My most embarrassing moment at Disney, share yours!!

This is the best thread ever. Subscribing to this so I can find it again in the future. I'm sure I'll have something to add after our September trip because my SO, DS and myself are all very accident prone... My poor DS2, he doesn't stand a chance!:rotfl:
My Family and I have tons of's a sample...

...about two years ago I had suffered a bout of kidney stones. After the passing of a stone, sometimes my bladder goes into spasms for a few days. Well, I was having spasms at Disney so I bought for the FIRST TIME those adult diapers to wear to be on the safe side incase I had a bladder spasm in the park and couldn't get to the bathroom quick enough.

I went on Splash Mountain with my daughter in the first row my hubby behind me in second. We got drenched, in the first seats, I mean doused! I was helped up out of the seat from the ride, sopping wet from head to toe and my husband exclaims "Uh, Hun, what's wrong with your butt??". I didn't know but as I got wet and was sitting in the puddle which was once the seat, the adult diaper absorbed all the water and expanded, triple in size! I was mortified, yes, however the mortification continued because when I was helped to my scooter and sat down, the water then all squished out of the diaper, looking like I opened up the floodgates on my feet and the scooter. I just hung my head and wheeled out of there in shame. All the while my husband and daughter laughing and skipping, arm in arm, behind me, saying they would follow the river I was leaving on the ground like Hansel and Grettle of Splash Mountain!:rotfl:

I was crying before I could even finish reading this. My daughter wondered what I was laughing at.
On Friday evening the last night before we went home, we got on the bus to go to Epcot for a ADR from POFQ. The bus went to go pick up around POR and a woman and a small boy and girl got on. The woman sat beside me and proceeded to hoist the boy to her shoulder...and out came what ever he had eaten...all over my right shoulder. I jumped up and she just sat there as the boy "finished". The bus driver stopped the bus and cleaned up the mess and asked the woman if she would like to go back to her stop...she said no and that her husband was at Epcot waiting for them.

I just stood there with her son's meal all over my shoulder. All eyes went from me to her and back. She NEVER said a single word to me.

When the bus got to Epcot, I ran to the bathroom to clean myself up, but still you could see the stain and....
People who saw me later who were on the bus......."Hey your the one who got barfed on"..... I was NOT amused.

That is gross! I gag very easy & I'm afraid if that would have happened to me, I would have dropped some very un-Disney like words on that woman.:blush:
So this a embrassing moment of my DH. We were at TL in the wave pool. I'm short, I stayed closer to the "shore" & my DH stayed deeper in the wave pool. Each time the wave would come down, my DH would ride it towards me & grab my butt.:rolleyes2 He thought this was so funny. So about the 3 or 4 time, he didn't grab me, but pops up a little distance from me. As he was wading towards me, he had the weirdest look on his face. I asked what was wrong. He told me, he rode the last wave & grabbed at "my butt", but when he came up he realized it was another woman's rear he grabbed.:lmao: He quickly put as much distance as he could between him & the lady & stopped his grabbing! I still pick on him to this day about it.
rachael95 said:
That's when you scrape it off with your hand, and then pat the woman on the back saying, "you poor thing, I hope everything goes better for you today."

She was the type of woman who would have probably had me arrested for battery if I did that. Someone who is so self centered not to care about others and the health of her sick boy!
Ours took place when my oldest daughter was two. we were still trying to be budget minded and not paying for $6-10kids meals for her at sit down meals. We had ADRs at Le Cellier that night. We stopped on the way and she had something to eat before we went in. While there she took a huge liking to the cheese soup! And nibbled on some bread sticks of course....her appetite seemed huge! When we were done with dinner we went back to Downtown Disney for a little shopping. In the middle of the World of Disney the richness of the beer cheese soup must have hit her. She projectile vomited in the middle of the store. It was like a never ending fountain of foul smelling cheese soup. Horrible! I have never seen such a mess and so many people scatter that quickly. We didn't have changes of clothing for her (or us after that mess:). Had to clean up as good as possible in the nearest bathroom after profusely apologizing to the nearest CM. I have never been that embarrassed in my life,
I havent had time to read this whole thread, but I have laughed so hard at the first few.... Here is my story.

