The ABCs of Another Steppe Into Adventure!- Last Africa Ch. + World Showcase Pt. 2

Actually i can say that i completely agree with what you have said here. Especially with the education you are giving me in your Africa updates.

I'm glad you're enjoying them, Alison! :) Other cultures have a lot of good for us to learn from.

This is true. I never even thought about it that way, but yes most homeless people here probably live better than many you visited on your humanitarian trip. At least the ones around LA.

Most of our homeless are actually better off than 90% of those living in W. Africa. ;) There is poor, and then there is... poor.

Whenever its happening at DL I'm usually late for something and havent stopped to watch. I'll have to remember to do that on one of my upcoming trips.

I think it's worthwhile at least once to at least see what a proper flag lowering should be. I remember as a kid when the custodian would lower our elementary school flag he would recruit a couple of boys and teach them about the importance of it not touching the ground, folding it properly, etc... It taught them a lot more than just that. Respect, patriotism, patience... life skills were in the making.

I don't know if you were reading back when i did my naked Jim TR, but I lost Jim at Casey's. It was raining and i was trying to hustle out of the park to get to the monorail. He sat there and filmed the piano player for 20 minutes. I was at the Emporium before i realized he was gone.

I was! :) But, I don't remember that particular incident. But I don't blame him. He's mesmerizing. And all this talk has now made me put on the Main Street loop on Youtube.

I certainly would have taken him up on the offer!

Time well spent!

So do all the TS restaurants in MK serve beer and wine now?

Maybe?? I really don't know. But for sure Skippers, LTT, CRT, and BOG dinner do.

They do something similar when you board the cruise ships.

Interesting! Someday....

Well thats good. If they used real pewter, they might have a problem with return guests! :laughing:

I got curious and looked it up.

This is I right. There isn't a Belgium pavillion at Epcot and i could only think of one reason you've cropped his body! If you are familiar with that fountain. :lmao:

LOL!!!! Try again!
Hey, those are FUN!

But standing isn't allowed.
Lifeguards take all the fun out of everything.

I was definitely remember being like that. But the more I go, the less I am like that.

I'm finding that too, actually. Since I've been going a bit more often, I don't feel that driving urge or need to get every single last thing done.

Yes, but it wasn't the highlight.


I hope I can visit Canada sometime soon, and experience the pleasantries and manners that I hear Canada is known for!

Ha! So our propaganda is working! Yes, Yankee. Come here and spend your tourist dollars.

Er.... uh..... You'd be very welcome?
(Dang. Blew that one.)
Oh no, it sounds like you were starting to come down with something really awful that morning. Is it bad that I said a "Whoo-hoo" for you when I read that your French Press had arrived? The coffee addict in me knows that a good cup of coffee can do wonders for the body.
And thank goodness you had some instant grits to help with the light-headedness!

It had started a couple days before, but this was maybe the worst or 2nd worst day of it.

Don't get too excited for that French Press juuuuuuust yet...

But yes, a cuppa in the morning is like the proverbial magic bean.

We had brought several food items that saved our bacon more than once.

That storage center looks like it trapped heat and was an inferno. I can't imagine spending six hours in there with no liquids and in the first stages of getting sick. You really put yourself through the ringer. I know it was for a greater good and you wouldn't take back the experience for anything, but I also think it's fair to say that was a pretty crummy day for you! Thanks for being honest about it all, though. We're human and given the circumstances, I can 100% understand why some snapping occurred. ::yes::

It was about a million degrees give or take a few hundred. ;)

No, it was definitely an experience I am glad I had and even given how hard it was, I'd not trade it. But yes, this was a fairly crappy day.
You make that sound pretty remarkable. Was it? Or were you wishing for quiet to sleep longer?

No, I really was pretty stoked about getting to at least HEAR some. :)

Amazing how you can be so thankful for something that we just take for granted.

I do actually think about that from time to time. When I'm standing at the sink with the water running and just expecting it... I sometimes think that there are people who have never seen that. Walk miles everyday for a bucket of water.

When you've gone without, it sure makes it easier to be thankful.

I might hope that the laundry would come back... let alone come back clean or dry.

Given the temperatures of what SL had, I wished more than once that clothing was optional.

Oh boy. I suspect that you're the type of person who shrugs off stuff that others would be worried about. That doesn't sound good.

