Does anyone still feel sad that Disney removed Tower of Terror?

That said, for those who are less thrill-inclined and only tolerated/did not enjoy the drops, the new ride will be more off-putting. The one member of our party in that category was NOT a happy camper (the rest of us were all jumping up and down wondering how quickly we could go again).

I am super stoked to ride this ride. TOT was my husband's favorite, but he said he liked it because of the thrill ride more than the theme. I am sure he is going to love it. HOWEVER, I am a tad bit worried about our 4 y/o son. I have a feeling he won't like it. But when we went for the one day recently he insisted on trying out a few new (to him) rides. Some he liked and some he didn't. He surprised me by not crying or whining at all and simply informing me whether the ride was good or not after his ride.With the old TOT the drop sequence was fairly short and I would have had no issue letting him try it out. Having read about this one it sounds like the drop sequence is longer since they cut out some of the slower parts of the show. I mean, it's still probably over within a minute, but I do worry about him insisting to ride it and then hating it and freaking out. We'll see. I certainly won't be coercing him to ride this one, but if he insists...
I'm really sad still and won't go on GotG on our next visit. Don't care if it sounds silly but it's my opinion. I don't want more original themed rides to change to include characters.
I'm really sad still and won't go on GotG on our next visit. Don't care if it sounds silly but it's my opinion. I don't want more original themed rides to change to include characters.
I can understand, but you do understand TOT wouldn't have remained open, so isn't it better they used it for something else?

I was sad to see TOT go, but love GOTG even more. Ride is totally awesome.
I can understand, but you do understand TOT wouldn't have remained open, so isn't it better they used it for something else?

I was sad to see TOT go, but love GOTG even more. Ride is totally awesome.
Do you mean it would not have remained open because the licensing for Twilight Zone was only temporary - or something like that?
I still feel sad about TOT being gone, moreso because the last 2 times I was in there in '14 and '15...I didn't go on the attraction. My DH won't ride it and I have twin DD who are 3, that can't. I sacrificed my happiness to please my family. My son is 11 and he said he didn't want to go, but I know he enjoys the ride
I was sad when it was first announced. I pouted for a while, then the Guardians soundtrack showed up on my Spotify and I listened to it and thought "Hmmm, maybe this won't be so bad". My son and I watched the first Guardians movie a couple weeks ago in anticipation of going to the parks last week.

We stayed at the DLH so we could ride during EMH without a long wait (arthritis makes long waits very painful) and when we entered the park, we were told the ride was down. :( We parked ourselves on a nearby bench, hoping it would come up and after about 30 minutes, a CM came over and gave us a Rider Switch pass, which we could use to go through the FP line - so that we could go enjoy the rest of the park during our EMH. pixiedust: I thanked him profusely, then we rode TSMM and Screamin', checking the app between rides.

When we got off Screamin', GOTG had opened and had a 90 minute wait already. But since that wonderful CM gave us that pass, we got to pretty much walk right on and ride it. We LOOOOOVED it! It was sooooo much fun!! I will say though, if you tend towards motion sickness, you might want to take some Bonine before riding. :jumping1:
DD9 did not want to ride it. Desperately did not want to. I was nervous about it, as I'm not a fan of droppy rides and didn't care for TOT at WDW when we rode it in 2014. DD disliked it, too. Neither of us ever ride the DL one, but I was curious about this cover, enough that I figured I'd one-and-done it if we didn't like it. DD tried to back out, but she'd promised, and so she said she'd go ahead.

Halfway through the ride, following happy screams, she yelled, "I LOVE THIS!!" And I, myself, quite liked it. I really enjoyed the humor they injected into it. And animatronic Rocket is a wonder to behold.
I can understand, but you do understand TOT wouldn't have remained open, so isn't it better they used it for something else?

I was sad to see TOT go, but love GOTG even more. Ride is totally awesome.

How do we know it wouldn't have remained open? I hadn't seen anything about them closing it anyway so they had to look for a new theme? Did I miss something?
How do we know it wouldn't have remained open? I hadn't seen anything about them closing it anyway so they had to look for a new theme? Did I miss something?
CBS did not renew the licensing agreement for Twilight Zone with Disneyland so they had til 2018 I believe, to change. It may have been 2019. I will find the articles next week when we are home.
I'm still sad!!
I'm here now and have ridden GotG 3x this week. It was very good. We got Elvis twice and Jackson 5 once. DH & DD-20 like it better, but I'm still pouting. I LOVED ToT -- best theming of all. Now it's just a cooly themed drop ride to me. Fun, but not spectacular. Hope Florida's stays as is.
My DD and I rode for the first time yesterday and we both think it was awesome. We liked ToT but we love GotG. The theming is awesome and the story line is fun.
I don't really miss it, but if I did I would remember that there is still a ToT at Disneyworld, so the die-hards can still experience their old favorite if they make it to Florida..

That being said I wish they would have redesigned the building structure, at least not left it a big T, maybe shaved off the sides of the T.. It's just so obvious that it used to be Tower of Terror... Oh well..
I still feel sad about TOT being gone, moreso because the last 2 times I was in there in '14 and '15...I didn't go on the attraction. My DH won't ride it and I have twin DD who are 3, that can't. I sacrificed my happiness to please my family. My son is 11 and he said he didn't want to go, but I know he enjoys the ride

If I had know that they were removing TOT I would have rode it one last time. But I now regret not doing so. :sad:


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