"ENCHANTED TALES with ROB" - A Birthday/Christmas DISer Celebration! **NEW TR LINK**

First, I have to confess...I've never been to Starring Rolls! I guess that needs to be remedied soon!!

And, thanks for sharing your TR with us! Yours are the best!! It was a fabulous trip, and it was fun to hear about all of your adventures, and new friendships formed! :goodvibes:goodvibes:goodvibes
I have really enjoyed your trip report. You had some of the most awesome dis meets ever. It seemed like the whole trip was sprinkled with pixie dust. You were really lucky to end up on an Illuminations cruise, for one thing. And that was just one of the good stories out of your trip. :goodvibes

I hope our paths cross on our upcoming trip in just a few shorts days. It would be nice to meet you. :)
**Tears!** :sad: You write very Heart Felt trip reports, Rob, and this is why - it's not just about what ride you are on or what you ate but how you felt well you are in the moment! I have enjoyed reading this report and I can't wait to read about your next trip. Especially because I may have the chance to meet you since we are going to the MNSSHP on the same night. If I see you, I will stop you and say HI. :wave2:
What an amazing final post Rob! You've captured the essence of why I go to disney and what keeps me coming back. I've loved every instalment of your report. Will there be another in the future with this upcoming trip? Only aomth to go for me!
I love that you decided to go to MGM on the last day. That was a great get on the fastpass+. I love the Tower of Terror. The look on the girl's face next to Cruella DeVille was great!

Thanks for all of the hard work you put into this TR. I think I enjoyed the TR almost as much as you enjoyed the trip! So many great memories for you. :goodvibes And, you get to go back real soon as well! :yay: I'm sending hopes and pixiedust: for your next trip as well!
You write the best endings. I remember that your last one had me choked up a little bit and now this one, too.

I'm glad you realized how silly it would be to sit in your room waiting to go to the airport! A red velvet cupcake from Starring Rolls??? Yes, please!!!

Have a great time on your trip!!
Disney CMs are truly unmatched... the ToT one sounded like a blast! That poor girl! haha And I cannot believe how stone-faced she was in the photo! :confused3 That's great that you saw the girls a short time after and exchanged high fives - you're right: only in Disney. I remember many years ago nabbing FPs at the end of the night for Space Mountain and as we flew by tons of people in the standby line there was a huge group of teenagers - they ALL high fived us as we walked passed - its those moments that you really think "only at Disney". :goodvibes

Your wrap-up was fabulous - wow, what a packed trip! It was also a great "tour of Rob t-shirts"! ;)

It's not often that one is presented with the opportunity to quote Kid Rock in association with Disney but like you said - when it fits, it fits! :thumbsup2

You're right: in the end, all that matters is being with people you care about. That really is the whole point, isn't it? :hug: And what better place to do so than at the place we all love the most!

Wow, Rob, cannot believe you've wrapped another TR. As usual, your endings always leave with me tears in my eyes. You really capture the heart of why we all love Disney so much and continue to go back and back and back as much as we're able to. This is why the Dis means so much to me: we all get it. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for taking the time to share this experience with us. I wish you the very best time next week and I am SO looking forward to another Rob TR!!! :goodvibes I only wish I could have swung another September trip - would love to finally meet you! One day... :)
Last day blues. Can't avoid them my friend.

Laze around?! What are you thinking!? Of course you go to a park when your plane doesn't leave until 3:30pm!

Well at least you ended your trip on a high note with a first time visit to Starring Rolls. The red velvet cupcake is everything and more. OMG it's so good. I can't even share it anymore, because I want the whole thing for myself.

ToT is the best when you get a great CM! They make it so much fun. I've been fortunate to have some stellar ones.

You can't pay money for that girl's face! I mean. I can't even. I'm dying right now. :rotfl2:

Hahaha, holiday Yoda! Really?! "Candy cane I have. Have it you may not."

Great wrap up of the trip Rob. It was an amazing trip to read about and I loved every minute of it.
Oh Rob, I have seriously enjoyed following along and reliving some of those great moments with you. It is awesome to have been able to see the genesis of the life long friendships that developed. What a great wrap up! :goodvibes

Walt would be so humbled and proud to see the Disney spirit and dream kept alive with fans like you. You are a reflection of all the wonderful dreams he brought to life all those years ago.

