Admit it, you've been that rude guest!

I had an adult temper tantrum last august,it was hot, crowded, I was daughter said something snotty and I snapped. Not a proud moment at all.
Exhaustion. It makes me rude both intentionally and unintentionally.

Examples- Leaving MNSSHP for Pop, a bus pulled up at the WRONG bus stop and then changed his sign for Pop . I was EXHAUSTED as we had RD' AK that morning and only paused to change into our costumes before hitting the party. Another Pop bus immediately pulled up in the right spot and the line started moving very very quickly onto that bus. In my exhausted semi delirious state I SWORE the bus driver of the bus in the wrong spot motioned to me and then down the line behind me to come onto the other bus. SWORE TO GOD.

Well I guess that didn't happen and the people in front of me getting onto the other Pop bus must have been pretty ticked off when I lead the rest of the line onto the other bus effectively cutting the whole line. Whoops!

Also my Mom once threatened to "punch me in the face" on the bus from MK to POR. She yelled at me the whole bus ride back to the room. Why? Because I was worried she might fall on the bus and grabbed her elbow? She was so so tired she just snapped. She told me we were cancelling the trip and leaving in the morning. I was so crushed because I spend MONTHS planning the best mother daughter trip I could complete with a suprise CRT breakfast pre RD on Mother's Day. Anyways she woke up the next morning mortified for her behavior the night before. We had been awake for 23 hours at that point and we just LOST IT. LOL! We totally look back on that trip and laugh about the time my Mom threatened to punch me in the face. Can you IMAGINE what the other guests on that bus ride thought of my Mom and I? I don't want to know.

I am laughing so hard at your post! I once took my Mom to Disney and we had a very similar experience. I also had my DS-7 at the time with me. We had to take care of something with guest services at MK. DS stayed with me and Mom went to sit on a bench. After getting out of the line Mom isn't on the bench and is no where to be found. After about 30 minutes of looking we found each other and she was upset and angry with me even though she was the one who moved. She wanted to go home, didn't want any more to do with any of "this place". It was exhaustion and heat and after a rest and cool down we were all ok again. What makes this even more special to me now is that she has Alzheimer's now and no matter how rude we were to one another I'd give anything to do it again. Thank you for making me laugh.

And heck yeah I've been rude! Sometimes it's just me defending my spot at the parade-I waited I'm not moving! Mostly I find that it's to my own family after we are all over tired and cranky.
My first visit back in 2011 I totally squeezed my family of 3 into a parade spot that probably only fit for one person like 5 minutes before the parade. I remember the people around me giving me a look but I didn't think too much about it. I had no idea people waited hours for good parade spots. Wasnt until I starting lerking on the disboards that I realized what I had done. I should have know better, but sometimes you are just in your own world and you forget your actions can affect those around you.
I've refused to let children in front of me during a parade before, I'll admit it. You snooze, you lose. I put in the time to stake out my spot, I'm not letting your precious snowflake in front of me just because you arrived at the last minute.

We were the people on the opposite end of this at MVMCP last year ... and I was mortified! We were not going to wait to have a prime viewing spot for the parade and decided early on we would just watch from the steps of one of the buildings by the entrance. As we are making our way to a spot my husband gets the idea to ask a couple young girls if my 5 year old can sit in front of them if they are going to stand. They were really nice and said yes. Then, when my son got in place he turned around and told me to sit with him. I said heck no but the girls were so nice. I think they were CMs on their day off too b/c all the characters kept looking our way and doing a little extra. My husband was clueless on parade etiquette (I made sure to really educate him after) and I kept thanking the sweet girls.
I had an adult temper tantrum last august,it was hot, crowded, I was daughter said something snotty and I snapped. Not a proud moment at all.

I made a deal with my DS for this trip. Once we leave the house, we will be entering a no whine/no yell zone. If he starts whining, I'll remind him and if I start yelling, he'll remind me. Sounds real good in theory, but...
I do, however, have one thing that gets me very frustrated, and I'm sure others would view as rude. I am pretty tall, and I walk quickly. My normal, comfortable walking pace is pretty quick, and I hate people walking slowly in front of me and blocking my way (if I'm walking from place to place, I mean, not if I'm being led somewhere in a group or whatever). I find the slower pace uncomfortable to walk at, and so I will often skirt round people so I don't need to slow down. Most of the time, this isn't a problem, because lots of people are considerate and allow others to move past them and don't take up the whole of the path. Bit when people walk slowly, and block the path, or remain unaware of the annoyed British lady saying "excuse me please, could I just get past?" at them as she tried to get round, I do admit to giving up and just getting past anyway. I don't mean physically pushing past someone or anything, but definitely closer than is polite to get to a stranger. For me, it's always as a response to the rudeness of others, but that's no excuse really. I just some people were a bit more aware of others and the space needed for others to bypass them!

