This Is Us- Season two

I'm thinking the worst case game was some sort of clue to what happens in the future

I don't know. I just did this with dh the other day.

In my over active mind I do 'go there' and if I actually voice my fears they are released and I can move ahead without obsessing.
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well done! I think toby has such good lines. so funny! sad about the depression part, and you don't need any triggers or reasons for depression, it can smack you in the face without any warning. I thought kate was getting ready to tell him she was in labor when he was in bed. I am feeling future randall and tess is getting ready to go identify beths body. hope not. i enjoyed seeing the brothers run around making everything perfect.
well done! I think toby has such good lines. so funny! sad about the depression part, and you don't need any triggers or reasons for depression, it can smack you in the face without any warning. I thought kate was getting ready to tell him she was in labor when he was in bed. I am feeling future randall and tess is getting ready to go identify beths body. hope not. i enjoyed seeing the brothers run around making everything perfect.

You definitely play Worst Scenario hardcore enough to go a few rounds with Kevin.

My first thought is that Deja is in jail. But thinking about it further to be true to this show's fondness for misdirection it seems likely that it's something to do with Annie -- maybe she's an actress and they're dreading going to see her in another experimental theater production.
You definitely play Worst Scenario hardcore enough to go a few rounds with Kevin.

My first thought is that Deja is in jail. But thinking about it further to be true to this show's fondness for misdirection it seems likely that it's something to do with Annie -- maybe she's an actress and they're dreading going to see her in another experimental theater production.
if you only knew!! i could totally throw down worst
You definitely play Worst Scenario hardcore enough to go a few rounds with Kevin.

My first thought is that Deja is in jail. But thinking about it further to be true to this show's fondness for misdirection it seems likely that it's something to do with Annie -- maybe she's an actress and they're dreading going to see her in another experimental theater production.

Love it!
I'm thinking of watching this.

But I have to ask - what's wrong with Sylvester Stallone?
Nothing, he just did a cameo in the show. Sort of like Ron Howard. Ken Olin is Producer and director and I am sure he is great friends with Ron Howard.
It was definitely some kind of tool in Kate's bouquet. I think Kevin going to Vietnam has something to do with Jack's brother. I wonder if he could still be alive and living in Vietnam?? I also teared up when Kate told her Mom "You weren't in my way, you were my way".
That's what I thought, too . That he was still alive and living in Vietnam. I missed some of the first season of the show. Did they say for sure he was dead?
That's what I thought, too . That he was still alive and living in Vietnam. I missed some of the first season of the show. Did they say for sure he was dead?
IIRC, they implied it. They showed Jack at the Vietnam Memorial, when he was taking Randall on a college tour trip. I think. I don't remember them saying specifically that Jack's brother was dead, but someone may have caught it and I missed it.
IIRC, they implied it. They showed Jack at the Vietnam Memorial, when he was taking Randall on a college tour trip. I think. I don't remember them saying specifically that Jack's brother was dead, but someone may have caught it and I missed it.
I agree they implied it. But I suppose with this show anything is possible. But Jack and his brother were so very close, I can't believe that no one would have seen him in all that time.
This show is definitely the LONGEST hour of TV. It is so S L O W. I'll watch the season finale but after that I'm out.

I disagree, whole-heartedly. It goes SO quick...I get so sad. We need 2 hours...

I was fine until the end when it said “This Is Us returns this fall....” and my son turns to me and says “I won’t be here”. He leaves for college in August.
It literally took my breath away. We have never not watched together. Normally my husband, son and I watch all watch together. A few times (like tonight) my husband is tired and goes to sleep early, but Matt and I watch together. Even the episode where William died, Matt was so tired he was dozing off and we turned it off and finished in the morning before school.

That made me cry.. :*(

It's possible they will find a Pearson cousin in Vietnam, a child their uncle would have fathered before his death.

Or, a kid that Jack fathered...

If there's one good thing about Deja taking that bat to Randall's car, it's that maybe they'll just use Magical Express on their next visit to WDW and can avoid paying the new parking fee.

OMG...that made me literally LOL!!

Loved last night - I cried big time... 6 month wait!!!
When the boys got in trouble for bickering when Randall was practice driving - and Jack made them walk 5 miles home, did Jack say then (when he was working on their Jeep) that his brother died? Or did he say, "I lost my brother in Vietnam?" I know he mentioned him but I can't remember. I might go back and research. I think it was the car episode. I better start saving all of the episodes. Normally they bump off after five.
OK, so I watched again (I usually do) and was not as diligent about fast-forwarding the commercials. - It's totally off topic, but I happened to catch the trailer for the new Fantastic Beasts movie, and now I'm excitedly waiting for that too!
Now I have at least 6 months to worry about Toby and Randall's family/Deja. And who knows how long until I find out who Randall and Tess aren't ready to see.

I wish that Kevin or Randall had at least acknowledged that Miguel suffered a loss when Jack died, too.

I do like Kevin with Beth's cousin, though. I guess we don't really know too much about her, but Beth loves her. But if the relationship doesn't work out, things could get more awkward between Kevin and Beth.

I need to watch this one again.
Oh, and I wish that Randall and Beth could have found a way to help Deja and her mother stay together and learn to thrive. Maybe we missed a lot, but it seems like there should have been more work than just having Shauna relinquish her parental rights like that.


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