Which rides at Universal are the worst for motion sickness?


Feb 24, 2013
Which rides at Universal are the worst for motion sickness? I see that they have a lot of simulator rides, which typically give me a bit of motion sickness. Which should I avoid?
For me, Forbidden Journey is the worst. If I ride some others back to back I will get sick, but it is mostly Forbidden Journey. Most people around this forum will take some sort of motion sickness medicine like less-drowsy dramamine.
I take Dramamine before going out for the day.
I agree that FJ may be one that you'd have trouble with. (It's still my favorite ride though). It really depends on what kind of movement sets you off. Is is spinning?
My sister had a hard time on Cat in the Hat because of the spinning.
FJ and Simpsons. I take motion sickness meds each morning before going to the parks and was fine but I can see where those two rides would not be good without Dramamine.

I had trouble on Despicable Me! Any of the simulated motion rides get me sick. I am ok on regular coaters.
FJ I can do once or twice without bonine. Any more than that and I'm queasy.

Simpsons was the worst of anything I have ever gone on. I'm fine on other simulators and any coaster but will never go on this one again.......was so bad on it. Even with medication which I tried for a second time next trip........was just as bad. Lesson learnt for me...........:D
I took Bonine every day of my recent trip. The rides which still made me sick were FJ, Transformers, and Simpsons. I did not ride Spiderman.

I had no problem with Gringotts, Despicable Me, RRR, etc.
Many of the simulator rides make me sick, but FJ is BY FAR the worst--I almost didn't make it through the first time I road (read, I almost barfed). Yuck! I actually got a prescription from my MD for a scopalomine patch before going back the second time, and it worked wonders. I was able to ride every single thing I wanted to, with no issues at all. BTW, I took Bonine the first time around, and it was like I had taken nothing.
How could I forget Simpsons? Maybe because no else wanted to ride it last trip. One time on the prior trip was enough for the rest of my family...too tough for them.
Cat in the Hat and Men In Black were moving vehicles but there were a few instances where they spun fast, which I can't deal with. As far as simulators, Simpsons and Forbidden Journey were probably the two most memorable for motion.
For me the worst is Simpsons.I have a horrid time with it, even WITH taking Dramamine or Meclizine prior
ugh wish i had read about the rides before coming, day 1 i rode transformers and simpsons and had to go back to the room to lay down lol, i met my family after that at ioa and did the water rides. i am now asking before i get on anything lol i skipped despicable me, spiderman and the forbidden journey. i also never thought of dramamine.
Like others have said, the worst for me was FJ. In particular the flying scenes. At this point, I know when to close my eyes at the beginning of the video flying scenes and then open them again when we get to the physical dark ride sections. 2 years ago Simpsons got to me but on the last trip it wasn't so bad. I don't know if it's was because I rode it when I was fresh or it was what row I was in. I normally take regular Dramamine in the morning and take a couple of extra with me just in case (they are good for 4-6 hours). Most days, the one in the morning was enough if I took things slowly.
There are a lot of bad ones for motion sickness...Simpsons is terrible, Forbidden Journey is bad, Transformers and Spiderman can be trying...pretty much 90% of the rides can be problematic.
Like many have said, FJ and Simpsons are likely to induce motion sickness.

I would also add Storm Force Accelatron if you cannot do spinny rides well. I felt a bit nauseated on that one. In fact, I am much less tolerant of rides that spin as I get older. :/

They have toned down the spinning on The Cat in the Hat, so it may be do-able.

Hulk and Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit are a bit rough and may rattle your head around, potentially causing a headache.
I get motion sick on simulator rides, so I took Bonine every morning and different have any problems.
Forbidden Journey, Transformers, Simpsons in that order. Spiderman wasn't that bad for some reason.
Chiming in with similar results. All of the simulated motion rides make me really sick. Something about the video stuff just doesn't work for me. It always seems just a little blurry and off and I think that adds to the sickness. I have no problem riding regular roller coasters and any other physical ride, but the simulated stuff puts me in a bad way. I might try dramamine next time and see if it helps any.
I don't generally get any motion sickness at all - but Simpsons makes me very queasy and FJ makes me slightly queasy every time.


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