"reverse" summer strategy: late afternoon- close?


DIS Veteran
Jun 30, 2012
Hello DISers!

Let me start out by saying that I have read the "Golden DIS Rule of Summer" more times than I can count- get to the park at rope drop/ resort in the afternoon/ back to the park at night. HOWEVER, getting up early on vacation is just not for my family. I'll leave it at that.

So.... someone here has to have tried this strategy at least once: Head to the park with the late EMH in the late afternoon (3:00- 400:ish) and stay until close. How did this work out for you? I know the lines will be longer, but I have gone on weekends in Oct with crowd levels of 6/7/8 so that doesn't bother me.

I am asking bc I am in a conundrum. I am planning a trip in 2014. I have two choices: I can go in November during Jersey week (Tues night- Sunday) or I can go in late August when it is cheaper. I actually priced out the two trips and 4 nights/3 parks days in August was cheaper than 3 nights/2 days in the November!! BUT the biggest problem with August is the heat and humidity. My hubby does not do well in the heat and is flat out refusing to go In August, but I hate the thought of trying to squeeze in Disney and Universal in a shorter trip and for more money (yes, Universal is a must!! I HAVE to see the HP expansion!:wizard:)

This leads me here. I don't know how long the heat/humidity last during the day. Does it hang around late into the evening? Is it just as bad at 7pm as it is at noon? I guess we would need a different strategy for the parks, although, we are not being "strategists" when it comes to touring the parks.
I am trying to find a different way to tour that would appeal to mu hubby and make dealing with the heat a little easier. I will take longer lines over the heat any day.

So DISers, let me have it..... who has toured this way and how did you like it?

*EDIT* I just looked at the park hours for August of 2013 and realized that there are late EMH only THREE days a week!! What is up with that?????? That throws a kink in my plans!! :mad:
Not to mention that it will still hover around 90% humidity even at night. I think if you choose August, that would be a decent plan. But I'd pick Nivember. As a matter of fact, we're going Nov 2014 too :)
cgattis said:
Not to mention that it will still hover around 90% humidity even at night. I think if you choose August, that would be a decent plan. But I'd pick Nivember. As a matter of fact, we're going Nov 2014 too :)

This. And afternoon thunderstorms can pop up every afternoon abt the time op plans to arrive at the parks. Add the chance for hurricanes.... August is not for wimps!
Yes, the heat and humidity are still very bad into the evening in August. Only when the sun goes down does it really become more manageable and even then we were still jsut a sweaty mess. Now, YOUR proposal is exactly the sort of thing that would benefit by the upcoming FP+. You could show up late in the day and still have some FP+ booked for late afternoon, early evening so that you aren't waiting in the horrible heat all day. Then once it's a BIT cooler, hit some of the attractions that have lines outside.
This. And afternoon thunderstorms can pop up every afternoon abt the time op plans to arrive at the parks. Add the chance for hurricanes.... August is not for wimps!

Well crap...... then August is out! :rotfl2: No seriously.... :p

*sigh* One of these years I'll be able to get a trip in where I am not trying to squeeze everything in. (I am a teacher, so my travel times are limited).
We do that a lot in the summer - although we do rope drop until about noon, then go back to hotel and return to park around 4 or 5 then stay until close. Yes it's still hot but not the hottest part of the day and the crowds seem much more manageable. The only park we don't do this with is AK - we go at rope drop and press on until 3 or 4.
We're local, but if there is a super late closing time, we'll head over around 3 and stay to close. Does it rain sometimes? Of course, but I'd rather be at Disney than trying to grocery shop during a downpour.

I guess it's because I'm local, I don't notice the heat and humidity. If it rains, it tends to be nicer. And, honestly ... the chances of a direct hit on any area of Florida are incredibly low ... but again this is the Floridian talking ... I'm not that concerned with the potential of a hurricane. I'd go for it, except for the Harry Potter part, I've never had great times in the summer trying to ride it, unless I'm riding single rider.
We have done what you are suggesting in August towards the end of a trip and it does work. It's still hot and humid, but being well rested from sleeping in and cooled down from swimming before heading out helps. Then plan to hit some indoor shows/rides when you first get to the parks...helps with heat, rain and lines and work towards the more popular stuff as it gets later (reverse the RD schedule).

This will not work for HP though. I'm not much for RD as my kids hit their teens, but RD was essential for WWOHP.

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You might talk to him and see if he would be willing to try it once. My friend from New York just came back from Disney and said the heat was worse in New York. I am from Maine and have a hard time with the heat but still enjoy summers at Disney. Sometimes I don't get on all the rides I would like but we can enjoy the pool, activities at the resorts, dining, renting a boat, movies etc.

I thought I read on here they had been adding some EMH but I suppose there is no guarantee.
Thanks everyone! I am happy to read the responses. I'll still consider it. If the late EMS schedule stays the same, I can adjust my travel dates to hit up the late EMS times- Sun, Mon, Tues. The possibility of rain doesn't bother me. I have been to Amusement Parks and camping in the rain more times than I can count (I don't think Mother Nature likes me! :rotfl:).

I have been to WWoHP in IoA, so I am well aware of the lines and crowds! I think we can manage to hit up HP at RD considering we will get the early admission for staying on-site. Doing it two days (especially for HP!) is more doable than 5 or 6 days.

I'll probably have to debate this with my hubby. The heat/numidity is the single reason he will be against August, but I just can't understand spending more for less in November. :sad2:

Are there often discounts during the third week in August? Free Dining? Room rate discounts? The money factor may be my biggest weapon in this decision.
Every time I go to Disney in August, I promise myself that I won't ever do it again. But as you can see - I keep doing it :-)

That said, November is a wonderful time of year - the weather is fabulous and you might catch part of the Food and Wine Festival.

