Sun, Shopping, Sand, Surf, Sweat & Shamu: A Splashin Summertime Sabbatical at SVR!

Our SeaWorld day, continued!

Following our dolphin feeding excitement, our group was escorted to the sting ray exhibit. Kelly provided an assortment of interesting facts about these unique creatures, then gave us some instructions on how to properly feed them. With their mouths located on the underside of their bodies, the little fish should be held in a vertical position between your pointer and middle fingers, so that the rays can swim over top of your hand and suck the fish from your grasp.

We all stepped up to the ray pool and were given our little trays of fish.

Now, let me say that feeding these strange swimmers was quite something! Not only is it a truly odd sensation to have them suck those fish from your hands, but they are splashy fellows…..almost like they were taking great pleasure in getting us wet :rolleyes2.

Definitely totally a different feel from feeding the dolphins, and we learned a lot about sting rays in general. Steve and Jake, in particular, really enjoyed feeding these guys… was something new and different and totally fun! :thumbsup2

Finishing up at the sting rays, we stopped briefly at the pelican enclosure, but the birds were at rest in the shade. Smart birds!!! :) (hokey smokes, it was getting HOT! :faint: )

Next, Kelly took us to the Manta aquarium …. one of my personal favourite places to pause and enjoy the spectacular displays of tropical fish and rays. I always spend time in here on each visit, usually when the boys are busy riding the coaster.

This is one of those tucked-away-but-worth-seeking-out spots of the park that you might otherwise miss. I love the sting ray pool where you can watch them swim through the glass ceiling. Some of the wee babies in there are absolutely darling!!! :lovestruc

Some of the aquariums featured an assortment of sea life that masqueraded as ocean plants. Best built-in camoflage ever :thumbsup2 . I find the intricate ecosystem that exists so far under the sea to be nothing short of incredible. Where else can you get to see this kind of thing other than places like SeaWorld?

Following our tour stop in Manta, Kelly informed us that our next tour stop would be the Pets Ahoy show at Seaport Theater. Jake and Sweetie had mentioned that they were starting to grow peckish, so I asked if it was possible to stop somewhere and grab a snack with our all-day dining passes. Kelly assured me that was absolutely no problem at all….and the other family in our group was also so happy that I had asked, as their girls were also growing weary and needed some sustenance. Since we were so close to Seaport Pizza, we took a brief break there to grab pizza, sweet treats and water bottles, and also allowed everyone that needed it to take a pre-show washroom break. With everyone’s moods and energy fitfully restored, we moved on to the Seaport Theater to take our seats in preparation for the next show.

Next up: a group of freakishly talented dogs, cats, birds, and more keep our rapt attention in one of the cutest producrtions you have ever seen! ::yes::
Ushered into the Seaport Theater, we were given the best seats in the house. Let’s just say that the reserved seating is superb…..I would pay for that on future trips without hesitation. Dead center and close to the stage (and not having to arrive 30 minutes or more before the scheduled show time), we couldn’t have asked for better! :woohoo:

Kelly disappeared shortly after getting us all seated and comfortable, then returned a few moments later with another round of cold water for her troops. This is the kind of service that I could very much get used to!! ::yes::

Within a few moments, the show got underway. For those who have never seen Pets Ahoy before, it’s worth mentioning that all the animal “actors” featured in the show were obtained from humane societies and rescue organizations located in central Florida…..a truly awesome endeavor on SeaWorld’s part. And you know, from someone who can’t even get this girl to move over and share the bed with her momma :rolleyes1:

….the things they are able to get these animals to do is nothing short of amazing :worship: .

The show even included some non-traditional pets, such as a skunk and ducks and a rather well-fed pig, among others. The human performers were absolutely delightful, and their love for the animals in the show was evident. There was so much positive praise and so many hugs, it was heartwarming.

While have seen this show on previous trips, it is absolutely worth seeing again. Loved it. Right to the end. :goodvibes

Afterward, the staff brought an assortment of the stars of the show to the front of the stage for a personal meet and greet. Kelly gave us the opportunity to take part and meet some of the dogs who just finished wowing the crowd. Then it was off to our final tour stop before we broke for lunch and a rest break…..we had a date with some sea lions! :cheer2:
Loving the trip report and still reading along Gina!! I got really sick this week (pretty sure I have the plague) so I am not posting much, but I am enjoying reading along from my sick bed.:)
Sounds like it was a great day.

My DD really liked feeding the sea lions. They came up really close to her and would bark for more.

Some day we may be back. Kids want to swim in the ocean next year. I will have to see.

