What Disney Movie That You Love Do You Think Is The Most Underated?

I'd agree with Treasure Planet. It was a rather good twist on the classic tale.

My number one would be The Rescuers. I don't know why this isn't a classic. Wonderful characters, story, a great villain, villain's side kick, and all around fun. It is one of the few Disney movies to get a quality theatrical release sequel, too. My family loves both.

And hot off the presses given some reviews, I think I'll be the first to add Maleficent to this list. It was awesome with a great story, very well done, I absolutely love it, but some apparently think it was putrid.:confused3
Pocahontas for sure.
The Rescuers Movies.

And although I may not love it now as much as I did when I was younger, still a very good movie, Bedknobs & Broomsticks.
Lone Ranger! Absolutely loved it, but it didnt do so hot it the Box Office and it recieved bpvery low reviews. But I thought it was beautifully done and had alot of underly messages and themes. But maybe Im just a sucker for the combo of Verbinski/Depp & Depp/Bonham-Carter
Since we're going to Disney in August we have been having disney movie marathons of all Disney movies and I have often forgot how good this movie is! Definitely favorite this over Cinderella, Frozen, Little Mermaid, Lion King, etc.
The Aristocats has always been my favorite Disney movie.

Although of more recent vintage, Wreck-it-Ralph was my absolute favorite. I wish that one got a little more love.
I think Meet the Robinsons is one of the most underrated Disney movies. It has such a good message to it, which is to keep moving forward no matter what or who tries to stop you. And the fact that they used an actual quote from Walt Disney as a theme for the movie always makes my day.
Another really underrated but more recent of the Disney movies I think is Saving Mr. Banks. I never hear people talking about it when it's actually one of my favorite Disney movies. It sheds some light on the process it took for Disney to get the rights to PL Travers book, Mary Poppins. Tom Hanks portrayed a wonderful Walt, practically perfect if you ask me. I loved seeing the process of them creating some of the Mary Poppins scenes as that, too, is one of my favorites. It may have been sad, but that doesn't mean it should be overlooked.
- Saving Mr. Banks
- Mary Poppins
- I feel like prior to this anniversary people largely forget the lion king
- The many adventures of Winnie the pooh. Everyone knows pooh, so many people never watch the adorable movie!
I think Song of the South is an underrated Disney Film from a Technical standpoint. It's controversial from a societal standpoint and may never get released again because of it. It was a masterful marriage of Live Action and Animation that was used nearly 20 years later in the more remembered Mary Poppins.

Also, The Lion king. It is the greatest American animated film I've ever seen. The first four minutes may be among the greatest animation I've seen from the traditional ear. It's amazing why the closest thing to a good Lion king attraction is Festival of the lion king. Why no theme park has a Lion King Dark Ride in it is besides me?
According to me, the 1987 Disney movie - The Brave Little Toaster - seems to be the most underrated of all animated movies. Based on the novel by Thomas Disch by the same name, the movie is an adventurous tale based on the lives of five appliances - a toaster, a blanket, a desk lamp, a vacuum cleaner and a tube radio - who go on a quest to find their owner who hasn't come back to get them.
According to me, the 1987 Disney movie - The Brave Little Toaster - seems to be the most underrated of all animated movies. Based on the novel by Thomas Disch by the same name, the movie is an adventurous tale based on the lives of five appliances - a toaster, a blanket, a desk lamp, a vacuum cleaner and a tube radio - who go on a quest to find their owner who hasn't come back to get them.

LOVE the Brave Little Toaster! You're right-totally underrated.
I feel like Aladdin is a little underrated. Emperor's New Groove was amazing, as was Chicken Little and Pinocchio. No love shown.
Definitely agree with Hercules (also it's a bit historically inaccurate, but it has a GREAT soundtrack :thumbsup2), and Emperor's New Groove. Not really sure whether or not this is under-rated, but the Incredibles is such a good movie. Deserves tons of praise.
Have to agree with Brave Little Toaster! When Toy Story came out I felt they had copied some of the ideas from this one!

If not this, then Legend of Sleepy Hollow! I guess that is more of a mini-movie. That, or Sword in the Stone. I loved Merlin!!
1. Emperor's New Groove-- this movie is downright hilarious, clever, and just generally amazing, and it has a great message too. Also, extremely quotable, and hilarious villain.
2. Wreck-It Ralph-- No one ever talks about Wreck-it Ralph it seems, and it's just overall a fantastic movie. Very creatively done, I love the whole world they made, the characters are vivid, developed, and believable and the villain is amazing, so evil and perfect. I just love how the develop the relationships between different characters (Ralph and Vanellope, and even Ralph and Felix), it's just incredibly well done, and good storytelling all that.
3. Meet the Robinsons for reasons mentioned above. Love that movie.
I think the Aristocrats are among the underrated category. I loved watching it as a child, I loved the scene where the barn animals beat up the butler :lmao:
Pete's Dragon
Babes in Toyland (used to watch this ALL the time on the Disney channel as a kid)
Lion King
Fox and the Hound
Bug's Life
3 Caballeros
Robin Hood


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