Possibly. I get less easily ramped up maybe?

Nice that you got to see more of it.

Yes, and this wasn't the only time that we could see more of the city. Another day, later in the trip we got to see more.

What does RE stand for?
Or is that a typo for "and then re-boxed up and organized"?

Re-boxed. Captiliazed 'RE' for emphasis. Basically we had to handle every single item twice.

Only the big front one. It was open, but no breeze ya know.

Cold fries? No. Cold fish or chicken... sure. I could choke down a warm Coke I guess, if I was dehydrated.

I was thankful for the KCals, in any form.

It was cooked so I don't think I'd worry too much about salmonella after just a day.

Yes, I suppose E. Coli was a bigger threat.

:laughing: Get out! I wonder if his parents knew or had a sense of humour or what?

No idea! I should ask him someday!

And my first thought was "That's a lot I could get on the black market."... :rolleyes1

Granted I don't know George Orwell... although I have read 1984.... while 1984 was still a future date.


What a great book!

Well, it's pretty understandable given the conditions and your condition. I think you can cut yourself a bit of slack.

I guess. Still felt pretty terrible. Grumpy isn't an excuse to be mean.

That's nice that you did that for them. Was that requested? Or did you just think to do it so they'd know what they'd done?

They request it after every team comes back so they can share the stories on their website to encourage others to donate towards trips like this.

Eep! Good thing she didn't hear! Hoo, boy.

I know. :guilty:

With your Aunt, I presume. Since the nursing student hadn't heard you.


That's a pretty convincing fake smile!
How will we ever know if you're authentically smiling now?

Hmmm...? Good question!

Huh! That must've been something to see!

Or were you just feeling so sick, tired and hot that you just wished they weren't there so you could get back to your room?

No, it was still pretty fascinating. It was so far out of anything I'd ever experience here that I was happy to get to see it.

Maybe since you didn't get one, they thought you didn't want one? Could you not have asked for one and said you'd pay when you got back to the hotel?

Maybe? But I had no idea how much money they had on them, and certainly didn't want to put them in an awkward situation of not having enough for us too and then them not getting one. ? Does that make sense?

::yes:: I remember two old ladies sitting on a bus, cutting up everyone else. "Oh, look how that one's skirt is so short. And that one there has a torn shirt. And..."
All in their secret language of French...... which is not that uncommon here.

:sad2::sad2::sad2: Lack of sensitivity or thinking before speaking.

Far too early. You couldn't have been overly happy about that.

Yes and no. I wished I could've gotten more sleep, but that was the day we were headed to the villages!!!!! I was super excited about that!
Is it fair to say that I am exhausted just reading this? I will attribute this to your writing skills. It's hard to know when on an adventure like this that such physical endurance would be needed. Bless you for your enthusiasm!

Aw thanks, Donna. :) Just adapting to another culture and not having our "creature comforts" and appliances for making our work easier can take a lot of energy away. The best part of the trip is just around the corner. :)

But standing isn't allowed.
Lifeguards take all the fun out of everything.

So you're into slide surfing? I'd like to see that. Hmm, then again, you've said before your back goes out on occasion, so... maybe not a good idea.

I'm finding that too, actually. Since I've been going a bit more often, I don't feel that driving urge or need to get every single last thing done.

I still tend to pack a bunch in, but am done with running from ride to ride anymore. There's plenty of other stuff to enjoy and keep one far from bored.

Ha! So our propaganda is working! Yes, Yankee. Come here and spend your tourist dollars.

Er.... uh..... You'd be very welcome?
(Dang. Blew that one.)

Having 2nd thoughts on this. ;)
I am finally all caught up and really enjoying your stories both in Disney and in Africa. It really is an amazing world of contrasts, thank you for opening my eyes even more.
BTW, I'd really like to attend the flag retreat. You reminded me that this happens every day and yet we are never around for it either. I think Steve would really enjoy this. He is very patriotic too :)
No, I really was pretty stoked about getting to at least HEAR some. :)

Well, good, then!

When you've gone without, it sure makes it easier to be thankful.

That's true. ::yes::

Given the temperatures of what SL had, I wished more than once that clothing was optional.

Aye, aye, commander commando!

Possibly. I get less easily ramped up maybe?

That's a very good trait to have. :)

Yes, and this wasn't the only time that we could see more of the city. Another day, later in the trip we got to see more.

