What Means "Ay, Caramba?"--Famous for Family of the Day!,Sept TR-Cape May HooRay 4/14

I love the new Dumbo queue and I'm pretty pumped to drink some Starbucks on Main Street!

We love push! I'm glad Julia didn't remember her previous encounter with him!

Perfect afternoon in Tomorrowland, y'all are hitting all of my favorites!

Okay, your meal at Tony's sounds perfect! As a fellow Southerner, I too love a good piece of buttery chicken. :) I'm so glad to hear a positive review! Riley loves Lady and the Tramp so I may have to book us a meal there.

I love this dual trip reporting going on. Dessert party was clearly a huge success! Can't wait to read more!
Tony's Town Square is now on my ADR list for next trip:thumbsup2

Great update. I really like your touring style and am going to try hard to incorporate it some too. Did you do all the headliners on this MK day, too?
Yay, what a great update! Byrnn and Julia are too cute in their matching dresses, and the story of Sawyer at Laugh Floor made me laugh!

I totally know about bumping everyone in the head, including myself, with those balloons. We've gotten my nephew a few in the past, and they're great quality and they make him so happy, but when the wind's blowing, it gets crazy. That's annoying that you heard people questioning why parents buy them -- yes, they're a bit expensive, but isn't everything at WDW? And they're awesome. I'm 31, and I still remember how happy it made me when my mom got me one when I was little.

Looking forward to the next update (no pressure though!).

- Juanita
So-- confession. I've read ALL of your trip reports (where did the missing tummy bug report go??) and I LOVE following your family. I've been stuck in the house with croupy, flu-y, ear infected kids for two weeks now, and when I'm having a particularly rough day I pull up your trip reports during rest time and go to my happy place.:love: I was starting to feel like one of those schmucks who listens to public radio every day and never pledges during the fund drive, so here I am saying THANK YOU for your magical reports:dance3::dance3:
Hey Jenn! Just a quick comment to say that I've finally logged back on to the boards and now it's time to catch up on this report! :thumbsup2
Finally caught up again. I can't wait to read more! I'm dying to hear about you all being family of the day!

I really liked Tony's as well, I had the same as your husband when we went. It was a great meal.

"Tech Geek Alert"

The following comment may be of a boring and overly-detailed nature on the subject of cameras, videography, editing, art theory etc&.

Thank you and have a great time doing!

I was reading another trip report today and thought of your little family and wondered if you had started another one yet....So I'm reading 2 at once now but you can tell your hubby I appreciate this SO much! I have a Rebel XT and we have been considering the newer SLI but after this, I'm checking out the 5D. The intent was 1-I needed a new camera and 2-to take video with it as well but I would have never known about what a pain it is with the video if I hadn't thought to read your trip report today. Now....back to reading and camera researching lol
Yay! :cool1: I finally caught up! I love Tony's Town Square and glad that you guys at least tried it! I can't wait to hear about the rest of your trip!
I'm excited to read another trip report about your lovely family!

I remember that I had a pair of heart sunglasses just like Brynn's - she has excellent taste. :thumbsup2

Your post may have convinced me to try BoG for lunch. I've hesitated due to the crowds, but if the line really does move that fast it may not be too bad. I loved that place for dinner!
Where are you:)

I swear not trying to stalk you... just love reading your report. I'm going through withdraws:rotfl2:

Please don't die of shock. I would feel really guilty about that if you did.

I know it's been forever since I've updated, and there are so many reasons/excuses: strep with double ear infections, a wreck that totaled our car, Nutcracker performances, Christmas, the flu, Georgia Snowmageddon, and just...life. You get that, right? We're all friends here. I know you know what I mean.

But here I am, about to start reporting on one of my very favorite days of the trip. I'll give you a heads-up: this day doesn't have nearly enough pictures, and this day wasn't full of hustling and bustling around the World. It's a bit of a mixed-up day, with some family members some places, some in others, and some friends (who are our chosen family) thrown in the mix. We enjoyed this day and lived it fully, so documenting every second didn't happen. And I kind of like it that way. I'll try to make as much sense of my insane notes as I can (and they are...interesting) and try to convey to you just how wonderful this day was.