Yep, DD will have to do 4 years and get a BS or BA. Then, she can go for masters, 2 more years, or doctorate 3 or so more years. A lot of school. Though where she sees herself in the marine world I don't know yet. We have to finish high school first, and first finish the last year of middle school.

Ahh, to have 2 teens now.
Loving the trip report and still reading along Gina!! I got really sick this week (pretty sure I have the plague) so I am not posting much, but I am enjoying reading along from my sick bed.:)

So sorry to hear, my friend. Sending you a big hug :hug: and some positive vibes to be feeling better soon. Is it a cold/flu kind of thing? My mom, Steve and Jake have all had it within the last two weeks (Steve is finally on the mend today after an absolutely miserable week :sick: ). I fear I might be next :sad2: . Doing lots of hand washing and trying to keep the germs at bay, but its so hard when everyone is living (and breathing and sneezing) in the same house.

I had noticed your absence and hoped I didn't bore you to death somewhere along the way. Its been a bit quieter in my report this week in general....I also couldn't help but wonder (with the whole Blackfish thing) if the SeaWorld portion was offensive to some :scratchin . And now that I've opened that door :scared:, I am firmly shutting it again.

Sounds like it was a great day.

My DD really liked feeding the sea lions. They came up really close to her and would bark for more.

Some day we may be back. Kids want to swim in the ocean next year. I will have to see.

Yep, DD will have to do 4 years and get a BS or BA. Then, she can go for masters, 2 more years, or doctorate 3 or so more years. A lot of school. Though where she sees herself in the marine world I don't know yet. We have to finish high school first, and first finish the last year of middle school.

Ahh, to have 2 teens now.

Holy moly, that's a lot of education to come. She's a motivated young lady :thumbsup2 . Sounds like Momma is doing a fine job raising those two :) .

Lots more to come on our SW day. We're only about half way through. Stay tuned! :coffee:
I love the idea of giving homeless animals a home! Fun fact; the animals in Pets Ahoy aren't actually SeaWorld's. Its run and operated by an outside company called Joel Slaven's Professional Animals. They are involved in a whole slew of things, I think he's even had "animal actors" on broadway!
I love the idea of giving homeless animals a home! Fun fact; the animals in Pets Ahoy aren't actually SeaWorld's. Its run and operated by an outside company called Joel Slaven's Professional Animals. They are involved in a whole slew of things, I think he's even had "animal actors" on broadway!

That is so interesting!! I will have to check out his site....I am interested to know where the animals go when they are too old (or uninterested) to perform any longer.

I hope someone adopts them and loves them to pieces :goodvibes .
Pacific Point Preserve was the next feature on the tour. This was home to a multitude of sea lions, big and small.

This was another area of the park we had never taken much notice of on previous visits, despite being huge Clyde and Seamore fans (their show was a must-do for us on every trip). With our trip dates already set, we were saddened when they announced the closure of Clyde & Seamore Take Pirate Island from mid-August until the new show debuts in 2015. Since we couldn’t see those silly stars on stage today, this was awesome way to get a little sea lion lovin’ in nonetheless…..not the same, of course, but still a darn good replacement!! ::yes::

Pacific Point featured an assortment of seals and sea lions, big and small. From babies nursing from their mommas:

….to the very obvious sibling rivalry (these two HAD to have been brothers!! :rotfl:)……

…they were a rambunctious, entertaining lot. And LOUD. Oh. My. Lord. I cannot believe how vocal they are, and how LOUD they can get. DID I MENTION HOW LOUD THEY ARE?!?!?!? :scared: They definitely got our attention.

I have to say, some of them were downright adorable. Those little faces just capture your heart. :love:

Again, after a short fact-filled intro, Kelly provided us all with food to feed them. These birds:

….who are apparently resident moochers, tried valiantly to snag some of the fish before they made it into the mouths of our barking buddies down below, but thanks to some insider tips on how to evade their naughty beaks, we successfully filled the bellies of the sea lions and not the nuisances.

Finishing up at Pacific Point, we were taken back to the Waterfront and given just over an hour for a lunch break and much-needed sit-down in the air conditioning. Everyone could go in their own direction, utilizing their all-day dining passes at their locations of choice. SeaFire Inn, Spice Mill, Voyageurs and Seaport Pizza were all within the immediate area so we had lots of great choices at hand.

Sweetie and Jake opted to hit SeaFire Inn for fettuccini alfredo (for Jaker) and a burger (for Sweetie). Steve-o and I decided on Voyageurs for some delicious barbecue.

As always, there were SO many good choices, but we settled on the barbecued chicken platter (for moi) and the spare ribs (for my guy). With chocolate cake for dessert, of course.

