WDW and DL Pirates to change Redhead scene

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As FDR said (and I'm paraphrasing) I hope the people of the future will remember our times and judge us according to now, not their time. He said it much more eloquently.

No, I think it should absolutely still be available, along with Song of the South, but I think it should be held in the context, acceptable then NOT acceptable now. Art is fluid. What was acceptable 50, 100, 500 years ago, isn't now, but that art should be preserved.

Disneyland and Disney World are more of a living art and as such, they should adapt with the times, they cannot remain stagnant. That's just my belief though.

I am wondering if that is part of this - that these attractions are considered art by master imagineers and thus people want them preserved as that art. I think that is different than thinking nothing should ever change at the parks and maybe why some thoughts are that it is ok to change things at WDW vs at DLR which has the originals
there is a distinct difference between a connection and actually showing the scene. Last time I checked there was not a slave auction in Splash Mountain, or even actual depictions of slavery in the ride.
Eh..you've already seen where wearing a tshirt could mean you support women=property without actually showing anything just a phrase used in a ride.

As for actual depictations someone mentioned rabbit hanging in a noose (I'm trying to remember if that was there or if I noticed it as it's been 6yrs since I last went).

It's interesting that for you drawing the line is actual depictions. I would think the reference of America at all with all of our interesting past would make your list of things that don't belong in Disney.
totally agree with this, it is a theme park. Lynching, slavery, Jeffrey Amherst giving small pox blankets to the Native Americans, all part of history that should be remembered, but should not be something that belongs in a Disney ride.

I cannot believe folks are actually defending this for sentimentality reasons. it is never to late to step up and do the right thing.
Fun fact about Mr. Amherst, amherst college used to play my alma mater in basketball, which i covered for the college tv station. They used to be called the "lord Jeffs" and they finally said "hey you know maybe we shouldn't"...

ETA this change literally happened this past year for context
I don't think anyone at Disney is looking at Pirates of the Caribbean as a historical lesson. I doubt there are many families going into the ride telling their children, "look honey, this is a accurate depiction of what pirates were like in the 1700s. They are going into it entirely from an entertainment point of view. Disney has a current movie franchise based on this ride and that is a scene they would not put into a Pirates movie today.
So sick of all the politically correct nonsense. It's a damn ride. No one took it seriously. We can't even laugh at stupid/silly things anymore without a few getting insulted or protesting against it. Why do a few complainers ruin it for the rest of us??????
So will Disney take out the "wicked stepmother" out of Cinderella because stepmothers might get insulted? The political correctness has gone out of control. Don't go see it, watch it, if you are offended. Why ruin it for the rest of us, who know it's "not real" and just a ride, movie, show etc.

If you don't like the new version of the ride, don't go see it.
What about the Great American Movie Ride where there is a cowboy shootout scene? Are people going to start getting offended by that? Pretty soon the rides will be all boring, but "politically correct"!!!!!!!!
I don't think anyone at Disney is looking at Pirates of the Caribbean as a historical lesson. I doubt there are many families going into the ride telling their children, "look honey, this is a accurate depiction of what pirates were like in the 1700s. They are going into it entirely from an entertainment point of view. Disney has a current movie franchise based on this ride and that is a scene they would not put into a Pirates movie today.
IDK parts of the pirates movies has some controversy itself. Tortuga for example and what things that the place stands for. The most recent movie shows a woman who dares to know science is declared a witch and is hung for that though she is saved (women aren't even allowed into a building about science) and there are obvious prostitution references in the newest one (like the horology scene) but also in multiple movies (the two ladies that slap Jack for one). Heck Jack was nearly guillontine in the newest movie (and they even showed severed heads), and Jack has been hanged in a prior movie and so was Will if memory serves me correct-(apologies if that is incorrect)

That list goes on and on. In fact I would probably argue that the ride is quite tame when you consider all the movies and the various things in them.