If you recall, we stayed out late the night before at Magic Kingdom, doing the Wishes Dessert Party with the best friends ever, Matt and Dani (GrimGrinningStitch and danimaroo, in case you live in a bubble). Susie (beachphotog) was also there being her spectacular self, and there was magic and wonder and lots of being tired at the hotel when we got back.
We are rope drop people. We really are. But that just wasn't happening on this too-early Sunday morning.

I woke up at 7, well before anyone else, and took an exceptionally long bath. My fresh-off-an-injury back and legs needed it, and I felt great afterwards.

I am not sure if I mentioned this before, but the double stroller we'd gotten from Kingdom Strollers kept locking up in the front no matter what we did, and we were frustrated. We emailed them, and they delivered a new one to us. They have always had exceptional customer service! I sent Brandon to retrieve it and to fill up our mugs with some coffee.

Big mistake. I literally gagged because it was so terrible. Instead of coffee (for the moment), we went with Red Bull left over from the car trip.
Eventually everyone woke up, ate some Pop Tarts, and headed out. No, we didn't make rope drop, but we were still at Epcot around 10am, which wasn't bad.

We needed coffee, though. IMMEDIATELY. Have I mentioned I'm more than a little okay with Starbucks in the parks? Because I am.

If you've been reading Dani's TR, you may recall that she was going to a Vinylmations event this day. If you haven't been reading her TR, please go now and do that so you and I can stay friends. Matt was going to meet up with us and hang out for the day. I messaged him and told him we were grabbing Starbucks, and to meet us at Sunshine Seasons when he got over all the hotel drama he was having that morning.

Obviously our trip to Sunshine Seasons was to get our beloved strawberry shortcakes, breakfast of champions.

I seated my crew and ran to grab the food. I didn't want to pay for a banana with a snack credit since it would be kind of a waste of a credit, but the CM didn't want to ring me up twice and just threw in bananas for free! Add that to the shortcakes and free ice waters, and it was quite a filling and cheap second breakfast!

When I made it back to the table, Matt had appeared with his own Starbucks!

Sawyer decided that hands were the way to go. Just dive right in there, son!

But at least he cleans up nice...eventually.

Since Brandon got to go on Soarin' with Julia a couple of nights before, it was my turn! Brynn decided she wanted to go on, so she joined Julia, Matt, and me, and we took a nice flight over California. We had to wait in line for a while, but luckily we had plenty to talk about to keep us busy. Brynn still wasn't completely fine with riding; she wanted to go on it, but she remembered that last year the lights went out at the end and there were loud fireworks. She was fine with the whole thing except for that. I prepared by bringing her a little flashlight that she was instructed to shine on her lap when it was time, and also her trusty earmuffs. But those weren't what helped her the most. What helped the most was her buddy Matt, who talked to her about "it's a small world" to ease her nerves. She felt safe and sound, and she loved the ride. If you just read that and didn't melt a little, you aren't human.

Meanwhile, Brandon took too-short Sawyer on Living with the Land. He immediately remembered that he loves it! Be prepared: SO MANY PICTURES OF LWTL! We love this ride so much.

Every time we pass this dog, we say, "Arf!" Traditions are important.

He looks pretty enthralled, huh?

If you look way in the back, the lettuce spells out "Epcot!"

Soon, Matt, the girls, and I were done with our flight. The girls begged to go on Living with the Land, so around we go again!

Brynn forgot her sunglasses when we parked her stroller at the ride entrance, so she borrowed mine and looked super cool. Duffy completes the look.

The girls both insisted on sitting with Matt. He's obviously a ladies' man. Both Duffy Bears also joined their row.

Stop, paparazzi, it's too much!

I know at this point we made our way over to The Seas with Nemo and Friends. I have no proof, but you'll have to trust me at this point. After a a tour of the Big Blue World, we decided Turtle Talk with Crush was in order! We actually used an alternate waiting area here so that Brynn could have a seat and a moment to herself while we waited. Everyone was a bit antsy, but Hero Brandon brought out Smarties, so all was well!

