Somebody's Gonna Pee in a Cup, West Coast - Link to new TR 1/21

I have been seriously neglecting the DIS but I promise I have good reasons. Lol I'm in (and interested in who needed to pee in a cup!!). Thanks for the heads up, I don't want to miss it! And really, I can't believe how big your kids have gotten. OMG.
Thanks for reading and I hope to be somewhat entertaining. If I fail at that, there will at least be “cute little girl with princess” pictures and sarcasm and insults hurled at me by my fellow DisDads. :thumbsup2 :rotfl2:

I'm in. I remember when the cute little princess was a princess in waiting so am looking forward to the pics. You have my promise there will be no insults and/or sarcasm from your fellow DisDads.

Well, maybe one or two.

Who am I kidding, let the barrage begin.
Let the mayhem commence...

Nice title by the way
(that may be the last kind thing I say, but at least I dad say something nice.)
I'm here! Thanks for the heads up.

So, does the title refer to something that happened on the trip, or is that something you expect from your trip report readers? :confused3 ;)

.... you have no idea. When I run out of Disney material to post, I can share some of my outhouse stories with you.
I don't know... I think I kind of hope the Disney and nursing stuff give you plenty to talk about now... :eek:

I have been seriously neglecting the DIS but I promise I have good reasons. Lol I'm in (and interested in who needed to pee in a cup!!). Thanks for the heads up, I don't want to miss it! And really, I can't believe how big your kids have gotten. OMG.
:welcome: I've been way behind around here too, but I'm glad to see you whenever you have a chance to stop by!

They really have grown. I looked at the picture on the begging of my PTR and then this one... wow! What a difference 2 years makes.

I'm in. I remember when the cute little princess was a princess in waiting so am looking forward to the pics. You have my promise there will be no insults and/or sarcasm from your fellow DisDads.

Well, maybe one or two.

Who am I kidding, let the barrage begin.
:welcome: I wouldn't expect anything less, CJ. I'm sure I've got it coming to me.

Let the mayhem commence...

Nice title by the way
(that may be the last kind thing I say, but at least I dad say something nice.)
:welcome: Wow, my nemesis said something nice. How about that?

This can't be good... :scared:

I'm here! Can't wait to see how the title of this report came about...
:welcome: I'm glad you're here. I wanted to come up with something that would, um, spark some interest for the title. This just happened to be the quote that came to mind. :rotfl2:

I'm here! Thanks for the heads up.

So, does the title refer to something that happened on the trip, or is that something you expect from your trip report readers? :confused3 ;)
:welcome: Thanks for stopping by, Glenn. The title paraphrases something that was said one night. There is a backstory to it, so we'll get to it about halfway through the trip. :thumbsup2
Hi. :wave2:
My name is Andy and I’m addicted to Disney.

Hi Andy. Welcome to group therapy.

we ultimately decided we needed to go back one more time to see Disney World in all of it’s Christmas season glory before DS starts school.

It suddenly occurs to me that I've been there during Christmas season (Dec 31 to be exact) but either there were no holiday decorations of note, or I just don't remember any from that far back (1977).

We also invited DW’s parents to go along with us.

Ah yes. Babysitters. Good call.


Nice pic of the family! :thumbsup2

FiL just seemed to be along for the ride.

Isn't that a universal truism of all FiLs?

Those who have followed my PTR know about an upcoming trip I have planned for just after the first of the year to Disneyland. Yes, both coasts, within a month of each other!

I do know... still impressive.

I have a conference that I have to attend for a few days in San Diego. It is only reasonable that we take the kids since most of our travel expenses will be covered and just make a whole week of it.

Been down a very similar path. DW had a conference in Honolulu, so...

Thanks for reading and I hope to be somewhat entertaining. If I fail at that, there will at least be “cute little girl with princess” pictures and sarcasm and insults hurled at me by my fellow DisDads. :thumbsup2 :rotfl2:

Naw. No one would do that. :rolleyes1

Looking forward to reading all about it! :goodvibes
Newbie joining in. The title lured me in. I hope nobody had to drink out of that cup. ;)
Thanks for the heads up! So happy to see you have a new TR going!

I can't get over how big your kids are getting! And they're just as cute as ever!!

Excited to read all about the trip. :surfweb:
Thanks for the heads up! And what a title. I can't wait to see how you came up with this one! :rotfl2:

Back to read!
Thanks for the heads up. I can't wait to read your TR. I do need to catch up on other reports, then I have one more to start before yours. Hopefully this week. Now that the holidays are over and its cold outside I should fine more dis time. You do have cute kids.