Based on the fact that your hubby is dead set against August because of the heat and humidity, I would probably go with a shorter trip in November. I think you'd both enjoy the trip more.
Thank you for that advice, but one of the reasons I am leaning towards August is bc our last two trips have been shorter trips in Oct. We end up cutting things out (our last trip we only did a MK and DHS!) and get very little "down time". I would like one trip to Disney that is longer so I can plan some resort time and not feel like we have to keep to a tight schedule.

Splitting time between Disney and Universal is non-negotiable. If we go in November, we are going to have to either transfer over to Universal late at night after being in a park all day OR transfer early in the morning and then head to Universal. If we go in August, we can take a whole day to check out at Disney, and then spend some time at the resort at Universal (anyone with a younger child understands the important of this ). I could also spend at least one more day at Disney and not have to choose which park we cut out (Epcot and AK could be half-day parks for us).

Plus, there is that money factor. August = more days for less money.
We go in August all the time and we are from Jersey. It is hot but you are in Disney! It may rain but you are in Disney! we do the rope drop-swim-shower-back to the parks. works great.

Oh and Jersey week may not be the same as both DH and I are teachers and he does not have "jersey week off at all and I only have two days. Since Sandy schools are rethinking breaks.
We always do this method. We are NOT early risers. We get up, meander on over for a breakfast reservation somewhere around 9:30ish to 10. Spend our morning at the resort. Go into park in afternoon, usually taking advantage of evening EMH. We LOVE it this way. It's totally better than getting up at the crack of dawn breaking our day up in the middle, spending all that time travelling back and forth. That's not for us. I get that some people like it that way, but not us.

Yes, it's true that during the summer months, you are more likely to have rain in the afternoon, but rainstorms in FL are scattered at best, and usually don't last that long.

It's the only way we do it. My family is exhausted by 2 pm if I've forced them to get up early, travel there, travel back, then say ok, let's go back again!! LOL They look at me like I'm crazy. ;)

The only downside to this, is that FPs are sometimes gone for rides like TSM and the other popular ones.
I am going the 3rd week next month and the deal I got at the Yacht Club is amazing. I went through a certain TA that is not to be mentioned, but PM me if you need info. Nearly half off rack rate!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I have toured that way, arrive late stay and stay until close on EMH night. We don't anymore though.

I think it's just as hot at night as it is during the day, it's just a different heat. The sun isn't shining on you, so the temperature does drop some. But, it gets very humid at night, so even though it may be 90 instead of 97 it feels just as hot or in a way hotter.

We used to enjoy evening EMH but the parks just seem more and more crowded on those days. I think the last time we did one, MK was staying open until 1, closing time was 10. We left at 11:30 because it was just so miserably crowded. Much worse than during the day. When we first started going to WDw the EMH was three hours instead of two and a park had EMH 6 nights out of 7. They don't have evening EMH as often as they used to. I looked on WDW site to make sure but the next 7 days there were only 3 evening EMH scheduled. It MAY have been 4, I don't want to go back and look again to make sure. So each park may only have one EMH while you are there, and lots of people have the same idea as you. It's a lot easier to stay up late than get up eary.

So no I wouldn't tour that way. But if that's what you and your family wants to do, then you should do it. If your going to be miserable getting up early then that's not going to be much of a vacation. You can still ride a lot of rides and have a great vacation touring the parks the way you want.
Thank you for that advice, but one of the reasons I am leaning towards August is bc our last two trips have been shorter trips in Oct. We end up cutting things out (our last trip we only did a MK and DHS!) and get very little "down time". I would like one trip to Disney that is longer so I can plan some resort time and not feel like we have to keep to a tight schedule.

Splitting time between Disney and Universal is non-negotiable. If we go in November, we are going to have to either transfer over to Universal late at night after being in a park all day OR transfer early in the morning and then head to Universal. If we go in August, we can take a whole day to check out at Disney, and then spend some time at the resort at Universal (anyone with a younger child understands the important of this ). I could also spend at least one more day at Disney and not have to choose which park we cut out (Epcot and AK could be half-day parks for us).

Plus, there is that money factor. August = more days for less money.

We go for 7-8 days in the late summer when it is value season at our hotel. This allows us time for each park, ample downtime during the hot afternoons, time for several TS meals (don't discount the restorative qualities of sitting in an air conditioned restaurant for 60-90 minutes), and a day off from the parks to swim/shop/chill. Yes it is hot and humid but by allowing yourself plenty of downtime like that it is completely doable!
I wouldn't rule out an August trip because of the heat or humidity. We are from the UK and have always gone July or August and it is totally doable. We are a rope drop family though we don't tour in the afternoons and rarely in the evenings we prefer to go out for dinner but the heat and humidity is doable and if you have more time you can do things slower
it was in sept, free DDP season in 2008 but we did a late start strategy and loved it.

we did a 14d trip where we booked most of our ADR's for lunchtime at various resorts. this gave us the morning to sleep in, swim, chillax in the room, play at arcade, etc...then we would head over to another resort for lunch. durning lunch we would decide which park to head to. we did CS for dinner. it was liberating to have this level of freedom and let the kids decide what parks to hit. it also gave us a great chance to check out other WDW resorts and restaurants.
IDK, we go in August every year for a few weeks and although it is hot and humid our bodies are some what use to it as the weather up here in Mass is usually somewhat similar for the summer. Plus late August is a nice time to visit as summer crowds have begun to subside. And we usually arrive late, sometime leave in the afternoon and return in the evening. I will tell you that we found it harder in February coming from the cold and snowy northeast going into what can be hot on some days in FL. Body is just use to below freezing weather in Feb, especially for my husband who spends some of his days in the winter outside in below zero temps! Good luck on whatever you choose!


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