Who are the nicest /rudest celebs you have met?

like other posters have talked about meeting celebs, I have met Michael Jackson, not at organised meet and greet events but at casual encounters, outside hotels, in shops etc. the question the OP asked is who is the nicest celeb you have met and for me , it would have to be Michael Jackson. ok so you dont like my choice of celeb, so let me see, other celebs I have met at casual celeb encounters, Kevin Spacey, who was signing autographs outside a theatre in London. He was reluctant to sign a photo of himself that I had taken a few weeks previously of him walking the red carpet at the BAFTAS.

At work I have met U2. alot of tennis players like Andy Murry, Greg Rudeski, Pat Cash, Timothy Spall (Peter Petigrew / Wormtail in Harry Potter and all have been very nice

Well, the thread is about casual encounters, but your post didn't mention any. It's like how he was the best, so much better than Bieber, etc.

So, MJ gave milllions to MAW out of the goodnes of his heart, and Beiber does it because he must be under contract or something...how would you even know that, and what it has to do with this thread?

You seem to know many celebrities. Must be fun. I've never met any.
Penn and Teller couldn't have been nicer. They came out after the show to pose for photos and sign autographs for every last patron, smiled all the way and took the time to just chat with people along the way. Class act.
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ok let me see, its 10.15pm on New Years Eve here in Ireland, but whatever, let me shake out the memories...

I am from Dublin and I was working in a resturant in the Irish version of Barnes and Noble. U2 did a book signing and afterwards came up to the resturant for refreshments. I spoke to Adam Clayton and brought some food to his family.

I lived in London for 4 years. During that time I worked at the head offices / training centre of British Tennis, where Andy Murray and the rest of the British Tennis players trained. Greg Rudeski and Pat Cash were doing some coaching there.

I also worked with an event catering company in London and thats how I met Timothey Spall, the actor from Harry Potter. If you must know, I worked as a server at his daughters wedding!

While I was living in London, I used to go to film premières and met many celebs and got lots of photos and autographs. London is like New York, with a major theatre-land and many many celebs perform in the theatres. Thats how I took the photo of Kevin Spacey and thats how I met him.

I really dont have the time right now to go through my autograph folder from London, but I know I have autogrpahs from Tom Hanks ( I think I got a hug from him) Mick Jagger, oh and Johnny Depp as well as alot of others. Andy Serkis was really nice too, you know that guy who was Gollum in Lord of The Rings. I know theres loads more I cant remember right now
Diane Sawyer and Cameron Mathison were both very nice.

Mario Batali, was rude.
All mine are sports or Motorsports.

Nice guys include:
Bob Chandler (owner Bigfoot Monster Trucks)
Ken Schrader, Carl Edwards, Kenny Wallace, and Brendan Gaughn (NASCAR)
Bernie Federko (NHL Hall of Famer)

Jason Leffler R.I.P. and Erin Crocker (NASCAR). To be fair, I don't think Erin was feeling well. Jason was just a douche & unfortunately we were around him quite a bit.
The only famous people I've met are small Texas Country signgers back in my young honky-tonk days: Kevin Fowler, Cory Morrow, Pat Green, Aaron Watson and they were all very polite Texas cowboy gentlemen.

My daughter met Kevin Fowler and just died!!! He hugged her and called her his huggybunny. He saw my husbands beer cuzi and asked he he wanted it signed...of course. Totally a nice guy, they said! I was unlucky enough not to be there!
My daughter met Kevin Fowler and just died!!! He hugged her and called her his huggybunny. He saw my husbands beer cuzi and asked he he wanted it signed...of course. Totally a nice guy, they said! I was unlucky enough not to be there!

That's awesome! I've always wondered if it was because they were "up and comers" or just nice in general. I tend to believe the latter.

With Cory morrow, I was a student officer for a state organization and Cory morrow was the entertainment one night. I'd left my bag backstage and went to get it. As I walked up to get it a man in a Hawaiian shirt approached me, stuck out his hand, said hello, asked how I was doing and if I was enjoying the evening. I figured it was one of the VIP organization leaders we had met throughout our trips that I didn't know. When I got back to my friends they asked what took so long and I said a man in a Hawaiian shirt stopped me to say hello.....then Cory took the stage and I said "hey that's him!" As teenagers we all died and they had to shake up hand because Cory shook it. I knew the music but not the person!
I haven't had any encounters to add but i would think that sometimes their behaviour can be different if they are "working" signing autographs following a performance or at a charity event and if you happen to run into them on a street corner.
I've met lots of musical theatre performers (mostly Australian but a few American) and almost all of them have been absolutely wonderful, including several who are big names in TV and music here like Lisa McCune, Craig McLachlan, Rob Mills, Marina Prior, Hugh Sheridan (he even made a video saying hi to my sister when she couldn't come to a charity concert for Nepal that he'd organised) and Bert Newton.

Delta Goodrem, who is quite a big name singer here, starred in Cats and was an absolute sweetheart. We were in the front row and my sister swore that in the opening number Delta had winked at her. Sure enough, we met her at stage door and she said to my sister, 'did you see me wink at you?!'. We also saw her at a Christmas concert a few weeks earlier and after the show she was quite literally lying on the front of the stage in a ball gown so she could give autographs to all her young fans at 11pm on Christmas Eve.

Idina Menzel is awesome and makes sure she gets to everyone waiting for her (I think she's the fastest autograph signer on Broadway). I'm incapable of getting out a complete sentence around her though!