Everything was absolutely excellent…..the chicken was so tender and flavourful, and Steve enjoyed his ribs equally as much. The kids, who joined us back at Voyageurs once they had finished their meal, were also very pleased with the entrees and desserts they selected . After finishing our fantastically cold and refreshing drinks, we felt 1000 times better by the time we reconnected with Kelly and the remainder of our group.

We may have been on the second half of our tour itinerary, but there was no slowing down yet….not even close. Kelly had us off and running to our next park highlight…..the aquarium at Journey to Atlantis.

Again, I must say I am shocked we had never stopped here before. What was I thinking??? This little gem, tucked away in a quiet corner of the park, offered yet another selection of the most incredible aquariums full of gorgeous sea life:

The eels were kind of creepy, but rather captivating at the same time. I pray that I never come face to face with one of these guys in their natural habitat. They are cool to look at in the tanks but that’s as close as I ever want to get :crazy2:. I will admit it....their blue eyeballs freak me out a little.

Very awesome jellyfish were prominently on display:

Every inch of this area was utilized to feature some of the marvellous fish species within the park. Even the floor:

….and the ceiling:

(those were tiny hammerhead sharks up above, in case you were wondering!)

We didn’t get a chance to ride Journey to Atlantis at this point (and in fact, wouldn’t get the chance today at all) as our group had seats waiting for us at the next showing of Blue Horizons. Without further adieu, we were on our way to Dolphin Theater.
After settling in to our awesome seats at Blue Horizons, I look over and see Steve employing the use of the mister and savouring another opportunity for a cool-down and sit-down on this 95 degree day. With the humidity, it had to have been over 100, just how far over was the question. He’s a big guy, and feels the heat at the best of times, so I knew he must have been wilting with the swift pace of this tour, oppressive heat, and blazing sun.

While Sweetie was initially rather ambivalent about the shows, after seeing just how awesome SeaWorld’s productions are (at Pets Ahoy earlier in the day), she was excited to see more of our beloved dolphins here at Blue Horizons. While we waited, Kelly filled us in on some of the specific requirements which must be met by applicants in order to qualify for a job with the dolphins. Let’s just say that some of the skills (from being able to dive all the way down to the bottom of the pool and touch bottom….something like 40 feet?......and being able to swim underwater from one side of the vast pool to the other without taking a breath) must certainly rule out most of the folks who try to apply. That kind of insider info is so neat and things we wouldn’t otherwise know unless part of a formal tour such as this.

In front of a packed house, the show began with a sparkling array of jumps and splashes!

This show also features a strong acrobatic element, giving a very elegant tone to the entire production:

After the acrobatic segment, the superstars of the show returned for a second spectacular:

Add in some incredible divers, some gorgeous tropical birds, and a flag-waving fanfare ending, the show concluded with a splash and a huge round of applause. Absolutely awesome and perfectly executed from start to finish.

Following the show, the trainers, divers and acrobats all came to the side of the pool for meet and greets (and photos, if desired) with the park guests. We, however, had two more tour stops to squeeze in before the end of the day, and the next one was one of our family favourites.

Not surprisingly, the prospect of a stop at Shark Encounter brought a round of smiles from my crew. Sharks have been admired, feared and studied in our house since Jake was just a little fellow…..we used to buy every book, movie and magazine article on sharks that we could get our hands on. When other kids were bringing home Franklin the Turtle books and the Bernstein Bears while in primary school, Jake was bringing home a book on Great Whites. The boys watch Shark Week together year after year. Their dark allure has long since pulled us in.

This is a must-do exhibit for us, each and every time. :thumbsup2

Entering in to the tunnel with the moving floor, I love that you can just stand and gawk and not have to worry about moving your feet along or tripping over someone else who’s not moving as quickly as you are. It allows a person to put their eyes to the dome and just soak it all in.

Every time we visit here, though, I always think to myself….they need the little exhibit about the strength of the domed ceiling to be put at the BEGINNING of the shark tunnel, not the end. On our first visit in 2012, all I could think of was “what happens if this thing cracks when we’re in here?”. Maybe the “fear” is all part of the appeal of the whole attraction, I dunno. :confused:

Toward the end of Shark Encounter, they have a big blank green screen with a park photographer offering to take magic shots of your family with the sharks. Okay, we’ll bite (hee hee….see that pun there? :rotfl2:) and got these (among others):

Smiley family:

Hey, look up there!

I thought it was a great idea, and a nice newer feature of this attraction :thumbsup2.

Outside Shark Encounter, guests could take advantage of the opportunity to feed these mysterious creatures for a small charge. Sadly, that wasn’t part of our tour, so we bid the sharks goodbye and moved onward.