After having my DS who is 5, I went to the dentist to find that much of my teeth had become loose. Now, I had no idea that while pregnant, your baby could steal you calcium, but that was what I was told. I have since had 7 teeth capped... my story is about my front tooth on a two week Disney vacation with no car.

1st week of Disney is at Pop Century with no car, 2nd week is on the Fantasy. I am so excited about this trip, I have been planning for two years.

I have long, wavy hair, so I bring sample packets of conditioner because they give you shampoo and conditioner combined at Pop and that is just not going to work for me. I take out the packet in the shower and attempt to open by tearing with my hand. Of course, this does not work... I try to tear with my teeth when all of a sudden my front left tooth flies out of my mouth and goes across the tub. I make a mad leap for it and it doesn't go down the drain thank god...

Now I am crying and toothless in the shower with no car and I have no idea what to do...I get dressed and as DH to go to the gift shop for polydent, (PS, this doesn't work, but I had no idea what to do.) So many tears later, my husband calls my dentist at home and he says to clean the tooth and with a dab of vaseline it will hold until we can get to CVS to get temporary crown filler.

I call the front desk for a cab and re-adhere the tooth. I walk up to where the cab station was and when he asks me where I am going, I say anyplace with a pharmacy and my tooth fell out of my head. Needless to say, the driver was horrified; but my DH was in stitches. I got to a pharmacy, it was no big deal, but my DH still says befor every trip, do you want to pack some crazy glue for your mouth his trip?

Trinity524 said:
I havent had time to read this whole thread, but I have laughed so hard at the first few.... Here is my story.

After having my DS who is 5, I went to the dentist to find that much of my teeth had become loose. Now, I had no idea that while pregnant, your baby could steal you calcium, but that was what I was told. I have since had 7 teeth capped... my story is about my front tooth on a two week Disney vacation with no car.

1st week of Disney is at Pop Century with no car, 2nd week is on the Fantasy. I am so excited about this trip, I have been planning for two years.

I have long, wavy hair, so I bring sample packets of conditioner because they give you shampoo and conditioner combined at Pop and that is just not going to work for me. I take out the packet in the shower and attempt to open by tearing with my hand. Of course, this does not work... I try to tear with my teeth when all of a sudden my front left tooth flies out of my mouth and goes across the tub. I make a mad leap for it and it doesn't go down the drain thank god...

Now I am crying and toothless in the shower with no car and I have no idea what to do...I get dressed and as DH to go to the gift shop for polydent, (PS, this doesn't work, but I had no idea what to do.) So many tears later, my husband calls my dentist at home and he says to clean the tooth and with a dab of vaseline it will hold until we can get to CVS to get temporary crown filler.

I call the front desk for a cab and re-adhere the tooth. I walk up to where the cab station was and when he asks me where I am going, I say anyplace with a pharmacy and my tooth fell out of my head. Needless to say, the driver was horrified; but my DH was in stitches. I got to a pharmacy, it was no big deal, but my DH still says befor every trip, do you want to pack some crazy glue for your mouth his trip?


I have a lot of night mares about loosing my teeth and your story makes me cringe. I would have been mortified!!! Makes my story sound trivial.
Oh my, these are all hilarious! I can't stop laughing about that Holiday Armadillo! Well, anyway, here's mine:

On my last trip to WDW, I was with my choir. I'm a scaredy-cat most of the time, but I was a suckered into a ride on Haunted Mansion even though I really didn't want to go. We were all loaded up into the Doombuggies, and we started to move. Well, you know that little voice that tells you in the speakers of the buggy not to take flash pictures, etc?

Well, that little voice TERRIFIED ME. I let out a really loud screech because I wasn't expecting to hear it (I was sitting next to the speaker) the CM's were so confused that stopped the ride to check on me (since people aren't supposed to get scared within five seconds of the ride starting!) Everyone turned to look at me and I'm sure my face was all red!