Good! Looking forward to more photos (hopefully?)

Re-boxed. Captiliazed 'RE' for emphasis. Basically we had to handle every single item twice.

Ah. Gotcha.

Only the big front one. It was open, but no breeze ya know.

No, no, no. I mean. You brought all these medical supplies and... doors?

I was thankful for the KCals, in any form.

Good point.

Yes, I suppose E. Coli was a bigger threat.

Always Look on the Bright Side of Life...

I guess. Still felt pretty terrible. Grumpy isn't an excuse to be mean.

But it's a cause. I'm cutting you some major slack here.

They request it after every team comes back so they can share the stories on their website to encourage others to donate towards trips like this.


No, it was still pretty fascinating. It was so far out of anything I'd ever experience here that I was happy to get to see it.

Glad that you were still able to enjoy it, even though you weren't feeling 100%.

Maybe? But I had no idea how much money they had on them, and certainly didn't want to put them in an awkward situation of not having enough for us too and then them not getting one. ? Does that make sense?

That's a very, very good point! Of course. And... what if you'd asked and they went without as a result?

You is smart.

:sad2::sad2::sad2: Lack of sensitivity or thinking before speaking.

It just seems to be that generation and possibly that culture.
My mom does that too sometimes. :sad2:

Yes and no. I wished I could've gotten more sleep, but that was the day we were headed to the villages!!!!! I was super excited about that!

And I'm super stoked to hear all about that! :goodvibes
So you're into slide surfing? I'd like to see that. Hmm, then again, you've said before your back goes out on occasion, so... maybe not a good idea.

Definitely not.
I'll pay some kid to stand on the slide. Entertainment worth paying for.

As long as his parents have health insurance.

I still tend to pack a bunch in, but am done with running from ride to ride anymore. There's plenty of other stuff to enjoy and keep one far from bored.

Too much to see. Rides are fun... but I don't need to go on all of them. Been there, rode that.

Having 2nd thoughts on this. ;)

God had a special gift for me…. Coffee! Sometime during the night, my French press showed up and, using the Folgers and some hot water, I made a cup of comforting, hot, gloriously caffeinated deliciousness.

*Hallelujah Chorus*

Later I would learn that it was the beginnings of a bigger problem, but for then, all was okay.

Well, that doesn't sound encouraging at all.

Each box that you see there needed to be opened and its contents parsed out to 4 separate allotments for different dispersal locations- 3 village clinics and the main government hospital in Freetown. Every item, box, bottle, everything had to be put in a pile, and the RE-boxed up and organized.

Goodness. That's a job and a half.

It took a LONG time before he was back with some cold fries, cold fried chicken and fish and warm Cokes. It was then we learned that by law ALL fast food street vendors and restaurants are closed on Sundays. And that the food that had been brought back for us had been cooked the day before and put away for … later?? So, it was risk Salmonella or pass out from hunger.

Well, considering you were already suffering from bubonic plague, what's a little salmonella going to do?

My aunt wanted to take her photo (she wanted to take EVERYONE’s photo- right down to the guy how wheeled our luggage at the airport (it became ridiculous)) and she took forever… like she stood there talking with her about half an hour writing down her life story doing so.

Ugh. It's like visiting a museum with my mom. She needs to read Every. Single. Sign.

I am super ashamed, because it came out not at all what I was really trying to mean or say, but well, there it was. I simply wanted a “clean” photo for a specific reason. My aunt shot me a look of disapproval and I did smooth things over later, but clearly the situation had worn my patience down. So as much as I wanted these photos, I cringe now a bit at seeing them.

We all have those moments. You're exhausted, sick, dehydrated, and just about done with people and end up saying something inappropriate. Not that it's an excuse, it's just that you're not alone. We've all been there.

One minute you’re playing soccer, the next it’s dark.

Wow. Interesting.

It is the oddest thing. No streets were blocked off, no measures taken to avoid accidents, and there were no attempts made to manage traffic flow. Horns occasionally honked in frustration, but not many. Parades are fairly common occurrence come to find out and everyone just deals with it. I mean, what’s another hour on the road?

That's really weird. I guess on the plus side, while the parade is going on the lines at the rides are probably really short.

