Official 2013 Disney Princess Half Marathon Thread - Take 2

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I ran a good race. Unfortunately Disney has my official time as clock time even though I started in Corral B. Hopefully they'll fix it. I think my tag must not have picked up at the start line? :scratchin I had no 5k split even though I ran over the mat (and I did at the start, too!) and took a picture of the 5k marker. :upsidedow
My Garmin time was 2:33:50 which is only about 4-5 minutes off of my PR. My "official" time is about 2:41:xx which is still totally fine. I emailed runDisney about this issue so we'll see what happens. I've heard thru the grapevine that this is not an uncommon problem and they will fix my time. Not that it really matters but it's a point of pride since I ran hard! :thumbsup2
I ran negative splits. I had some issues with the humidity for sure. Probably if I had started less conservatively I would have PR'ed.
I had issues with race day transportation (we stayed offsite). I had arranged car service for me so my family could have our rental car. The day before the race the car service canceled on me due to road closures. :mic: Really? So I took the rental car and arrived at Epcot at 3:15am. I saw that there was a runner's drop off area so the car service was wrong. My family took the hotel shuttle at 8:15am and arrived at Epcot soon after I finished.
I changed clothes in the car (which was an interesting feat since I needed to change everything! :p ) and met them at the monorail. We went to Magic Kingdom and arrived by 9:30am! We had a great day at MK and then went back to Epcot to eat at Hacienda. I love their margaritas! We were finally back in the hotel by 8pm. Quite a long day!
My fitbit thinks I went 23 miles yesterday - 13.1 at the Princess and nearly 8 extra miles of pushing a stroller around the parks! :cheer2:

Finished my very first 1/2 IT band just killed me ended up walking about 3 miles, but I did it!!!!! I do have o say for my first runDisney event I was highly disappointed, I thought it was disorganized, unmarked, and not very helpful or informed volunteers. Not sure if I will do it again.
We did it! DD hit her first sub 2:30, DH and I were just seconds faster than our Jan 1/2 time. Given the humidity we are thrilled with our times. I ran in 3:03. Can't imagine how the race would have gone if the sun was beating down on all of us. Reminded me of Tower of Terror.

First time also that i didn't need an ice bag at the end too! DD and I had massages- best money spent ever. I swear this is why I feel better than I had expected today.

Race was crowded. Had to weave and squeeze through other princesses a lot. That stretch of Grand Floridian road was the worst for congestion in my opinion. Miles 10-12 were tough with all the ups and downs of the road/ramps. I just wanted to run but hills just aren't my best.

Wish Disney would make the Princess route different than the WDW half to make it unique. All their other races have a unique route - this one should too. Felt too much like Jan's race.
crowds were high! I should have gone with my gut and had myself moved up a coral. Was surprised by how many people I had to try and pass that first hour. Camera stopped working so I didn't get as many pictures as I wanted :(
Congratulation to all the Princess runners/walkers!
I am considering the Princess Half next year if I can keep up with my attempt to become a runner, BUT the complaints about the crowds make me nervous. This is probably a dumb question - but do you think there is anyway RunDisney would cap the number of participants and a lower number for next year? From what I've read the race has grown quite a bit in the past 5 years. Maybe they'll decide to keep it a little bit smaller in the future? Or is it more likely they'll let it keep growing? :confused3
mpeanut said:
Congratulation to all the Princess runners/walkers!
I am considering the Princess Half next year if I can keep up with my attempt to become a runner, BUT the complaints about the crowds make me nervous. This is probably a dumb question - but do you think there is anyway RunDisney would cap the number of participants and a lower number for next year? From what I've read the race has grown quite a bit in the past 5 years. Maybe they'll decide to keep it a little bit smaller in the future? Or is it more likely they'll let it keep growing? :confused3

They continue to raise the price and # of runners and continue to sell out...I don't see them making it smaller but I wish they would too. You could look into the Tinker Bell at DL. It's much smaller and the weather is great out there too!
Finished my very first 1/2 IT band just killed me ended up walking about 3 miles, but I did it!!!!! I do have o say for my first runDisney event I was highly disappointed, I thought it was disorganized, unmarked, and not very helpful or informed volunteers. Not sure if I will do it again.

Sorry Your ITB acted up. I am in the same boat as to whether or not I will do the Princess 1/2 again. I feel a bit like I survived a minor catastrophe. We had fun despite Disney. If I do it again it will be to marvel at the ciaos and to protect friends from Disney.

Before one works at any level at Disney Sports they should have to complete at least one 1/2 marathon or longer at one of their events. Know your audience.

Stop running the race information through the Disneyfication branding of Central IT/web design. Simple instructions, typed in New Times Roman or Helvetica would go a long way. Information is totally incorrect on the runDisney website, and is likely to be forever. RunDisney has been notified of errors on their website, and their response is that we have submitted corrections. Huh? Your website is my contract with Disney at the time I sign up for your race.