I'm excited to hear about your upcoming adventures! :hug:
Awe Rob, the wrap up had me smiling, laughing, smiling, laughing out loud, crying and running for tissue!

You're a great writer and I wish you continued magic through your upcoming trip to the World and throughout the rest of your days.

Finding this TR and YOU have truly been a gift.


Linda pixiedust:
I think I just got a little misty eyed, but you are so right Rob! It's all about the people and my DIS friends are special to me on so many levels! It's really a special bond and once its made it can't be broken.

Thank you for sharing your wonderful trip, your wonderful commentary, your incredible CM and DIS meets, and your one of a kind T-shirts. I hope your next trip is simply amazing! And I hope that once of these days we have trips that overlap. Hey - it could happen! ::yes::

Aww thanks Mary Ellen. I was kinda going for a little of that in the end. And that is it in a nutshell. It's all about the people. I can't express how much this DIS family means to me.

Thank YOU for being here and for following along so religiously. It's been an honour. I sure would LOVE to have an overlapping trip one day. It absolutely could happen!!!

Thank YOU, Rob, for sharing such an awesome trip with all of us! I've thoroughly enjoyed reading along. :)

Thank you so much Marissa!!! It's so nice to have you back on the boards and I hope to see you at some point over your upcoming trip.

Hi Rob! That picture you got at the front of the Wonderland park is beautiful! And what a great place to get pics of all of you as well. Perfect!

Wonderland Groundhogs!! I have no idea why, but that totally cracks me up! :rotfl2:

What a truly wonderful DIS-ified trip you had. I’m so happy that you all were able to coordinate it - what a great experience! Thanks for sharing it.

Love the DHS pics - wish I was there now.

That dang red velvet cupcake always look so amazing!!!

Oh, yeah, I just LOVE getting a really good ToT CM - Willow does too. :laughing:

Perfect last-picture-of-the-trip picture! ::yes::

You truly had an incredibly special trip, Rob. I really enjoyed reading about it - thank you for sharing. Your next trip will be great - it may be different, but it will be great. Go have some fun and enjoy the Halloween decorations!!!

Hi Roni!!! They did a beautiful job with the entrance at that park so we HAD to get some photos out front.

It kind of did me too!

It truly was one of a kind I think and one I will always cherish. Wonderful meets created friendships that carry on to this day. You can't ask for more than that.

Thanks. I'm looking forward to some Frozen fun.

Oh it is SO GOOD! I now understand the hype.

Haha, it really is the best. She was so good too. You could tell she really enjoys her job.

It's hard to top a picture with Walt.

I really did, so very special. Thank YOU so much for following along. It's been a pleasure. I think I'm starting to prepare for what will be a very different experience this trip, but my mind is fully open for whatever comes. I am looking forward to seeing Halloween again, and will have my very first dress up experience at MNSSHP. That's something to look forward to right there.

Well THAT made me cry! You write the BEST trip reports, Rob, and this is why - it's not just about what ride you are on or what you ate but how you felt (from the hilarious moments to the touching ones)! I have enjoyed every minute of this report (just as I did the last one!) and I can't wait to read about your next trip. I hope you always keep that Disney spirit.


Awww, well I hope it was beautiful tears. Oh Teresa, THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Now you're making ME cry. Disney is feelings, and I think if anyone gets that, it's DISers. Thank you for following along and I promise... I will never lose the Disney spirit.

Making me a little teary- eyed down here in the south!!! I loved this TR and of course, loved the other I read. Thank you for sharing & thanks for the advice/help you've given me! Though we have never met in real life, I feel like you're an old friend. I hope one day our paths cross at the World!! <3 Faith, Trust & Pixie Dust!
Already can't wait until the next one.. :)


Well, you know by now that I do love to bring out the emotion. It is always a pleasure to give my advice. I'm honoured you would even ask. I feel the exact same way Marcie. Sister from another mister, lol. I am so looking forward to finally meeting in person one day. It will happen.

Fabulous trip report-- can't wait to read about your next adventure! PS you have me planning a Niagara Falls trip now!

THANK YOU SO MUCH Donia!!! It's been a pleasure and joy to write and share this story, and I'm so happy you enjoyed it. AND pretty cool to see I can get a job in Niagara Falls tourism if I want it, lol. You'll love it!