**Apologies for any spoilers of the newest movie**
I am wondering if that is part of this - that these attractions are considered art by master imagineers and thus people want them preserved as that art. I think that is different than thinking nothing should ever change at the parks and maybe why some thoughts are that it is ok to change things at WDW vs at DLR which has the originals
I do agree that Disney Parks are works of art. My goodness, I can't walk in a single queue without marveling at the attention to detail and the beauty of the work.

But, to me, the difference between, say original art lithographs of Disney pictures and the ride is the ride is meant to interacted with, enjoyed and appreciated in current times. As such, it needs to remain fluid and adapt to significant changes in society. Like the rise in human trafficking. It needs to be mindful of those issues.
Historically, Disney films are full of coded racism that can easily be researched.
More recently, we have the entirety of Pocahontas and the erasure of her story, and the fact that only just recently did we get a black princess (whose story had to be modified because the original plans barely counted as being coded).

And the stories of princess who don't need a prince - those are all extremely recent. Yet last I checked women didn't just become autonomous beings in the last 10 years.

Sure, progress is being made, but that doesn't put Disney ahead of any curve.

I think what you miss the most is that most people don't take rides seriously. Most movies are based on fantasy (sex, drugs, violence, fantasy) and people go because it's not REAL, just like Disney rides.
This isn't some historical attraction and it isn't an attraction educating people about the horrors of sex trafficking so it never happens again; the attraction makes jokes at sex trafficking and it's not something to laught at. Women are still today being sold as sex slaves at an alarming rates. About half are children. How many have taken your children on this ride and explained that fact to them? this isn't a ignore the history situation and it will happen again because most people ignore the fact that slavery still occurs today. I think the scene is insensitive and should be removed. If Disney wanted to make an attraction about the evils of sex trafficking I'd be all for it, but to make it a joke in an attraction is an outdated idea. And this is nothing like the pirates carrying guns or drinking. both of which are legal activities for adults to engage in.
Ultimately at the end of the day I don't care that much, I can see where it would draw some criticism. But I just don't want this to be a slippery slope where other things are "enhanced" (leave my haunted mansion alone!)
IDK parts of the pirates movies has some controversy itself. Tortuga for example and what things that the place stands for. The most recent movie shows a woman who dares to know science is declared a witch and is hung for that though she is saved (women aren't even allowed into a building about science) and there are obvious prostitution references in the newest one (like the horology scene) but also in multiple movies (the two ladies that slap Jack for one). Heck Jack was nearly guillontine in the newest movie (and they even showed severed heads), and Jack has been hanged in a prior movie and so was Will if memory serves me correct-(apologies if that is incorrect)

That list goes on and on. In fact I would probably argue that the ride is quite tame when you consider all the movies and the various things in them.

**Apologies for any spoilers of the newest movie**

Prostitution, though illegal, when depicted in the pirates movies is a victimless crime. Everybody profits. And there is no doubt violence in those movies. I haven't seen them all, but I would not at all be surprise at a scene where our hero pirates are dunking folks in wells to get information.

However, these same violent pirates would not be portrayed in the movies selling women. That would be a step too far. I think they are just trying to allign the ride with the film franchise.
I do agree that Disney Parks are works of art. My goodness, I can't walk in a single queue without marveling at the attention to detail and the beauty of the work.

But, to me, the difference between, say original art lithographs of Disney pictures and the ride is the ride is meant to interacted with, enjoyed and appreciated in current times. As such, it needs to remain fluid and adapt to significant changes in society. Like the rise in human trafficking. It needs to be mindful of those issues.

That's fair - and I certainly am not one to say things should never change - but we only have so many of these original attractions by the original master imagineers and in this case something Walt himself was involved in and I think that makes it part of American history so I think it is at least ok to discuss it and to be sad that it will be gone
It's a good change, in my opinion. I'll leave it at that.

I doubt anyone but the most observant Disney fans will notice anyway, but doing the right thing should never be about getting kudos.
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