This so much! This annoys me everywhere, though. I am also tall (6'0) and have a naturally quick walking pace. And I totally do just go around people when they are moving like slugs and won't leave room to pass by. DH has commented on this tendency of mine, but if he's being honest with himself he likes it because keeping up with me gives him an excuse to pass them by too.

My other rudeness: I yelled at DH in DHS once. The only way we had been able to get Jedi Training spots was to book a show that happened to bump right up against one of our fast passes. It was a situation in which we could definitely make it, but would need to move quickly. After using the FP+, I stood with the kids in the meeting spot DH and I had selected and agreed upon before using the FP, while he went to grab the stroller from the stroller parking area nearby. When he came back with the stroller, he came down the opposite side of the path we were meeting on, then just stood there looking for us. We were literally just across the street, but it was so crowded, I could easily get to him, so I yelled his name until he finally looked up. We lost a good few minutes on that and I was so frustrated that I let him have it a little bit. Of course, felt very guilty later for losing it in WDW.

Oh, and when DS was 2, DH put him on his shoulders to watch Illuminations. :duck:
We were heading to Buzz Lightyear and a dad was standing in the doorway. I went to goaround him and he tried to block my wife and me, saying we couldn't go around him as he was waiting on his wife and son. She had taken him to restroom and was no where in sight. The park and ride was not busy. We walked right onto the ride and when we wereexiting the dad made sveral crude comments about cutting in line. I told him " you're supposed to keep your party together" , not try to block people from going onto rides!!! CM came up and asked if there was a problem and I explained what had happened. He told the "gentleman" I was right and the guy keeps saying ' But I was there first!!!" Cm just shook his head and said Have a Magical rest of your day at which point the guy wants to see a manager and expects me to stay so they can tell me I was wrong !!! I started to leave when he grabs my arm and it took everything in me not to punch him.
, but I pulled away and wife and I cotinued on our way .

Good for you. That could have gone a lot differently.

I've only been once as an adult with my own family. We set the mentality that the trip was all about our son as his first time there so we really didn't let much bother us. Last year when we went with my parents and sister, my dad did end up having a word with the manager at Chef Mickey's after Minnie Mouse brushed off my sister. She had wanted to get a picture and Minnie essentially told her no(not verbally) then disappeared to the back.

We all felt that we were paying a premium for the character experience and that a character should not brush off a simple request like that. If Minnie needed to go to the back, a cast member could have clarified and then had her come back out later. The manager only offered to bring Minnie back out but my sister was a bit embarrassed by the whole ordeal and didn't want a picture with someone who had brushed her off.
We put the little girls on our shoulders to see Celebrate the Magic. Apparently, this is rudeness on the same level as selfie sticks and pushing Grandma off her ECV. Yes, I did get there early and yes I thought we were in a spot where no one could push in front. I was wrong about the second part. Yes, I could have held little dd on my hip, but I'm 5'2" and I couldn't see either.

And worse still? I'd do it again.
Me too!
Have yet to be unpleasant diva guest at Disney parks specifically, but I can and will let a hotel or housekeeping manager have it if my room is not cleaned properly or if I find other lack of cleanliness inside a hotel and/or park (Letting have it = showing up at front desk with photo evidence of dirty room or other, talking loudly and/or angrily). I fully admit acting in this way at hotels if I feel the need. Having worked in housekeeping and in public area cleaning at a resort, I can easily and quickly see when stuff wasn't changed/cleaned and I have no problem whatever letting management know. I will deal with just about anything traveling and am mostly live-and-let-live, but my room and food areas -- whether a Motel 6, a Four Seasons, a Disney Value, a Disney Deluxe, a McD's, or Victoria & Alberts -- the room better be turned over right and the food area better be clean or it starts me off in a very grouchy mood. So far Disney hasn't let me down in a way that sent me yelling. Hope I didn't just jinx my next trip saying this out loud! :scared:

Previous roaches in the food court?! I would so have done the same thing. Doesn't Florida have restaurant food safety inspections? That would be a big violation. I think they have a consumer complaint line. I would have been all over that one. UGH.:crazy2::crazy2::crazy2: Gross!
I can't believe I'm going to admit this.