When we entered, I seated the girls on the floor, turned around, and realized that Matt got separated from our family. (Still sorry about that, Matt!) I barely had a space to squeeze in, but being scrawny does have its benefits!
The show was entertaining, as it usually is. Crush was very amused by a baby who cried and squealed the whole time. He did a great job of turning something that could have been annoying into something funny, and since all parents know that at any moment that could be our kid, it was appreciated!
Crush always talks to members of the audience, and for the second year in a row he chose Julia! If you've seen oour video, you know that she shocked everyone, turtles and people alike, last year when her question was, "Does your shell get harder by age?" Great question for a little kid, right? When I realized he was choosing her, I braced for another brilliant question from my obviously genius kid. And when the microphone was there in front of her face, she asked the same thing that Crush gets asked by every other kid: "How old are you?"



He answered her and then went on to ask where she was hatched. She had no idea what he was talking about. He tried to make it more obvious to her, asking which beach she was hatched on when she was born, but she just giggled nervously. He moved on. When we left, she whispered to me that she didn't want to hurt his feelings by telling him she didn't hatch! She was using her "I'm sorry you have no clue" sympathy laugh with him! It's okay; her brother made up for her silence by becoming a heckler while he sat on my lap. He answered every question that Crush asked of every child and did big obnoxious laughs. I'm pretty sure the whole room was in love with our family.

We had to exit the pavilion without looking at the sea life because Brandon and the girls had a big surprise waiting for them: I had booked them for the Behind the Seeds Tour of Living with the Land! This tour doesn't seem like the typical thing a kid would want to do, but you don't know my kids (or if you do, you weren't phased when I said they were doing this). My kids are fact collectors who love all things scientific, and walking around inside one of their favorite rides would be a bonus!

I sprung the surprise on them as I pushed them towards the door of The Land. It was around lunchtime, so being the awesome parent I am, I tossed some pb&j, applesauce, and juice boxes in their general direction as I told them not to be late. (More on the tour in a bit.)

With those guys gone, Sawyer, Matt, and I just kind of stood around for a bit. We had zero plans. I was at Epcot with no plans! I only had to take care of one kid! And I had a friend! I'm pretty sure this is bliss.
Luckily, Dani saved us from our confusion. She was ready for a lunch break from her Vinylmation event, so we headed her way. She told us a bit about how the event was going (for a full run-down, please read her TR--it contains the best explanation I've ever read about Vinyls). Yorkshire County Fish Shop was right there and seemed like a perfect choice.

We ordered and nabbed a table by the water under a nice umbrella. It was starting to get cloudy in the distance, but the sun was super bright right on top of us. There was a nice breeze and a beautiful view of Showcase Lagoon.

The food was delicious! I love crispy fish with malt vinegar and happily ate it all up. I saved the cookie for later, but it was yummy when I did eat it. AND SWEET TEA! Love this place!

Unfortunately, Sawyer didn't have much time for eating. He had more important things to do. There were birds and ducks in the area, so he spent most of lunch chasing them around with an iPad and trying to get them to smile for the camera.

In the middle of our lunch, a CM came over and said there would be a bad storm moving into the area, so they had to close our umbrella. Maybe because the sky was black in the distance, the sun seemed extra bright here. We believed him though. It looked nasty and was getting windy.
We finished lunch, Sawyer said goodbye to his feathered friends, and I pulled out the rain cover for his stroller. Dani went back to her event, and Matt and I chatted and meandered slowly around Epcot doing absolutely nothing. We'll call it an Atmosphere Adventure! We were relishing being in Epcot, and that was enough.

When you have no plans at Epcot, obviously the best plan is to SHOP! MouseGear!

I have a hard time buying things for myself, but having someone pester you really helps that. Sawyer claimed two board books from "it's a small world" immediately, so he was happily reading while Matt and I walked every inch of the store. I saw one t-shirt, a turquoise one exactly like the pink Walt Disney World one with Mickey on it that I have, and wanted to get it (turquoise is my favorite color and always has been), but I decided against it and still kick myself to this day! I did break down and buy one shirt, though.