The following is from the runDisney FAQ today, as it was when I signed up for the race:

"Can a male runner start the race with his female running partner?

Yes, men and women can start the race together provided they qualify for the same start corral. The only exception is the first corral which will be reserved for our elite and faster female runners."

Seeding corrals with runners of different pace is a disaster. You would think that after the Tower of Terror 13k a few years ago where they started the entire 13k, walkers and all, ahead of the 5k, all on the same course, they would stop the practice of putting faster participants behind slower participants by design.

From Corral C we never saw any breathing room for running. We were on top of Corral B in no time. It felt as if you need to be ready to place a stiff arm to keep from falling with all the shenanigans. What possesses someone to stop in the middle of the running surface to take pictures? How do you think you arrived at this place in the course? Why would any group stop running and start walking, five abreast, essentially blocking the two thirds of the roadway? The weekend felt like cross between Filenes Basement and a Rugby Match.

This one goes down as the strangest. I woke up, race morning, at like 2:30 with a carpet glue headache. All Star Sports is going through some major remodeling. The rooms are out-gassing. So we started the morning basically poisoned.
Glad someone else sees the dangers of putting faster runners in misplaced corrals. I did manage to get in front of corral b, but many dangers were abundant. Also, I didnt understand the logic to stop and take photos of the mile markers in the middle of the street. Go to either side and do it. Also with the walkers, it isnt always the right or sides to walk in, it's supposed to be the opposite shortest path or on wider roads, the middle. I had fun, small lines for characters since I managed to get towards the front. I really hope they rethink everything, especially corralling guys back to at least b, its one less corral they have to pass. If you want to give the lead women across finish line first, make gap between a and b more than 6 miutes, maybe 8.

Looking forward to next year and doing ariel.
I hope many of you with concerns are going to contact RunDisney and give them feedback about these issues! Unless many people tell them what they are doing wrong, they won't know!
I had a great time! I loved this one so much more than ToT. Yes it was crowded and I did not run as fast as I wanted at any point on the course. That actually allowed me to relax and I stopped for lots of pics. Would totally do it again. I also thought the race retreat was worth it and my parents thought gold ChEar Squad was with it.
This was my first 1/2 marathon and I agree it was pretty crowded but for me it wasnt too bad. I started in corral D and it did thin out a few times but when the roads narrowed it crowded up a little bit but not bad.

I understand people's concern about starting faster runners in later corrals BUT you have to remember those are men and this is a race geared towards women. It looks bad if you have a race for women, and men win it every year. I wouldn't want to run a women's race if their not even the winner's, what's the point.

I finished in 2:47 and my sister finished in 2:44. We stayed together for over half the race but I ended up needing to walk. I didn't want to walk much of the race but the heat and humidity got to me, especially coming from il and not being used to that right now, but I am happy with how I finished. On the course I was pissed at myself bc I thought I was going to finish in over 3 hours and that was farther after my goal than I wanted. But when I finished and saw the time I was happier.
Wow--had a lot of catching up to do (had a hard time connecting from the resort). Congrats to everyone who crossed the Start line. Sorry to hear that some of you got swept, but glad you are safe and healthy! The humidity was tough!

The expo was crazy, but hey--saved me some $$ I guess. We were on the first bus out of Pop on race morning and saw several others lined up behind it. Enjoyed the race retreat (where i met The_princess--hope i got your screen name right) then headed to the corals and just happened to be walking next to DeerIsle. (Still can't believe it, Amy!)

I was in coral C and it was just insane the whole way. Way too crowded and dangerous. I did stop for several pictures. Forgot to stop my watch when i stopped for pics, so I have no idea what my actual running time was.

For the record, I fueled with gummy bears and alternated water/powerade at every station and I finished with only mild nausea, which is a huge improvement over my last half and last 10 mile run. Yay!

Hubby (whose longest trains run was 6 miles) finished with a time only 15 seconds longer than mine (he didn't stop for pictures). So proud of him!!!!

Overall, it was a lot of fun. Just needed to adjust expectations-- I was hoping to stop for some quick pics during a race. When I saw the time at the 5k split I just changed my plan and tried to go with the flow. As long as I wasn't getting swept, I was fine with it. My only concern was getting back to the race retreat with enough time to eat and get my mimosa! I was in the RR watching the tv when I saw hubby cross. Had a really long line to get a bus back to Pop.

Overall, I would do another RunDisney event and do the race retreat. With any major event, there will be glitches. Hopefully Disney will learn from this weekend and fix some of the issues. Congrats to you all!!
Mamasmurf227 said:
Wow--had a lot of catching up to do (had a hard time connecting from the resort). Congrats to everyone who crossed the Start line. Sorry to hear that some of you got swept, but glad you are safe and healthy! The humidity was tough!