SWW 2013. We were hot, tired, and sweaty, and we just wanted to get indoors for one of the shows so we could be in some AC. Frankly, we didn't care about the show, we just wanted to be able to sit down in comfortable seats in air conditioning for 45 minutes. We arrived to the theatre pretty close to the start of the show and were afraid we wouldn't make it into the show at all since the line was really long by then, and didn't want to wait in the sun and heat to see. Right when we walked up to the theatre, we noticed they started letting in the guests in wheelchairs. So we struck up a conversation with a guest in a wheelchair as we approached the entrance to make it seem like we were with them and walked right in. We line jumped all those people who had been waiting in the heat and sun for over an hour. We got great seats, too, right near the front. That is definitely the rudest thing I've done at Disney World. And I felt so bad, I've never done anything like that again.
I guess I can be considered a 'rude guest' when I walk past a group of people holding up an entire queue so they can take pictures in every group and configuration a group of 10 can make. Some peopel like to say its line jumping, I say its keeping flow...
I've refused to let children in front of me during a parade before, I'll admit it. You snooze, you lose. I put in the time to stake out my spot, I'm not letting your precious snowflake in front of me just because you arrived at the last minute.

Oh I'll see you on that one and raise you one. I have done that EVEN WHEN MY KIDS ARE NOT WITH ME, yep adult only trip and your snowflake isn't getting that 3 inches in front of me. oh yeah I'm THAT person. :)
Oh I'm sure I annoy tons of people.

I am a fast walker and nothing drives me nuts more than people who want to lolly gag in the walk way. Or stroll and talk right in the middle of the path. Or walk in a wide bunch and take twice the space they need so that people get stuck behind the group while they discuss directions, plans, the weather, if little Susie's dress isn't the most perfect...

I mean even when I am looking around I seem to out pace people. So I cut around them. I've even cut through them if they decide to stop.

Move with a purpose or I will walk around you.
Oh I'll see you on that one and raise you one. I have done that EVEN WHEN MY KIDS ARE NOT WITH ME, yep adult only trip and your snowflake isn't getting that 3 inches in front of me. oh yeah I'm THAT person. :)
I am too... AND I stand up for the parade. Though I do tell people who get behind me that I will be standing once we get closer to the parade starting. Sorry, I used my time to get a good spot so I could enjoy the event. If other people want that front row spot and not have to deal with being stuck behind others then they can do the same.
When you are waiting at the end of the night to get on the bus and you see multiple buses come and go, and then it is finally your turn to get on the bus enough in line to actually get to sit down with your tired children and an ECV wheels up and that person and 20 of their companions get on the bus and you no longer have a place to sit and with 2 children. I might give a dirty look or so.

I have also been that person that may have clipped your heels with my stroller, but in my defense, if you quickly try to get by me and succeed, but then walk slower than me and then weave in and out and stop in front of me, you may or may not have deserved it.
I think the snippiest I've gotten was waiting for the Electrical Parade. My daughter was asleep in her stroller, parked at the curb on Main Street while I sat next to her. For some reason, people kept using the space around us as a place to come off Main Street proper and up onto the sidewalk area, even though not 20 feet away was the actual crossing place where the CMs direct people to cross. They kept bumping the stroller where she was sleeping, and I just got progressively more annoyed. When one poor woman came up and said "excuse me" indicating she was going to pass through, I told her no, to go down to the crossing area and refused to so much as budge. She was most shocked. I'm sure because she had seen people just do it, but that was apparently my limit. It did teach me a lesson about going to the proper area to cross and not weaving through people like that, because I had certainly been guilty of that in my youth!
When we were in DL last year my brother(17) did something that most consider rude. About half way through the TSMM line my brother realized that what he ate for breakfast was passing through his system a lot faster than anticipated. He managed to hold it until we reached the front of the line where we informed a CM that he would be running to the bathroom. The rest of our party proceeded to step aside letting everyone go ahead of us until he returned, immediately joining us back at the front of the line. I'm sure there were someone people who had joined the line since he had left who considered him cutting.

I'm also one of those people who will stop in the middle of a walkway. Usually it's because I realize someone in my party is dragging behind so I have to wait for them to catch up but sometimes it's because I'm being spacy and remembered/forgot something. Usually I'll try to move out of the way if I'm standing for more than a moment or two but that won't help the ones following directly behind me when I first stop.


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