It's one of my favorite quotes of all time, and you may recognize it from the previous year's Disney video.

I think Matt grabbed a shirt, too, and I'm pretty sure I was lured into buying the small things near the check-out (darn you, Disney!). We headed out into the ominous outdoors and eventually met back up with Brandon, Julia, and Brynn. So what were they doing on their tour? I'll tell you all about that with lots of pictures...soon. ;)

If I promise not to be gone long, will you let me stop here for today? I won't fall of the face of the earth this time. I've missed you guys!

Yeah, a TR update!

I wish I could have strawberry shortcake for breakfast everyday - but it only works at Disney since food there is made of wishes and pixie dust.

So jealous of the gang going on the Behind the Seeds your - top 6 best surprises ever at least! We love Living with the Land so think we may do that when the kids get just a bit older.

Can't wait for more!
Yay!!!! For an updated I've literally checked everyday it's how I get my Disney fix since I've already planned, replanned, and tweeked our December trip a million times now just (im)patiently waiting on the 180 day mark. Thanks for update can't wait for more. :)
Before I even read, I just have to say...
Best...Day...EVER! You and Shannon both have updates on your TR's, the Olympics are on, and I am a happy girl! Ok, now off to read :cool1::cool1:
Hey Jenn! I was so excited to see an update on your TR, whoohoo!!! Oh my goodness you poor dear with your family's strep, flu, and ear problems! I know how that goes girl believe me. Our DD was confirmed with the flu one day after we got home from our early Dec trip this year (talk about timing) and just this last week my DS, DH, and I all got to experience the strep/flu combo. That was fun! It can be time consuming trying to keep up with a TR with life getting in the way lol! I am currently trying out my first TR and so far only three days into our trip from 2 months ago...good grief.

I wanted to say that I LOVE the photos in your reports. They are so good! And you guys have such an eye for having the camera picking up on the neatest details too! Just sayin. Great update. I liked the flashlight on Soarin idea for you DD. This was our first trip that our DD did not have a flashlight type deal for dark rides. She too gets very uneasy in certain situations and usually likes to have it to make her feel safe. That is so cool that you surprised your DH and daughters with a behind the seeds tour! I bet they had a blast. Can't wait to hear more! :)
Yay for updates!!

We totally had our laid back days on the same day!! Haha, although we were over at AK and watching my beloved FOLK for what I thought would be the last time…. :lmao:

I agree with Sawyer in hands being the best way to eat the shortcake, and yay for free bananas & ice water! Second breakfast, best way to go!!

Okay, so, the fact of how close your family is with Dani & Matt is just so absolutely amazing and adorable. All the moments in their trip video with the kids are just priceless and you can see how much you guys like each other lol, and the fact that Matt kept Brynn calm with stories of small world is just perfect. *sigh* lol. Adorable.

I'm excited to read more about the tour & such, it sounds like it'll be an interesting one!!

Glad you came back to the dis, and glad that everything seems to be looking up. I have no idea on the snow situation down there, as I'm either in Canada (snow all the time) or Florida (hello plus 30 Celsius) so I hope that it is all gone and weather is back to normal by now!! I also have to ask…is there another disney trip in the works? :rolleyes1
YOU POSTED!!!! :cheer2:

Yeah, sometimes real life gets in the way of DIS fantasy life unfortunately.

You know, you don't even really have to say anymore. "This day wasn't about hustling and bustling" and "we enjoyed this day and lived it fully" automatically gets you a ::yes::

OK cool, now the gaps of yours and Matt's adventures that Dani had to leave out while she was Vinylmationing. I'm pretty sure that's a word.

Strawberry Shortcake is nature's perfect food. Period.

I read it, I melted... I'm human. Matt sure is a swell guy. :goodvibes

Hmmm, somehow I knew you'd be eating at the Fish Shop. I must have ESP. :rolleyes1

Yes, you can stop there for now, but no more 2 month breaks. :)


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