The Running Thread - 2016

Not discounting your observations on HR, being clammy, unable to think straight, and not feeling hot anymore are all signs of dehydration. Looks to me like you didn't top off enough on the bike, got behind on electrolytes and salt, and the combination made it too hard to overcome on the run.
I wanted to, but I never really got around to it. I should really do it now that the sour taste is gone and I'm a little happier in reflection. In short, the swim was rough (as you know)..I swam 3 minutes slower than my previous two attempts there. I wanted to swim about 1:05 and ended up 1:11 and since someone kicked my watch (stopping it) on the first loop I didn't know my swim time until I actually hit the run. I just kept thinking I was somewhere in that 1:10 range.

I knew I had a decent T1 and my plan on the bike was to ride very conservatively (about 150-155 watts / 68% of FTP) with an expectation of doing something between 5:25-5:30. Well, once we hit the top portion of the bike and I knew we had a tailwind all the way back to the beach I was in great shape so I really backed off to save my legs. I ended up riding 21.1 mph (5:18) which is well below what I was expecting on significantly less watts and kept a low HR throughout.

Once I started the run and saw my family I learned I swam 1:11 (which kinda made me mad) so I knew then I hit the run about 6:40 in race time so I knew all I had to do was run a little under 10 minute miles and I had sub 11.

I was completely locked in the first half running what I thought was relaxed, calm, cool and collected. I even told a friend "It's not a matter of going under 11 hours now, only a matter of how much under 11 I'm going to go" about mile 8 of the run....the miles 9-11 happened. I was clicking the miles off, one by one, walking every other aid station and on cruise control. My HR never elevated. When I walked, it dropped back down to normal but as soon as I started running for more than about 1 minute I started to get dizzy. I wasn't hot anymore, hands were clammy and I couldn't even think straight.

Mile after mile passed and I tried one Galloway method after another all the while skipping gels and gatorade and opting for only cola and water. I tried a 4 minute run and a 4 minute walk..nope. Then a 3 minute run and a 2 minute walk...nope. Then a chance. Then a 1:4....not even close. For about 30 minutes all I could manage was a 1 minute jog and a 9 minute walk all the way till the back of the state park. All I could say to the people that cheered me on was "I'm sorry, the wheels came off"...I. Felt.Terrible.

I saw a photographer in the park just at the turnaround and I told him if he took a picture of me walking I would throw his camera in the sand dunes and he'd never find it again (joking of course....maybe) so he promised that he would wait until I got to the turnaround if I promised I would run all the way back to him and I did. Wouldn't you know it, I felt a little better. So, with each passing mile just as I deteriorated from Alvins Island to the State Park I started to feel better and better with each mile heading to the finish.

I knew sub 11 was gone. I knew a PR was gone and now my goal became simple. I needed to finish under 12 and get to my room, showered and in my NormaTec boots by 7pm because thats when the LSU vs Bama game started and in that regard, I succeeded. I know the fitness was there and for most of the day I feel I executed flawlessly so whether it was purely blood sugar and nutrition or whether I pushed the front half of the run too much or how much of a combo of both I'll never know.

No IMs for me in 2017 but I'll give three 70.3's a whirl then try again in 2018 (Boulder) to get that sub 11 monkey off my back.

Wow you killed it on the bike, good job! I've been there as well with the clammy skin and lightheaded-ness, not fun at all. Dehydration sucks, even more so when you still have a lot of racing left in front of you. It can lead to some dark moments but that finish line is worth it. I'm looking at doing a 70.3 or two next year, would like to try and qualify for Worlds in Chattanooga...which ones are thinking about doing?