This is a very moving moment.

Yeah, I wish they'd move it to Pittsburgh --- er... Canadia?

Rob, I think most of your readers were left in tears with that closing. It has been an amazing rollercoaster ride to read your trip report.

And I think MaxRebo said it well that your awesome experiences last December were unexpected, so who knows what will happen on your next trip? It won't be identical to last year's, but it will be a whole new world! Hopefully to be filled with more new friends! Have a great time, and we're all looking forward to reading about your next adventure!

THANK YOU!! It really is all because of readers like you that keeps me motivated to write these. I thank you so much for that.

OMG I would love that too!!

I'll admit, I got pretty emotional writing it. It really was hard to summarize in one post, but in the end, it was the people and emotion that won the day.

This is very true. There is a lot to look forward to, and my mind is wide open to experience whatever comes. And hopefully that will indeed include new friends.

What a sweet wrap-up!!!

Yup, that's a tear. Definitely a tear. :sad1:

Great report! I loved following along and sharing in your fantastic meets and your enthusiasm for all things Disney! Seeing the pictures of you with all of the CMs made me realize how much you must have made their day when you stopped and made friends.


I don't go to the gift shops much and I didn't know they sold these! So cool! I remember when DISers would clear out the Alien Green paint sample from the Home Depot so they could make a tag with their user name so others of their own kind could spot them. Then HD stopped carrying the color. I have only seen a few of these- now the preferred way of recognizing a fellow DISer it from their face in a trip report.


Nice call visiting MGM on your final day. Those two girls sound like a riot and once again, what a hilarious ride photo!

Thanks again for the ride, definitely an E-ticket, and I have a FP+ for the next report.



Thank you Dee.

Haha, aww that's sweet. I may have one as well.

Thank you ever so much Dee for being such a loyal reader and follower and friend. I'll be honest. When I was putting together the wrap up, even I was surprised I had stopped and met so many CM's. They really are the difference maker, and if my stopping in any way makes their day better, it was the least I could do. They certainly make mine better.

From what I've heard, Everything POP is the only place to get these. I could be wrong, but it's what I've heard. The lime green Mickey head phenomena seemed to have faded a bit by the time I joined the boards, but I do love the idea of it.

It is super cool!

I don't know why I was even thinking not to. I have an AP for goodness sake. They were comical and very sweet, and helped create a fantastic final Tower.

Awww, THANK YOU DEE!!! I promise, the scanner will absolutely turn green.

First, I have to confess...I've never been to Starring Rolls! I guess that needs to be remedied soon!!

And, thanks for sharing your TR with us! Yours are the best!! It was a fabulous trip, and it was fun to hear about all of your adventures, and new friendships formed! :goodvibes:goodvibes:goodvibes

There's no shame in that Julie. It took me that long to get there myself. But it is so worth a stop.

Aww thank YOU Julie!! I appreciate that SO MUCH, you will never know.
I have really enjoyed your trip report. You had some of the most awesome dis meets ever. It seemed like the whole trip was sprinkled with pixie dust. You were really lucky to end up on an Illuminations cruise, for one thing. And that was just one of the good stories out of your trip. :goodvibes

I hope our paths cross on our upcoming trip in just a few shorts days. It would be nice to meet you. :)

Thank you SO MUCH Sue. This really was the DISmeet trip and just full of pixie dust. Oh my goodness, the Illuminations Cruise. That by itself was wonderful, but the circumstances surrounding it made it so much greater.

Oh I hope so too!!!!! Please please please, if you do see me, do not hesitate. I would love to meet you.

**Tears!** :sad: You write very Heart Felt trip reports, Rob, and this is why - it's not just about what ride you are on or what you ate but how you felt well you are in the moment! I have enjoyed reading this report and I can't wait to read about your next trip. Especially because I may have the chance to meet you since we are going to the MNSSHP on the same night. If I see you, I will stop you and say HI. :wave2:

Aww, gee. Honestly, it's the only way I know how. Disney IS emotion, and the moments happen when we least expect them. That is what I love the most. YES YES YES, if you see me, you better say hi!!! I will be at MK most of the day as well (I snagged another Mine Train FP... woot). Just be on the lookout for someone dressed as a Move It Shake It dancer... who may or may not be dancing.

