Oh, Just A Few GALLONS of Pixie Dust! - A July/August 2012 TR

Yay for getting ready to go to Disney World! We have 18 more days until we leave for a week! Pop is a great value to stay at! We have stayed there several times and enjoyed every moment!

Yay!! Wow, your trip is really soon too! That's so awesome. I can't wait to stay at Pop! TOMORROW!

OMG! I've been off the Dis for sooo long! BUT OMG YOU'RE GOING TO DISNEY SO SOON!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cool1: This is so exciting!!!!

YES YES YES!!!! I will be on a plane in less than 12 hours! This is insane!
The One Where I Bid You All A Temporary Farewell

May 27, 2013

Yes, that is today. It has been realized.


I have to attempt to sleep really early so I can, in turn, wake up really early so I can board a plane and FLY. TO ORLANDO. And then get on a bus. A MAGICAL EXPRESS BUS. That will take me to DISNEY WORLD (and Pop Century).

(I know, the incomplete sentences are annoying me as well.)

So basically what I’m saying is GOODBYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And also, for those of you who enjoy social media, you can follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and Vine @mardgreen88.

(Gotta love iPhones.)

Yeah, I’m really creative with user names. I like to keep it simple.

OH and just a note. You don’t actually have to be a twitter member to see my updates! So if you just go to https://twitter.com/mardgreen88 you’ll be able to check them out! But I mean, while you’re there you might as well sign up and follow!!! ;) If you do follow me, make sure to tweet me and let me know who you are! I’ll follow you right back.

ANYWAYS!!!!! Since I’m leaving so VERY soon, I figured I’d give yall some last minute details that I haven’t mentioned yet! (Maybe. I can't actually keep track.)

You know where I’m staying already. I’ll be at Pop from tomorrow until June 1 (Saturday). That day, I’ll move over to Port Orleans Riverside to stay for the remainder of the trip! I’m so excited about BOTH of these places. I know I’ll love them both!

This trip is seven nights. For some, that might sound really short. However, this is me we’re talking about. I have done trips as short as three nights in the past, and so far my longest trips have been five nights. So basically, seven nights to me is SO LONG!!! I mean, I don’t even think a full month would be long enough, but I’m still very happy with my full week. WOOO!!!!

Anything else? Hmmm. (This is me thinking. This update is so random and weird, but I’m excited, SO WHO CARES?)

Let’s see...

I’m planning on checking in at POP and then IMMEDIATELY hopping a bus to Magic Kingdom and heading straight for New Fantasyland. Let’s be real, I have waited LONG ENOUGH!!! I mean, most of you know this and have been EXTREMELY sweet by warning me when your TR updates contained info about New Fantasyland. I honestly can’t even tell you how special that was to me, that you cared enough to warn me! SO ONCE AGAIN, THANK YOU! And yes, I totally plan on going back and reading the updates I’ve had to skip! :laughing:

Hmm… SO YEAH. I’m going to see New Fantasyland tomorrow. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOSH. This is not real. It’s not real. BUT IT’S REAL!!!!!

Okay, I think I’ve said enough! So yeah. DISNEY TOMORROW.

Continued in Next Update Which Will Contain A Link to My New TR BUT LET’S NOT GET AHEAD OF OUTSELVES HERE!!!
Have an amazing trip!!!!! Just followed you on instagram (bruinz442) so I can follow along on your adventures lol I can't believe you made it this far without checking out posts on the new fantasyland. You are so strong, I was so weak and devoured anything I could find on it :rotfl2: and it still surpassed all of my expectations. Enjoy it! :mickeybar
Um, I am so exicted for you right now!! POR is amazing and you will LOVE it!! I love staying there. Can't wait to "hear" via twitter what you think of New Fantasyland because I still have 83 days until I see it!! Have so much fun!
Bahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have such an amazing time!!!!!!!

That is all.

Oh, and New Fantasyland!
Marissa have an amazing trip girl!

I know it's going to be your best vacation yet and I can't wait to read all about it when u get back!

Have an amazing time, and enjoy new fantasyland!!
Wow - have an amazing, magical trip :goodvibes

And thanks for posting that twitter link - I don't do twitter yet, so I'll be excited to see your posts there :thumbsup2
Have a great trip Marissa! Can't wait to hear about your adventures when you get back!:yay:
I have been watching your vines and you have such a southern accent!!! Lol!! I love it!!! I always love finding out peoples voices because they are always so different from what I picture and I wasn't imaging a southern accent for you! Very cute!
I have been watching your vines and you have such a southern accent!!! Lol!! I love it!!! I always love finding out peoples voices because they are always so different from what I picture and I wasn't imaging a southern accent for you! Very cute!

How did you find her on vine? I've been looking and can't find her! :rotfl: I want to stay updated lol


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