The worst was probably Geoffrey Rush. We first met him after a musical and he was fine. Then one night after a charity concert we were in the venue's bar, standing at a table having a drink. Geoffrey Rush then came over and started leaning against me (turned away from me talking to someone else but his arm/back was pressed right into my arm). I think I must have moved after a couple of minutes of being stunned so he then proceeded to do the same thing to my sister. It was very, very weird and frankly a bit creepy (I mean, we're around the same age as his daughter!).
ok let me see, its 10.15pm on New Years Eve here in Ireland, but whatever, let me shake out the memories...

I am from Dublin and I was working in a resturant in the Irish version of Barnes and Noble. U2 did a book signing and afterwards came up to the resturant for refreshments. I spoke to Adam Clayton and brought some food to his family.

I lived in London for 4 years. During that time I worked at the head offices / training centre of British Tennis, where Andy Murray and the rest of the British Tennis players trained. Greg Rudeski and Pat Cash were doing some coaching there.

I also worked with an event catering company in London and thats how I met Timothey Spall, the actor from Harry Potter. If you must know, I worked as a server at his daughters wedding!

While I was living in London, I used to go to film premières and met many celebs and got lots of photos and autographs. London is like New York, with a major theatre-land and many many celebs perform in the theatres. Thats how I took the photo of Kevin Spacey and thats how I met him.

I really dont have the time right now to go through my autograph folder from London, but I know I have autogrpahs from Tom Hanks ( I think I got a hug from him) Mick Jagger, oh and Johnny Depp as well as alot of others. Andy Serkis was really nice too, you know that guy who was Gollum in Lord of The Rings. I know theres loads more I cant remember right now

Awesome! Did you ever run into, or meet Paul McCartney?
I haven't met anyone just out in the open. Winnipeg isn't really a celebrity hot spot (more like cold spot) lol

I met the BNL at an HMV once. They had a concert cancelled because their equipment was stuck in another city and the highway was closed. They made it here so they did a meet and greet the day of the concert.

I also met many (most) of the Winnipeg Jets 1.0 because every year there was a Jets Wives fundraiser and the Jets were there for pictures and autographs. I think it was $5-$10 to get in. I still have my jersey covered in all the autographs.
My friend met Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher, twice, at different fan events. She said they were both warm, personable, friendly and truly interested in her. Like they didn't just robotically smile and say something canned they had real honest conversations even with the limited time they had.

I am jealous of my friend.

I passed Andrew McCarthy walking down a street. It was sort of at the height of his fame in the 80's and he saw me look at him and got kind of a deer in the headlights look that I might recognize him. But I played it cool and he physically relaxed and kept walking lol.

Also, Keith Richards from the Rolling Stones for about 5 seconds and he asked me if I lived here (Toronto) I said yes and he said "Cool city". lol :cool1:
Trevor Howard was doing a play in Toronto that I attended. Afterwards we went to dinner and he ended up coming in with his wife. There was only the two tables being used in our section. My parents and husband told me to go and say hello. I guess they figured this short petite young person wouldn't be intimidating. I went and just said I wanted to say hello and he and his wife started to talk with me. They both were really nice. They asked how I thought the play was and I was trying to be polite but he stopped me and said that it was a horrible play. I told him his performance was great however. Funny thing is that after they started to talk to me my husband and parents came up to say hi. We didn't stay long because their food came.
I guess I have met *one* nicer celeb than Penn and Teller and that's a difficult one to say the least! The person in question is Chris Eubank, former boxing champion of the world. Real old skool, hold-the-door for women, bow-to-the-guest kinda guy. The last person he ever thought of was himself.

He put an opponent in a wheelchair and never forgave himself. He made a comeback but his ghosts were so terrible he couldn't finish the opponent off.

My DH worked with Robin Williams several years ago and said he was a very nice man and always entertaining everyone around him. I worked in the film industry as well but only worked with lesser known actors, some of which had very big egos for someone no one had heard of,lol

A woman I worked with many years ago had a job at the airport and said the rudest celebrity she ever encountered was Lauren Bacall.
I met Roger Staubach a few years ago and he and his wife were very nice. Also, met Mary Bono on a flight from Dulles to LAX in 2001. She was very nice and answered several questions my son had about buildings we saw as we were landing in LA.
I haven't met anyone just out in the open. Winnipeg isn't really a celebrity hot spot (more like cold spot) lol

I met the BNL at an HMV once. They had a concert cancelled because their equipment was stuck in another city and the highway was closed. They made it here so they did a meet and greet the day of the concert.

I also met many (most) of the Winnipeg Jets 1.0 because every year there was a Jets Wives fundraiser and the Jets were there for pictures and autographs. I think it was $5-$10 to get in. I still have my jersey covered in all the autographs.
Well, they may not be big celebrities but I've met the Wailin' Jennys and they are lovely. And I think they are from Winnipeg. :sunny:
We ran into Horatio Sanz (from SNL) at the LA airport, several times...in security line, in gift shop, boarding plane. My husband jokingly said, "you really need to quit stalking me like some celebrity!" Horatio Sanz busted out laughing, with his huge smile. It was really funny, and he was super nice!

We met Gregg Allman, Mick Fleetwood, and Michael McDonald at Fleetwood's on Front St. in Maui. Our bartender remarked that Mick Fleetwood often visits his home and bar Maui with friends, and do impromptu jam sessions. They were all so friendly!

Literally bumped into Chris Noth (Mr. Big) at Le Louvre in Paris. We were both exiting the restroom and turned into one another. He was not friendly and seemed bothered to be noticed.


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