What an amazing final post Rob! You've captured the essence of why I go to Disney and what keeps me coming back. I've loved every instalment of your report. Will there be another in the future with this upcoming trip? Only aomth to go for me!

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! I wasn't sure how to recap this trip as it was so unlike any other. But in the end it seemed obvious. Thank you for reading. I'm so blessed to have you all here, and you will never know the joy it brings me on a daily basis. As for a new TR, as long as I feel I can do a job worth reading, then there absolutely will be. In the meantime, have yourself a FABULOUS trip.

I love that you decided to go to MGM on the last day. That was a great get on the fastpass+. I love the Tower of Terror. The look on the girl's face next to Cruella DeVille was great!

Thanks for all of the hard work you put into this TR. I think I enjoyed the TR almost as much as you enjoyed the trip! So many great memories for you. :goodvibes And, you get to go back real soon as well! :yay: I'm sending hopes and pixiedust: for your next trip as well!

It became a no brainer when I actually, you know, stopped being stupid. Being able to get a FP that day for only 20 minutes later was great. And green Mickey even better. Cruella DeVille.... nice!

Aww THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! It is a lot of work, but writing about this trip was surprisingly easy given it was so wonderful. Yes, just a few days, and hopefully another memorable experience. Thank you very much for the pixie dust AND for following along so faithfully.
The ToT story is too great. And then combined with the ride picture brings it to an A+

Jealous of your late flights too.

But overall a great TR and I'm very glad to have followed along :) May your next trip be amazing as well.
You write the best endings. I remember that your last one had me choked up a little bit and now this one, too.

I'm glad you realized how silly it would be to sit in your room waiting to go to the airport! A red velvet cupcake from Starring Rolls??? Yes, please!!!

Have a great time on your trip!!

Aww thanks Sue. I actually thought long and hard about what to write. I really liked the last TR end, so I felt compelled to hopefully equal that, because this trip deserved it.

OMG so stupid. Thankfully the stupidity didn't last long.

Thank you SO VERY MUCH!!

Disney CMs are truly unmatched... the ToT one sounded like a blast! That poor girl! haha And I cannot believe how stone-faced she was in the photo! :confused3 That's great that you saw the girls a short time after and exchanged high fives - you're right: only in Disney. I remember many years ago nabbing FPs at the end of the night for Space Mountain and as we flew by tons of people in the standby line there was a huge group of teenagers - they ALL high fived us as we walked passed - its those moments that you really think "only at Disney". :goodvibes

Your wrap-up was fabulous - wow, what a packed trip! It was also a great "tour of Rob t-shirts"! ;)

It's not often that one is presented with the opportunity to quote Kid Rock in association with Disney but like you said - when it fits, it fits! :thumbsup2

You're right: in the end, all that matters is being with people you care about. That really is the whole point, isn't it? :hug: And what better place to do so than at the place we all love the most!

Wow, Rob, cannot believe you've wrapped another TR. As usual, your endings always leave with me tears in my eyes. You really capture the heart of why we all love Disney so much and continue to go back and back and back as much as we're able to. This is why the Dis means so much to me: we all get it. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for taking the time to share this experience with us. I wish you the very best time next week and I am SO looking forward to another Rob TR!!! :goodvibes I only wish I could have swung another September trip - would love to finally meet you! One day... :)

Tracy, it was so much fun to watch. My only guess is maybe she was just spent by that point. Aw yeah, I just love that camaraderie that happens between people when in Disney. It's too bad it doesn't carry over to the real world, honestly.

Thank you Tracy, it really was packed. OMG I never even thought about the parade 'o shirts. I do have one new one for the upcoming trip.

And boy does it fit. Pretty deep guy that Kid Rock.

Exactly. I felt so blessed to share so much with people this trip. It's kind of what Walt was hoping for I think.

I know. It's hard to believe I've done 3 now. THANK YOU SO MUCH for ALL your kind words here and throughout. I truly appreciate it. It's funny that "getting" Disney really isn't that hard at all. All you have to do is open your mind and open your heart and really feel what's happening. It's so fabulous to be around people who understand that. Thank you again, and I would genuinely love to meet you some day too.