Oops, sorry--got the chapters mixed up. :p

After dinner, I sat out on the back porch and could overhear the locals talking about us in Creole. I don’t speak Creole but could understand enough that I knew we were the subject of their conversation, so left so that they could carry on without interrupting. It is odd to be talked about in earshot while you understand some, but they don't think you do. It happened A LOT in Crapistan and it was fun to pipe up when you've heard enough.

"Something something...Man, that lady is REALLY obsessed with her coffee..."

It wasn’t long before we were both sound asleep until the rooster crowed around 4:00 AM.

Maybe?? I really don't know. But for sure Skippers, LTT, CRT, and BOG dinner do.

Well i knew about BOG, and heard that Tony's started serving wine. So i guess they all do now. That just put MK back on my radar for dinners.

That's interesting. I was just watching a TV show where they talked about how they thought tomatoes were poisonous and it was the pewter utensils that they ate them with.

LOL!!!! Try

But you didnt answer my question. Are we on "I"?
Quickly (because Phone and out on errands) yes, @franandaj , we’re on ‘I’. Picture will always match the beginning letter of the chapter. :)

I must still be fuzzy because I couldn't remember the letter of the Chapter and since you posted the Africa one it wasn't in the title anymore. :laughing:
Okay, photos are uploaded and chapter is written. Only the 'I' Mystery Photo to guess, so if you want to, do so tonight.

is for: Just for Kicks and Giggles

**To mix things up, and to see if you're reading the fine print, Contest Questions are peppered here and there throughout the update.​

So, it’s time for a confession. My chapters have been titled since before I ever got home. To be specific I couldn’t sleep on the flight home from Africa, so after watching Ferris Beuller’s Day Off, I killed time by doing a fair bit of reminiscing of my time in Disney and the upcoming (at that time) Trip Report. I scrolled through my photos and started thinking up titles for the photos I wanted to chunk together. So, without further ado in cruising through the TR Alphabet with Steppe, I give you…

J is for: Just for Kicks and Giggles!

Precisely as the title alludes to, it serves as a place to stash a few miscellaneous things I’d done that were purely for FUN! Of course, everything is supposed to be “fun” at Disney, or at least entertaining, but some involve an extra measure of silly- those things meant for letting a little of the crazy come out and cast decorum aside (not that that's very hard to do). Trust me, there are plenty of opportunities around Disneyworld to find that inner kid we all have. So, while this update may seem to contain a random montage of various activities, they are connected by the common theme of JUST FOR FUN!! (For a Contest Point, what is one thing about Disney, or something you do there, that MOST makes you feel young again?)

Now, shared in no particular order whatsoever, first let’s sing silly songs with Bob. (Why does Veggie Tales suddenly pop into my mind?)

When I started to dig a little deeper
into Bob Jackson for writing this chapter, better known at Disney as Yehaa Bob, I found out some very interesting things. Seriously, I had NO idea and am duly impressed. Let me share a blurb from his own website:

“Bob began playing piano and composing at an early age. He was a music composition major at the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music. Bob studied privately with pianist/composer Dick Hyman. Bob continues to practice piano and compose every day.

Bob's music has taken him all over the world. In addition to having his own show at Disney's Port Orleans Riverside, Bob has performed at all the Disney parks. He has also performed at Universal Citywalk, and Seaworld.”


“I was a music composition major at the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music. I love to write my own music. I have three CDs of all original compositions. Here is some of my latest work. I hope you enjoy it!”

Let me just say it now, if you like instrumental piano at all, I think his original compositions will amaze you. I listened to his material clips and you can too...


(For a Contest Point: Did you listen to any of his tracks? If so, which one and did you like it?)

Did you know he’s a Disney Legends Inductee as well?

Bob’s main goal while playing the River Roost at Port Orleans is to encourage his folks to let loose their silly side. He does a fabulous job too as I’ve seen grown men who would probably normally balk at being goofy in public do the YMCA in front of 100 giggling women. It’s good old-fashioned fun that people of all ages can enjoy. It’s amazing how a classical composer can switch up genres and still be astounding. Kind of like Freddie Mercury or Danny Elfman – I think you’d be surprised at their training, talent, and versatility as well.

Anyway, enough commentary. Since I was staying at the POR, it seemed natural that I’d hit up another (my 3rd) Yehaa Bob show. I always get a kick out of the shenanigans he conjures up. I stayed long enough to have a drink and join the Ladies’ Conga Line which is plenty. Of course, there was also time to give a Tarzan yodel and beat my hands on my chest when he played his bugle, and sing “Sarah, Sarah, Sitting on the Shed House Door”.

