areas in Main St, DLP and beside Guest Relations in WDS were perfect but a bit of a walk if you are at the back of either park.
Anyway hygiene related ramble over and back to the show!
It was great, possibly a tiny bit long but the skating and singing were fantastic and we had a fab time.

These 3 were hilarious.
We were tuckered out but wouldnt give in to go for a nap so we went for a swim back in the SL instead.
DD was a big, brave girl and went down the slide in the swimming pool... and got such a fright when she landed in the water that she only tried it once more after that! She can paddle but still feels safer with her arm bands so it was a great leap by all accounts.

We had a leisurely hour here splashing about but it was now time to get ready for the bit we had all been looking forward to - Cafe Mickey!!

We arrived a little early and were seated near the dessert buffet. The waiter took our order. DP had ordered his starter (cant remember for the life of me) and Plutos steak, I had Fantastia mushrooms and a pizza, DD had chicken nuggets and DS had pizza aswel (free as he wasnt yet 3).
myself and DP's starters and the kids meals arrived after a bit of a wait :( and then we had these guys

which was fine. Then we had a wait of about an hour before our server cleared our plates and I was still waiting on the juice I had ordered with my meal.... DP was gagging beside me as there were two little ones at the table beside him with stinky nappys for the last 30mins.
Our mains finally arrived. Mine was lovely but DPs steak was the temperature of the air outside - freezing! He waited 10 minutes for the waiter to come back to him (repeatedly calling him) and finally got a hot steak as I finished my main. I had brought the kids to the dessert buffet in the middle as they were getting antsy and tired and I had made the mistake of asking the waiter for ice cream for them.. We got it, after waiting 40 mins!
And the reason we waited it out.... was to see if we could see more characters as I was adamant I wasnt leaving after the kids seeing only two.
I begged the waiter if we could see Stitch as both of mine are Stitch mad and we had seen him but been skipped :(
So eventually we got to see...



We were more then a little peed off at the bad system they used for character circulation on this visit - we never got to meet Dale, Mickey, Genie or Tigger whom were also about.
I felt especially sorry for one English lady who ended up in tears because her son had gotten to see Minnie alone in two and a half hours and the poor woman had had enough of their table being passed over repeatedly.
3 tables also walked out and nearly every table in our area complained.

I was in shock. I had never seen anything this bad!
We thanked the waiter for grabbing Stitch for us (and apologised for asking him about 8 times over 2 hours!) and I went to pay the bill. Which was wrong. Then I gave them my SHC and got a new bill. Which was wrong. I eventually got the right one (and a hug from the waiter who looked like he was going home to write his letter of resignation!!) and we left, DP vowing to return and change the signage out front to its correct name - Cafe Mistake!

We did meet a lovely family from Dublin who very kindly gave us some of their sons 3rd birthday cake. Must say it was yummy too.

We went back to the SL and the kids went to bed while myself and DP packed some bits and had another giggle over the disaster that was Cafe Mickey.
Great update - but oh dear re Cafe Mickey :sad2:

I must admit, after our experience last July, I don't think we'll be going back. I put it down to me being a bit grumpy and tired, but when I think back now, it was really bad service. It's such a shame because it used to be a highlight for us. I think it may still be great for a first timer, re characters, but once you've seen them, it would be nice to see someone different.

Anyway, loving your report :thumbsup2
Hey Laura :wave: we're having our in Carlow pet. Im intrigued now! My nephew works in the one on John St, not across from Biddys but up further ;).. Just to be aloof and name no names ;)

Oh so our paths won't cross! Im sure you'll have a lovely day! I know the one. Such a busy place.
I work in the one on the ring road... Opposite the sceilp pub...

Just in from work now actually and gonna read day 3! popcorn::
We started again nice and early thanks to a wake up call from Mr Mouse!
We had eaten and were rambling along Main St at 9.20am.
We had a quick go on Buzz and I thrashed DP!! Ok I lie... He make a mockery of my score :(

We then decided to have a quick cuppa in Salon Mickey and head for WDS.
The queue wasnt so bad to meet Mickey but we had one exhausted 6 year old :)

DS was a bit unsure of Mickey....... but they say never to meet your heros!

When we got out to the courtyard guess we saw these guys! DD wanted to meet them but I said the scrum would be too much for DS so he and DP sat this one out... And for luck because the CMs didnt police the scrum one little bit


We then wandered over to scream off some energy and guess who we saw!!

James O Suillvan!! Happy happy happy :rotfl: I just wanted to snuggle into him!

We said the kids could pick the next ride and after a wander around TSPL Slinky Dog was the choice! Again!

We headed back along to DLP and went to see Captain EO before it shut for good. DP prefered HISTA!! He is clearly deluded :goodvibes

We then split up. DP and DS went to have a look around the Castle again and myself and DD queued for the Princess Pavillion. We waited about an hour and met this lovely lady.

We met up with the boys and had another look in around Belles Christmas Village but it wasnt open at all on our trip :(

Then we got arrested outside the Castle and hauled away in the Paddy Wagon :rotfl:

Strange goodbye view of the Castle!
We all said goodbye to the park and headed to Annettes for a tasty dinner before RS Transport collected us for our flight home :(
We were in plenty of time and bought some chocolate for the kids to munch on and were back in Dublin again after another uneventful plane journey.

Thanks all for reading along and my new PTR is found on the following link!
Thanks for sharing your trip pictures. there seems to be alot more information around the internet about Florida than Paris. I'm thinking of going from 3rd to 7th November


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