ROFR Thread January to March 2016 *PLEASE USE NEW THREAD*

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Our Reseller has sent in an addendum the new price is as listed below. It look like the ROFR will not start over, but it will be delayed a few days. Fingers crossed again.

My new listing is:

harrison23---$117-$18433-150-BLT-FEB-199/16, 150/17, 150/18 - sent February 15, Amended March 10

Taken by Disney today. It seems like they are going to make it hard for me to get my first DVC contract! Back to the drawing board. :(
Disney notified you directly? I've never heard of that happening before. Normally it's the broker who notifies the buyer/seller that the contract has passed ROFR. How exactly did Disney notify you (phone call, email, letter in the mail)? I'm just curious because it's not the norm in my experience and because you seem to have some concerns about the company you are dealing with on this contract.
I have a feeling he is doing the entire process without a broker from following his posts, but I don't want to assume, so please correct me if I'm wrong :)
UPDATE: Day 30 of ROFR Disney informed the broker that the seller updated their title at some point to add a second person to the title. The second person needs to be added to the contract and then it needs to be resubmitted for ROFR....

Has anyone had that happen and if so did they end up passing on your contract? I'm just wondering if they would have already made a decision, and if they were going to take it they would just bump me out now and just make the corrections with the seller themselves?
Here is what I would ask the broker before deciding whether to continue:
-Is the other person on the contract considering not agreeing to sell the property? Is it a divorce or bankruptcy situation?
-Is the other person capable of signing? Is he or she deceased or deemed incapable of making such a decision and therefore requiring Power of Attorney paperwork to be filed for the contract?

If the answer to any of those questions is yes or even seems a possibility: run, don't walk.
I have a feeling he is doing the entire process without a broker from following his posts, but I don't want to assume, so please correct me if I'm wrong :)
Ah, that would make sense then. Thanks for the clarification.
Disney notified you directly? I've never heard of that happening before. Normally it's the broker who notifies the buyer/seller that the contract has passed ROFR. How exactly did Disney notify you (phone call, email, letter in the mail)? I'm just curious because it's not the norm in my experience and because you seem to have some concerns about the company you are dealing with on this contract.
No I called Disney administration directly and since i had the contract number they were able to look it up. This is one of two contracts I had going with two different companies. This company ive used before and never had a problem closing.
Were they the same ones you bid on the SSR one from? If I were you, I would look at the "if it looks too good to be true..." adage and pull out while I still could on this one.
This one is a timeshare company out of Nashville that wont divulge the seller or the contract number to me. They emailed me back today and said its their "privacy policy to keep the sellers info private" Ive never had a purchase that the sellers name and contract wasnt disclosed, so I told them that if they wont give me at least the existing contract number, im cancelling and disputing the charge on my AMEX.
No I called Disney administration directly and since i had the contract number they were able to look it up. This is one of two contracts I had going with two different companies. This company ive used before and never had a problem closing.
But the broker didn't notify you that you contract passed a week ago? Hopefully they are more on the ball for the closing documents.
There was a similar problem where the number of points was wrong when it went to ROFR. The buyer and seller got it straightened out and then it went back to ROFR, but bypassed the other steps.
In this case, I guess it depends on how good of a contract it is. It will delay it somewhat waiting for the other signature. But, if its a good deal, it may be worth waiting. IF you can find better deals out there now, it could be the time to back out if you can get your deposit back.

Here is what I would ask the broker before deciding whether to continue:
-Is the other person on the contract considering not agreeing to sell the property? Is it a divorce or bankruptcy situation?
-Is the other person capable of signing? Is he or she deceased or deemed incapable of making such a decision and therefore requiring Power of Attorney paperwork to be filed for the contract?

If the answer to any of those questions is yes or even seems a possibility: run, don't walk.

Thanks for the input! I did dig around some yesterday, it's sisters, both still with us, so I sent mine back in and checked with the broker this morning and they sent it back in last night as well. The contract was sent back to Disney this morning so ..... ROFR Round 2, sent 3/25
No I called Disney administration directly and since i had the contract number they were able to look it up.
Good to know. Thanks for the information.

This is one of two contracts I had going with two different companies. This company ive used before and never had a problem closing.
I hope everything goes smoothly and quickly!
Thanks for the input! I did dig around some yesterday, it's sisters, both still with us, so I sent mine back in and checked with the broker this morning and they sent it back in last night as well. The contract was sent back to Disney this morning so ..... ROFR Round 2, sent 3/25
Good to hear! We had one contract with a power of attorney issue and the entire process took about nine months, so it's best to make sure issues like this aren't popping up :)
Builtatl: $125---$12,500 -100-BLT-JUN-100/15, 100/16, 100/17 sent 2/2, taken 2/28

$89---$17,800 -200 -AKV-JUN-5/15, 200/16, 200/17, sent 3/5, waiting
Last edited:
gr8tdame $90- $12,543.50 - 125-AKV-AUG 40/14, 125/15, 125/16-sent March 24 - waiting

$102- $22,136.00- 200 - BWV- Dec- 200/14, 200/15, 200/16- sent March 24 - Waiting.

Decided to buy both as first time purchaser. Hope that they pass Disney ROFR And that there is a speedy closing. Keeping my fingers crossed.
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