Discovering Another Mad Dash (Oct 14): Heading Home and Finally finishing this TR #1523 (05/03)

Good to hear that you had a nice relaxation time at Casa Nueva after being on the Queen Mary that day.

The Melting Pot restaurant looks very nice place to have dinner. The cheese pot looks very appetizing.
You make it sound like it was a chore to cook dinner! :lmao:

Seriously sometimes the best dinners are the ones you cook yourself. You get everything cooked to your perfect doneness and it's always hot when you put it to your lips!. We had some of the best dinners when you were in town! I would love to go back to the melting pot again! It is one of the best dinners, way too much food, but oh so good!
What a great relaxing afternoon followed up by one of my favorite places to eat! Love the Melting Pot!

Jill in CO
Fabulous pics of the Queen Mary by both of you. That's neat your DS did a performance on the tour.

I love the Melting Pot too.
Pet Peeve #68 re: the new format layout: the post numbers are at the bottom of the post, not the top. Makes it a whole lot harder to find what I'm looking for!!!

Moving along.....

GREAT food update! I've never been to a Melting Pot but have heard all about them. Looks yummy. I also must say how much I love, love, LOVE that pool! The brick work is very classy. I could live in a back yard like that!

Good to hear that you had a nice relaxation time at Casa Nueva after being on the Queen Mary that day.

The Melting Pot restaurant looks very nice place to have dinner. The cheese pot looks very appetizing.

I'd highly recommend the Melting Pot. It was so much fun to cook our own dinner.

You make it sound like it was a chore to cook dinner! :lmao:


Seriously sometimes the best dinners are the ones you cook yourself. You get everything cooked to your perfect doneness and it's always hot when you put it to your lips!. We had some of the best dinners when you were in town! I would love to go back to the melting pot again! It is one of the best dinners, way too much food, but oh so good!

And the two dinners we had with you were some of the best dinners we've had for a while as well. :thumbsup2

What a great relaxing afternoon followed up by one of my favorite places to eat! Love the Melting Pot!

Jill in CO

I'm really glad that Fran and Alison suggested heading there. It was a great meal for all of us.

Fabulous pics of the Queen Mary by both of you. That's neat your DS did a performance on the tour.

I love the Melting Pot too.

I was really pleased do the performance as well. :rotfl2:

The Melting Pot seems to have a few locations....Colorado, NorCal and SoCal. I should look up where else they are located.

Pet Peeve #68 re: the new format layout: the post numbers are at the bottom of the post, not the top. Makes it a whole lot harder to find what I'm looking for!!!

I had to look for it too. :hug:

Moving along.....

GREAT food update! I've never been to a Melting Pot but have heard all about them. Looks yummy. I also must say how much I love, love, LOVE that pool! The brick work is very classy. I could live in a back yard like that!

Thanks! I hope you get to try out the Melting Pot sometime.

That backyard is great, isn't it?
I got behind again. For some reason I did not receive any notifications.

Before I comment on your updates, I wanted to let you know that I am cooking a version of your noodle dish tonight. I could not get any flat rice noodles so had to go with rice vermicelli and I am substituting Char Sui pork for the fish cake. I will let you know how it worked out.

Your tour of the Queen Mary looked great. We just did the ghost tour and thoroughly enjoyed this and for the rest of the day we just wandered around seeing as much as we could. We figured that the Queen Mary would take us a couple of hours at most, but in the end we were there for 5.5 hours.

The pool area is lovely. What a nice way to spend the afternoon.

I always wanted to try Melting Pot and now I fancy it even more. Unfortunately this is not Graham's thing. Maybe if the September trip goes according to plan I need to plan a girls night out there.

Finally found this to catch up! Pool time and QM were great!

Glad you're all caught up! Thanks.

I got behind again. For some reason I did not receive any notifications.

Before I comment on your updates, I wanted to let you know that I am cooking a version of your noodle dish tonight. I could not get any flat rice noodles so had to go with rice vermicelli and I am substituting Char Sui pork for the fish cake. I will let you know how it worked out.

I hope that your version of the noodle dish worked out! My DS loves the fish cake and fish ball version of this noodle dish. When he was younger, it used to be his favourite Asian meal!

