‘Sexy Merida’ Pulled by Disney After Backlash

Amazing! Its about time they pulled the riduculous new one. What were they thinking?
Well, I'm pleasantly shocked! Now if we could just revert back to the old designs for all of the other princesses as well, I'd be one happy camper!
Wow, I just saw the pics of the princesses. :sad2: Merida and Tatiana are the only ones who look like they're supposed to...the others look either unrecongnizable, older, and/or sultry. I thought these princesses were supposed to be in their teens?
This isn't even on my radar as something to be concerned about. Totally over board. Cartoons have always been over the top. But then again, my kids don't think that everything they see on TV or in the movies is real, and never did.

I don't see anyone getting upset over the 7 dwarfs, no one looks like that either.
This isn't even on my radar as something to be concerned about. Totally over board. Cartoons have always been over the top. But then again, my kids don't think that everything they see on TV or in the movies is real, and never did.

I don't see anyone getting upset over the 7 dwarfs, no one looks like that either.

Have you asked any dwarfs how they feel about it? :)

It's not about what is "real", it's about getting tired of the same ole message being shoved down our throats and then wanting us to support them.

Do I know every black person on tv is not a criminal or a welfare queen? Yes, do my kids know this also Yes. Do I get sick of tv shows portraying us like that? Yes.

Doesn't have to be "overboard". I can write an email to a company registering my displeasure without going overboard. very easy and takes all of 3 minutes.

I'm an educated consumer, so yes I can be "concerned" and still live a very normal life.

I think that's exactly what happened in this case. Disney made a move and a whole lot of moms of daughters let disney know exactly why they hate the move. Disney is a business that needs those very same moms to be consumers.

I'm glad they had the common sense to respond to their customers.
Just clicked the link to see the before and after pictures. Wow! Talk about over-reacting.
Just clicked the link to see the before and after pictures. Wow! Talk about over-reacting.

who's overacting? We saw, we didn't like, we sent an email, disney listened to it's consumers.

How come if we choose to let our displeasure known to a commerical enterprise, we are some how "overacting".

No one demanded some one be fired, no one stormed the bastille.

or is it basically because you see no harm that those that do must be "overacting"?

Personally I like educated consumers. coming from a family run restaurant, I appreciate it when my consumers tell me 'nope, that dish sucks". This allows me to remove said item and tweak the menu. I definitely like them better than the customer who accepts any thing then bad mouths my business afterwards

Just trying to figure out why voicing an opinion to a company is some how "overacting". I get that when I tell people I don't like the movie "Song of the south".

I remember when the avengers movie came out and some moms of adopted kids were upset about the line Thor quotes about the villian. Now that wasn't on my radar but I didn't think they were overacting. They were concerned about how "adopted kids" are viewed. totally understandable. I don't remember anyone saying to boycott the movie, they simply publisized why they found the statement hurtful and asked that it be edited. Of course they were "over reacting" or "too sensitive".

just don't get why we have to accept any thing businesses hand us and keep quiet?
Just clicked the link to see the before and after pictures. Wow! Talk about over-reacting.

That is totally not overreacting. There's a big diff between the two! Theyre sending out the wrong message to kids. If they made Merida sexy from the get-go, that wouldve been a different story. Wouldnt be an issue. But they make her look normal in the movie, then after the movie is released they make her all sexy, completely different. Thats just wrong. Its the message disney is sending.

The people have spoken, and Disney has listened. Bravo Disney! :thumbsup2
I'm one that felt that Disney had gone down the wrong road with this change!! I loved the fact that Merida could be wholesome and not rail-thin, not all 'made-up' and somewhat seductive.
I'm sorry but the new design for Merida was too 'adult'. Her eyes were completely changed from little girl eyes to the eyes of someone much older and wiser. Her dress was changed to show 'more' of her.
I'm not all that crazy about the other princess changes either. For the life of me, I don't understand why Disney couldn't just leave them the way they were. But, I suppose now there will be a lot of little girls clamoring to have the new 'look' when they are shopping for stuff in WDW. 'But Mommy....I already have the old Cinderella, I have to have the new one...she's sooooo pretty!! I have to have her...pleassssse.'

Thank-you Disney for keeping Merida the way she was originally designed!!!
I think it was an over-reaction because if someone hadn't got upset and made a big deal about the change in the way the character was drawn, the vast majority of people wouldn't even have noticed.
Just clicked the link to see the before and after pictures. Wow! Talk about over-reacting.

I must be missing something, because I do not see much of a difference in the 2. I like the first one better but there is not a major change.
I am also one of those who think people are overreacting on how a fictional character is drawn.

It was a 2D version of a 3D character. So yeah...not understanding the backlash.
I wonder if the people complaining about this will still drag their kids into BBB to be made into a princess. Isn't this the same concept only with drawings? or are we against that now too?


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