Here is the photo I ended up with before I took my leave.

Sorry, no other photos from that night. Then again, who really wants to see a 50-year old looking like a dancing doofus?


You do?!

Well, then let me oblige you. You don’t think by now, I’m THAT self-conscious, do you? Let’s travel then to Africa. No, not the REAL Africa, I did that a few days later. (#thingsineverthoughtidsay) The prettied up, sanitary, and convenient Africa is in Animal Kingdom. One thing both Africas have in common though, is that there's a whole lotta dancin' going on. So, I did. In both places. Because I like to. (Contest Question: Which is your favorite area of AK: Africa, Asia, Dinoland, or Pandora?)

Meet Tam Tam Congo, quite possibly my favorite live group at WDW.

I love Jim, (one of) the Casey’s Piano Guy(s), the Disney Marching Bands, and the Dixieland Band at DLR, but I really, REALLY love Tam Tam and rarely miss seeing them at least once every trip. They make me smile and they make me want to dance. I mean I had a trip to the REAL Africa coming up, so needed lots of practice, right?

As soon as they started playing, I felt my body doing a bit of bee-bopping, and it wasn’t long before the lead invited me up. SURE! YAY!! I sucked at it. And I didn’t care. At all. I didn’t care if there were people out there laughing or judging. They don’t matter. So, indulge me in my exhibitionism just a little. Maybe if you scroll fast enough one of two things will happen: 1) It’ll make it look like I’m actually dancing, or 2) You’ll get through it quicker and can move on with your life.

(For a point, caption this photo ^)

(Yes, I realize I look pregnant in that ^ photo. I'm not.)

(I also realize that the Tam Tam Dude is way more entertaining to see than myself. LOL!)

After I had my fill, and my quads were appropriately on fire because I’m super out of shape, I left to find other stuff to do. I know this TR has been devoid of much AK material so far, but it is coming! Promise. I mean, we’re only on Letter ‘J’, so plenty of TR fodder left.

One more random silly thing I did just for fun was something I’ve wanted to for years. So long, in fact, that the original iteration has morphed. Same concept, new game- Agent P’s World Showcase Adventure. I like technology, so using my cell phone to make cool stuff happen just sounded fun. So, I chose a game and ended up in Germany. (Oh, don’t I wish! I’d love to explore a bit more of Bavaria- @Flossbolna ) And now for the inevitable commentary: It was fun, but didn’t blow me away. Glad I played a round of it once? Sure. Would I do another? Maybe... if I had a couple of tweens with me, but otherwise, probably not. Perhaps if they’d thrown in some exploding helicopters, I’d have been more enthralled. Nevertheless, my motto is try everything once, you never know. I DO think the kids would love it if you are there with any.

A few of the cute tricks you can do:

While I did a LOT of super fun things during my last trip, those were 3 that I took time out to solely have some silly fun. Time out from the rides and rushing from one queue to the next; time out to just truly relax and just be me. I’m sure you all have some things you do each trip OR have wanted to try for a while, but just haven’t. So for another Contest Point or two, share with us! I’d love to hear about those things that are off the beaten path that you like to do or about something you’ve heard or read about that you haven’t yet. (A point for each)

And, your 'J' Mystery Photo to guess: Where in the World is this?

I'll leave you with an artsy-fartsy shot I took while I was in Germany. With that, Adieu, Friends.

The Contest:

There was only one photo to guess last chapter. Only 4 of you took a stab at it:

franandaj, Captain_Oblivious, Terra Nova Guy, and pkondz

Scores to date:


pkondz: 36
franandaj: 35
docsoliday: 31
Captain_Oblivious: 28
Mom3sonstt: 22
Terra Nova Guy: 18
Poolrat: 17
Chrystmasangel: 13
Princess Leia: 9
Amazingact21: 3
Rndmr2: 3

This is more a game of participation at this point. So, join in. :) It's meant to be fun, not a huge time sucking burden.
Last edited:
That's interesting. I was just watching a TV show where they talked about how they thought tomatoes were poisonous and it was the pewter utensils that they ate them with.