The expo was crazy, but hey--saved me some $$ I guess. We were on the first bus out of Pop on race morning and saw several others lined up behind it. Enjoyed the race retreat (where i met The_princess--hope i got your screen name right) then headed to the corals and just happened to be walking next to DeerIsle. (Still can't believe it, Amy!)

I was in coral C and it was just insane the whole way. Way too crowded and dangerous. I did stop for several pictures. Forgot to stop my watch when i stopped for pics, so I have no idea what my actual running time was.

For the record, I fueled with gummy bears and alternated water/powerade at every station and I finished with only mild nausea, which is a huge improvement over my last half and last 10 mile run. Yay!

Hubby (whose longest trains run was 6 miles) finished with a time only 15 seconds longer than mine (he didn't stop for pictures). So proud of him!!!!

Overall, it was a lot of fun. Just needed to adjust expectations-- I was hoping to stop for some quick pics during a race. When I saw the time at the 5k split I just changed my plan and tried to go with the flow. As long as I wasn't getting swept, I was fine with it. My only concern was getting back to the race retreat with enough time to eat and get my mimosa! I was in the RR watching the tv when I saw hubby cross. Had a really long line to get a bus back to Pop.

Overall, I would do another RunDisney event and do the race retreat. With any major event, there will be glitches. Hopefully Disney will learn from this weekend and fix some of the issues. Congrats to you all!!

Did you ever find your shirt?
This was my first 1/2 marathon and I agree it was pretty crowded but for me it wasnt too bad. I started in corral D and it did thin out a few times but when the roads narrowed it crowded up a little bit but not bad.

I understand people's concern about starting faster runners in later corrals BUT you have to remember those are men and this is a race geared towards women. It looks bad if you have a race for women, and men win it every year. I wouldn't want to run a women's race if their not even the winner's, what's the point.

I finished in 2:47 and my sister finished in 2:44. We stayed together for over half the race but I ended up needing to walk. I didn't want to walk much of the race but the heat and humidity got to me, especially coming from il and not being used to that right now, but I am happy with how I finished. On the course I was pissed at myself bc I thought I was going to finish in over 3 hours and that was farther after my goal than I wanted. But when I finished and saw the time I was happier.

You do have to realize, even if a guy finishes first, they are in separate results, they do not break the tape and no confetti goes off, they treat it just like another runner crossing. Also, you ran this race, which has been won by a man more than half the years of running it, you just don't know a man has won it cause they don't combine the results. Also, I don't mind starting in a later corral, but make it B, so the guys that should be in A don't have to weave through a whole corral, less dangerous this way.

But glad to see your first race was fun and finished with a time you were happy with.
Congrats to everyone who had the courage to start. Training for a half takes commitment and not many are willing to do that. The humidity was brutal and can be really dangerous if you aren't used to it. I know a few princesses who ran normal pace and ended up feeling sick afterwards. Better safe than sorry when it comes to health and we all know what our bodies can and cannot take.

Well I finished and PR'd in FUN! Knowing it was so humid we took it very slow and stopped at a TON of characters. We started in C and ended up seeing the balloon lady about mile 9 and the bikes...we then proceeded to haul butt. Thing is because we took it so slow, I did fine. I did Powerade every other stop and sipped water and poured it on my neck and or head.

Our time was at 3:59 :cool1: which we were not in it for time and wanted to finish without getting hurt or sick and tons of pictures and have fun. Success! It was SO crowded though.......I still can't believe that one stretch is one lane...that is nuts to me. I was hoping this year when they added so many runners they would add a couple more corrals..... but they did not. IMO they need to look at where everyone starts and I agree with Hockey Dan about looking at where the men start and timing it out so a woman can cross first since its a woman's event. Its very hard to weave in and out of poeple. I ended up alot the last 3 miles on the shoulder of the road on the grass because it was wall to wall walkers and they were not maintaining 16 minute miles in the back. My friend who started in H trained up to 14 minute miles and she could not stay at 16 because of the crowds. To me this is so unfair to her because she trained for the minimum pace yet the course didn't support the volume of people.

That being said, it was fun though so humid. Glad we had clouds and occasional breeze. I endeed up chaffing due to my excessive sweating but its all good it will heal. Otherwise I feel great.

If i don't do Tink next year I will def be back!

Oh and congrats to our Perfect Princess Joan!
PP Joan is a celeb! I drove back home this morning to continued heat and aches, oh well. I have done the ice bath for feet, Epsom salts/ice/tiger balm for thighs, but I'm still stiff and hobbling. Just did the foam roller gig, and my doggie gave me some funny looksdde00. Any advice for the aches or is it normal? Thanks.
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