En route to our next tour highlight, we stopped to admire the art that adorned the area near the Terrace Garden Buffet. One of the large statues was of a beautiful seahorse:

We were amazed to learn that these super detailed creations were all crafted from garbage which washed up on the ocean shore. How is that for some super-dee-duper recycling efforts?

From there we were headed to our final feature of the tour, though not the last attraction of our day (yep, we would squeeze out every last minute of awesomeness before they shooed us out the gates).

As per my thread title, we have already managed to cover the “sun, shopping, sand, surf and sweat” portion of the trip. Now it was time for the final aspect:

SHAMU! :banana:

This called for a group shot, the only one we managed to get of all of us together:

One Ocean is next!:cool1:
So what was the trick to getting the fish past those birds and into the mouths of the sea lions?

Wow, even more dolphins! What great pictures! You really caught them in the act!

HOW could you touch the bottom of a 40 foot deep pool!?

We went to Sea World when I was just a little girl (it's where my terror of clowns was born; had one try to physically take me away from my family at a show), and I REMEMBER THAT SHARK TANK. If it's not the exact same one, then they just built a replica!

Sweetie doesn't look as convinced that she needs to point at the sharks as you three do!
Found your review for Gatorland! It seems like a great place. I think we'll add it to our plans. I'm excited! :)

P.S -- Great day at Seaworld! We love it there!
So sorry to hear, my friend. Sending you a big hug :hug: and some positive vibes to be feeling better soon. Is it a cold/flu kind of thing? My mom, Steve and Jake have all had it within the last two weeks (Steve is finally on the mend today after an absolutely miserable week :sick: ). I fear I might be next :sad2: . Doing lots of hand washing and trying to keep the germs at bay, but its so hard when everyone is living (and breathing and sneezing) in the same house.

I had noticed your absence and hoped I didn't bore you to death somewhere along the way. Its been a bit quieter in my report this week in general....I also couldn't help but wonder (with the whole Blackfish thing) if the SeaWorld portion was offensive to some :scratchin . And now that I've opened that door :scared:, I am firmly shutting it again.

Oh no Gina it's not the content at all! I'm loving reading about SeaWorld. Looks like a beautiful park!
I had a bit of a cold last weekend but was fine, and all of a sudden Tuesday my chest was so congested I could barely breathe. I was at the hospital all morning on Wednesday. It just seemed to come out of nowhere! I don't ever remember being sick like this. I have steroids, inhalers and antibiotics now and I'm on the mend but like Steve.. this was just a miserable week. It almost makes me wonder if it wasn't the virus in the news. The waiting room was full of people in masks. :sad2:
I would love this tour. We love feeding the stingrays and easily spend 45 minutes or more there, it is so much fun.

I find SW very relaxing, and we like to visit 2 or 3 times each time we go if we can. We have been a few times around Christmas and love all the decorations and the red Christmas trees that are in the terrace garden (where the seahorse is).

Although I miss the Clydedales, and DH misses the free Budweiser :goodvibes

Just a thought, did you see the mime artist? Just wondered if he had been deployed elsewhere whilst Clyde and Seamore are out of action. He was so funny :rotfl:
Neither boring nor offensive. Open the door.... Really, anyone that has Blackfish issues is a little whacked. It was created to make money. Just my flames please. Close the door.

I find that every year at this time life gets a little nuts. The new schedules have really started to solidify and reality sets back in. It's a touch difficult to keep up with everything. I think also in part to the fact that it's around this time that I notice it's getting dark earlier.
So what was the trick to getting the fish past those birds and into the mouths of the sea lions?

Wow, even more dolphins! What great pictures! You really caught them in the act!

HOW could you touch the bottom of a 40 foot deep pool!?

We went to Sea World when I was just a little girl (it's where my terror of clowns was born; had one try to physically take me away from my family at a show), and I REMEMBER THAT SHARK TANK. If it's not the exact same one, then they just built a replica!

Sweetie doesn't look as convinced that she needs to point at the sharks as you three do!

The trick was speed.....see your opportunity and fire that fish down to the loud mouth below :lmao: . You hesitate at all and the bird will snatch it up.

I am sure Shark Encounter is probably the same exhibit. I think its one of those tried and true kind of features that was done right in the first place, so its been able to stand the test of time ever since. I sure hope they don't ever decide to replace it. Improve it, sure. But please SeaWorld don't ever take it away!!

lol, Sweetie thought the pictures were corny and she was kind of self-conscious. That said, she was a good sport nonetheless and at least took part in our goofy photos. Jake is used to our silliness but she's still getting broken in :rotfl: .