Worst. Moment. Ever.
I have a lot of night mares about loosing my teeth and your story makes me cringe. I would have been mortified!!! Makes my story sound trivial.

I use to have those. Scared the pooh out of me. I would wake up and count my teeth with my tongue. I had them nightly for about 2 months after I got fired from a job and for about 3 months after I split up with my ex-husband. They are horrible!

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A few years ago I decided to treat my Mom to a Disney trip. She adores Disney but hadn't been for several years; in fact she'd never been to the Animal Kingdom. Going over the guide book she points to Expedition Everest and asks about it. I told it her it was one of the few rides that both my (adult) daughter and I exited quite dizzy and ill...hence we shouldn't ride it. No! No! She says, I want to try it. I explain it goes backwards in the dark....but no, she wants to ride it. Once at the park, I think showing her the ride will dissuade her, but again, she insists she wants to ride it. Off we go, and as the ride climbs I see her face grow red...angry, annoyed red. By the time we got off the ride she was royally distraught...and loud as you please she shouts "YOU FINK (but it wasn't fink)...YOU MADE ME RIDE THAT RIDE!!!

It'll be a while before I treat her again! :scared1:
jdanjou said:
I use to have those. Scared the pooh out of me. I would wake up and count my teeth with my tongue. I had them nightly for about 2 months after I got fired from a job and for about 3 months after I split up with my ex-husband. They are horrible!

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And apparently teeth falling out is one of the most common dreams and has nothing to do with your actual dental health....

Sorry to digress, seeing more people have that dream got me interested in looking it up...I thought it was just me!
Trinity524 said:
I havent had time to read this whole thread, but I have laughed so hard at the first few.... Here is my story.

After having my DS who is 5, I went to the dentist to find that much of my teeth had become loose. Now, I had no idea that while pregnant, your baby could steal you calcium, but that was what I was told. I have since had 7 teeth capped... my story is about my front tooth on a two week Disney vacation with no car.

1st week of Disney is at Pop Century with no car, 2nd week is on the Fantasy. I am so excited about this trip, I have been planning for two years.

I have long, wavy hair, so I bring sample packets of conditioner because they give you shampoo and conditioner combined at Pop and that is just not going to work for me. I take out the packet in the shower and attempt to open by tearing with my hand. Of course, this does not work... I try to tear with my teeth when all of a sudden my front left tooth flies out of my mouth and goes across the tub. I make a mad leap for it and it doesn't go down the drain thank god...

Now I am crying and toothless in the shower with no car and I have no idea what to do...I get dressed and as DH to go to the gift shop for polydent, (PS, this doesn't work, but I had no idea what to do.) So many tears later, my husband calls my dentist at home and he says to clean the tooth and with a dab of vaseline it will hold until we can get to CVS to get temporary crown filler.

I call the front desk for a cab and re-adhere the tooth. I walk up to where the cab station was and when he asks me where I am going, I say anyplace with a pharmacy and my tooth fell out of my head. Needless to say, the driver was horrified; but my DH was in stitches. I got to a pharmacy, it was no big deal, but my DH still says befor every trip, do you want to pack some crazy glue for your mouth his trip?


I was reading this story with a feeling of complete horror, until I got to the part where your tooth fell out again in the cab and then I couldn't stop laughing :rotfl:

I had no idea pregnancy does that though!! I have such a fear of losing my teeth like that, I'm going to be ODing on calcium pills if I ever get pregnant!
When we were staying at WDW back when Epcot still had kennels, I took my cat with me and boarded him there. At the time he was still a kitten (although nearly full-size) and not used to flying or travelling, so when I went to pick him up on our departure day I had to give him a little sedative pill from the vet for our journey. The kennels were closed for the day so a security guard let me in and supervised my sister and I retrieving him. Well this cat was NOT amused with the idea of being given a pill nor being put in a carrier, and let me tell you my cat is an expert at screeching like he's being murdered. So my sister is clutching him and he's wailing and claws are flying, and I'm trying to get the pill in his mouth, when suddenly one of his kitten teeth falls out. Kittens lose their teeth naturally just like kids and I know my fingers were nowhere near the one that fell out, but I turned to look at the security guard and he had this look of horror on his face as if I was the most evil abusive cat owner ever. I was SO mortified!! After that we just hustled kitty into the carrier and left!
I've been laughing at this thread for days so I guess it's finally time to post!