Hi. :wave2:

My name is Andy and I’m addicted to Disney.​

Join the club!

Some of you may know me from around the boards and past TR's, others may be new. To all who take the time to read about our adventures, I thank you and I look forward to getting to know you and interact with each you.

Our adventure started about 2 years ago. We had just returned from an epic trip to Disney World for my parents’ anniversary the first week of December. DW’s sister and her family were going to be going the next June. The idea was kicked around of joining them, but we ultimately decided against it for a few reasons. But we knew we’d have to get back to the World sooner rather than later!

Some other trip ideas were tossed around, and we ultimately decided we needed to go back one more time to see Disney World in all of it’s Christmas season glory before DS starts school. We also invited DW’s parents to go along with us. Neither one had ever been to Florida or Disney World before, so it was an all new experience for them. MiL was excited about it all, FiL a little less excited. But I guess I’m doing things out of order, so let me get to some quick introductions.


What a great family picture. I can't believe how big the kids have gotten. :faint:

Me - As I said, my name is Andy. I’m 33 and I’m the one who is always looking for an excuse to work a little bit of Disney into our future plans. My first trip was in 1985 when I was 3 years old. I grew up going with my parents and sisters every 3 - 4 years, but had a 10 year break between 1998 and 2008. Since our 2008 trip, we’ve been 3 more times and that isn’t nearly enough!
  • Favorite Character: Goofy
  • Favorite Park: MK
  • Favorite Ride: Rock ‘n Rollercoaster
  • Favorite Disney Movie: Currently Peter Pan. I hope it will soon be the new Star Wars movie.

DW - She is a Disney fan, but not quite as much as I am. She has been 5 times, 4 of them have been with me starting in 2008 and the 3 trips since. The addiction is growing on her, and she is getting to the point where she almost tries as hard as I do to find a reason to go back.
  • Favorite Character: Piglet
  • Favorite Park: MK
  • Favorite Ride: Toy Story Midway Mania
  • Favorite Disney Movie: Frozen

DS - He’s 4 years old and is becoming a huge fan of the Disney parks. He loves roller coasters and wild rides. With one caveat. The kid hates the dark. He loves Big Thunder Mountain, but hates Pirates of the Caribbean, just to give you an idea of how difficult it is to appease him.
  • Favorite Character: Lightning McQueen
  • Favorite Park: MK
  • Favorite Ride: Big Thunder Mountain Railroad
  • Favorite Disney Movie: It can vary from time to time, but right now it is Planes Fire and Rescue

DD - She’s 2 years old, soon to be 3 (yet another reason for the timing of this trip) and she is our little princess. She loved riding the rides, wasn’t scared in any of them, and wasn’t very happy when she wasn’t tall enough to ride the rollercoasters. And as we discovered this trip. She. Loves. Princesses.
  • Favorite Character: Awful - or for those of you who don’t speak 2 year old… Olaf
  • Favorite Park: We’ll stick with the family consensus and say MK
  • Favorite Ride: Tea Cups
  • Favorite Disney Movie: Frozen, Frozen and more Frozen.

And more Frozen?

Thanks for reading and I hope to be somewhat entertaining. If I fail at that, there will at least be “cute little girl with princess” pictures and sarcasm and insults hurled at me by my fellow DisDads. :thumbsup2 :rotfl2:

Hey hey hey. What about me? Don't I get to insult you (especially your restaurant choices?)? :lmao::lmao::lmao:

:welcome: and Happy Birthday Kathy!!!

Thanks, Andy. :)

You must not have seen my PTR update. I didn't have time to send out PMs when I started this. My plan is to try to get to that today, but the more of you who find it on your own, the less PM's I have to send. :thumbsup2 :rotfl2:

I am behind again so I must have missed it. I'm glad I saved you some trouble though.
Great start Andy! Could use some more bacon though...

Barring that, a few pictures of Admiral Ackbar would do.

Looking forward to the TR. I love that there are other dads on here that enjoy Disney. My DW likes it, but not nearly as much as I do. My two sons could care less. They are 5 and 7 and aren't really fans. It's a rough household to live in!
Subscribing! From what I have read of your trip reports in the past, I enjoy your narrative style and the sarcastic give-and-take that goes back between the commenters. :thumbsup2

I was just at Walt Disney World in December, as well, but I went alone, so I like to see alternative ways of touring the parks.
Hi Andy. Welcome to group therapy.
Thank you.