Found your review for Gatorland! It seems like a great place. I think we'll add it to our plans. I'm excited! :)

P.S -- Great day at Seaworld! We love it there!

:thumbsup2 Glad it was helpful!

Oh no Gina it's not the content at all! I'm loving reading about SeaWorld. Looks like a beautiful park!
I had a bit of a cold last weekend but was fine, and all of a sudden Tuesday my chest was so congested I could barely breathe. I was at the hospital all morning on Wednesday. It just seemed to come out of nowhere! I don't ever remember being sick like this. I have steroids, inhalers and antibiotics now and I'm on the mend but like Steve.. this was just a miserable week. It almost makes me wonder if it wasn't the virus in the news. The waiting room was full of people in masks. :sad2:

I wonder if this wonky weather is to blame. 26 degrees today.....not that I'm complaining, but definitely not what we should be having at the end of September!! (for our American friends, that's 26 Celcius.....about 79 F). A week ago, we were freezin' our buns off and my mom had her furnace on. Its crazy!

I hope you get some much-deserved rest and relaxation this weekend. Between that and the meds, you'll hopefully be well on your way to being back to normal by Monday. Its never fun for anyone when Mom is sick!

Neither boring nor offensive. Open the door.... Really, anyone that has Blackfish issues is a little whacked. It was created to make money. Just my flames please. Close the door.

I find that every year at this time life gets a little nuts. The new schedules have really started to solidify and reality sets back in. It's a touch difficult to keep up with everything. I think also in part to the fact that it's around this time that I notice it's getting dark earlier.

I despise the shorter days......I miss my late evening walks, now that its dark so much sooner. I will admit that I've found my way into my jammies by 8 pm a few nights this week :rolleyes1 .

And you are absolutely correct about the nutty schedules of late September....gosh, I remember those days with fondness ;) . This year, I have the odd sensation of having MORE time on my hands now that Jake is in college and has his own car. I'm not ferrying him to practices morning and evening, I have no volleyball or basketball games to go watch, and half the time he's not even here for me to cook for him.

Thanks for the reassurance on the SeaWorld portion of my report. A little of my paranoia might have been showing there for a moment. I just get so darn tired of people challenging my love of that park :sad2: .... especially when it holds such a special place in my heart.
I would love this tour. We love feeding the stingrays and easily spend 45 minutes or more there, it is so much fun.

I find SW very relaxing, and we like to visit 2 or 3 times each time we go if we can. We have been a few times around Christmas and love all the decorations and the red Christmas trees that are in the terrace garden (where the seahorse is).

Although I miss the Clydedales, and DH misses the free Budweiser :goodvibes

Just a thought, did you see the mime artist? Just wondered if he had been deployed elsewhere whilst Clyde and Seamore are out of action. He was so funny :rotfl:

Sadly, no sign of the mime. We did a second day at SW a few days later, and didn't see him on either visit.

Have we heard conclusively if management will be bringing the mimes back when the new show is introduced? I certainly hope so....they were one of my favourite parts of the Clyde & Seamore show ::yes::.

We loved those holiday trees in the Terrace Garden, too :goodvibes . For the rest of my readers, this is what Mrs Doubtfire and I are closing our eyes and thinking of right now:

That is so interesting!! I will have to check out his site....I am interested to know where the animals go when they are too old (or uninterested) to perform any longer.

I hope someone adopts them and loves them to pieces :goodvibes .

We were one of the last ones to pet the dogs they brought out and the trainer said she takes home a lot of the animals that no longer perform. She mentioned she had 2 or 3 dogs, a goat, and cats. She mentioned she was soon to bring home the one we were petting.
I just caught up. SeaWorld looks fun. I haven't been there since I was about Jakes age. You guys were so lucky. That behind the scenes looks like so much fun. Great Pics!!
We were one of the last ones to pet the dogs they brought out and the trainer said she takes home a lot of the animals that no longer perform. She mentioned she had 2 or 3 dogs, a goat, and cats. She mentioned she was soon to bring home the one we were petting.

Aw, that is so nice to know!! You can tell the trainers absolutely love those animals....just by watching, you can see it. :goodvibes

I just caught up. SeaWorld looks fun. I haven't been there since I was about Jakes age. You guys were so lucky. That behind the scenes looks like so much fun. Great Pics!!

Thanks tristyp! Hey, are you guys in Orlando now? Looks like you might be by your ticker. I know your trip was coming up quite soon (for some reason, I was thinking October), but maybe its snuck up a little more quickly than I thought? :scratchin


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