Last day blues. Can't avoid them my friend.

Laze around?! What are you thinking!? Of course you go to a park when your plane doesn't leave until 3:30pm!

Well at least you ended your trip on a high note with a first time visit to Starring Rolls. The red velvet cupcake is everything and more. OMG it's so good. I can't even share it anymore, because I want the whole thing for myself.

ToT is the best when you get a great CM! They make it so much fun. I've been fortunate to have some stellar ones.

You can't pay money for that girl's face! I mean. I can't even. I'm dying right now. :rotfl2:

Hahaha, holiday Yoda! Really?! "Candy cane I have. Have it you may not."

Great wrap up of the trip Rob. It was an amazing trip to read about and I loved every minute of it.

True that.

But yup, no time for that foolishness... to a park post haste!!!

OMG it was soooooo goooooooood. Now I'm looking forward to it AND those MK cupcakes you talked about. I think I may need a wheelchair.

She was so fabulous too. Just really loved her job, and so good at it too. I hope to bring some thank you cards this coming trip. People like that deserve it.

Bahahaha, I KNOW!!!!! Spot on. They were sweet girls.

THANK YOU SO MUCH Danielle!!!! I feel genuinely honoured to have you follow along, you little celebrity you, and I am looking forward to the day when our Disney paths cross.

Oh Rob, I have seriously enjoyed following along and reliving some of those great moments with you. It is awesome to have been able to see the genesis of the life long friendships that developed. What a great wrap up! :goodvibes

Walt would be so humbled and proud to see the Disney spirit and dream kept alive with fans like you. You are a reflection of all the wonderful dreams he brought to life all those years ago.

I'm excited to hear about your upcoming adventures! :hug:

Oh Brenda, I have seriously enjoyed having you follow along and relive all those great moments. I am so very grateful for everything and I still don't have the words to thank you. But THANK YOU!!! I feel so honoured to know you.

Oh my, I really do hope so. Walt is at the top of the list of famous people living or dead that I would want to have dinner with. To have you say that means so very much to me.

I hope the upcoming trip just has even a fraction of the memories of this one. That alone will make it a success. AND I am certainly looking forward to your take on everything.

Awe Rob, the wrap up had me smiling, laughing, smiling, laughing out loud, crying and running for tissue!

You're a great writer and I wish you continued magic through your upcoming trip to the World and throughout the rest of your days.

Finding this TR and YOU have truly been a gift.


Linda pixiedust:

Perfect!!! Then my goal was fully realized Linda!!! :)

Thank you SO VERY MUCH. I appreciate that SO MUCH!!!

Awww gee... I'm genuinely touched. Thank you.

And THANK YOU for being such a faithful follower and for ALL your lovely comments.
The ToT story is too great. And then combined with the ride picture brings it to an A+

Jealous of your late flights too.

But overall a great TR and I'm very glad to have followed along :) May your next trip be amazing as well.

Look at you sneaking in there, lol.

Aww thanks. It was a perfect last ToT experience.

Hehe, thank you. If they exist, I will gladly accept.

I'm very glad you followed along too Amber. And I'm REALLY looking forward to meeting you and Marie hopefully as well!!!! That should help make the trip amazing.
What a great trip! I always feel blessed every time I leave Disney.

So glad you made life long friends. It is definitely a wonderful thing.
Thank you Rob for bringing us along for the ride! I can see, hear and feel the Disney magic in your TRs and I look forward to hearing more soon!!! Safe travels and take care!!!
Hey Rob!

This TR absolutely deserves my very first post on this board, since I'm reading here for months now.

Reading it I felt about every emotion possible, it is written in such an emotional and lovely way, I often had tears in my eyes.

I hope to experience such magical moments in WDW, too, as I'm planning a trip for autumn 2015.

Looking forward to reading more of you!

Greetings from Germany to Canadia ^^

Thank you so much for the wonderful trip report Rob! I am so sad that its over! Thank goodness you have another trip soon :) I cant wait to read all about it. I feel that we have such similar "Disney" personalities.. I get so emotional over everthing while I am there too. Its such a special place. Want to hear something pretty neat? Even though I live down here in FL, all of our family on my mothers side lives in Nova Scotia! Some in Halifax and some in MIddleton. Small world huh?!


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