I have two embarrassing stories, one for me and one for DH.

Mine - As background, I need to tell you I hate being scared. I won't go to horror movies, or in haunted houses (except HM, and even that creeps me out), etc etc. After many trips to DW, DH finally convinces me to go on that alien thing that was where Stitch is now (I forgot what it's called - Alien Encounter?). It's crowded, so the CMs make us file to the end of the row and fill in every seat. DH goes in first and sits in his proper seat, but the seat next to him, where I should have sat, has a cloth draped over it with a warning sign about how the seat is broken, so I have to sit on the other side of it. So, now there is a broken seat between me and DH. However, I'm totally convinced that this being Disney, the seat isn't really broken, it's part of the show, and an alien is going to pop out of that seat. So I'm freaking out, telling DH I'm going to kill him for dragging me on this attraction, practically crying, and the people behind me are laughing hysterically (though to give them credit, they tried to hide it). The show starts and the lights go down, and I spend the next few minutes braced for the alien popping up next to me. The show ends - no action from the broken seat. Turns out it really was broken. :lmao: DH never asked me to go on alien encounter again, though. :rotfl:

DH's - We're eating at Mama Melrose, DH gets up to go to the bathroom, and doesn't come back for a long time. I'm starting to get worried when he finally returns, and when I ask him if everything is ok he says yes, so I put it out of my mind. Finally, somewhere around dessert, he says to me "I was attacked by a toilet, that's what took me so long." :rotfl2: Turns out when the toilet flushed it sent water spraying all over, and got his underwear so wet he had to take them off and stuff them in the trash. (I can only presume they're the automatic toilets and one of them flushed prematurely, but honestly I didn't get into too much detail - I was too busy laughing at him going commando). DH is actually really modest, way more than me, so he was pretty uncomfortable going around commando for the rest of the night.

I guess we both just attract broken "seats."
And apparently teeth falling out is one of the most common dreams and has nothing to do with your actual dental health....

Sorry to digress, seeing more people have that dream got me interested in looking it up...I thought it was just me!

From what I've seen it means that you feel like you're losing control, and that's exactly what's going on for me when I have them. Everything is normal in the dream and then poof! All of my teeth fall out of my head!

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This happened to me years ago, but it was funnel cake. I got it at a kiosk in Epcot & when the guy handed it to me he said, "Watch out for the seagulls." I was like... :confused3 "Okaaaaay." I take about four steps away from the kiosk when a seagull swoops down from behind me, lands ON my funnel cake, tries to grab it, then flies off again. He didn't get the funnel cake, but his take-off and landing jostled the plate so much I ended up covered in powdered sugar, head to toe. More than a decade later, my husband still laughs about this.
This exact thing happened to my DS a few years ago!!!! In his case the seagull actually got the funnel cake though! At they time it seemed so unbelievable that I thought he was making the story up because he didn't want to share his funnel cake with his siblings! LOL!
Be thankful it wasn't a tiger... or dinosaur :hyper::eek:
I wonder if you tell the eateries where these various items that get snatched up by birds come from that you were robbed by a bird if they will give you another?:woohoo:

A few years back I watched another person have their french fries snatched by a gull near the Canadian section at Epcot. I was very impressed that a CM appeared from nowhere and immediately got her a new thing of fries.
When I was around 6-8 years old, I was in DTD with my family back when it was called "Disney Village". I started to feel sick so my father walked me toward a restroom. On the way there I lost it and threw up all over the sidewalk. The worst part was that it was about 3 feet away from a cast member and his cleanup up cart complete with trash can, broom and mop. He looked like he had just cleaned up the area. I felt bad but my poor father, he must've been horrified. He kept apologizing to the worker.


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