I always thought that pewter was equivalent to our tin plates and such, which thy still use here in Nuremberg for serving the famous sausages. But it turns out that German tin always had far less lead in it. And modern tin that is being used for food may not have any lead. SO, the Nuremberg sausage plates are safe to eat from!!

But the tomato story reminds me of that according to my mother, you are not supposed to cut a cooked potato with a, you break it with your fork. The reason for that table etiquette rule is that the silver when cutting the potato would discolor it, so you want to have as little contact between potato and cutlery. Of course, this only applies to those who were using silver cutlery (i.e. not the masses...).

Oh, don’t I wish! I’d love to explore a bit more of Bavaria- @Flossbolna

Yes!! I am standing ready to serve as your tour guide!!

Loved how you danced in AK!! I really need to get more into shows like this!
I don't think very many people are even aware it happens. And it's so cool to see. I read about it in one of my guidebooks years ago and it's been on my Must-Do List ever since.
I think I missed it by about 5 minutes. Stupid FP lines that are longer than standby (or seem to be anyway). :sad:
**To mix things up, and to see if you're reading the fine print, Contest Questions are peppered here and there throughout the update.

Oooohhh.... sneaky.

Just like me! :laughing:

My chapters have been titled since before I ever got home.

:eek: You think that far ahead???? I never know my titles until after I've written an update!

so after watching Ferris Beuller’s Day Off,

J is for: Just for Kicks and Giggles!

Wait just a cotton picking second! No "J" photo?!?!?!!? What the heck?!?!??

So disappointed. (Please pronounce the "so" as dripping with disappointment and sarcasm.)

Of course, everything is supposed to be “fun” at Disney, or at least entertaining,

Hmmm... I'm glad you added "entertaining". There are some things that are decidedly not fun... but entertain nevertheless. Some things (not many.. but some) are sobering.

Case in point... your last Disney update.

letting a little of the crazy come out and cast decorum aside (not that that's very hard to do).


(For a Contest Point, what is one thing about Disney, or something you do there, that MOST makes you feel young again?)

That's easy. While pretty much all of Disney makes me feel young again, MK does it the most. But the one thing that really takes me back is HM.
The second I walk through the doors, and especially when I see this:

I am immediately transported back to my parent's house, watching Wonderful World of Disney beside my sister, on the black and white TV while eating Sunday dinner on the TV table.

(Why does Veggie Tales suddenly pop into my mind?)

No idea. Never seen. Don't want to.

I was a music composition major at the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music.

Wow! Impressive resume.

(For a Contest Point: Did you listen to any of his tracks? If so, which one and did you like it?)

Well, since I don't need to have listened for the point, I'll say no.
But only because I'm at work.
When I get home, I intend to listen to at least some of it.

When I do, I'll let you know which track and what I thought.

Did you know he’s a Disney Legends Inductee as well?

Huh. Nope.

Bob’s main goal while playing the River Roost at Port Orleans is to encourage his folks to let loose their silly side.

From what I've heard, he's quite successful at it.

I’ve seen grown men who would probably normally balk at being goofy in public do the YMCA in front of 100 giggling women.


Kind of like Freddie Mercury or Danny Elfman – I think you’d be surprised at their training, talent, and versatility as well.

Didn't recognize Danny Elman's name. Quick rabbit trail later (thanks Wiki!) and yes, of course I know Oingo Boingo. And just recently re-watched Miss Peregrine's...

Of course Mercury's name was known. Still.... once again down the rabbit hole. I didn't read it all (I only have a few hours... it would take more. Lots there.) but I really liked this:

"The Who lead singer Roger Daltrey called Mercury "the best virtuoso rock 'n' roll singer of all time. He could sing anything in any style. He could change his style from line to line and, God, that's an art. And he was brilliant at it.""

I stayed long enough to have a drink and join the Ladies’ Conga Line which is plenty. Of course, there was also time to give a Tarzan yodel and beat my hands on my chest when he played his bugle, and sing “Sarah, Sarah, Sitting on the Shed House Door”.

:lmao: I'm sure that would've been something to see!

Just what are you guys pointing at??

Sorry, no other photos from that night. Then again, who really wants to see a 50-year old looking like a dancing doofus?

Me! Me!


You do?!


You don’t think by now, I’m THAT self-conscious, do you?

Nope. Not even close.



Although I'm starting to wonder... Seems you were on the ragged edge of exhaustion and illness, so...