It suddenly occurs to me that I've been there during Christmas season (Dec 31 to be exact) but either there were no holiday decorations of note, or I just don't remember any from that far back (1977).
In the parks on Dec 31??? Probably couldn't see any decorations through all the crowds. :scared:

Ah yes. Babysitters. Good call.
Makes life so much easier.


Nice pic of the family! :thumbsup2
Thank you!

Isn't that a universal truism of all FiLs?
Well, this is the only one I've ever had. So maybe? :confused3:lmao:

I do know... still impressive.
::yes:: We've been doing some last minute planning the past few days. Getting excited for it.

Been down a very similar path. DW had a conference in Honolulu, so...
:thumbsup2 You win.

Naw. No one would do that. :rolleyes1
Of course not...

Looking forward to reading all about it! :goodvibes
Thanks. I hope I don't let everyone down. :scared:

Newbie joining in. The title lured me in. I hope nobody had to drink out of that cup. ;)
:welcome: Well, there was some Beverly drinking on this trip. I'm not sure if that would be better or worse... :crazy2:

Party (non) Pooper. :lmao:
:thumbsup2 :rotfl2:

Thanks for the heads up! So happy to see you have a new TR going!

I can't get over how big your kids are getting! And they're just as cute as ever!!

Excited to read all about the trip. :surfweb:
:welcome: Glad to see you around the boards.

Thanks, they really are growing up. Happens fast, doesn't it?

Thanks for the heads up! And what a title. I can't wait to see how you came up with this one! :rotfl2:

Back to read!
:welcome: The title has a good story, but I'm afraid I could be setting it up for a letdown. :rotfl2:

Thanks for the heads up. I can't wait to read your TR. I do need to catch up on other reports, then I have one more to start before yours. Hopefully this week. Now that the holidays are over and its cold outside I should fine more dis time. You do have cute kids.
:welcome: Not a problem at all. I'm going to be playing catch up around here again in a couple of weeks myself. Just trying to get things going before we head out west.
Join the club!
I've been a member for a long time. :thumbsup2

What a great family picture. I can't believe how big the kids have gotten.
Thanks. They really are growing up quickly.

And more Frozen?
Well... when you watch it, watch it again, and watch it again... :rolleyes1

Hey hey hey. What about me? Don't I get to insult you (especially your restaurant choices?)?
Sorry, I didn't mean to exclude you. I assumed that it was so obvious there was no need to mention it. :rotfl:

I am behind again so I must have missed it. I'm glad I saved you some trouble though.
So am I. :rotfl2:

Great start Andy! Could use some more bacon though...
:welcome: mmmm.... bacon....[/QUOTE]
Does this help?


Barring that, a few pictures of Admiral Ackbar would do.


Looking forward to the TR. I love that there are other dads on here that enjoy Disney. My DW likes it, but not nearly as much as I do. My two sons could care less. They are 5 and 7 and aren't really fans. It's a rough household to live in!

Do yourself a favor and click this link.

There's an entire sub forum on here for the DisDads. It is a support group for guys like us. If you love bacon, beer and Disney, or any combination of the 3, you'll fit in just fine.

Subscribing! From what I have read of your trip reports in the past, I enjoy your narrative style and the sarcastic give-and-take that goes back between the commenters. :thumbsup2
:welcome: Thank you! There aren't many things I'm good at, but I can definitely do sarcasm! :thumbsup2

I was just at Walt Disney World in December, as well, but I went alone, so I like to see alternative ways of touring the parks.
I'm jealous. I really, really, really want to do a solo trip sometime. I'm kicking myself for not having done it before I got married. You know... when I had time and money and wouldn't have to feel bad about going without the family. :rotfl2:

Back then, I always thought it would be totally awkward going by myself. Having had a few opportunities to just slip off into the parks by myself for a few hours at a time on recent trips, it just made me realize how much fun it is to just do whatever you want and not worry about anyone else.
Hi Andy!

I haven't followed any of your trip reports, but I'm a big fan of your comments on others'

Great title (I think)!

I'm in. Not to be confused with You're In.

That is cool that you will be making a trip to Disneyland. In fact it was a bicoastal Disney summer for me- a 4 day family trip to DL and a 2 day solo visit to WDW.We did that for the first time in July and really enjoyed it. Using the legacy Fast Pass system makes it feel just like old time.



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