@FFigawi also did IMFL this year, there's a link to his recap somewhere in this thread, and I did IM Mont Tremblant (my recap is here).
ATTQOTD: I deferred my 2016 WDW marathon because I was pregnant--had my daughter April 30 and did not think for a second that I would be able to do the 2017 WDW marathon. I figured I would run the half and then walk until I got swept. But instead, I walked and walked and walked after I had my daughter, then ran and ran until somehow I caught up on the Hal Higdon marathon training plan and am ready for my first marathon on 1/8! I am so proud of how ready I feel for the race, and can't wait to cross the finish line on my own two feet and hug my super-supportive husband and 8-month-old baby!
ATTQOTD: I deferred my 2016 WDW marathon because I was pregnant--had my daughter April 30 and did not think for a second that I would be able to do the 2017 WDW marathon. I figured I would run the half and then walk until I got swept. But instead, I walked and walked and walked after I had my daughter, then ran and ran until somehow I caught up on the Hal Higdon marathon training plan and am ready for my first marathon on 1/8! I am so proud of how ready I feel for the race, and can't wait to cross the finish line on my own two feet and hug my super-supportive husband and 8-month-old baby!
Someone's gonna be crying going past the choir and around to the homestretch!!!
ATTQOTD: This year started off on a high, completing my first marathon as part of the Dopey Challenge! Unfortunately, I succumbed to the post-Dopey malaise and never quite recovered from it. I still ran 7 half marathons (and other shorter ones) this year, and managed to maintain pace, but I have not improved at all. Part of it was that my running partner basically quit after Dopey (I ran better with her, but the price was always drama. Always drama) and I kind of floated away from the Star Destroyer with the rest of the garbage (there's your Star Wars analogy!) in terms of improvement. Part of it was also a lot of life stuff that completely overwhelmed me. What I need to do - and this sounds ludicrously simple - is to come up with a reasonable plan I'll stick to and just DO IT!

Sorry, guess that was a combo proud/what I learned post.
ATTQOTD: June 18th of this year I completed my first 50K. It took me just over 6 hours. I was hoping for under 6 hours but it was in the 90s temp wise so I was afraid to push the pace too much. I was thrilled to have completed it and actually felt pretty good after so overall a great success for me.
Off topic...who was it what was talking about how to use bluetooth headphones at the the gym on the treadmill. I got a git card as a gift as well and may try a pair of bluetooth headphones but being able to hear the TV at the gym would be a preference.
I can't answer this, but I can tell you that when you are in the gym, the bluetooth headphones will try to connect with any device that has bluetooth. If someone around you turns and throws their phone at you, it is because they have denied your device a million times and got tired of it. LOL!

QOTD: What are you most proud of doing running wise in 2016?

Finishing the Princess 10k. I signed up, trained and ran it alone! For the kid always picked last in gym class, this was a big deal. Now I'm training for Dark Side 10k with my DH.
That was a warm race. Plus the headwind. I was toast when I hit the downhill at Boston College. But it was a great experience. Hope to be back in 2018.
That was a warm race. Plus the headwind. I was toast when I hit the downhill at Boston College. But it was a great experience. Hope to be back in 2018.
Yup, was not easy at all. Everyone I talked to was a good 15 minutes off their expected time, myself included. Awesome experience though...I'm going to shoot for the 2019 race.
ATTQOTD: I think I'm most proud of doing things at 40 (and now 41) that I never thought I would or could do. I took a leap of faith pulling the trigger on Dopey, and I've gotten through the training with the most consistent stretch of exercise of any kind since high school. I'm also glad I want to keep doing it. :)

EDIT: But ya know... I'm MOST proud of my wife and all the work she's put in, more than she ever has. Having her join me for all this nonsense has been the best part of it all.
ATTQOTD: I am most proud of running not one, but two marathons in 2016 - my first in January (Disney) and my second in October (Grand Rapids). If someone had told me in 2015 that I would run two marathons in 2016 at age 40 & 41, I would have thought they were totally nuts! I now know that as long as you put in the training, it can be done! I'm excited to start planning for 2017.

Also, this thread is super inspiring and I'm glad to be a part of it!! :love:


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