(Contest Question: Which is your favorite area of AK: Africa, Asia, Dinoland, or Pandora?)

That's a bit of a tough one.
I can easily say that Dinoland is my least fave. I'm quite content to skip that area.


Pandora is amazing... very well done... but.... it doesn't have the impact that Africa and Asia do. In those two, I feel like I'm getting a taste of something a bit more... real.
Disneyfied to be sure, but...

If I have to pick one... Geez, that's tough. Africa seems more compact and vibrant to Asia's more spread out style. And yet... I've always loved things Asia, so I'll have to go with that.

Meet Tam Tam Congo, quite possibly my favorite live group at WDW.

Really! Well, hello Tam Tam!

I love Jim, (one of) the Casey’s Piano Guy(s), the Disney Marching Bands, and the Dixieland Band at DLR, but I really, REALLY love Tam Tam and rarely miss seeing them at least once every trip.

Wow! Would not have guessed that!

They make me smile and they make me want to dance. I mean I had a trip to the REAL Africa coming up, so needed lots of practice, right?

::yes:: Absolutely!

As soon as they started playing, I felt my body doing a bit of bee-bopping, and it wasn’t long before the lead invited me up. SURE! YAY!!

Yay! indeed! :goodvibes

I sucked at it.

I seriously doubt that. Besides...

And I didn’t care. At all.

... yeah. What you just said.
I can't dance worth spit, but even I wouldn't care what others think, in that setting.

I didn’t care if there were people out there laughing or judging. They don’t matter.

And... no one is laughing except in joy and no one is judging.
Those who judge, don't see.

Maybe if you scroll fast enough one of two things will happen: 1) It’ll make it look like I’m actually dancing, or 2) You’ll get through it quicker and can move on with your life.


(For a point, caption this photo ^)

Liesa: "Hips, don't fail me now!"
Tam Tam dancer: "Is that the sound of a hip popping?"
Luckily it was the woman to Liesa's right. You can see it in her face... and her posture.

(Yes, I realize I look pregnant in that ^ photo. I'm not.)

Are you sure?

Oh. Of course. You need to tell Mike before you spill it here. Not to worry, we'll wait!
(It will be nice for Alice to have a playmate.)

"I caught a fish, thiiiiiis big!"

"And then I let it go... thatta way!"

(I also realize that the Tam Tam Dude is way more entertaining to see than myself. LOL!)


One more random silly thing I did just for fun was something I’ve wanted to for years. So long, in fact, that the original iteration has morphed. Same concept, new game- Agent P’s World Showcase Adventure.

::yes:: I was lucky enough to do it when it was Kim Possible. Much better. I have done the Agent P (Last solo trip) and was underwhelmed.
I think they made it a bit more... littler kid friendly.

I like technology, so using my cell phone to make cool stuff happen just sounded fun.

I'll give you that. I think I used their phone still when I played. They don't hand out flip phones anymore?

(Oh, don’t I wish! I’d love to explore a bit more of Bavaria- @Flossbolna )

Oh, gosh, yes. I've been... four times? It's one of my favourite places on Earth.

And now for the inevitable commentary: It was fun, but didn’t blow me away.

Not surprised.

Perhaps if they’d thrown in some exploding helicopters, I’d have been more enthralled.

That was in Italy. You were so close! Too bad you picked the wrong one.


So for another Contest Point or two, share with us! I’d love to hear about those things that are off the beaten path that you like to do or about something you’ve heard or read about that you haven’t yet. (A point for each)

Off the beaten path. I suppose the Japanese garden is a bit off the beaten path. I love taking a moment or three there.
I do keep a running list of things I want to do at Disney... believe it or not, I've done all but one.
The rest of the list is food related.

As an example, I wanted to take the boat from Epcot to the Boardwalk and then DHS. Done.

The last item on my list is... Voices of Liberty.

And, your 'J' Mystery Photo to guess: Where in the World is this?

PM sent.

I'll leave you with an artsy-fartsy shot I took while I was in Germany. With that, Adieu, Friends.

I like it! :thumbsup2


pkondz: 36
franandaj: 35
docsoliday: 31
Captain_Oblivious: 28
Mom3sonstt: 22
Terra Nova Guy: 18
Poolrat: 17
Chrystmasangel: 13
Princess Leia: 9
Amazingact21: 3
Rndmr2: 3



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