Your tour of the Queen Mary looked great. We just did the ghost tour and thoroughly enjoyed this and for the rest of the day we just wandered around seeing as much as we could. We figured that the Queen Mary would take us a couple of hours at most, but in the end we were there for 5.5 hours.

The pool area is lovely. What a nice way to spend the afternoon.

I always wanted to try Melting Pot and now I fancy it even more. Unfortunately this is not Graham's thing. Maybe if the September trip goes according to plan I need to plan a girls night out there.


I thought the same. I figured we would be at the QM for 2 - 3 hours. I think we were there for about 5 or so hours in the end.

Shame that Graham doesn't like the fondue concept. I hope you get to plan a girl's night out there.
I hope that your version of the noodle dish worked out! My DS loves the fish cake and fish ball version of this noodle dish. When he was younger, it used to be his favourite Asian meal!

Yes, it was a great success. I think next time I leave out the Chinese sausage though.

Fran and I would be up for this, and perhaps your friend from Seal Beach, and maybe even Jennifer.... I'm always game for going there!

That sounds great.

Day 9: Out and About in Los Angeles

Saying Goodbye is Bitter Sweet

Discovery #76. I really hate saying goodbye.

It was my last 3D hour with Alison this morning. I hate goodbyes at the best of times and this one was going to be tinged with a bit of sadness. Afterall, I didn't have any plans to head back to the US anytime soon and I really didn't like not knowing when I'd be seeing Fran and Alison again. Australia really is too far away from anywhere!

So breakfast was filled with the bitter.

And the sweet.

It might have been goodbye to Fran and Alison this morning; but I consoled myself with the knowledge that I would see them again - briefly - before I left to go home.

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My Last Pictures of KVC

Discovery #77. There really are Kitties in the KVC!

We had some packing and tidying up to finish up before we left.

First and foremost, we had an air mattress to deflate. We knew we needed to get an extra bed for DS to sleep on and this was it.

I left it behind for the KVC. Call it my contribution to the owner's locker. I think @rentayenta might have found good use for it after I left.

It didn't take me long to finish packing and tidy up. I hope Alison thought I'd left the room in decent enough state.

I also took the opportunity of capturing some of the pieces of art in the KVC.

This piece very nearly made it in my bag home with me. I just didn't have the spare space at that time!

I don't know if I ever shared the picture of the ensuite. Suffice to say, our stay at the KVC warranted a 5-star review.

The K's of the KVC? They do exist. And we had Olga as a bed partner for three nights we were here. It wasn't the first time she and I had been bed partners and I hope that it won't be the last! She is getting on in age and Alison tells me Olga's not too well at the moment.

We also had this fellow come and visit us during the mornings when we were there. Seems like Olga doesn't mind Milo in her space.

The other kitties stayed in the main part of the house and we all had fun playing with them during our stay. The last time I had stayed with Alison, Velcro was still a kitten. He's all grow-ed up now!

I think this one is Tesla.

And Basil; or Bagel. Or is it the other way round? I sometimes get Alison's dalmation cats mixed up.

Samantha. She was a little cuddle buddy.

And I can't remember this one's name.

My family and I truly thank you, Fran and Alison, for your generous hospitality. We really had a great time hanging out with you at Casa Neuva.

Life with you was a bed of petunias!

If we can ever return the favour, let me know!

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Shopping Time

Discovery #78. We need a new suitcase.

It was pretty evident to me and DH that we needed a new suitcase when we were packing this morning. Our existing bags have served us well....for many years. The blue case, in particular, was purchased in the trip of 1997 and it was time to give it a good retirement. What with the candy stash from the Disneyland Halloween party, I knew that we were going to be over the acceptable Occupational Health weight limit for the baggage handlers.

So, after we left Casa Nueva, we headed to Cerritos for a spot of shopping. I believe Macy's was having a weekend sale.

Just as well we bought a new bag. We walked out of Macy's with the bag....and some jeans....and some tops....and pants....for all 3 of us!

On our way into Macy's, DH had spotted this shop and naturally we stopped here as well. Did I mention that it was just as well we bought a new bag??

On reflection....perhaps we should have bought TWO bags!

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Amore y Taco

Discovery #79. Google truly is my friend.

We'd gotten stuck in the shopping cart-lane at Macy's and at the Guitar Centre. In fact, the only reason DH tore himself away from the Guitar Centre was because both DS and I were starving! And he's learnt from experience not to dice with us when our tummies are rumbling.

Cerritos. That's where we are.

Locals aside, anyone else ever been there?
We were still in Cerritos with no idea where to head to for a decent meal; much less a meal that would cater to a pesky vegetarian. And it was closer towards 2 pm at this stage of the day.

Where else would I head to? Yup. That trusty Google is my friend. A quick scan down the Cerritos restaurant list on Trip Advisor, a cross-reference to Yelp and we ended up at Amore y Tacos.

Ranked 7th on the Trip Advisor list and the first Mexican named restaurant I saw. We have Mexican restaurants in Australia; but they are not in the calibre of the food we would get in SoCal.

This place exceeded my expectations.

The menu had a wide range of options and proteins to satisfy my pesky vegetarian.

And I knew we were in for a decent feed when the corn chips hit the table.

We ordered some guacamole to start with. As expected, it was perfectly seasoned.

We asked our server for recommendations and he said that the tacos were what this place was noted for. I have to give him props....he could have steered us anywhere on the menu and gotten us to order dishes for a couple more dollars; but he steered us to the section of the menu where we completely got value for money.

I got the Carne Asada tacos.

I'm pretty sure DS got the Pollo version.

DH probably got the pick of the tacos on this day. This was the Fish Tacos. But I think he ordered this off the proper entree section not the tacos special section of the menu.

The tacos came with rice and beans.

Priced at $10 for the plate of 3, including the rice and beans, without a doubt; the tacos were superb and amazing value for money. I think DH might have ordered his off the standard menu and his fish tacos might have ended up being around the $14 mark.

Encouraged by the quality of the meal so far, we decided to indulge and the churros did not disappoint either.

Fabulous meal and so totally unexpected for a non-descript store in the middle of a strip shopping center. Amore y Tacos sure lived up to it's name. I LOVE Tacos!

I didn't realise it at the time and it wasn't until I got home to do a bit of googling that I found out. This place? The chef is Chef Thomas Ortega of Hell's Kitchen fame. No wonder the food was so good.

Hmmmm.....I'll have to remember that place. Cerritos is not too far to go for a meal. The tacos and guac look good, but we'll have them hold the jalapenos. :rotfl2:

It was sad having you leave as well. Hopefully you will make it back here, before we get down there because it will definitely be a few years before we make it, but at least I'm working up an itinerary!

You got the Dalmation cats backwards. Bagel has the beautymark on his cheek and Tesla has the goatee. It's amusing that all the kitties still had their collars on back then. I think everyone but Bagel and DC (the Calico) have lost theirs by now. Olga is actually doing quite well, but she does have some sort of untreatable Liver disease. She still is spunky when we let her out in the back yard, so who knows how long she will be around for!
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Very nice pictures of Alison's cats during your visit.

Amore y Tacos looks like a very nice place to have lunch. The food looks very appetizing.
The kitties are so cute. Sounds like you had a very successful shopping trip. Lunch looked lovely.

What kind of medicine is that?! :hyper:

The hot tub looks marvelous. And it looks way bigger for some reason from when I last saw it. Like it could easily fit 10 people!

Curious, what happens on Halloween night? Do folks in your neighborhood hand out candy? Do you personally hand out candy?

The front door of that house in impressive! There is a house a few blocks from us that turns their 3 door garage into a 'batman' cave. They plan it for months and there's usually a line to get in, but it's really cool!

You really did cook the entire time didn't you! :rotfl:

Have yet to visit the Melting Pot but would love to go. Especially for that Bacon and Brie! Stop with that.

Yay for free alcohol!:cool1:

Never thought of dipping rice krispy treats into melted chocolate. Brilliant!

That is very nice of you to leave behind a blow up mattress for all to share.

Aw, love the kitties!

Can never go wrong with Tacos in So Cal. Or enchiladas. Or tamales. I can go on and on!


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